            Matrix z,
            Matrix H,
            Matrix R
            KalmanFilter.CheckUpdateParameters(z, H, R, this);

            // Fiddle with the matrices
            Matrix HT = Matrix.Transpose(H);
            Matrix RI = R.Inverse();

            // Perform the update
            this.y = this.y + (HT * RI * z);
            this.J = this.J + (HT * RI * H);
예제 #2
            Matrix z,
            Matrix H,
            Matrix R
            KalmanFilter.CheckUpdateParameters(z, H, R, this);

            // We need to use transpose of H a couple of times.
            Matrix Ht = Matrix.Transpose(H);
            Matrix I  = Matrix.Identity(x.RowCount, x.RowCount);

            Matrix S = (H * P * Ht) + R;                // Measurement covariance
            Matrix K = P * Ht * S.Inverse();            // Kalman Gain

            this.P = (I - (K * H)) * P;                 // Covariance update
            this.x = this.x + (K * (z - (H * this.x))); // State update