예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a RtspRequest based on the contents
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The rtsp Request</param>
        /// <param name="session">The client information</param>
        internal void ProcessRtspRequest(RtspMessage request, ClientSession session, bool sendResponse = true)
                //Log the reqeust now
                if (Logger != null) Logger.LogRequest(request, session);

                //Ensure we have a session and request and that the server is still running and that the session is still contained in this server
                if (request == null || request.IsDisposed || session == null || session.IsDisposed)
                }//Ensure the session is added to the connected clients if it has not been already.
                else if (session.m_Contained == null) TryAddSession(session);

                //Check for session moved from another process.
                //else if (session.m_Contained != null && session.m_Contained != this) return;

                //Turtle power!
                if (request.MethodString == "REGISTER")
                    //Send back turtle food.
                    ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(session, Rtsp.RtspStatusCode.BadRequest, session.RtspSocket.ProtocolType == ProtocolType.Tcp ? "FU_WILL_NEVER_SUPPORT_THIS$00\a" : string.Empty, sendResponse);


                //All requests need the CSeq
                if (false == request.ContainsHeader(RtspHeaders.CSeq))
                    //Send back a BadRequest.
                    ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(session, Rtsp.RtspStatusCode.BadRequest, null, sendResponse);


                 12.37 Session

               This request and response header field identifies an RTSP session
               started by the media server in a SETUP response and concluded by
               TEARDOWN on the presentation URL. The session identifier is chosen by
               the media server (see Section 3.4). Once a client receives a Session
               identifier, it MUST return it for any request related to that
               session.  A server does not have to set up a session identifier if it
               has other means of identifying a session, such as dynamically
               generated URLs.

                //Determine if the request is specific to a session
                if (request.ContainsHeader(RtspHeaders.Session))
                    //Determine what session is being acted on.
                    string requestedSessionId = request.GetHeader(RtspHeaders.Session);

                    //If there is a null or empty session id this request is invalid.
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requestedSessionId))
                        //Send back a BadRequest.
                        ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(session, Rtsp.RtspStatusCode.BadRequest, null, sendResponse);

                    else requestedSessionId = requestedSessionId.Trim();

                    //If the given session does not have a sessionId or does not match the sessionId requested.
                    if (session.SessionId != requestedSessionId)
                        //Find any session which has the given id.
                        IEnumerable<ClientSession> matches = GetSessions(requestedSessionId);

                        //Atttempt to get the correct session
                        ClientSession correctSession = matches.FirstOrDefault();//(c => false == c.IsDisconnected);

                        //If no session could be found by the given sessionId
                        if (correctSession == null)

                            //Indicate the session requested could not be found.
                            ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(session, RtspStatusCode.SessionNotFound, null, sendResponse);

                        else //There was a session found by the given Id

                            //Indicate the last request of this session was as given
                            session.LastRequest = request;

                            //The LastResponse is updated to be the value of whatever the correctSessions LastResponse is
                            // session.LastResponse = correctSession.LastResponse;

                            //Process the request from the correctSession but do not send a response.
                            ProcessRtspRequest(request, correctSession, false);

                            session.LastResponse = correctSession.LastResponse;

                            //Take the created response and sent it to the new session using it as the last response.
                            ProcessSendRtspMessage(session.LastResponse, session, sendResponse);


                //Check for out of order or duplicate requests.
                if (session.LastRequest != null)
                    //Out of order
                    if (request.CSeq < session.LastRequest.CSeq)
                        //Send back a BadRequest.
                        ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(session, Rtsp.RtspStatusCode.BadRequest, null, sendResponse);


                //Dispose any last request.
                if (session.LastRequest != null && false == session.LastRequest.IsDisposed) session.LastRequest.Dispose();

                //Synchronize the server and client since this is not a duplicate
                session.LastRequest = request;

                //Determine if we support what the client requests in `Require` Header
                if (request.ContainsHeader(RtspHeaders.Require))
                    //Certain features are requried... tcp etc.
                    //Todo ProcessRequired(

                //If there is a body and no content-length
                if (false == string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.Body) && false == request.ContainsHeader(RtspHeaders.ContentLength))
                    //Send back a BadRequest.
                    ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(session, Rtsp.RtspStatusCode.BadRequest, null, sendResponse);


                //Optional Checks

                if (RequireUserAgent && false == request.ContainsHeader(RtspHeaders.UserAgent))
                    //Send back a BadRequest.
                    ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(session, Rtsp.RtspStatusCode.BadRequest, null, sendResponse);


                //Minor version reflects changes made to the protocol but not the 'general message parsing' `algorithm`

                //Thus, RTSP/2.4 is a lower version than RTSP/2.13, which in turn is lower than RTSP/12.3.
                //Leading zeros SHALL NOT be sent and MUST be ignored by recipients.

                //Version - Should check request.Version != Version and that earlier versions are supprted.
                if (request.Version > Version)

                    ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(session, RtspStatusCode.RtspVersionNotSupported, null, sendResponse);

                //4.2.  RTSP IRI and URI, Draft requires 501 response for rtspu iri but not for udp sockets using a rtsp location....
                //Should check request.Location.Scheme to not be rtspu but it was allowed previously...

                //If any custom handlers were registered.
                if (m_RequestHandlers.Count > 0)
                    //Determine if there is a custom handler for the mthod
                    RtspRequestHandler custom;

                    //If there is
                    if (m_RequestHandlers.TryGetValue(request.Method, out custom))
                        //Then create the response
                        RtspMessage response;

                        //By invoking the handler, if true is returned
                        if (custom(request, out response))
                            //Use the response created by the custom handler
                            ProcessSendRtspMessage(response, session, sendResponse);

                            //Return because the custom handler has handled the request.

                //From this point if Authrorization is required and the stream exists
                //The server will responsd with AuthorizationRequired when it should NOT have probably respoded with that at this point.
                //The problem is that RequiredCredentails uses a Uri format by ID.
                //We could get a stream and then respond accordingly but that is how it currently works and it allows probing of streams which is what not desirable in some cases
                //Thus we have to use the location of the request and see if RequiredCredentials has anything which matches root.
                //This would force everything to have some type of authentication which would also be applicable to all lower level streams in the uri in the credential cache.
                //I could also change up the semantic and make everything Uri based rather then locations
                //Then it would also be easier to make /audio only passwords etc.

                //When stopping only handle teardown and keep alives
                if (m_StopRequested && (request.Method != RtspMethod.TEARDOWN && request.Method != RtspMethod.GET_PARAMETER && request.Method != RtspMethod.OPTIONS))
                    ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(session, RtspStatusCode.BadRequest, null, sendResponse);


                //Determine the handler for the request and process it
                switch (request.Method)
                    case RtspMethod.ANNOUNCE:
                            ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(session, RtspStatusCode.MethodNotAllowed, null, sendResponse);
                    case RtspMethod.OPTIONS:
                            ProcessRtspOptions(request, session, sendResponse);
                    case RtspMethod.DESCRIBE:
                            ProcessRtspDescribe(request, session, sendResponse);
                    case RtspMethod.SETUP:
                            ProcessRtspSetup(request, session, sendResponse);
                    case RtspMethod.PLAY:
                            ProcessRtspPlay(request, session, sendResponse);
                    case RtspMethod.RECORD:
                            ProcessRtspRecord(request, session, sendResponse);
                    case RtspMethod.PAUSE:
                            ProcessRtspPause(request, session, sendResponse);
                    case RtspMethod.TEARDOWN:
                            ProcessRtspTeardown(request, session, sendResponse);
                    case RtspMethod.GET_PARAMETER:
                            ProcessGetParameter(request, session, sendResponse);
                    case RtspMethod.SET_PARAMETER:
                            ProcessSetParameter(request, session, sendResponse);
                    case RtspMethod.REDIRECT: //Client can't redirect a server
                            ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(session, RtspStatusCode.BadRequest, null, sendResponse);
                    case RtspMethod.UNKNOWN:
                            //Per 2.0 Draft
                            ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(session, RtspStatusCode.NotImplemented, null, sendResponse);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Log it
                if (Logger != null) Logger.LogException(ex);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the given session up, TODO Make functions which help with creation of TransportContext and Initialization
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <param name="session"></param>
        internal void ProcessRtspSetup(RtspMessage request, ClientSession session, bool sendResponse = true)
            RtpSource found = FindStreamByLocation(request.Location) as RtpSource;

            if (found == null)
                //This allows probing for streams even if not authenticated....
                ProcessLocationNotFoundRtspRequest(session, sendResponse);
            else if (false == AuthenticateRequest(request, found))
                ProcessAuthorizationRequired(found, session, sendResponse);
            else if (false == found.Ready)
                ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(session, RtspStatusCode.PreconditionFailed, null, sendResponse);

            //The source is ready

            //Determine if we have the track
            string track = request.Location.Segments.Last().Replace("/", string.Empty);

            Sdp.MediaDescription mediaDescription = found.SessionDescription.MediaDescriptions.FirstOrDefault(md => string.Compare(track, md.MediaType.ToString(), true, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0);

            ////Find the MediaDescription for the request based on the track variable
            //foreach (Sdp.MediaDescription md in found.SessionDescription.MediaDescriptions)
            //    Sdp.SessionDescriptionLine attributeLine = md.Lines.Where(l => l.Type == 'a' && l.Parts.Any(p => p.Contains("control"))).FirstOrDefault();
            //    if (attributeLine != null)
            //    {
            //        string actualTrack = attributeLine.Parts.Where(p => p.Contains("control")).First().Replace("control:", string.Empty);
            //        if(actualTrack == track || actualTrack.Contains(track))
            //        {
            //            mediaDescription = md;
            //            break;
            //        }
            //    }

            //Cannot setup media
            if (mediaDescription == null)
                ProcessLocationNotFoundRtspRequest(session, sendResponse);

            //Add the state information for the source
            RtpClient.TransportContext sourceContext = found.RtpClient.GetContextForMediaDescription(mediaDescription);

            //If the source has no TransportContext for that format or the source has not recieved a packet yet
            if (sourceContext == null || sourceContext.SynchronizationSourceIdentifier == 0)
                //Stream is not yet ready
                ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(session, RtspStatusCode.PreconditionFailed, null, sendResponse);

            //Create the response and initialize the sockets if required
            RtspMessage resp = session.ProcessSetup(request, found, sourceContext);

            //Send the response
            ProcessSendRtspMessage(resp, session, sendResponse);

            resp = null;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <param name="session"></param>
        internal void ProcessRtspPause(RtspMessage request, ClientSession session, bool sendResponse = true)
            RtpSource found = FindStreamByLocation(request.Location) as RtpSource;

            if (found == null)
                ProcessLocationNotFoundRtspRequest(session, sendResponse);

            if (false == AuthenticateRequest(request, found))
                ProcessAuthorizationRequired(found, session, sendResponse);

            //session.m_RtpClient.m_WorkerThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;

            var resp = session.ProcessPause(request, found);

            //Might need to add some headers
            ProcessSendRtspMessage(resp, session, sendResponse);

            resp = null;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <param name="session"></param>
        internal void ProcessRtspPlay(RtspMessage request, ClientSession session, bool sendResponse = true)
            RtpSource found = FindStreamByLocation(request.Location) as RtpSource;

            if (found == null)
                ProcessLocationNotFoundRtspRequest(session, sendResponse);

            if (false == AuthenticateRequest(request, found))
                ProcessAuthorizationRequired(found, session, sendResponse);
            else if (false == found.Ready)
                //Stream is not yet ready
                ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(session, RtspStatusCode.PreconditionFailed, null, sendResponse);

            //New method...

                RtspMessage resp = session.ProcessPlay(request, found);

                //Send the response to the client
                ProcessSendRtspMessage(resp, session, sendResponse);

                if (resp.StatusCode == RtspStatusCode.OK)
                    //Take the range into account given.

                resp = null;
            catch(Exception ex)
                if(Logger != null) Logger.LogException(ex);

                if (ex is InvalidOperationException) goto TryCreateResponse;


예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Disposes and tries to remove the session from the Clients Collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="session">The session to remove</param>
        /// <returns>True if the session was disposed</returns>
        internal bool TryDisposeAndRemoveSession(ClientSession session)
            if (session == null) return false;

            Exception any = null;
                //If the session was not disposed
                if (false == session.IsDisposed)
                    //indicate the session is disposing
                    Common.ILoggingExtensions.Log(Logger, "Disposing Client: " + session.Id + " @ " + DateTime.UtcNow);

                    //Dispose the session

                //If the client was already removed indicate this in the logs
                if (false == Common.Collections.DictionaryExtensions.TryRemove(m_Clients, session.Id, out any)) Common.ILoggingExtensions.Log(Logger, "Client Already Removed(" + session.Id + ")");

                //Indicate success
                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (Logger != null) Logger.LogException(ex);

                //Indicate if a failure occured
                return session == null || session.IsDisposed;
                if (Logger != null && any != null) Logger.LogException(any);
예제 #6
        internal void HandleClientSocketException(SocketException se, ClientSession cs)
            if(se == null || cs == null || cs.IsDisposed) return;

            switch (se.SocketErrorCode)
                case SocketError.TimedOut:

                        //Clients interleaving shouldn't time out ever
                        if (cs.m_RtspSocket.ProtocolType == ProtocolType.Tcp)
                            Common.ILoggingExtensions.Log(Logger, "Client:" + cs.Id + " Timeouts when interleaving");

                             if(cs.Playing.Count > 0) return;

                        //Increase send and receive timeout
                        cs.m_RtspSocket.SendTimeout = cs.m_RtspSocket.ReceiveTimeout += (int)(RtspClient.DefaultConnectionTime.TotalMilliseconds);

                        Common.ILoggingExtensions.Log(Logger, "Increased Client:" + cs.Id + " Timeouts to: " + cs.m_RtspSocket.SendTimeout);

                        //Try to receive again

                case SocketError.ConnectionAborted:
                case SocketError.ConnectionReset:
                case SocketError.Disconnecting:
                case SocketError.Shutdown:
                case SocketError.NotConnected:
                        Common.ILoggingExtensions.Log(Logger, "Marking Client:" + cs.Id + " Disconnected");

                        //Mark the client as disconnected.
                        cs.IsDisconnected = true;

                        if (Logger != null) Logger.LogException(se);

예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Sends a Rtsp LocationNotFound Response
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ci">The session to send the response on</param>
 internal void ProcessLocationNotFoundRtspRequest(ClientSession ci, bool sendResponse = true)
     ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(ci, RtspStatusCode.NotFound, null, sendResponse);
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles the SET_PARAMETER RtspRequest
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="request">The GET_PARAMETER RtspRequest to handle</param>
 /// <param name="ci">The RtspSession from which the request was receieved</param>
 internal void ProcessSetParameter(RtspMessage request, ClientSession session, bool sendResponse = true)
     //Could be used for PTZ or other stuff
     //Should have a way to determine to forward send parameters... public bool ForwardSetParameter { get; set; }
     //Should have a way to call SendSetParamter on the source if required.
     //Should allow sever parameters to be set?
     using (var resp = session.CreateRtspResponse(request))
         //Content type
         ProcessSendRtspMessage(resp, session, sendResponse);
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Sends a Rtsp Response on the given client session
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ci">The client session to send the response on</param>
 /// <param name="code">The status code of the response if other than BadRequest</param>
 //Should allow a header to be put into the response or a KeyValuePair<string,string> headers
 internal void ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(ClientSession session, RtspStatusCode code = RtspStatusCode.BadRequest, string body = null, bool sendResponse = true)
     //Create and Send the response
     ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(session != null ? session.CreateRtspResponse(null, code, body) : new RtspMessage(RtspMessageType.Response) { StatusCode = code, Body = body, CSeq = Utility.Random.Next() }, session);
예제 #10
 internal void ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(RtspMessage response, ClientSession session, bool sendResponse = true)
     ProcessSendRtspMessage(response, session, sendResponse);
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the GET_PARAMETER RtspRequest
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The GET_PARAMETER RtspRequest to handle</param>
        /// <param name="ci">The RtspSession from which the request was receieved</param>
        internal void ProcessGetParameter(RtspMessage request, ClientSession session, bool sendResponse = true)
            //TODO Determine API

            var resp = session.CreateRtspResponse(request);

            resp.SetHeader(RtspHeaders.Connection, "Keep-Alive");

            ProcessSendRtspMessage(resp, session, sendResponse);

            resp = null;
예제 #12
        internal void ProcessClientBuffer(ClientSession session, int received)
            if (session == null || session.IsDisposed || received <= 0) return;

                //Use a segment around the data received which is already in the buffer.
                using (Common.MemorySegment data = new Common.MemorySegment(session.m_Buffer.Array, session.m_Buffer.Offset, received))

                    if (data[0] == RtpClient.BigEndianFrameControl)
                        if (session.m_RtpClient == null) return;

                        received -= session.m_RtpClient.ProcessFrameData(session.m_Buffer.Array, session.m_Buffer.Offset, received, session.m_RtspSocket);

                    if (received <= 0) return;

                    //Ensure the message is really Rtsp
                    RtspMessage request = new RtspMessage(data);

                    //Check for validity
                    if (request.MessageType != RtspMessageType.Invalid)
                        //Process the request when complete
                        if (request.IsComplete)
                            ProcessRtspRequest(request, session);


                    } //Otherwise if LastRequest is not disposed then attempt completion with the invalid data
                    else if (session.LastRequest != null && false == session.LastRequest.IsDisposed)
                        //Indicate a CompleteFrom is occuring
                        Media.Common.ILoggingExtensions.Log(Logger, "Session:" + session.Id + " Attempting to complete previous mesage with buffer of " + data.Count + " bytes.");

                        //Attempt to complete it
                        received = session.LastRequest.CompleteFrom(null, data);

                        //If nothing was recieved then do nothing.
                        if (received == 0)
                            Media.Common.ILoggingExtensions.Log(Logger, "Session:" + session.Id + "Did not use buffer of " + data.Count + " bytes.");


                        Media.Common.ILoggingExtensions.Log(Logger, "Session:" + session.Id + " used " + received + " of buffer bytes");

                        //Account for the received data
                        session.m_Receieved += received;

                        //Determine how to process the messge

                        switch (session.LastRequest.MessageType)
                            case RtspMessageType.Response:
                            case RtspMessageType.Invalid:
                                    //Ensure the session is still connected.

                            case RtspMessageType.Request:
                                    //If the request is complete now then process it
                                    if (session.LastRequest.IsComplete)
                                        //Process the request (it may not be complete yet)
                                        ProcessRtspRequest(session.LastRequest, session);


                                    goto case RtspMessageType.Invalid;

                    //Log the invalid request
                    Media.Common.ILoggingExtensions.Log(Logger, "Received Invalid Message:" + request + " \r\nFor Session:" + session.Id);

                    if (session.LastRequest != null) session.LastRequest.Dispose();

                    //Store it for now to allow completion.
                    session.LastRequest = request;

                    //Ensure the session is still connected.
            catch(Exception ex)
                if (Logger != null) Logger.LogException(ex);
예제 #13
        internal virtual void ProcessAuthorizationRequired(IMedia source, ClientSession session, bool sendResponse = true)
            RtspMessage response = new RtspMessage(RtspMessageType.Response);

            response.CSeq = session.LastRequest.CSeq;

            string authHeader = session.LastRequest.GetHeader(RtspHeaders.Authorization);

            RtspStatusCode statusCode;

            bool noAuthHeader = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(authHeader);

            if (noAuthHeader && session.LastRequest.ContainsHeader(RtspHeaders.AcceptCredentials)) statusCode = RtspStatusCode.ConnectionAuthorizationRequired;
            //If the last request did not have an authorization header
            else if (noAuthHeader)
                /* -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2617

             Indicates what "quality of protection" the client has applied to
             the message. If present, its value MUST be one of the alternatives
             the server indicated it supports in the WWW-Authenticate header.
             These values affect the computation of the request-digest. Note
             that this is a single token, not a quoted list of alternatives as
             in WWW- Authenticate.  This directive is optional in order to
             preserve backward compatibility with a minimal implementation of
             RFC 2617 [6], but SHOULD be used if the server indicated that qop
             is supported by providing a qop directive in the WWW-Authenticate
             header field.

             This MUST be specified if a qop directive is sent (see above), and
             MUST NOT be specified if the server did not send a qop directive in
             the WWW-Authenticate header field.  The cnonce-value is an opaque
             quoted string value provided by the client and used by both client
             and server to avoid chosen plaintext attacks, to provide mutual
             authentication, and to provide some message integrity protection.
             See the descriptions below of the calculation of the response-
             digest and request-digest values.


                //Could retrieve values from last Request if needed..
                //string realm = "//", nOnceCount = "00000001";

                //Should handle multiple types of auth

                //Should store the nonce and cnonce values on the session
                statusCode = RtspStatusCode.Unauthorized;

                NetworkCredential requiredCredential = null;

                string authenticateHeader = null;

                Uri relativeLocation = source.ServerLocation;

                //Check for Digest first - Todo Finish implementation
                if ((requiredCredential = RequiredCredentials.GetCredential(relativeLocation, "Digest")) != null)
                    //Might need to store values qop nc, cnonce and nonce in session storage for later retrival

                    //Should use auth-int and qop

                    authenticateHeader = string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Digest username={0},realm={1},nonce={2},cnonce={3}", requiredCredential.UserName, (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requiredCredential.Domain) ? ServerName : requiredCredential.Domain), ((long)(Utility.Random.Next(int.MaxValue) << 32 | (Utility.Random.Next(int.MaxValue)))).ToString("X"), Utility.Random.Next(int.MaxValue).ToString("X"));
                else if ((requiredCredential = RequiredCredentials.GetCredential(relativeLocation, "Basic")) != null)
                    authenticateHeader = "Basic realm=\"" + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requiredCredential.Domain) ? ServerName : requiredCredential.Domain + '"');

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(authenticateHeader))
                    response.SetHeader(RtspHeaders.WWWAuthenticate, authenticateHeader);
            else //Authorization header was present but data was incorrect
                //Parse type from authHeader

                string[] parts = authHeader.Split((char)Common.ASCII.Space);

                string authType = null;

                if (parts.Length > 0)
                    authType = parts[0];
                    authHeader = parts[1];

                //should check to ensure wrong type was not used e.g. basic in place of digest...
                if (string.Compare(authType, "digest", true) == 0)
                    //if (session.Storage["nOnce"] != null)
                    //    //Increment NonceCount

                //Increment session attempts?

                statusCode = RtspStatusCode.Forbidden;

            //Set the status code
            response.StatusCode = statusCode;

            //Send the response
            ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(response, session, sendResponse);
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Ends the client session
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The Teardown request</param>
        /// <param name="session">The session which recieved the request</param>
        internal void ProcessRtspTeardown(RtspMessage request, ClientSession session, bool sendResponse = true)
            //If there was a location which was not a wildcard attempt to honor it.
            if (request.Location != RtspMessage.Wildcard)

                RtpSource found = FindStreamByLocation(request.Location) as RtpSource;

                if (found == null)
                    ProcessLocationNotFoundRtspRequest(session, sendResponse);

                if (false == AuthenticateRequest(request, found))
                    ProcessAuthorizationRequired(found, session, sendResponse);

                //Send the response
                var resp = session.ProcessTeardown(request, found);

                ////Keep track if LeaveOpen should be set (based on if the session still shared the socket)
                //if (false == (session.LeaveOpen = session.SharesSocket))
                //    //if it doesn't then inform that close may occur?
                //    resp.AppendOrSetHeader(RtspHeaders.Connection, "close");

                ProcessSendRtspMessage(resp, session, sendResponse);


                resp = null;
                //Attempt to remove the sessionId when nothing is playing... why?
                //10.4 SETUP says we would have to bundle pipelined requests.
                //That is contradictory.

                //if (session.Playing.Count == 0) session.SessionId = null;

                string connectionHeader = request[RtspHeaders.Connection];

                if (false == string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(connectionHeader))
                    if (string.Compare(connectionHeader.Trim(), "close", true) == 0)
                //Create the response
                var resp = session.CreateRtspResponse(request);

                //Make a RtpInfo header for each stream ending...

                //Stop transport level activity if required
                if (session.m_RtpClient != null &&
                    session.m_RtpClient.IsActive) session.m_RtpClient.SendGoodbyes();

                //Remove all attachments and clear playing

                //Send the response
                ProcessSendRtspMessage(resp, session, sendResponse);

                //Release any unused resources at this point

                //Remove the sessionId
                session.SessionId = null;

                resp = null;

                string connectionHeader = request[RtspHeaders.Connection];

                if (false == string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(connectionHeader))
                    if (string.Compare(connectionHeader.Trim(), "close", true) == 0)
예제 #15
        internal void ProcessRedirect(RtspMessage request, ClientSession session, bool sendResponse = true)
            var found = FindStreamByLocation(request.Location);

            if (found == null)
                ProcessLocationNotFoundRtspRequest(session, sendResponse);

            if (false == AuthenticateRequest(request, found))
                ProcessAuthorizationRequired(found, session, sendResponse);

            if (false == found.Ready)
                ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(session, RtspStatusCode.PreconditionFailed, null, sendResponse);

            using (var resp = session.CreateRtspResponse(request))
                resp.Method = RtspMethod.REDIRECT;
                resp.AppendOrSetHeader(RtspHeaders.Location, "rtsp://" + session.LocalEndPoint.Address.ToString() + "/live/" + found.Id);
                ProcessSendRtspMessage(resp, session, sendResponse);
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a Rtsp Response on the given client session
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">The RtspResponse to send</param> If this was byte[] then it could handle http
        /// <param name="ci">The session to send the response on</param>
        internal void ProcessSendRtspMessage(RtspMessage message, ClientSession session, bool sendResponse = true)
            //Todo have a SupportedFeatures and RequiredFeatures HashSet.

            //Check Require Header
            //       And
            /* Add Unsupported Header if needed
            Require: play.basic, con.persistent
                       (basic play, TCP is supported)
            setup.playing means that setup and teardown can be used in the play state.

            //If we have a session
            if (session == null || session.IsDisposed) return;

                //if there is a message to send
                if (message != null && false == message.IsDisposed)

                    if (false == message.ContainsHeader(RtspHeaders.Server)) message.SetHeader(RtspHeaders.Server, ServerName);

                    if (false == message.ContainsHeader(RtspHeaders.Date)) message.SetHeader(RtspHeaders.Date, DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("r"));

                    #region RFC2326 12.38 Timestamp / Delay

                         12.38 Timestamp

                           The timestamp general header describes when the client sent the
                           request to the server. The value of the timestamp is of significance
                           only to the client and may use any timescale. The server MUST echo
                           the exact same value and MAY, if it has accurate information about
                           this, add a floating point number indicating the number of seconds
                           that has elapsed since it has received the request. The timestamp is
                           used by the client to compute the round-trip time to the server so
                           that it can adjust the timeout value for retransmissions.

                           Timestamp  = "Timestamp" ":" *(DIGIT) [ "." *(DIGIT) ] [ delay ]
                           delay      =  *(DIGIT) [ "." *(DIGIT) ]

                    if (false == message.ContainsHeader(RtspHeaders.Timestamp)
                        session.LastRequest != null
                        ////Apparently not joined with ;
                        ////message.SetHeader(RtspHeaders.Timestamp, session.LastRequest[RtspHeaders.Timestamp] + "delay=" + (DateTime.UtcNow - session.LastRequest.Created).TotalSeconds);

                        //Set the value of the Timestamp header as given
                        message.AppendOrSetHeader(RtspHeaders.Timestamp, session.LastRequest[RtspHeaders.Timestamp]);

                        //Add a delay datum
                        message.AppendOrSetHeader(RtspHeaders.Timestamp, "delay=" + (DateTime.UtcNow - session.LastRequest.Created).TotalSeconds);


                    string sess = message.GetHeader(RtspHeaders.Session);

                    //Check for a session header
                    if (false == string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sess))
                        //Add the timeout header if there was a session header.
                        if (RtspClientInactivityTimeout > TimeSpan.Zero && false == sess.Contains("timeout")) message.AppendOrSetHeader(RtspHeaders.Session, "timeout=" + (int)(RtspClientInactivityTimeout.TotalSeconds / 2));

                    //if (session.m_RtspSocket.ProtocolType == ProtocolType.Tcp && session.Attached.Count > 0) response.SetHeader("Ignore", "$0\09\r\n$\0:\0");

                    //Dispose the last response
                    if (session.LastResponse != null) session.LastResponse.Dispose();

                    //Content-Encoding should be the same as the request's if possible..

                    //If sending a response
                    if (sendResponse)
                        //Log response
                        if (Logger != null) Logger.LogResponse(message, session);

                        session.SendRtspData((session.LastResponse = message).ToBytes());

                    }//Otherwise just update the property
                    else session.LastResponse = message;

                    //Indicate the session is not disconnected
                    session.IsDisconnected = false;

                    //Indicate the last response was sent now.
                    session.LastResponse.Transferred = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    //Test the connectivity and start another receive
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (Logger != null) Logger.LogException(ex);

                //if a socket exception occured then handle it.
                if (session != null && ex is SocketException) HandleClientSocketException((SocketException)ex, session);
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Decribes the requested stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <param name="session"></param>
        internal void ProcessRtspDescribe(RtspMessage request, ClientSession session, bool sendResponse = true)
            if (request.Location == RtspMessage.Wildcard)
                var resp = session.CreateRtspResponse(request);

                ProcessSendRtspMessage(resp, session, sendResponse);

                resp = null;
                string acceptHeader = request[RtspHeaders.Accept];

                //If an Accept header was given it must reflect a content-type of SDP.
                if (false == string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(acceptHeader)
                    string.Compare(acceptHeader, Sdp.SessionDescription.MimeType, true, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) > 0)

                RtpSource found = FindStreamByLocation(request.Location) as RtpSource;

                if (found == null)
                    ProcessLocationNotFoundRtspRequest(session, sendResponse);

                if (false == AuthenticateRequest(request, found))
                    ProcessAuthorizationRequired(found, session, sendResponse);

                if (false == found.Ready)
                    ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(session, RtspStatusCode.PreconditionFailed, null, sendResponse);

                var resp = session.ProcessDescribe(request, found);

                ProcessSendRtspMessage(resp, session, sendResponse);

                resp = null;

예제 #18
        internal bool TryAddSession(ClientSession session)
            Exception any = null;
                Common.ILoggingExtensions.Log(Logger, "Adding Client: " + session.Id);

                if (Common.Collections.DictionaryExtensions.TryAdd(m_Clients, session.Id, session, out any))
                    session.m_Contained = this;

                return session.m_Contained == this;
            catch(Exception ex)
                if (Logger != null) Logger.LogException(ex);

                return false;
                if (any != null && Logger != null) Logger.LogException(any);
예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides the Options this server supports
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <param name="session"></param>
        internal void ProcessRtspOptions(RtspMessage request, ClientSession session, bool sendResponse = true)
            //See if the location requires a certain stream
            if (request.Location != RtspMessage.Wildcard && false == string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.Location.LocalPath) && request.Location.LocalPath.Length > 1)
                IMedia found = FindStreamByLocation(request.Location);

                //No stream with name
                if (found == null)
                    ProcessLocationNotFoundRtspRequest(session, sendResponse);

                //See if RECORD is supported?


            //Check for additional options of the stream... e.g. allow recording or not

            RtspMessage resp = session.CreateRtspResponse(request);

            resp.SetHeader(RtspHeaders.Public, "OPTIONS, DESCRIBE, SETUP, PLAY, PAUSE, TEARDOWN, GET_PARAMETER");

            //Allow for Authorized
            resp.SetHeader(RtspHeaders.Allow, "ANNOUNCE, RECORD, SET_PARAMETER");

            //Add from handlers?
            //if(m_RequestHandlers.Count > 0) string.Join(" ", m_RequestHandlers.Keys.ToArray())

            //Should allow server to have certain options removed from this result

            ProcessSendRtspMessage(resp, session, sendResponse);

            resp = null;
예제 #20
        private void ProcessRtspRecord(RtspMessage request, ClientSession session, bool sendResponse = true)
            var found = FindStreamByLocation(request.Location);

            if (found == null)
                ProcessLocationNotFoundRtspRequest(session, sendResponse);

            if (false == AuthenticateRequest(request, found))
                ProcessAuthorizationRequired(found, session, sendResponse);

            if (false == found.Ready || Archiver == null)
                ProcessInvalidRtspRequest(session, RtspStatusCode.PreconditionFailed, null, sendResponse);

            using (var resp = session.ProcessRecord(request, found))
                ProcessSendRtspMessage(resp, session, sendResponse);
예제 #21
 internal bool ContainsSession(ClientSession session)
     return m_Clients.ContainsKey(session.Id);