예제 #1
 static private extern bool GetWindowRect(IntPtr hWnd, ref WinRect lpWinRect);
예제 #2
        protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
            if (m.Msg == WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE)
                // Reset move tracking
                var currRect = new WinRect();
                GetWindowRect(Handle, ref currRect);
                m_MoveSum     = new Point(currRect.Left, currRect.Top);
                m_MovePrevPos = new Point(currRect.Left, currRect.Top);

                // Scan for move locks
                var otherEdges = Forms
                                 .Where(frm => (frm != m_OriginalForm) && frm.Visible)
                                 .Where(frm => Forms.IndexOf(m_OriginalForm) == 0)

                var windowEdges = MagnetUtils.RectToEdges(currRect.ToRectangle());
                foreach (var windowEdge in windowEdges)
                    foreach (var otherEdge in otherEdges)
                        if (windowEdge.MeasureAttraction(otherEdge) == 0)
                            m_MoveLocks.Add(new Tuple <Form, EdgeDirection>(otherEdge.Window, windowEdge.EdgeDir));

                // Scan for resize locks
                foreach (var windowEdge in windowEdges)
                    foreach (var otherEdge in otherEdges)
                        if ((windowEdge.EdgeDir == otherEdge.EdgeDir) &&
                            ((windowEdge.Start == otherEdge.End) ||
                             (windowEdge.End == otherEdge.Start)))
                            m_ResizeLocks.Add(new Tuple <Form, EdgeDirection>(otherEdge.Window, otherEdge.EdgeDir));

                // Remove resize locks duplications
                m_ResizeLocks = m_ResizeLocks.GroupBy(a => a.Item1.GetHashCode() ^ a.Item2.GetHashCode()).Select(grp => grp.First()).ToList();

            else if (m.Msg == WM_SIZING)
                var rc = (WinRect)Marshal.PtrToStructure(m.LParam, typeof(WinRect));

                // Convert WinRect into edge list
                var resizeRect  = rc.ToRectangle();
                var windowEdges = MagnetUtils.RectToEdges(resizeRect).ToDictionary(edge => edge.EdgeDir, edge => edge);

                // Create resize map
                var map = new Dictionary <int, EdgeDirection[]>
                    { WMSZ_LEFT, new[] { EdgeDirection.Left } },
                    { WMSZ_RIGHT, new[] { EdgeDirection.Right } },
                    { WMSZ_TOP, new[] { EdgeDirection.Top } },
                    { WMSZ_BOTTOM, new[] { EdgeDirection.Bottom } },
                    { WMSZ_LEFT + WMSZ_TOP, new[] { EdgeDirection.Left, EdgeDirection.Top } },
                    { WMSZ_LEFT + WMSZ_BOTTOM, new[] { EdgeDirection.Left, EdgeDirection.Bottom } },
                    { WMSZ_RIGHT + WMSZ_TOP, new[] { EdgeDirection.Right, EdgeDirection.Top } },
                    { WMSZ_RIGHT + WMSZ_BOTTOM, new[] { EdgeDirection.Right, EdgeDirection.Bottom } },

                // Edge list
                EdgeDirection[] edgeList;
                if (!map.TryGetValue(m.WParam.ToInt32(), out edgeList))
                    edgeList = new EdgeDirection[0];

                // Handle horizontal resize
                foreach (var edgeDir in edgeList)
                    var movingEdge  = windowEdges[edgeDir];
                    var magDistance = FindClosestEdge(movingEdge);
                    if (Math.Abs(magDistance) < 20)
                        resizeRect = MagnetUtils.ShiftRectangleEdge(resizeRect, edgeDir, magDistance);

                // Rebuild new position edges
                windowEdges = MagnetUtils.RectToEdges(resizeRect).ToDictionary(a => a.EdgeDir, a => a);

                // Enforce resize locks
                foreach (var resizeLock in m_ResizeLocks)
                    var otherRect = resizeLock.Item1.Bounds;
                    otherRect = MagnetUtils.SetRectangleEdge(otherRect, windowEdges[resizeLock.Item2]);
                    resizeLock.Item1.SetBounds(otherRect.X, otherRect.Y, otherRect.Width, otherRect.Height);

                // Enfore move-on-resize windows
                foreach (var moveLock in m_MoveLocks)
                    var otherRect = moveLock.Item1.Bounds;
                    otherRect = MagnetUtils.SetEntireRectangleEdge(otherRect, windowEdges[moveLock.Item2].GetOppsiteEdge());
                    moveLock.Item1.SetBounds(otherRect.X, otherRect.Y, otherRect.Width, otherRect.Height);

                // Convert rect to LParam
                rc = WinRect.FromRectangle(resizeRect);
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(rc, m.LParam, true);

                m.Result = new IntPtr(1);

            else if (m.Msg == WM_MOVING)
                var rc = (WinRect)Marshal.PtrToStructure(m.LParam, typeof(WinRect));

                // Update MoveSum
                m_MoveSum.X += rc.Left - m_MovePrevPos.X;
                m_MoveSum.Y += rc.Top - m_MovePrevPos.Y;

                // Convert WinRect into edge list
                var moveRect = rc.ToRectangle();
                moveRect.Location = m_MoveSum;

                // Do magnetics twice, this has to be done so edge-to-edge works first and only then edge-to-corner works
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    // Scan all edges directions and check if we can stick to other windows
                    foreach (EdgeDirection edgeType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EdgeDirection)))
                        // Get edge info
                        var edge = MagnetUtils.RectToEdges(moveRect).First(t => t.EdgeDir == edgeType);

                        // Stick to other windows
                        var magDistance = FindClosestEdge(edge);
                        if (Math.Abs(magDistance) < 20)
                            moveRect = MagnetUtils.ShiftEntireRectangle(moveRect, edge.EdgeDir, magDistance);

                // Move other windows
                foreach (var lockedWindows in m_MoveLocks)
                    var otherRect = lockedWindows.Item1.Bounds;
                    otherRect.Offset(moveRect.Location.X - m_MovePrevPos.X, moveRect.Location.Y - m_MovePrevPos.Y);
                    lockedWindows.Item1.SetBounds(otherRect.X, otherRect.Y, otherRect.Width, otherRect.Height);

                // Save position to track delta
                m_MovePrevPos = moveRect.Location;

                // Convert rect to LParam
                rc = WinRect.FromRectangle(moveRect);
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(rc, m.LParam, true);

                m.Result = new IntPtr(1);

            base.WndProc(ref m);