예제 #1
        public FastBitmapAccess(Bitmap b, Parameters p)
            this.b = b;

            // Set up states
            su = new State(p);
            sv = new State(p);
예제 #2
        // Initialise the states with user-defined initial u0,v0
        public void Initialise(State s, Parameters p, int a)
            // a = 0 refers to species u
            // a = 1 refers to species v
            if (a == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < p.N; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < p.N; j++)
                        s.U[i, j] = p.U0;

            else if (a == 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < p.N; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < p.N; j++)
                        s.U[i, j] = p.V0;
예제 #3
        public void ManipulateImage(State s, int scale)
            int k,l,m;
            int shades = 3; // Number of colour shades desired

            //Lock Image
            BitmapData data = b.LockBits(new Rectangle(Point.Empty, b.Size), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
            byte* ptr = (byte*)(data.Scan0); //access the bits of the bitmap

            for (int i = 0; i < data.Height; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < data.Width; j++)
                    // The scale variable just designates how many pixels in a bitmap
                    // correspond to one element in the state array
                    k = (int)(double)(i / scale);
                    l = (int)(double)(j / scale);

                    // Code if different shades are desired
                    for (m = 0; m < 11; m++)
                        if ((int)s.U[k, l] == m)
                            // Two different colouring schemes
                            // This one in use, not commented, basically assigns
                            // black to state = 0 and white to state = 10
                            // then scales using the number of shades desired by the "shades" variable
                            // 255-255-255  = white
                            // 0-0-0        = black
                            ptr[0] = (byte)((m * 255) / shades); // Blue
                            ptr[1] = (byte)((m * 255) / shades); // Green
                            ptr[2] = (byte)((m * 255) / shades); // Red
                            //ptr[0] = (byte)(255 - ((m * 255) / shades)); // Blue
                            //ptr[1] = (byte)(255 - ((m * 255) / shades)); // Green
                            //ptr[2] = (byte)(255 - ((m * 255) / shades)); // Red

                    ptr += 3;//move pointer on 3 bytes as each pixel = 24 bits = 3 bytes
                //after we go through a row move on the extra piece
                ptr += data.Stride - data.Width * 3;
예제 #4
        // Calculate average of states u and v
        public double[] Average(State su, State sv)
            double[] avgs = new double[2];
            double sumu = 0.0;
            double sumv = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < p.N; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < p.N; j++)
                    sumu += su.U[i, j];
                    sumv += sv.U[i, j];

            avgs[0] = sumu / (p.N * p.N);
            avgs[1] = sumv / (p.N * p.N);

            return avgs;
예제 #5
 public void InitialiseStates(State su, State sv)
     this.su = su;
     this.sv = sv;
예제 #6
        // Truncate a passed in state (for initial random configurations)
        public void TruncateGeneral(State s)
            float prob = 0;
            int trunc = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < p.N; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < p.N; j++)
                    trunc = (int)(Math.Floor(s.U[i, j]));
                    prob = (float)(s.U[i, j]) - trunc;

                    if (rand.NextDouble() <= prob)
                        s.U[i, j] = trunc + 1;
                        s.U[i, j] = trunc;
예제 #7
 // Perform one iteration
 public double[] Iterate(State su, State sv)
     Diffusion(su, Ru);
     Diffusion(sv, Rv);
     Reaction(su, sv);
     return Average(su, sv);
예제 #8
        // Reaction rule
        private void Reaction(State su, State sv)
            f = new double[p.N, p.N];
            g = new double[p.N, p.N];

            // Calculate f[i,j], g[i,j]
            // and u,v before truncation
            for (i = 0; i < p.N; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < p.N; j++)
                    f[i, j] = p.A - ((p.B + 1) * su.U[i, j]) + (su.U[i, j] * su.U[i, j] * sv.U[i, j]);
                    g[i, j] = p.B * su.U[i, j] - (su.U[i, j] * su.U[i, j] * sv.U[i, j]);

                    su.Utemp[i, j] = (float)(normu * su.Vsum[i, j] + p.Step * f[i, j]);
                    sv.Utemp[i, j] = (float)(normv * sv.Vsum[i, j] + p.Step * g[i, j]);
예제 #9
        // Truncate the results using a probablistic rule
        private void Truncate(State s)
            float prob = 0; // Probability
            int trunc = 0; // Truncated result

            for (i = 0; i < p.N; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < p.N; j++)
                    trunc = (int)(Math.Floor(s.Utemp[i, j]));
                    prob = (float)(s.Utemp[i, j]) - trunc;

                    if (rand.NextDouble() <= prob)
                        s.U[i, j] = trunc + 1;
                        s.U[i, j] = trunc;

예제 #10
        // Diffusion process
        private void Diffusion(State s, int R)
            // Initialise to zero
            for (i = 0; i < p.N; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < p.N; j++)
                    s.Hsum[i, j] = s.Vsum[i, j] = 0.0;

            // Diffusion along horizontal direction
            for (i = 0; i < p.N; i++)
                // Needed to count the centre cell
                s.Hsum[i, R] = s.U[i, R];

                // Horizontal local average of cells (R, R +/- j)
                for (j = 1; j <= R; j++)
                    s.Hsum[i, R] += s.U[i, R + j] + s.U[i, R - j];

                // Horizontal sum with periodic BCs applied by modulus operator
                for (k = R; k < p.N; k++)
                    s.Hsum[i, (k + 1) % p.N] = s.Hsum[i, k] + s.U[i, (k + (R + 1)) % p.N] - s.U[i, (k - R) % p.N];

            // Needed because the above horizontal code sum doesn't "wrap around" for species v
            // This doesn't affect species u. It only corrects species v for Rv = 2.
            for (i = 0; i < p.N; i++)
                s.Hsum[i, 1] = s.Hsum[i, 0] + s.U[i, (p.N + (R + 1)) % p.N] - s.U[i, (p.N - R) % p.N];

            // Diffusion along vertical direction
            for (i = 0; i < p.N; i++)
                // Needed to count the centre cell
                s.Vsum[R, i] = s.Hsum[R, i];

                // Vertical local average of cells (R, R +/- j)
                for (j = 1; j <= R; j++)
                    s.Vsum[R, i] += s.Hsum[R + j, i] + s.Hsum[R - j, i];

                // Vertical sum with periodic BCs applied by modulus operator
                for (k = R; k < p.N; k++)
                    s.Vsum[(k + 1) % p.N, i] = s.Vsum[k, i] + s.Hsum[(k + (R + 1)) % p.N, i] - s.Hsum[(k - R) % p.N, i];

            // Needed because the above vertical code sum doesn't "wrap around" for species v
            // This doesn't affect species u. It only corrects species v for Rv = 2.
            for (i = 0; i < p.N; i++)
                s.Vsum[1, i] = s.Vsum[0, i] + s.Hsum[(p.N + (R + 1)) % p.N, i] - s.Hsum[(p.N - R) % p.N, i];
예제 #11
        private void parametersToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            btStop_Click(sender, e); // Stop everything when user opens parameter window
            frmParameterBox frmp = new frmParameterBox();

            // Save current parameter values
            frmp.Pdata.Psetname = p.Psetname;
            frmp.Pdata.Ru = p.Ru;
            frmp.Pdata.Rv = p.Rv;
            frmp.Pdata.A = p.A;
            frmp.Pdata.B = p.B;
            frmp.Pdata.U0 = p.U0;
            frmp.Pdata.V0 = p.V0;
            frmp.Pdata.Step = p.Step;
            frmp.Pdata.N = p.N;
            frmp.Pdata.Maxtime = p.Maxtime;

            // Save changed values
            // This updates quite a lot of things
            DialogResult d = frmp.ShowDialog();
            if (d == DialogResult.OK)
                // Assign user-defined parameters
                p.Psetname = frmp.Pdata.Psetname;
                p.Ru = frmp.Pdata.Ru;
                p.Rv = frmp.Pdata.Rv;
                p.U0 = frmp.Pdata.U0;
                p.V0 = frmp.Pdata.V0;
                p.A = frmp.Pdata.A;
                p.B = frmp.Pdata.B;
                p.Step = frmp.Pdata.Step;
                p.N = frmp.Pdata.N;
                p.Maxtime = frmp.Pdata.Maxtime;

                tbTime.Text = "0.00";
                btJump.Enabled = true;

                // Create new state objects
                su = new State(p);
                sv = new State(p);

                // If user changes parameters, update the states & display
                su.Initialise(su, p, 0);
                sv.Initialise(sv, p, 1);

                // Truncatate states probabilistically if using random initial conditions

                Display(su, sv);

                // Reinitialise imaging if parameters are changed
                bu = new Bitmap(bitmapsize, bitmapsize);
                bv = new Bitmap(bitmapsize, bitmapsize);
                pictBoxu.Image = bu;
                pictBoxv.Image = bv;
                fu = new FastBitmapAccess(bu, p);
                fv = new FastBitmapAccess(bv, p);

                DisplayFull(fu, su);
                DisplayFull(fv, sv);
                pictBoxv.Refresh();   // Refresh picture box

                // Update and display diffusion coefficients
                diffu = p.Ru * (p.Ru + 1) * p.Step;
                diffu /= 6;
                diffv = p.Rv * (p.Rv + 1) * p.Step;
                diffv /= 6;
                tbDiffu.Text = Convert.ToString(diffu);
                tbDiffv.Text = Convert.ToString(diffv);


                // Create directories for averages
                pathpset[0] = pathpics + "\\" + p.Psetname;
                pathpset[1] = pathpics + "\\" + p.Psetname;
                twu = File.CreateText(string.Format("{0}\\Average_u.csv", pathpset[0]));
                twv = File.CreateText(string.Format("{0}\\Average_v.csv", pathpset[1]));

                // Create directories for images
                pathpset[0] += "\\species_u\\";
                pathpset[1] += "\\species_v\\";

            else if (d == DialogResult.Cancel)
예제 #12
        private void MACA_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            frmParameterBox frmp = new frmParameterBox();
            DialogResult d = frmp.ShowDialog();

            if (d == DialogResult.OK)
                // Assign user-defined parameters
                p.Psetname = frmp.Pdata.Psetname;
                p.Ru = frmp.Pdata.Ru;
                p.Rv = frmp.Pdata.Rv;
                p.U0 = frmp.Pdata.U0;
                p.V0 = frmp.Pdata.V0;
                p.A = frmp.Pdata.A;
                p.B = frmp.Pdata.B;
                p.Step = frmp.Pdata.Step;
                p.N = frmp.Pdata.N;
                p.Maxtime = frmp.Pdata.Maxtime;

            // Maximise the main window as default
            this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;

            // Initialise states u, v with parameters p and display them
            su = new State(p);
            sv = new State(p);
            su.Initialise(su, p, 0);
            sv.Initialise(sv, p, 1);

            // Truncatate states probabilistically if using random initial conditions

            Display(su, sv);

            // Initial imaging
            bu = new Bitmap(bitmapsize, bitmapsize); // New image of desired size (user specified)
            bv = new Bitmap(bitmapsize, bitmapsize); // It's scaled acording to the size of p.N
            pictBoxu.Image = bu; // Assign image to picturebox
            pictBoxv.Image = bv;
            fu = new FastBitmapAccess(bu, p);
            fv = new FastBitmapAccess(bv, p);

                // Update display
                DisplayFull(fu, su);
                DisplayFull(fv, sv);

            catch (Exception ex)

            // Update and display diffusion coefficients
            diffu = p.Ru * (p.Ru + 1) * p.Step;
            diffu /= 6;
            diffv = p.Rv * (p.Rv + 1) * p.Step;
            diffv /= 6;
            tbDiffu.Text = Convert.ToString(diffu);
            tbDiffv.Text = Convert.ToString(diffv);

            // Create directories for images
            //  if (p.Psetname == null)
            //    p.Psetname = "Basic Configuration"; // if user hits "cancel" upon opening

            // Create the directory \p.Psetname\ & add the average_u,v.csv files to ti
            pathpset[0] = pathpics + "\\" + p.Psetname;
            pathpset[1] = pathpics + "\\" + p.Psetname;
            twu = File.CreateText(string.Format("{0}\\Average_u.csv", pathpset[0]));
            twv = File.CreateText(string.Format("{0}\\Average_v.csv", pathpset[1]));

            pathpset[0] += "\\species_u\\";
            pathpset[1] += "\\species_v\\";
예제 #13
 // Display a bitmap of given state s
 private void DisplayFull(FastBitmapAccess f, State s)
     f.ManipulateImage(s, (int)(bitmapsize / p.N)); // Draw
예제 #14
        // Basic display
        private void Display(State su, State sv)
            str = null;
            str2 = null;

            // Only display top left corner
            if (p.N < 6)
                for (i = 0; i < p.N; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j < p.N; j++)
                        str += Convert.ToString(Math.Round(su.U[i, j], 2)) + " ";
                        str2 += Convert.ToString(Math.Round(sv.U[i, j], 2)) + " ";
                    str += "\n";
                    str2 += "\n";

                for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                        str += Convert.ToString(Math.Round(su.U[i, j], 2)) + " ";
                        str2 += Convert.ToString(Math.Round(sv.U[i, j], 2)) + " ";
                    str += "\n";
                    str2 += "\n";
            lbtestu.Text = str;
            lbtestv.Text = str2;