예제 #1
 //TODO: do we need to do this??? OR should it be in the other screen???
 protected void SaveChanges()
     //since addresses might have changed, we need to make sure the tax/shipping prices got updated
     Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart cart = this.CheckoutCart;
     NWTD.Orders.Cart.AssignTotals(ref cart);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Event handler for carts getting bound to the carts grid.
        /// During this process, bind the line item to the sub grid that contains some controls for editing the cart
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void rptrMyCarts_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            GridView gvMyCart = e.Item.FindControl("gvMyCart") as GridView;

            Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart cart = e.Item.DataItem as Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart;
            LinkButton makeActive = e.Item.FindControl("lbMakeActive") as LinkButton;

            if (cart.Name == NWTD.Profile.ActiveCart)
                HyperLink          viewOrder = e.Item.FindControl("linkViewOrder") as HyperLink;
                HtmlGenericControl header    = e.Item.FindControl("CartHeading") as HtmlGenericControl;
                header.Attributes["class"] = "selected";

                viewOrder.Visible  = true;
                makeActive.Visible = false;
                //makeActive.Click += new EventHandler(makeActive_Click);
            CartHelper helper = new CartHelper(cart);

            gvMyCart.DataSource = helper.LineItems;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates an Order number from the cart following NWTDs custom conventions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cart"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GenerateOrderNumber(Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart cart)
            //string num = new Random().Next(100, 999).ToString();
            //return String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", NWTD.Profile.CustomerDepository.ToString(), cart.OrderGroupId, num);

            //Replaced above two lines with the following logic for shorter WebConfirmation Number (Heath Gardner 08/19/13)
            //Get current customer's depository (e.g. NWTD or MSSD)
            string custDepo = NWTD.Profile.CustomerDepository.ToString();

            //Convert customer's depository into two character string (e.g. NW, MS, or ZZ for unknowns)
            if (custDepo == "NWTD")
                custDepo = "NW";
            else if (custDepo == "MSSD")
                custDepo = "MS";
                custDepo = "ZZ";

            //Build and return the WebConfirmation Number
            return(String.Format("{0}{1}", custDepo, cart.OrderGroupId));
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Assigns totals to a cart.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Cart"></param>
 public static void AssignTotals(ref Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart Cart)
     Cart.SubTotal      = CartTotal(Cart, false, false);
     Cart.ShippingTotal = CartShippingCharge(Cart);
     Cart.TaxTotal      = CartTax(Cart);
     Cart.Total         = Cart.SubTotal + Cart.ShippingTotal + Cart.TaxTotal;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the shipping charge based on the cart's owner's organization
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cart">The cart being examined</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static decimal CartShippingCharge(Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart cart)
            Account account = Mediachase.Commerce.Profile.Account.LoadByPrincipalId(cart.CustomerId);

            decimal shipRate = 0m;
            decimal shipmentMinimumCharge = 0m;
            decimal shipmentFlatRate      = 0m;

            if (account.Organization != null)
                //error check just in case the meta fields don't exist
                try {
                    decimal.TryParse(account.Organization["ShipRate"].ToString(), out shipRate);
                    decimal.TryParse(account.Organization["ShipMinCharge"].ToString(), out shipmentMinimumCharge);
                    decimal.TryParse(account.Organization["ShipFlatCharge"].ToString(), out shipmentFlatRate);
                } catch (Exception ex) {

            if (shipmentFlatRate > 0)
                return(shipmentFlatRate * CartTotal(cart));

            decimal total = 0m;

            total = shipRate * CartTotal(cart);
            if (total < shipmentMinimumCharge)
                total = shipmentMinimumCharge;

예제 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds out if the name is available for a new cart
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="UserId">The ID of the user for whom the cart would be created</param>
 /// <param name="CartName">The name of the cart to check</param>
 /// <returns>True if the name is availalbe, False if it is not.</returns>
 public static bool CartNameIsDuplicate(Guid UserId, string CartName)
     Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart test = Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart.LoadByCustomerAndName(UserId, CartName);
     if (test != null)
         //uh oh, there's already a cart by this name!
예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy notes from cart to purchse order
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="purchaseOrder"></param>
 /// <param name="cart"></param>
 private void CopyNotesFromCartToPurchaseOrder(PurchaseOrder purchaseOrder, Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart cart)
     foreach (var note in cart.OrderNotes.OrderByDescending(n => n.Created))
         OrderNote on = purchaseOrder.OrderNotes.AddNew();
         on.Detail     = note.Detail;
         on.Title      = note.Title;
         on.Type       = OrderNoteTypes.System.ToString();
         on.Created    = note.Created;
         on.CustomerId = note.CustomerId;
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches a cart's line items for a shipping address. Returns the first address found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cart">The cart being examined</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static OrderAddress FindCartShippingAddress(Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart cart)
            CartHelper helper = new CartHelper(cart);

            foreach (LineItem lineItem in helper.LineItems)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lineItem.ShippingAddressId))
                    OrderAddress address = helper.FindAddressByName(lineItem.ShippingAddressId);
                    if (address != null)

예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new cart for the supplied customer with the supplied name.
        /// This method does some additional things beyond ECF's cart creation code,
        /// so it's very importand that NWTD carts are created this way.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Account"></param>
        /// <param name="CartName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart CreateCart(Account Account, String CartName)
            if (Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart.LoadByCustomerAndName(Account.PrincipalId, CartName) != null)
                throw new Exception("A cart for this customer with this name already exists");
            //create the cart
            Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart cartToAdd = Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.OrderContext.Current.GetCart(CartName, Account.PrincipalId);
            cartToAdd.CustomerName = Mediachase.Commerce.Profile.Account.LoadByPrincipalId(Account.PrincipalId).Name;
            cartToAdd.OrderForms.Add(new Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.OrderForm()
                Name = CartName
            });                                                                                                   //We need to give it a name. So we can call the GetOrderForm mehod on the ECF's CartHelper class and actually return somethiung
            cartToAdd.Status = NWTD.Orders.Cart.CART_STATUS.OPEN.ToString();

예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the total of a cart, including and gratis
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cart">The cart for which the total is being calculated</param>
        /// <param name="IncludeTax">Whether to include tax in the caculation</param>
        /// <param name="IncludeShipping">Whether to include shipping in the calculation</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static decimal CartTotal(Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart cart, bool IncludeTax, bool IncludeShipping)
            decimal    total  = 0m;
            CartHelper helper = new CartHelper(cart);

            foreach (LineItem lineItem in helper.LineItems)
                total += Cart.LineItemTotal(lineItem);

            if (IncludeShipping)
                total += CartShippingCharge(cart);
            if (IncludeTax)
                total += (CartTax(cart));

예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the estimated tax of the cart, based on the first line item found that has a shipping address
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cart">The cart for which the tax is being estimated</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static decimal CartTax(Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart cart)
            CartHelper   helper           = new CartHelper(cart);
            OrderAddress shippingAddress  = FindCartShippingAddress(cart);
            decimal      taxRate          = 0m;
            bool         isFreightTaxable = true;
            Account      account          = Mediachase.Commerce.Profile.Account.LoadByPrincipalId(helper.Cart.CustomerId);

            if (account.Organization.GetBool("IsTaxExempt"))

            //error check just in case the meta fields don't exist
            try {
                decimal.TryParse(shippingAddress["TaxRate"].ToString(), out taxRate);
                bool.TryParse(shippingAddress["IsFreightTaxable"].ToString(), out isFreightTaxable);
            } catch (Exception ex) {

            return(CartTotal(cart, false, isFreightTaxable) * (taxRate / 100));
예제 #12
        [WebInvoke(Method = "POST", BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.WrappedRequest)]         //the entire parameter must be serialized to a string (no individual raw POST values)
        public CartResponse Update(string cartName, string newName)
            Guid userId = ProfileContext.Current.UserId;

            var response = new CartResponse();

            Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart test = Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart.LoadByCustomerAndName(userId, newName);
            if (!CartNameIsValid(newName))
                response.Message = "Invalid Wish List name! The Wish List name may only contain letters, numbers, spaces, and underscores";
                response.Status  = CartResponseStatus.ERROR;
            else if (CartNameIsDuplicate(userId, newName))
                //uh oh, there's already a cart by this name!
                response.Status  = CartResponseStatus.ERROR;
                response.Message = string.Format("A Wish List with the name {0} already exists", newName);
                CartHelper helper = new CartHelper(cartName, userId);
                helper.Cart.Name = newName;
                if (helper.Cart.OrderForms[cartName] != null)
                    OrderForm childForm = helper.Cart.OrderForms[cartName];
                    childForm.Name = newName;
                if (NWTD.Profile.ActiveCart.Equals(cartName))
                    NWTD.Profile.ActiveCart = newName;                                                           //if it's the active cart, we need to update that information in state
                response.Message = "Successfully updated the Wish List.";
예제 #13
 public static LineItem GetLineItem(this Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart cart, string code)
     return(cart.GetAllLineItems().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Code == code));
예제 #14
 public static IReadOnlyCollection <LineItem> GetAllLineItems(this Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart cart)
     return(cart.OrderForms.Any() ? cart.OrderForms.First().LineItems.ToList() : new List <LineItem>());
예제 #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculates the subtotal of a cart, including and gratis
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cart">The cart for which the total is being calculated</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static decimal CartTotal(Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart cart)
     return(CartTotal(cart, false, false));
예제 #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds out whether a cart can be edited (submitted carts can't).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Cart">The cart to investigate</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool CartCanBeEdited(Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart Cart)
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the changes made to the cart being viewed
        /// </summary>
        protected bool SaveChanges()
            CartHelper helper = this.SelectedCartHelper;
            int        index  = 0;

            foreach (LineItem item in helper.LineItems)
                TextBox tbGratis          = gvCart.Rows[index].FindControl("tbGratis") as TextBox;
                TextBox tbQuantityCharged = gvCart.Rows[index].FindControl("tbQuantityCharged") as TextBox;

                var gratisValidator = gvCart.Rows[index].FindControl("lblGratisValidator") as Label;
                var qtyValidator    = gvCart.Rows[index].FindControl("lblQtyValidator") as Label;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbGratis.Text.Trim()))
                    gratisValidator.Visible = true;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbQuantityCharged.Text.Trim()))
                    qtyValidator.Visible = true;

                decimal newGratis = 0;
                decimal.TryParse(tbGratis.Text.Trim(), out newGratis);

                decimal newQuantityCharged = 0;
                decimal.TryParse(tbQuantityCharged.Text.Trim(), out newQuantityCharged);
                decimal newQty = newGratis + newQuantityCharged;

                ///TODO: We should be ensuring that there is a "Gratis" meta field before casting it
                if ((decimal?)item["Gratis"] != newGratis)
                    item["Gratis"] = newGratis;

                if (newQty <= 0)                   // remove
                    item.Quantity = newQty;
                else if (newQty != item.Quantity)                   // update
                    item.Quantity = newQty;


            Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart cart = helper.Cart;
            NWTD.Orders.Cart.AssignTotals(ref cart);


            lblCartMessage.Text = "Your changes have been saved";
예제 #18
        [WebInvoke(Method = "POST", BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.WrappedRequest)]         //the entire parameter must be serialized to a string (no individual raw POST values)
        public CartResponse Copy(string cartName, string newName, bool activate)
            var response = new CartResponse();             //the response for the operation

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newName))
                newName = string.Format("Copy of {0}", cartName);

            Guid userId = ProfileContext.Current.UserId;

            //make sure there isn't already a cart with the same name
            if (!CartNameIsValid(newName))
                response.Message = "Invalid Wish List name! The Wish List name may only contain letters, numbers, spaces, and underscores";
                response.Status  = CartResponseStatus.ERROR;
            else if (CartNameIsDuplicate(userId, newName))
                response.Message = "Invalid Wish List name! There is already a Wish List with this name";
                response.Status  = CartResponseStatus.ERROR;
                CartHelper originalCartHelper = new CartHelper(cartName, userId);

                //create the new cart
                Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart cartToAdd = NWTD.Orders.Cart.CreateCart(ProfileContext.Current.Profile.Account, newName);

                //now, we'll need a CartHelper to start adding the lines
                CartHelper newCartHelper = new CartHelper(cartToAdd);

                //now add all the same line items to the new cart, copying any relevant metadata (gratis and quantity)
                foreach (LineItem lineItem in originalCartHelper.LineItems)
                    //get the entry
                    Entry entry = CatalogContext.Current.GetCatalogEntry(lineItem.CatalogEntryId, new Mediachase.Commerce.Catalog.Managers.CatalogEntryResponseGroup(CatalogEntryResponseGroup.ResponseGroup.CatalogEntryFull));
                    if (entry != null)
                        newCartHelper.AddEntry(entry, lineItem.Quantity);

                    //get the item we just added and set its gratis
                    LineItem addedItem = newCartHelper.LineItems.Single(li => li.CatalogEntryId == entry.ID);
                    addedItem["Gratis"] = lineItem["Gratis"];
                    //addedItem.ShippingAddressId = lineItem.ShippingAddressId;

                //save the changes

                if (activate)
                    NWTD.Profile.ActiveCart = cartToAdd.Name;
                    response.Message        = "Wish List succesfully copied and made active";
                    response.Message = "Wish List succesfully copied";