예제 #1
        public Function ConvertFunction(ME3Function obj)
            VariableType returnType = null;

            if (obj.ReturnValue != null)
                returnType = ConvertVariable(obj.ReturnValue).VarType;
            var parameters = new List <FunctionParameter>();

            foreach (var param in obj.Parameters)
                var convert = ConvertVariable(param);
                parameters.Add(new FunctionParameter(convert.VarType,
                                                     convert.Specifiers, convert.Variables.First(),
                                                     null, null));

            var ByteCode = new ME3ByteCodeDecompiler(obj, parameters);
            var body     = ByteCode.Decompile();

            var func = new Function(obj.Name, returnType, body,
                                    new List <Specifier>(), parameters, null, null);

            var locals = new List <VariableDeclaration>();

            foreach (var local in obj.LocalVariables)
                var convert = ConvertVariable(local);
                convert.Outer = func;
            func.Locals = locals;
예제 #2
        public State ConvertState(ME3State obj)
            // TODO: ignores and body/labels

            State parent = null;

            if (obj.SuperField != null)
                parent = new State(obj.SuperField.Name, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);

            var Funcs   = new List <Function>();
            var Ignores = new List <Function>();

            foreach (var member in obj.DefinedFunctions)
                if (member.FunctionFlags.HasFlag(FunctionFlags.Defined))
                    Ignores.Add(new Function(member.Name, null, null,
                                             null, null, null, null));

                /* Ignored functions are not marked as defined, so we dont need to lookup the ignormask.
                 * They are defined though, each being its own proper object with simply a return nothing for bytecode.
                 * */

            var ByteCode = new ME3ByteCodeDecompiler(obj, new List <FunctionParameter>());
            var body     = ByteCode.Decompile();

            return(new State(obj.Name, body, new List <Specifier>(), (State)parent, Funcs, new List <Function>(), new List <StateLabel>(), null, null));
예제 #3
        public State ConvertState(ME3State obj)
            // TODO: ignores and body/labels

            State parent = null;
            if (obj.SuperField != null)
                parent = new State(obj.SuperField.Name, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);

            var Funcs = new List<Function>();
            var Ignores = new List<Function>();
            foreach (var member in obj.DefinedFunctions)
                if (member.FunctionFlags.HasFlag(FunctionFlags.Defined))
                    Ignores.Add(new Function(member.Name, null, null,
                         null, null, null, null));
                /* Ignored functions are not marked as defined, so we dont need to lookup the ignormask.
                 * They are defined though, each being its own proper object with simply a return nothing for bytecode.
                 * */

            var ByteCode = new ME3ByteCodeDecompiler(obj, new List<FunctionParameter>());
            var body = ByteCode.Decompile();

            return new State(obj.Name, body, new List<Specifier>(), (State)parent, Funcs, new List<Function>(), new List<StateLabel>(), null, null);
예제 #4
        public Function ConvertFunction(ME3Function obj)
            VariableType returnType = null;
            if (obj.ReturnValue != null)
                returnType = ConvertVariable(obj.ReturnValue).VarType;
            var parameters = new List<FunctionParameter>();
            foreach(var param in obj.Parameters)
                var convert = ConvertVariable(param);
                parameters.Add(new FunctionParameter(convert.VarType,
                    convert.Specifiers, convert.Variables.First(),
                    null, null));

            var ByteCode = new ME3ByteCodeDecompiler(obj, parameters);
            var body = ByteCode.Decompile();

            var func = new Function(obj.Name, returnType, body,
                new List<Specifier>(), parameters, null, null);

            var locals = new List<VariableDeclaration>();
            foreach (var local in obj.LocalVariables)
                var convert = ConvertVariable(local);
                convert.Outer = func;
            func.Locals = locals;
            return func;