public void GoodFileCommaDelimitedUseFieldIndexForReadingDataCharUSEnglish()
            // Arrange

            CsvFileDescription fileDescription_namesUs = new CsvFileDescription
                SeparatorChar = ',',
                IgnoreUnknownColumns = true,
                UseFieldIndexForReadingData = true,
                FirstLineHasColumnNames = false,
                EnforceCsvColumnAttribute = true, // default is false
                FileCultureName = "en-US" // default is the current culture

            string testInput =
            "AAAAAAAA,__,34.184,05/23/08" + Environment.NewLine +
            "BBBBBBBB,__,10.311,05/12/12" + Environment.NewLine +

            var expected = new[] {
                new ProductDataSpecificFieldIndex
                    Name = "AAAAAAAA", Weight = 34.184, StartDate = new DateTime(2008, 5, 23),
                new ProductDataSpecificFieldIndex {
                    Name = "BBBBBBBB", Weight = 10.311, StartDate = new DateTime(2012, 5, 12),
                new ProductDataSpecificFieldIndex {
                    Name = "CCCCCCCC", Weight = 12.000, StartDate = new DateTime(2008, 12, 23),
            AssertRead(testInput, fileDescription_namesUs, expected);
        public void GoodFileNoSeparatorCharUseOutputFormatForParsingUSEnglish()
            // Arrange

            CsvFileDescription fileDescription_namesUs = new CsvFileDescription
                NoSeparatorChar = true,
                UseOutputFormatForParsingCsvValue = true,
                FirstLineHasColumnNames = false,
                EnforceCsvColumnAttribute = true, // default is false
                FileCultureName = "en-US" // default is the current culture

            const string testInput = @"AAAAAAAA34.18405/23/08

            var expected = new[] {
                new ProductDataCharLength
                    Name = "AAAAAAAA", Weight = 34.184, StartDate = new DateTime(2008, 5, 23),
                new ProductDataCharLength {
                    Name = "BBBBBBBB", Weight = 10.311, StartDate = new DateTime(2012, 5, 12), 
                new ProductDataCharLength {
                    Name = "CCCCCCCC", Weight = 12.000, StartDate = new DateTime(2008, 12, 23),

            // Act and Assert

            AssertRead(testInput, fileDescription_namesUs, expected);
        public void GoodFileUsingOutputFormatForParsingDatesCharUSEnglish()
            CsvFileDescription fileDescription_namesUs = new CsvFileDescription
                SeparatorChar = ';',
                FirstLineHasColumnNames = false,
                UseOutputFormatForParsingCsvValue = true,
                EnforceCsvColumnAttribute = true, // default is false
                FileCultureName = "en-US" // default is the current culture

            string testInput =
                "AAAAAAAA;052308" + Environment.NewLine +
                "BBBBBBBB;051212" + Environment.NewLine +

            var expected = new[] {
                new ProductDataParsingOutputFormat
                    Name = "AAAAAAAA", StartDate = new DateTime(2008, 5, 23),
                new ProductDataParsingOutputFormat {
                    Name = "BBBBBBBB", StartDate = new DateTime(2012, 5, 12), 
                new ProductDataParsingOutputFormat {
                    Name = "CCCCCCCC",  StartDate = new DateTime(2008, 12, 23),

            AssertRead(testInput, fileDescription_namesUs, expected);
        public void TestInitialize()
            _description = new CsvFileDescription
                SeparatorChar = ',',
                FirstLineHasColumnNames = true,
                IgnoreUnknownColumns = true,
            _input =
@"Id,Name,Last Name,Age,City
2,Jane,Doe,20,New York
            Expected = new[]
                    new Person
                            Name = "John",
                            LastName = "Doe",
                            Age = 15
                    new Person
                            Name = "Jane",
                            LastName = "Doe",
                            Age = 20
            _stream = _input.GetStreamReader();
            _dataAccess = new FileDataAccess(_stream, _description);
            _reader = _dataAccess.ReadDataPreparation<Person>(null);
            _dataAccess.Row = new DataRow();
        public void GoodFileNoSeparatorCharUSEnglish()
            // Arrange

            CsvFileDescription fileDescription_namesUs = new CsvFileDescription
                NoSeparatorChar = true,
                UseOutputFormatForParsingCsvValue = false,
                FirstLineHasColumnNames = false,
                EnforceCsvColumnAttribute = true, // default is false
                FileCultureName = "en-US" // default is the current culture

            const string testInput = @"AAAAAAAA34.18405/23/08

            var expected = new[] {
                new ProductDataCharLength
                    Name = "AAAAAAAA", Weight = 34.184, StartDate = new DateTime(2008, 5, 23),
                new ProductDataCharLength {
                    Name = "BBBBBBBB", Weight = 10.311, StartDate = new DateTime(2012, 5, 12),
                new ProductDataCharLength {
                    Name = "CCCCCCCC", Weight = 12.000, StartDate = new DateTime(2008, 12, 23),

            // Act and Assert
            FileDataAccess dataAccess = new FileDataAccess(testInput.GetStreamReader(), fileDescription_namesUs);
            RowReader<ProductDataCharLength> reader = dataAccess.ReadDataPreparation<ProductDataCharLength>(null);
            dataAccess.Row = new DataRow();
            FieldMapperReading<ProductDataCharLength> fm = new FieldMapperReading<ProductDataCharLength>(
                fileDescription_namesUs, null, false);
            List<int> charLengths = fm.GetCharLengths();
            Assert.AreEqual(charLengths.Count, 3);
            bool firstRow = true;
            List<ProductDataCharLength> actual=new List<ProductDataCharLength>();
            while (dataAccess.Cs.ReadRow(dataAccess.Row, charLengths))
                if ((dataAccess.Row.Count == 1) && ((dataAccess.Row[0].Value == null)
                    || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataAccess.Row[0].Value.Trim()))))

                bool readingResult = reader.ReadingOneFieldRow(fm, dataAccess.Row, firstRow);

                if (readingResult) { actual.Add(reader.Obj); }
                firstRow = false;
            AssertCollectionsEqual(actual, expected);
        public Task<int> ImportStat(StreamReader reader, CsvFileDescription fileDescriptionNamesUs)
            return Task.Run(() =>
                List<PreciseCoverage4GCsv> csvInfos = new List<PreciseCoverage4GCsv>();
                csvInfos.AddRange(CsvContext.Read<PreciseCoverage4GCsv>(reader, fileDescriptionNamesUs));
                int count = cellStatService.Save(csvInfos);
                return count;

        public void GoodFileCommaDelimitedWithTrailingSeparatorChars()
            // Arrange

            CsvFileDescription fileDescription_namesUs = new CsvFileDescription
                SeparatorChar = ',', // default is ','
                FirstLineHasColumnNames = true,
                EnforceCsvColumnAttribute = false, // default is false
                FileCultureName = "en-US", // default is the current culture
                IgnoreTrailingSeparatorChar = true

            const string testInput = @"Name,        Weight,       StartDate, LaunchTime,               NbrAvailable,Onsale,ShopsAvailable,    Code,  Price,    Description,
            moonbuggy,   34.184,       5/23/08,   5-May-2009 4:11 pm,       1205,        true,  ""Paris, New York"", 1F,    $540.12,  newly launched product,
            ""mouse trap"",45E-5,        1/2/1985,  ""7 August 1988, 0:00 am"", ""4,030"",     FALSE, ""This field has
            a newline"", 100, ""$78,300"", ""This field has quotes(""""), and
            two newlines
            and a quoted """"string""""""
            dog house,    ""45,230,990"",29 Feb 2004, ,                  -56,        True,"""",                  FF10, ""12,008"",";

            var expected = new[] {
                new ProductData {
                    Name = "moonbuggy", Weight = 34.184, StartDate = new DateTime(2008, 5, 23),
                    LaunchTime = new DateTime(2009, 5, 5, 16, 11, 0),
                    NbrAvailable = 1205, Onsale = true, ShopsAvailable = "Paris, New York",
                    HexProductCode = 31, RetailPrice = 540.12M,
                    Description = "newly launched product"
                new ProductData {
                    Name = "mouse trap", Weight = 45E-5, StartDate = new DateTime(1985, 1, 2),
                    LaunchTime = new DateTime(1988, 8, 7, 0, 0, 0),
                    NbrAvailable = 4030, Onsale = false, ShopsAvailable = @"This field has
            a newline", HexProductCode = 256, RetailPrice = 78300M,
                    Description = @"This field has quotes(""), and
            two newlines
            and a quoted ""string"""
                new ProductData {
                    Name = "dog house", Weight = 45230990, StartDate = new DateTime(2004, 2, 29),
                    LaunchTime = default(DateTime),
                    NbrAvailable = -56, Onsale = true, ShopsAvailable = "",
                    HexProductCode = 65296, RetailPrice = 12008M,
                    Description = null

            // Act and Assert

            AssertRead(testInput, fileDescription_namesUs, expected);
예제 #8
        public void TestInitialize()
            _fileDescriptionNamesUs = new CsvFileDescription
                SeparatorChar = '\t',
                IgnoreUnknownColumns = true,
                FirstLineHasColumnNames = true,
                EnforceCsvColumnAttribute = false, // default is false
                FileCultureName = "en-US" // default is the current culture

            _testInput = @"Index	Time	Longitude	Latitude	eNodeBID	SectorID	Cell ID	PCI	RSRP (dBm)	SINR (dB)	PDSCH BLER	WideBand CQI	MCS Average UL /s	MCS Average DL /s	PDCP Throughput DL (bps)	PDCP Throughput UL (bps)	Event	Message Type
            0	13:58:08:359	-9999	-9999	491308	48	49130848	276	-102.18	10.10	9.60	10	17	14	10749096	223680		Inherit Params Set(Event)";
예제 #9
        public void GoodFileCommaDelimitedNamesInFirstLineNLnl()
            // Arrange

            List<ProductData> dataRows_Test = new List<ProductData>
                new ProductData
                    RetailPrice = 4.59M,
                    Name = "Wooden toy",
                    StartDate = new DateTime(2008, 2, 1),
                    NbrAvailable = 67
                new ProductData
                    Onsale = true,
                    Weight = 4.03,
                    ShopsAvailable = "Ashfield",
                    Description = ""
                new ProductData
                    Name = "Metal box",
                    LaunchTime = new DateTime(2009, 11, 5, 4, 50, 0),
                    Description = "Great\nproduct"

            CsvFileDescription fileDescription_namesNl2 = new CsvFileDescription
                SeparatorChar = ',',
                FirstLineHasColumnNames = true,
                EnforceCsvColumnAttribute = false,
                TextEncoding = Encoding.Unicode,
                FileCultureName = "nl-Nl" // default is the current culture

            string expected =
Wooden toy,1-2-2008,01 jan 00:00:00,""000,000"",,0,""€ 4,59"",False,,67,
,1-1-0001,01 jan 00:00:00,""004,030"",Ashfield,0,""€ 0,00"",True,"""",0,
Metal box,1-1-0001,05 nov 04:50:00,""000,000"",,0,""€ 0,00"",False,""Great

            // Act and Assert

            AssertWrite(dataRows_Test, fileDescription_namesNl2, expected);
        public void GoodFileTabDelimitedNoNamesInFirstLineNLnl()
            // Arrange

            CsvFileDescription fileDescription_nonamesNl = new CsvFileDescription
                SeparatorChar = '\t', // tab character
                FirstLineHasColumnNames = false,
                EnforceCsvColumnAttribute = true,
                FileCultureName = "nl-NL" // default is the current culture

            const string testInput = "moonbuggy\t       23/5/08\t   5-Mei-2009 16:11 pm\t   34.184\t  \"Paris, New York\"\t 1F\t    €540,12\t        true\t  newly launched product\n\"mouse trap\"\t        2/1/1985\t  \"7 Augustus 1988\t 0:00\"\t45E-5\t \"This field has\na newline\"\t 100\t \"€78.300\"\t     FALSE\t \"This field has quotes(\"\"), and\r\ntwo newlines\r\nand a quoted \"\"string\"\"\"\r\ndog house\t29 Feb 2004\t \t    \"45.230.990\"\t\"\"\t                  FF10\t \"12.008\"\t        True";
            var expected = new[] {
                new ProductData {
                    Name = "moonbuggy", Weight = 34184, StartDate = new DateTime(2008, 5, 23), 
                    LaunchTime = new DateTime(2009, 5, 5, 16, 11, 0),
                    NbrAvailable = 0, Onsale = true, ShopsAvailable = "Paris, New York", 
                    HexProductCode = 31, RetailPrice = 540.12M,
                    Description = "newly launched product"
                new ProductData {
                    Name = "mouse trap", Weight = 45E-5, StartDate = new DateTime(1985, 1, 2), 
                    LaunchTime = new DateTime(1988, 8, 7, 0, 0, 0),
                    NbrAvailable = 0, Onsale = false, ShopsAvailable = @"This field has
a newline", HexProductCode = 256, RetailPrice = 78300M,
                    Description = @"This field has quotes(""), and
two newlines
and a quoted ""string"""
                new ProductData {
                    Name = "dog house", Weight = 45230990, StartDate = new DateTime(2004, 2, 29), 
                    LaunchTime = default(DateTime),
                    NbrAvailable = 0, Onsale = true, ShopsAvailable = "", 
                    HexProductCode = 65296, RetailPrice = 12008M,
                    Description = null

            // Act and Assert
            AssertRead(Util.NormalizeString(testInput), fileDescription_nonamesNl, expected);
예제 #11
        public Task<int> ImportStat(StreamReader reader, CsvFileDescription fileDescriptionNamesUs)
            return Task.Run(() =>
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < 10*(_approximateTopnsImport + 1); i++)
                    string content = reader.ReadLine();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content))
                        sb.Append(content + "\n");
                string testInput = sb.ToString();
                List<TopDrop2GCellCsv> stats
                    = CsvContext.ReadString<TopDrop2GCellCsv>(testInput, fileDescriptionNamesUs).ToList();
                return _service.ImportStats(stats, _approximateTopnsImport*10, Date);

        public void TestInitialize()
            fileDescription_namesUs = new CsvFileDescription
                SeparatorChar = '\t',
                IgnoreUnknownColumns = true,
                FirstLineHasColumnNames = true,
                EnforceCsvColumnAttribute = false, // default is false
                FileCultureName = "en-US" // default is the current culture

            testInput = @"Index	Time	Longitude	Latitude	eNodeBID	SectorID	PCI	SINR (dB)	RSRP (dBm)	WideBand CQI	MCS Average DL /s	PDCP Throughput DL (bps)	Event	Message Type
            0	16:04:05:328	-9999	-9999	488507	2	278	13.10	-97.75	8	10	13075264		Inherit Params Set(Event)
            1	16:04:05:328	-9999	-9999	488507	2	278	13.10	-97.75	11	10	13075264		LTE LL1 PUCCH CSF log
            2	16:04:05:328	-9999	-9999	488507	2	278	13.10	-97.75	11	10	13075264		LTE ML1 PUSCH power control
            3	16:04:05:328	-9999	-9999	488507	2	278	13.10	-97.75	11	10	13075264		LTE LL1 PCFICH decoding results
            4	16:04:05:328	-9999	-9999	488507	2	278	13.10	-97.75	11	10	13075264	RRC Connection ReconfigurationLTE Handover Request;	LTE ML1 PUCCH power control
            5	16:04:05:328	-9999	-9999	488507	2	278	13.10	-97.75	11	10	13075264		LTE ML1 Uplink PKT build indication
            6	16:04:05:328	-9999	-9999	488507	2	278	19.40	-97.06	11	10	13075264		LTE_Cell_List
            7	16:04:05:390	-9999	-9999	488507	2	278	19.40	-97.06	11	10	13075264		LTE LL1 PSS results
            8	16:04:05:390	-9999	-9999	488507	2	278	19.40	-97.06	11	10	13075264		LTE LL1 SSS results
            9	16:04:05:453	-9999	-9999	488507	2	278	19.40	-97.06	11	10	13075264		LTE ML1 Uplink PKT build indication
            10	16:04:05:531	-9999	-9999	488507	2	278	19.40	-97.06	11	10	13075264		LTE ML1 Uplink PKT build indication
            11	16:04:05:531	114.298796666667	22.6054766666667	488507	2	278	16.20	-95.93	11	10	13075264	FTP Download Connect StartFTP Download Connect Success;	LTE_Cell_List
            12	16:04:05:718	114.298793809524	22.605475	488507	2	278	16.20	-95.93	11	10	13075264	FTP Download Login SuccessFTP Download Reset Support;	LTE ML1 Uplink PKT build indication
            13	16:04:05:781	114.298790952381	22.6054733333333	488507	2	278	16.20	-95.93	11	10	13075264		LTE ML1 Uplink PKT build indication
            14	16:04:05:781	114.298788095238	22.6054716666667	488507	2	278	15.10	-96.68	11	10	13075264		LTE_Cell_List
            15	16:04:05:843	114.298785238095	22.60547	488507	2	278	15.10	-96.68	8	10	13075264		LTE LL1 PUCCH CSF log
            16	16:04:05:843	114.298782380952	22.6054683333333	488507	2	278	15.10	-96.68	8	10	13075264		LTE LL1 PCFICH decoding results
            17	16:04:05:843	114.29877952381	22.6054666666667	488507	2	278	15.10	-96.68	8	10	13075264	FTP Download Send RETR	LTE ML1 Uplink PKT build indication
            18	16:04:05:906	114.298776666667	22.605465	488507	2	278	15.10	-96.68	8	10	13075264		LTE ML1 Uplink PKT build indication
            19	16:04:05:906	114.298773809524	22.6054633333333	488507	2	278	15.10	-96.68	8	10	13075264		LTE LL1 PSS results
            20	16:04:05:906	114.298770952381	22.6054616666667	488507	2	278	15.10	-96.68	8	10	13075264	FTP Download First Data	LTE LL1 SSS results
            21	16:04:05:968	114.298768095238	22.60546	488507	2	278	19.20	-96.93	8	10	13075264		LTE_Cell_List
            22	16:04:06:031	114.298765238095	22.6054583333333	488507	2	278	19.20	-96.93	8	10	13075264		LTE ML1 PUCCH power control
            23	16:04:06:031	114.298762380952	22.6054566666667	488507	2	278	19.20	-96.93	8	10	13075264		LTE ML1 Uplink PKT build indication
            24	16:04:06:031	114.29875952381	22.605455	488507	2	278	19.20	-96.93	8	10	13075264		LTE ML1 PUSCH power control
            25	16:04:06:031	114.298756666667	22.6054533333333	488507	2	278	19.20	-96.93	8	10	13075264		LTE ML1 Uplink PKT build indication";
            originalLogs = CsvContext.ReadString<LogRecord>(testInput, fileDescription_namesUs).ToList();
예제 #13
        public void TestInitialize()
            _description = new CsvFileDescription
                SeparatorChar = ',',
                FirstLineHasColumnNames = true,
                IgnoreUnknownColumns = true,
            _input =
@"Id,Name,Last Name,Age,City

            byte[] stringAsByteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_input);
            Stream stream = new MemoryStream(stringAsByteArray);
            _sr = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8);
            _dataAccess = new FileDataAccess(_sr, _description);
            _cs = new CsvStream(_sr, null, _description.SeparatorChar,
            _row = new DataRow();
            _fm = new FieldMapperReading<Person>(_description, null, false);
            _ae = new AggregatedException(typeof(Person).ToString(), null, _description.MaximumNbrExceptions);
            _reader = new RowReader<Person>(_description, _ae);
예제 #14
 public Task<int> ImportStat(StreamReader reader, CsvFileDescription fileDescriptionNamesUs)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #15
 public ActionResult ExportStat(string fileName)
     IEnumerable<MrsCellDateView> results = RutraceStatContainer.MrsStats;
     if (results == null) { return Redirect("Import"); }
     string absoluFilePath
         = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "uploads/", fileName);
     CsvFileDescription fileDescription = new CsvFileDescription
         SeparatorChar = ',',
         FirstLineHasColumnNames = true,
         EnforceCsvColumnAttribute = true,
         TextEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312")
     CsvContext.Write(results, absoluFilePath, fileDescription);
     return File(new FileStream(absoluFilePath, FileMode.Open),
         "application/octet-stream", Server.UrlEncode(fileName));
예제 #16
 protected void HugelandDescriptionInitialize()
     fileDescription_namesUs = new CsvFileDescription
         SeparatorChar = ',',
         IgnoreUnknownColumns = true,
         FirstLineHasColumnNames = true,
         EnforceCsvColumnAttribute = false, // default is false
         FileCultureName = "en-US" // default is the current culture