public RelabelNode(TsurgeonPattern child, string newLabel)
     : base("relabel", new TsurgeonPattern[] { child })
     // Overly complicated pattern to identify regexes surrounded by /,
     // possibly with / escaped inside the regex.
     // The purpose of the [^/]*[^/\\\\] is to match characters that
     // aren't / and to allow escaping of other characters.
     // The purpose of the \\\\/ is to allow escaped / inside the pattern.
     // The purpose of the \\\\\\\\ is to allow escaped \ at the end of
     // the pattern, so you can match, for example, /\\/.  There need to
     // be 8x\ because both java and regexes need escaping, resulting in 4x.
     Java.Util.Regex.Matcher m1 = substPattern.Matcher(newLabel);
     if (m1.Matches())
         mode                   = RelabelNode.RelabelMode.Regex;
         this.labelRegex        = Pattern.Compile(m1.Group(1));
         this.replacementString = m1.Group(2);
         replacementPieces      = new List <string>();
         Java.Util.Regex.Matcher generalMatcher = oneGeneralReplacementPattern.Matcher(m1.Group(2));
         int lastPosition = 0;
         while (generalMatcher.Find())
             if (generalMatcher.Start() > lastPosition)
                 replacementPieces.Add(Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(replacementString, lastPosition, generalMatcher.Start()));
             lastPosition = generalMatcher.End();
             string piece = generalMatcher.Group();
             if (piece.Equals(string.Empty))
         if (lastPosition < replacementString.Length)
             replacementPieces.Add(Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(replacementString, lastPosition));
         this.newLabel = null;
         mode = RelabelNode.RelabelMode.Fixed;
         Java.Util.Regex.Matcher m2 = regexPattern.Matcher(newLabel);
         if (m2.Matches())
             // fixed relabel but surrounded by regex slashes
             string unescapedLabel = m2.Group(1);
             this.newLabel = RemoveEscapeSlashes(unescapedLabel);
             // just a node name to relabel to
             this.newLabel = newLabel;
         this.replacementString = null;
         this.replacementPieces = null;
         this.labelRegex        = null;
 public override object MatchWithResult(string str)
     if (str == null)
     Java.Util.Regex.Matcher m = pattern.Matcher(str);
     if (m.Matches())
예제 #3
 public DescriptionPattern(Relation rel, bool negDesc, string desc, string name, bool useBasicCat, IFunction <string, string> basicCatFunction, IList <Pair <int, string> > variableGroups, bool isLink, string linkedName)
     // what size string matchers to use before switching to regex for
     // disjunction matches
     // todo: conceptually final, but we'd need to rewrite TregexParser
     // to make it so.
     // also conceptually final, but it depends on the child
     // specifies the groups in a regex that are captured as matcher-global string variables
     // for example, /^:$/
     // for example, /^[$]$/
     // for example, /^-NONE-$/
     // for example, /^JJ/
     this.rel        = rel;
     this.negDesc    = negDesc;
     this.isLink     = isLink;
     this.linkedName = linkedName;
     if (desc != null)
         stringDesc = desc;
         // TODO: factor out some of these blocks of code
         if (desc.Equals("__") || desc.Equals("/.*/") || desc.Equals("/^.*$/"))
             descriptionMode = DescriptionPattern.DescriptionMode.Anything;
             descPattern     = null;
             exactMatch      = null;
             stringFilter    = null;
             if (SingleWordPattern.Matcher(desc).Matches())
                 // Expressions are written like this to put special characters
                 // in the tregex matcher, but a regular expression is less
                 // efficient than a simple string match
                 descriptionMode = DescriptionPattern.DescriptionMode.Exact;
                 descPattern     = null;
                 Java.Util.Regex.Matcher matcher = SingleWordPattern.Matcher(desc);
                 string matchedGroup = null;
                 for (int i = 1; i <= matcher.GroupCount(); ++i)
                     if (matcher.Group(i) != null)
                         matchedGroup = matcher.Group(i);
                 exactMatch   = matchedGroup;
                 stringFilter = null;
                 //"DescriptionPattern: converting " + desc + " to " + exactMatch);
                 if (MultiWordPattern.Matcher(desc).Matches())
                     Java.Util.Regex.Matcher matcher = MultiWordPattern.Matcher(desc);
                     string matchedGroup = null;
                     for (int i = 1; i <= matcher.GroupCount(); ++i)
                         if (matcher.Group(i) != null)
                             matchedGroup = matcher.Group(i);
                     matchedGroup = matchedGroup.ReplaceAll("\\\\", string.Empty);
                     if (matchedGroup.Split("[|]").Length > MaxStringMatcherSize)
                         descriptionMode = DescriptionPattern.DescriptionMode.Pattern;
                         descPattern     = Pattern.Compile(Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(desc, 1, desc.Length - 1));
                         exactMatch      = null;
                         stringFilter    = null;
                         //"DescriptionPattern: not converting " + desc);
                         descriptionMode = DescriptionPattern.DescriptionMode.Strings;
                         descPattern     = null;
                         exactMatch      = null;
                         stringFilter    = new ArrayStringFilter(ArrayStringFilter.Mode.Exact, matchedGroup.Split("[|]"));
                     //"DescriptionPattern: converting " + desc + " to " + stringFilter);
                     if (CaseInsensitivePattern.Matcher(desc).Matches())
                         Java.Util.Regex.Matcher matcher = CaseInsensitivePattern.Matcher(desc);
                         string matchedGroup = null;
                         for (int i = 1; i <= matcher.GroupCount(); ++i)
                             if (matcher.Group(i) != null)
                                 matchedGroup = matcher.Group(i);
                         matchedGroup = matchedGroup.ReplaceAll("\\\\", string.Empty);
                         if (matchedGroup.Split("[|]").Length > MaxStringMatcherSize)
                             descriptionMode = DescriptionPattern.DescriptionMode.Pattern;
                             descPattern     = Pattern.Compile(Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(desc, 1, desc.Length - 1));
                             exactMatch      = null;
                             stringFilter    = null;
                             //"DescriptionPattern: not converting " + desc);
                             descriptionMode = DescriptionPattern.DescriptionMode.Strings;
                             descPattern     = null;
                             exactMatch      = null;
                             stringFilter    = new ArrayStringFilter(ArrayStringFilter.Mode.CaseInsensitive, matchedGroup.Split("[|]"));
                         //"DescriptionPattern: converting " + desc + " to " + stringFilter);
                         if (PrefixPattern.Matcher(desc).Matches())
                             Java.Util.Regex.Matcher matcher = PrefixPattern.Matcher(desc);
                             string matchedGroup = null;
                             for (int i = 1; i <= matcher.GroupCount(); ++i)
                                 if (matcher.Group(i) != null)
                                     matchedGroup = matcher.Group(i);
                             if (matchedGroup.Split("\\|").Length > MaxStringMatcherSize)
                                 descriptionMode = DescriptionPattern.DescriptionMode.Pattern;
                                 descPattern     = Pattern.Compile(Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(desc, 1, desc.Length - 1));
                                 exactMatch      = null;
                                 stringFilter    = null;
                                 //"DescriptionPattern: not converting " + desc);
                                 descriptionMode = DescriptionPattern.DescriptionMode.Strings;
                                 descPattern     = null;
                                 exactMatch      = null;
                                 stringFilter    = new ArrayStringFilter(ArrayStringFilter.Mode.Prefix, matchedGroup.Split("[|]"));
                             //"DescriptionPattern: converting " + desc + " to " + stringFilter);
                             if (desc.Matches("/.*/"))
                                 descriptionMode = DescriptionPattern.DescriptionMode.Pattern;
                                 descPattern     = Pattern.Compile(Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(desc, 1, desc.Length - 1));
                                 exactMatch      = null;
                                 stringFilter    = null;
                                 if (desc.IndexOf('|') >= 0)
                                     // patterns which contain ORs are a special case; we either
                                     // promote those to regex match or make a string matcher out
                                     // of them.  for short enough disjunctions, a simple string
                                     // matcher can be more efficient than a regex.
                                     string[] words = desc.Split("[|]");
                                     if (words.Length <= MaxStringMatcherSize)
                                         descriptionMode = DescriptionPattern.DescriptionMode.Strings;
                                         descPattern     = null;
                                         exactMatch      = null;
                                         stringFilter    = new ArrayStringFilter(ArrayStringFilter.Mode.Exact, words);
                                         descriptionMode = DescriptionPattern.DescriptionMode.Pattern;
                                         descPattern     = Pattern.Compile("^(?:" + desc + ")$");
                                         exactMatch      = null;
                                         stringFilter    = null;
                                     // raw description
                                     descriptionMode = DescriptionPattern.DescriptionMode.Exact;
                                     descPattern     = null;
                                     exactMatch      = desc;
                                     stringFilter    = null;
         if (name == null && linkedName == null)
             throw new AssertionError("Illegal description pattern.  Does not describe a node or link/name a variable");
         stringDesc      = " ";
         descriptionMode = null;
         descPattern     = null;
         exactMatch      = null;
         stringFilter    = null;
     } = name;
     this.basicCatFunction = (useBasicCat ? basicCatFunction : null);
     //    System.out.println("Made " + (negDesc ? "negated " : "") + "DescNode with " + desc);
     this.variableGroups = variableGroups;