예제 #1
        public override void OnRedecorateModule(ConfigNode mksTemplate, bool payForRedecoration)
            Log("OnRedecorateModule called");
            bool   loadConvertersFromTemplate = true;
            string value;
            float  mass;

            //TODO: Play a nice construction sound effect

            //TODO: Reduce the vessel's inventory of the resources required to redecorate.
            //NOTE: Only applies when not in editor mode, and only when payForRedecoration = true.

            //Set the part's mass and cost based upon the template.
            value = mksTemplate.GetValue("mass");
            if (value != null)
                mass           = float.Parse(value);
                moduleMass     = mass;
                this.part.mass = mass;

            //Next, create MKS converters as specified in the template and set their values.
            if (MultiConverter != null)
                loadConvertersFromTemplate = MultiConverter.converters.Count > 0 ? false : true;

                if (loadConvertersFromTemplate)

            //Load non-MKS modules
            //Note: we do some science lab trickery here, so make sure to call this AFTER
            //loading the KolonyConverters.

            //Now setup MKSModule parameters