static void Main(string[] args) { Utility.WriteExeDetails(); Utility.LoadStrings(root); Utility.LoadClientNpcs(root); Utility.LoadItems(root); Utility.LoadSkills(root); Utility.LoadSkillLearns(root); Utility.LoadUltraSkills(root); string outputPath = Path.Combine(root, @".\output"); if (!Directory.Exists(outputPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath); } var outputFile = new SkillData(); var settings = new XmlWriterSettings() { CheckCharacters = false, CloseOutput = false, Indent = true, IndentChars = "\t", NewLineChars = "\n", Encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false) }; #region Pet UltraSkill parsing PetSkillTemplates petTemplates = new PetSkillTemplates(); List <PetSkill> ultraSkills = new List <PetSkill>(); foreach (var ultra in Utility.UltraSkillIndex.UltraSkillList) { PetSkill petSkill = new PetSkill(); petSkill.skill_id = Utility.SkillIndex[ultra.ultra_skill].id; if (String.Compare("Light_Summon_MagmaElemental_G1", ultra.pet_name) == 0) { ultra.pet_name = "Dark_Summon_MagmaElemental_G1"; } else if (String.Compare("Dark_Summon_TempestElemental_G1", ultra.pet_name) == 0) { ultra.pet_name = "Light_Summon_TempestElemental_G1"; } petSkill.pet_id = Utility.ClientNpcIndex[ultra.pet_name]; if (petSkill.pet_id == -1) { petSkill.missing_pet_id = ultra.pet_name; petSkill.pet_id = 0; } ClientSkill skill = Utility.SkillIndex[ultra.order_skill]; if (skill != null) { petSkill.order_skill = Utility.SkillIndex[ultra.order_skill].id; } //else // petSkill.missing_order_skill = ultra.order_skill; ultraSkills.Add(petSkill); } petTemplates.SkillList = ultraSkills.OrderBy(s => s.skill_id).ToList(); try { using (var fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(outputPath, "pet_skills.xml"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(fs, settings)) { XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(PetSkillTemplates)); ser.Serialize(writer, petTemplates); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Print(ex.ToString()); } #endregion /* Old * var skillsetEx = new Dictionary<int, int>() { * { 1566, 1564 }, { 1586, 1564 }, { 2210, 1564 }, { 1574, 1564 }, { 1575, 1564 }, { 1576, 1564 }, * { 1596, 1564 }, { 1564, 1564 }, { 1565, 1564 }, { 1590, 1564 }, * { 1554, 1554 }, { 1588, 1554 }, * { 969, 969 }, { 970, 969 }, { 971, 969 }, { 989, 969 }, { 2181, 969 }, { 1220, 969 }, * { 1221, 969 }, { 1222, 969 }, { 1267, 969 }, { 1318, 969 }, { 1319, 969 }, { 1342, 969 }, * { 2183, 969 }, * { 1105, 1105 }, { 1107, 1105 }, { 1108, 1105 }, { 1187, 1105 }, { 1112, 1105 }, { 1186, 1105 } * }; */ // skillset_exception == client_skills.delay_id (All client skills have delay id but skills on same cooldown/exception list have the same delay id) var skillsetEx2 = new Dictionary <int, int>() { { 1564, 2 }, { 1565, 2 }, { 1566, 2 }, { 1574, 2 }, { 1575, 2 }, { 1586, 2 }, { 1590, 2 }, { 1596, 2 }, { 2210, 2 }, { 1105, 4 }, { 1107, 4 }, { 1108, 4 }, { 1112, 4 }, { 1186, 4 }, { 1187, 4 }, { 969, 5 }, { 970, 5 }, { 971, 5 }, { 989, 5 }, { 1220, 5 }, { 1221, 5 }, { 1222, 5 }, { 1267, 5 }, { 1318, 5 }, { 1319, 5 }, { 1342, 5 }, { 2181, 5 }, { 2183, 5 }, { 540, 6 }, { 1636, 6 }, { 1637, 6 }, { 1685, 6 }, { 1708, 6 }, { 1781, 6 }, { 1782, 6 }, { 1935, 6 }, { 2008, 6 }, { 2062, 6 }, { 2231, 6 }, { 2232, 6 }, { 8345, 6 }, { 173, 7 }, { 524, 7 }, { 1554, 8 }, { 1555, 8 }, { 1556, 8 }, { 1587, 8 }, { 1588, 8 }, { 955, 9 }, { 956, 9 }, { 957, 9 }, { 986, 9 }, { 1230, 9 }, { 2159, 9 }, { 2165, 9 }, { 2178, 9 }, { 559, 175 }, { 582, 175 }, { 851, 175 }, { 858, 175 }, { 948, 175 }, { 646, 2005 }, { 684, 2005 }, { 693, 2005 }, { 694, 2005 }, { 776, 2005 }, { 777, 2005 }, { 786, 2005 }, { 2075, 2005 } }; // Limit skills with same delay_id to a max # of occurances var skillset_maxoccurs = new Dictionary <int, int>() { { 646, 2 }, { 684, 2 }, { 693, 2 }, { 776, 2 }, { 777, 2 }, { 786, 2 }, { 2075, 2 } }; var delayIdOverrides = new Dictionary <int, int>() { { 11885, 11885 }, { 11886, 11885 }, { 11887, 11885 }, { 11888, 11885 }, { 11889, 11885 }, { 11890, 11890 }, { 11891, 11890 }, { 11892, 11890 }, { 11893, 11890 }, { 11894, 11890 } }; // skills which have 0 cast time or cooldown is smaller and which exclude each other var delayIdsForSkills = new Dictionary <int, int>() { { 1178, 1178 }, { 2148, 1178 }, { 1177, 1178 }, { 2147, 1178 } }; #region Finding the chainDelayIdsInclude //Dictionary<int, int> diffDelays = Utility.SkillIndex.SkillList.ToDictionary(s =>, s => s.delay_id); //Dictionary<int, bool> diffCount = diffDelays.Values.GroupBy(x => x).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, g => g.Count() > 1); /* * //test lookups * int skill_id = 2075; //known to have listed exception * int delay_id = 2005; //delay id associated with client skill * * if (diffCount.ContainsKey(delay_id) && diffCount[delay_id]) { * int skill_exception_test = diffDelays[skill_id]; * } */ /* * var diffDelays = Utility.SkillIndex.SkillList.Where(s => s.delay_id > 0 && * s.sub_type == SkillSubType.buff && * s.chain_category_level > 0) * .ToLookup(s => s.delay_id, s => s); * var chainCategories = new Dictionary<string, List<ClientSkill>>(); * * foreach (var group in diffDelays) { * var skills = diffDelays[group.Key]; * string[] chains = skills.Select(s => s.chain_category_priority).Distinct().ToArray(); * string categoryName = chains.Where(s => s != null).FirstOrDefault(); * if (categoryName == null) { * chains = skills.Select(s => s.prechain_skillname).Distinct().ToArray(); * categoryName = chains.Where(s => s != null).FirstOrDefault(); * } * * if (categoryName == null) * continue; * * if (chainCategories.ContainsKey(categoryName)) { * Debug.Print("Different delay id for chain: {0}", categoryName); * chainCategories[categoryName].AddRange(skills.ToList()); * } else { * chainCategories.Add(categoryName, skills.ToList()); * } * } * * chainCategories = chainCategories.Where(pair => pair.Value.Count > 1) * .OrderBy(p => p.Value.First().delay_id) * .ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value); * * // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); * foreach (var pair in chainCategories) { * // sb.AppendFormat("SkillSet by delay: {0}\r\n", pair.Key); * foreach (var skill in pair.Value) { * // string desc = Utility.StringIndex.GetString(skill.desc); * if (skill.casting_delay == 0) { * int dur = 0; * if (skill.effect1_reserved_cond1 == null || * skill.effect1_reserved_cond1_prob2 == 100 && * skill.effect1_reserved_cond1 == "EveryHit") * dur = Math.Max(dur, skill.effect1_remain2); * if (skill.effect2_reserved_cond1 == null || * skill.effect2_reserved_cond1_prob2 == 100 && * skill.effect2_reserved_cond1 == "EveryHit") * dur = Math.Max(dur, skill.effect2_remain2); * if (skill.effect3_reserved_cond1 == null || * skill.effect3_reserved_cond1_prob2 == 100 && * skill.effect3_reserved_cond1 == "EveryHit") * dur = Math.Max(dur, skill.effect3_remain2); * if (skill.effect4_reserved_cond1 == null || * skill.effect4_reserved_cond1_prob2 == 100 && * skill.effect4_reserved_cond1 == "EveryHit") * dur = Math.Max(dur, skill.effect4_remain2); * skill.casting_delay = dur; * } * * if (skill.casting_delay == 0 || skill.casting_delay / 1000 > skill.delay_time / 100) { * sb.AppendFormat("\tSkill: id={0}; name={1}; delayId={2}; r10={3}/{4}/{5}/{6}; delay={7}; cooldown={8}\r\n", *, desc, * skill.delay_id, skill.effect1_reserved10, skill.effect2_reserved10, * skill.effect3_reserved10, skill.effect4_reserved10, * skill.casting_delay, skill.delay_time / 100); * } * } * } */ #endregion Dictionary <ClientSkill, List <ClientEffect> > list = new Dictionary <ClientSkill, List <ClientEffect> >(); Dictionary <string, HashSet <string> > statData = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <string> >(); const EffectType filterEffect = EffectType.None; const Stat filterStat = Stat.None; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //for (var filterEffect = EffectType.None + 1; // filterEffect <= EffectType.XPBoost; filterEffect++) { foreach (var sk in Utility.SkillIndex.SkillList) { var template = new SkillTemplate(); template.skill_id =; = sk.desc; // Check Skill Strings for Name ID template.nameId = Utility.StringIndex[sk.desc.ToUpper()] * 2 + 1; // SKill Name ID is Not in Skill Strings, Check Item Stings if (template.nameId == -1) { template.nameId = Utility.StringIndex[sk.desc.ToUpper()] * 2 + 1; } // SKill Name ID is Not in Item Strings, Check Main Strings if (template.nameId == -1) { template.nameId = Utility.StringIndex[sk.desc.ToUpper()] * 2 + 1; } // SKill Name ID is Not in General Strings, Check UI Strings if (template.nameId == -1) { template.nameId = Utility.StringIndex[sk.desc.ToUpper()] * 2 + 1; } string stack; int level = -1; if (level == -1) { level = Utility.GetSkillLevelFromName(, out stack); } //if (level == -1 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(sk.skillicon_name)) // level = Utility.GetSkillLevelFromName(sk.skillicon_name, out stack); if (level == -1) { level = 1; } template.lvl = level; level = Utility.GetSkillLevelFromName(sk.desc, out stack); template.stack = stack.ToUpper(); // some overides for stack. if ( == 251 || == 258 || == 385) { template.stack = "SKILL_GL_251_258_385"; } template.skilltype = (skillType)sk.type; template.skillsubtype = (skillSubType)sk.sub_type; template.tslot = (TargetSlot)sk.target_slot; template.tslot_level = sk.target_slot_level; template.activation = (activationAttribute)sk.activation_attribute; template.cooldown = sk.delay_time / 100; template.cancel_rate = sk.cancel_rate; if (sk.casting_delay > 0) { template.duration = sk.casting_delay; } template.pvp_duration = sk.pvp_remain_time_ratio; template.chain_skill_prob = sk.chain_skill_prob1 == 0 && sk.chain_skill_prob2 != 0 ? sk.chain_skill_prob2 : 0; //template.dispel_category = sk.dispel_category.ToString().ToUpper(); template.dispel_category = sk.getDispellCategory(); //template.dispel_level = sk.required_dispel_level; //template.delay_id = sk.delay_id; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sk.penalty_skill_succ)) { var penaltySkill = Utility.SkillIndex[sk.penalty_skill_succ]; if (penaltySkill == null) { Debug.Print("Missing penalty skill: {0}", sk.penalty_skill_succ); } else { template.penalty_skill_id =; } } if (sk.change_stance != Stance.none) { template.stance = true; } template.pvp_damage = sk.pvp_damage_ratio; if (sk.first_target != FirstTarget.None) { //template.setproperties = new Properties(); var properties = new Properties(); properties.firsttarget = new FirstTargetProperty(); properties.firsttarget.value = (FirstTargetAttribute)sk.first_target; if (sk.first_target_valid_distance > 0) { properties.firsttargetrange = new FirstTargetRangeProperty(); properties.firsttargetrange.value = sk.first_target_valid_distance; properties.firsttargetrange.valueSpecified = true; } //else if (sk.first_target == FirstTarget.Target) // properties.firsttargetrange = new FirstTargetRangeProperty(); if (sk.target_range != TargetRange.None) { properties.target_range = new TargetRangeProperty(); if (sk.target_range_opt1 != 0) { properties.target_range.distance = sk.target_range_opt1; properties.target_range.distanceSpecified = true; } if (sk.target_maxcount != 0) { properties.target_range.maxcount = sk.target_maxcount; properties.target_range.maxcountSpecified = true; } if (sk.target_range != TargetRange.None) { properties.target_range.value = (TargetRangeAttribute)sk.target_range; } } if (sk.target_relation_restriction != RelationRestriction.None) { properties.targetrelation = new TargetRelationProperty(); properties.targetrelation.value = (TargetRelationAttribute)sk.target_relation_restriction; } if (sk.target_species_restriction != SpeciesRestriction.None) { properties.targetspecies = new TargetSpeciesProperty(); properties.targetspecies.value = (TargetSpeciesAttribute)sk.target_species_restriction; } var importUtil = Utility <ClientSkill> .Instance; List <string> states = new List <string>(); importUtil.Export <string>(sk, "target_valid_status", states); TargetState state = 0; foreach (string s in states) { try { TargetState s1 = (TargetState)Enum.Parse(typeof(TargetState), s, true); state |= s1; } catch (Exception e) { } } //if (state != TargetState.NONE) //{ // states = states.ConvertAll(s => s.ToUpper()); // List<TargetStatusProperty> statusProperties = states.ConvertAll(s => { TargetStatusProperty t = new TargetStatusProperty(); t.value = s; return t; }); // properties.targetstatus = statusProperties; //} if (sk.add_wpn_range) { template.initproperties = new Properties(); template.initproperties.addweaponrange = new AddWeaponRangeProperty(); } template.setproperties = properties; } template.useconditions = new Conditions(); template.startconditions = new Conditions(); template.actions = new Actions(); List <Condition> useList = new List <Condition>(); List <Condition> useEquipmentConditionsList = new List <Condition>(); List <Condition> startList = new List <Condition>(); List <Action> actionList = new List <Action>(); //TargetFlyingCondition targetflyingcondition = null; TargetCondition targetcondition = null; /* * if (sk.target_species_restriction != SpeciesRestriction.None && sk.target_species_restriction != SpeciesRestriction.All) * { * targetcondition = new TargetCondition((FlyingRestriction)sk.target_species_restriction); * startList.Add(targetcondition); * }*/ /* * if (sk.required_leftweapon != LeftWeapon.None) * { * useEquipmentConditionsList.Add(new ArmorCondition(sk.required_leftweapon.ToString().ToUpper())); * } */ // Periodic Actions if (sk.cost_checktime > 0 || sk.cost_toggle > 0) { PeriodicAction periodicAction = new PeriodicAction(); CostType parameter = sk.cost_checktime_parameter; if (parameter == CostType.NONE) { parameter = sk.cost_parameter; } if (parameter == CostType.MP || parameter == CostType.MP_RATIO) { var mpUseAction = new MpUseAction(); periodicAction.checktime = sk.cost_time; mpUseAction.percent = parameter == CostType.MP_RATIO; if (sk.cost_checktime_lv > 0 || sk.cost_checktime > 0) { mpUseAction.value = sk.cost_checktime; = sk.cost_checktime_lv; } else if (sk.cost_toggle_lv > 0 || sk.cost_toggle > 0) { mpUseAction.value = sk.cost_toggle; = sk.cost_toggle_lv; } periodicAction.mpuse = mpUseAction; } else if (parameter == CostType.HP || parameter == CostType.HP_RATIO) { var hpUseAction = new HpUseAction(); periodicAction.checktime = sk.cost_time; hpUseAction.percent = parameter == CostType.HP_RATIO; if (sk.cost_checktime_lv > 0 || sk.cost_checktime > 0) { hpUseAction.value = sk.cost_checktime; = sk.cost_checktime_lv; } else if (sk.cost_toggle_lv > 0 || sk.cost_toggle > 0) { hpUseAction.value = sk.cost_toggle; = sk.cost_toggle_lv; } periodicAction.hpuse = hpUseAction; } //template.periodicactions = periodicAction; } else { // Non Periodic Actions if (sk.cost_parameter != CostType.NONE && sk.cost_checktime == 0) { CostType parameter = sk.cost_checktime_parameter; if (parameter == CostType.NONE) { parameter = sk.cost_parameter; } if (parameter == CostType.MP || parameter == CostType.MP_RATIO) { var mpUseAction = new MpUseAction(); mpUseAction.percent = parameter == CostType.MP_RATIO; if (sk.cost_end > 0 || sk.cost_end_lv > 0) { mpUseAction.value = sk.cost_end; = sk.cost_end_lv; actionList.Add(mpUseAction); } else if (sk.cost_toggle_lv > 0 || sk.cost_toggle > 0) { mpUseAction.value = sk.cost_toggle; = sk.cost_toggle_lv; actionList.Add(mpUseAction); } } else if (parameter == CostType.HP || parameter == CostType.HP_RATIO) { var hpUseAction = new HpUseAction(); hpUseAction.percent = parameter == CostType.HP_RATIO; if (sk.cost_end > 0 || sk.cost_end_lv > 0) { hpUseAction.value = sk.cost_end; = sk.cost_end_lv; actionList.Add(hpUseAction); } else if (sk.cost_toggle_lv > 0 || sk.cost_toggle > 0) { hpUseAction.value = sk.cost_toggle; = sk.cost_toggle_lv; actionList.Add(hpUseAction); } } } } if (sk.cost_end != 0) { startList.Add(new MpCondition(sk.cost_end, sk.cost_end_lv)); } /* * if (sk.required_leftweapon != LeftWeapon.None) * { * startList.Add(new ArmorCondition(sk.required_leftweapon.ToString().ToUpper())); * }*/ if (sk.use_arrow != null && sk.use_arrow != "0") { // 3 arena skills have FX_pow, FX_HIT and weaponbody startList.Add(new ArrowCheckCondition()); } else { if (sk.use_arrow_count != 0) { startList.Add(new ArrowCheckCondition()); } } if (sk.cost_dp > 0) { startList.Add(new DpCondition(sk.cost_dp)); actionList.Add(new DpUseAction(sk.cost_dp, sk.cost_dp_lv)); } /* * string required_weapons = getRequiredWeapons(sk); * if (required_weapons != null) * { * startList.Add(new WeaponCondition(required_weapons)); * } * * // Target Flying Start Condition * FlyRestriction restriction = (FlyRestriction)sk.target_flying_restriction; * if (restriction != FlyRestriction.NONE) * { * if (targetflyingcondition == null) * startList.Add(new TargetFlyingCondition(restriction)); * else * targetflyingcondition.restriction = restriction; * } * * if (sk.chain_category_name != null) * { * ChainCondition chain = new ChainCondition(); * chain.category = sk.chain_category_name.ToUpper(); * * if (sk.prechain_category_name != null) chain.precategory = sk.prechain_category_name.ToUpper(); * if (sk.chain_time != null) chain.time = Int32.Parse(sk.chain_time); * * startList.Add(chain); * } */ // Self Flying Start Condition /* * restriction = (FlyRestriction)sk.self_flying_restriction; * if (restriction != FlyRestriction.NONE) * startList.Add(new SelfCondition(restriction)); * * if (sk.nouse_combat_state == 1) * { * startList.Add(new CombatCheckCondition()); * } */ if (sk.component != null) { Item item = Utility.ItemIndex.GetItem(sk.component); if (item == null) { Debug.Print("Missing item for skill {0}",; } else { actionList.Add(new ItemUseAction(, sk.component_count)); } } if (!sk.move_casting) { useList.Add(new PlayerMovedCondition(false)); } #region Fill conditions and actions // Use Conditions if (useList.Count == 0) { template.useconditions = null; } else { template.useconditions.ConditionList = useList; } // Start Conditions if (startList.Count == 0) { template.startconditions = null; } else { template.startconditions.ConditionList = startList; } // Skill Actions if (actionList.Count == 0) { template.actions = null; } else { template.actions.ActionList = actionList; } #endregion if (skillsetEx2.ContainsKey( { template.skillset_exception = skillsetEx2[]; } /* * if (sk.delay_id != 0) * template.skillset_exception = diffCount.ContainsKey(sk.delay_id) && diffCount[sk.delay_id] == true ? diffDelays[] : 0; */ //if (delayIdsForSkills.ContainsKey( //{ // template.delay_id = delayIdsForSkills[]; //} //else if (delayIdOverrides.ContainsKey( //{ // template.delay_id = delayIdOverrides[]; //} string descrStr = sk.desc_long == null ? sk.desc : sk.desc_long; var desc = Utility.StringIndex.GetStringDescription(descrStr); string desc_2nd; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sk.desc_long_2nd)) { desc_2nd = Utility.StringIndex.GetStringDescription(sk.desc_long_2nd).body; } if (sk.motion_name != ClientMotion.None) { Motion motion = new Motion(); = sk.motion_name != ClientMotion.None ? sk.motion_name.ToString().ToLower() : null; motion.instant_skill = sk.instant_skill != null && sk.instant_skill == "1" ? true : false; motion.speed = sk.motion_play_speed != 0 && sk.motion_play_speed != 100 ? sk.motion_play_speed : 0; template.motion = motion; } #region Effect processing var utility = Utility <ClientSkill> .Instance; List <ClientEffect> effects = new List <ClientEffect>(); utility.Export(sk, "effect", effects); var validEffects = effects.Where(e => e.type != EffectType.None).ToArray(); bool save = validEffects.Where(e => e.type == filterEffect).Any(); // var validEffects = effects.Where(e => e.changeStat != Stat.None).ToArray(); // bool save = validEffects.Where(e => e.changeStat == filterStat).Any(); string text = desc == null ? String.Empty : desc.body; int idx = 0; var vars = (from v in Utility.GetVarStrings(text) let parts = v.Split('.') let parsed = Int32.TryParse(parts[0].Remove(0, 1), out idx) let name = parsed ? parts[1] : v let var = parsed ? parts[2] : String.Empty select new { Id = idx, Data = new StatData(name, var) }) .ToLookup(a => a.Id, a => a); if (save) { sb.Append("\r\n"); sb.AppendFormat("---Skill Id = {0}, Name = '{1}' ---\r\n",, Utility.StringIndex.GetString(sk.desc)); if (desc == null) { sb.AppendFormat("NO DESCRIPTION\r\n"); } else { sb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}\r\n",, desc.body); } if (sk.desc_abnormal != null) { sb.AppendFormat("ABNORMAL: {0}\r\n", Utility.StringIndex.GetString(sk.desc_abnormal)); } } foreach (var eff in validEffects) { EffectClass @class = (EffectClass)eff.type; #region Overrides #endregion Type type = effectsAssembly.GetType(String.Format("{0}.{1}", typeof(Effect).Namespace, @class.ToString())); Effect ourEffect = null; if (save) { sb.AppendFormat("Data for {0}:\r\n", @class); } if (vars.Any()) { if (vars.Contains(idx + 1)) { foreach (var v in vars[idx + 1]) { if (!statData.ContainsKey(v.Data.Name)) { statData.Add(v.Data.Name, new HashSet <string>()); } statData[v.Data.Name].Add(v.Data.Var); if (save) { sb.AppendFormat("\tEffect = {0}, Var = {1}\r\n", v.Data.Name, v.Data.Var); } } } } if (save) { sb.AppendFormat("\tE{0} Reserved: ", eff.e); using (TextWriter wr = new StringWriter(sb)) { ObjectDumper.Write(eff.reserved, wr); sb.Append("\r\n"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(eff.reserved_cond1)) { sb.AppendFormat("\tCondition = {0}, Prob. = ", eff.reserved_cond1); ObjectDumper.Write(eff.reserved_cond1_prob, wr); sb.Append("\r\n"); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(eff.reserved_cond2)) { sb.AppendFormat("\tCondition = {0}, Prob. = ", eff.reserved_cond2); ObjectDumper.Write(eff.reserved_cond2_prob, wr); sb.Append("\r\n"); } } } if (type == null) { string skillName = Utility.StringIndex.GetString(sk.desc); Debug.Print("Effect {0} not handled (skillId={1}; name='{2}')", @class,, skillName); continue; } else { ourEffect = (Effect)Activator.CreateInstance(type); } if (template.effects == null) { template.effects = new Effects();/* * if (sk.skillicon_name != null) * = sk.skillicon_name.EndsWith("_food"); */ } eff.Skill = sk; eff.Template = template; ourEffect.Import(eff, null); template.effects.EffectList.Add(ourEffect); } #endregion //if (template.effects != null && template.effects.EffectList != null) { // if (template.effects.EffectList.Count == 0) // template.effects.EffectList = null; // else if (template.activation != activationAttribute.PASSIVE) { // foreach (var eff in template.effects.EffectList) { // if (eff is DeformEffect || eff is PolymorphEffect || eff is ShapeChangeEffect || // eff is WeaponDualEffect) { // } else // eff.basiclvl = 0; // not used for active skills // } // } //} if (template.effects != null && template.effects.EffectList == null) { template.effects = null; } outputFile.SkillList.Add(template); if (filterEffect != EffectType.None) { string fileName = /*"stat_" + filterStat*/ filterEffect.ToString() + ".txt"; using (var fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(outputPath, fileName), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { using (TextWriter wr = new StreamWriter(fs)) { wr.Write(sb.ToString()); } } } sb.Length = 0; } try { using (var fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(outputPath, "skill_templates.xml"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(fs, settings)) { XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SkillData)); ser.UnknownAttribute += new XmlAttributeEventHandler(OnUnknownAttribute); ser.UnknownElement += new XmlElementEventHandler(OnUnknownElement); ser.Serialize(writer, outputFile); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("Process completed"); Console.Read(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Utility.WriteExeDetails(); Utility.LoadStrings(root); Utility.LoadClientNpcs(root); Utility.LoadItems(root); Utility.LoadSkills(root); Utility.LoadSkillLearns(root); Utility.LoadUltraSkills(root); string outputPath = Path.Combine(root, @".\output"); if (!Directory.Exists(outputPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath); var outputFile = new SkillData(); var settings = new XmlWriterSettings() { CheckCharacters = false, CloseOutput = false, Indent = true, IndentChars = "\t", NewLineChars = "\n", Encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false) }; #region Pet UltraSkill parsing PetSkillTemplates petTemplates = new PetSkillTemplates(); List<PetSkill> ultraSkills = new List<PetSkill>(); foreach (var ultra in Utility.UltraSkillIndex.UltraSkillList) { PetSkill petSkill = new PetSkill(); petSkill.skill_id = Utility.SkillIndex[ultra.ultra_skill].id; if (String.Compare("Light_Summon_MagmaElemental_G1", ultra.pet_name) == 0) ultra.pet_name = "Dark_Summon_MagmaElemental_G1"; else if (String.Compare("Dark_Summon_TempestElemental_G1", ultra.pet_name) == 0) ultra.pet_name = "Light_Summon_TempestElemental_G1"; petSkill.pet_id = Utility.ClientNpcIndex[ultra.pet_name]; if (petSkill.pet_id == -1) { petSkill.missing_pet_id = ultra.pet_name; petSkill.pet_id = 0; } ClientSkill skill = Utility.SkillIndex[ultra.order_skill]; if (skill != null) petSkill.order_skill = Utility.SkillIndex[ultra.order_skill].id; //else // petSkill.missing_order_skill = ultra.order_skill; ultraSkills.Add(petSkill); } petTemplates.SkillList = ultraSkills.OrderBy(s => s.skill_id).ToList(); try { using (var fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(outputPath, "pet_skills.xml"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(fs, settings)) { XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(PetSkillTemplates)); ser.Serialize(writer, petTemplates); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Print(ex.ToString()); } #endregion /* Old var skillsetEx = new Dictionary<int, int>() { { 1566, 1564 }, { 1586, 1564 }, { 2210, 1564 }, { 1574, 1564 }, { 1575, 1564 }, { 1576, 1564 }, { 1596, 1564 }, { 1564, 1564 }, { 1565, 1564 }, { 1590, 1564 }, { 1554, 1554 }, { 1588, 1554 }, { 969, 969 }, { 970, 969 }, { 971, 969 }, { 989, 969 }, { 2181, 969 }, { 1220, 969 }, { 1221, 969 }, { 1222, 969 }, { 1267, 969 }, { 1318, 969 }, { 1319, 969 }, { 1342, 969 }, { 2183, 969 }, { 1105, 1105 }, { 1107, 1105 }, { 1108, 1105 }, { 1187, 1105 }, { 1112, 1105 }, { 1186, 1105 } }; */ // skillset_exception == client_skills.delay_id (All client skills have delay id but skills on same cooldown/exception list have the same delay id) var skillsetEx2 = new Dictionary<int, int>() { {1564, 2}, {1565, 2}, {1566, 2}, {1574, 2}, {1575, 2}, {1586, 2}, {1590, 2}, {1596, 2}, {2210, 2}, {1105, 4}, {1107, 4}, {1108, 4}, {1112, 4}, {1186, 4}, {1187, 4}, {969, 5}, {970, 5}, {971, 5}, {989, 5}, {1220, 5}, {1221, 5}, {1222, 5}, {1267, 5}, {1318, 5}, {1319, 5}, {1342, 5}, {2181, 5}, {2183, 5}, {540, 6}, {1636, 6}, {1637, 6}, {1685, 6}, {1708, 6}, {1781, 6}, {1782, 6}, {1935, 6}, {2008, 6}, {2062, 6}, {2231, 6}, {2232, 6}, {8345, 6}, {173, 7}, {524, 7}, {1554, 8}, {1555, 8}, {1556, 8}, {1587, 8}, {1588, 8}, {955, 9}, {956, 9}, {957, 9}, {986, 9}, {1230, 9}, {2159, 9}, {2165, 9}, {2178, 9}, {559, 175}, {582, 175}, {851, 175}, {858, 175}, {948, 175}, {646, 2005}, {684, 2005}, {693, 2005}, {694, 2005}, {776, 2005}, {777, 2005}, {786, 2005}, {2075, 2005} }; // Limit skills with same delay_id to a max # of occurances var skillset_maxoccurs = new Dictionary<int, int>() { {646, 2}, {684, 2}, {693, 2}, {776, 2}, {777, 2}, {786, 2}, {2075, 2} }; var delayIdOverrides = new Dictionary<int, int>() { {11885, 11885}, {11886, 11885}, {11887, 11885}, {11888, 11885}, {11889, 11885}, {11890, 11890}, {11891, 11890}, {11892, 11890}, {11893, 11890}, {11894, 11890} }; // skills which have 0 cast time or cooldown is smaller and which exclude each other var delayIdsForSkills = new Dictionary<int, int>() { {1178, 1178}, {2148, 1178}, {1177, 1178}, {2147, 1178} }; #region Finding the chainDelayIdsInclude //Dictionary<int, int> diffDelays = Utility.SkillIndex.SkillList.ToDictionary(s =>, s => s.delay_id); //Dictionary<int, bool> diffCount = diffDelays.Values.GroupBy(x => x).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, g => g.Count() > 1); /* //test lookups int skill_id = 2075; //known to have listed exception int delay_id = 2005; //delay id associated with client skill if (diffCount.ContainsKey(delay_id) && diffCount[delay_id]) { int skill_exception_test = diffDelays[skill_id]; } */ /* var diffDelays = Utility.SkillIndex.SkillList.Where(s => s.delay_id > 0 && s.sub_type == SkillSubType.buff && s.chain_category_level > 0) .ToLookup(s => s.delay_id, s => s); var chainCategories = new Dictionary<string, List<ClientSkill>>(); foreach (var group in diffDelays) { var skills = diffDelays[group.Key]; string[] chains = skills.Select(s => s.chain_category_priority).Distinct().ToArray(); string categoryName = chains.Where(s => s != null).FirstOrDefault(); if (categoryName == null) { chains = skills.Select(s => s.prechain_skillname).Distinct().ToArray(); categoryName = chains.Where(s => s != null).FirstOrDefault(); } if (categoryName == null) continue; if (chainCategories.ContainsKey(categoryName)) { Debug.Print("Different delay id for chain: {0}", categoryName); chainCategories[categoryName].AddRange(skills.ToList()); } else { chainCategories.Add(categoryName, skills.ToList()); } } chainCategories = chainCategories.Where(pair => pair.Value.Count > 1) .OrderBy(p => p.Value.First().delay_id) .ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value); // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var pair in chainCategories) { // sb.AppendFormat("SkillSet by delay: {0}\r\n", pair.Key); foreach (var skill in pair.Value) { // string desc = Utility.StringIndex.GetString(skill.desc); if (skill.casting_delay == 0) { int dur = 0; if (skill.effect1_reserved_cond1 == null || skill.effect1_reserved_cond1_prob2 == 100 && skill.effect1_reserved_cond1 == "EveryHit") dur = Math.Max(dur, skill.effect1_remain2); if (skill.effect2_reserved_cond1 == null || skill.effect2_reserved_cond1_prob2 == 100 && skill.effect2_reserved_cond1 == "EveryHit") dur = Math.Max(dur, skill.effect2_remain2); if (skill.effect3_reserved_cond1 == null || skill.effect3_reserved_cond1_prob2 == 100 && skill.effect3_reserved_cond1 == "EveryHit") dur = Math.Max(dur, skill.effect3_remain2); if (skill.effect4_reserved_cond1 == null || skill.effect4_reserved_cond1_prob2 == 100 && skill.effect4_reserved_cond1 == "EveryHit") dur = Math.Max(dur, skill.effect4_remain2); skill.casting_delay = dur; } if (skill.casting_delay == 0 || skill.casting_delay / 1000 > skill.delay_time / 100) { sb.AppendFormat("\tSkill: id={0}; name={1}; delayId={2}; r10={3}/{4}/{5}/{6}; delay={7}; cooldown={8}\r\n",, desc, skill.delay_id, skill.effect1_reserved10, skill.effect2_reserved10, skill.effect3_reserved10, skill.effect4_reserved10, skill.casting_delay, skill.delay_time / 100); } } } */ #endregion Dictionary<ClientSkill, List<ClientEffect>> list = new Dictionary<ClientSkill, List<ClientEffect>>(); Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>> statData = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>>(); const EffectType filterEffect = EffectType.None; const Stat filterStat = Stat.None; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //for (var filterEffect = EffectType.None + 1; // filterEffect <= EffectType.XPBoost; filterEffect++) { foreach (var sk in Utility.SkillIndex.SkillList) { var template = new SkillTemplate(); template.skill_id =; = sk.desc; // Check Skill Strings for Name ID template.nameId = Utility.StringIndex[sk.desc.ToUpper()] * 2 + 1; // SKill Name ID is Not in Skill Strings, Check Item Stings if (template.nameId == -1) { template.nameId = Utility.StringIndex[sk.desc.ToUpper()] * 2 + 1; } // SKill Name ID is Not in Item Strings, Check Main Strings if (template.nameId == -1) { template.nameId = Utility.StringIndex[sk.desc.ToUpper()] * 2 + 1; } // SKill Name ID is Not in General Strings, Check UI Strings if (template.nameId == -1) { template.nameId = Utility.StringIndex[sk.desc.ToUpper()] * 2 + 1; } string stack; int level = -1; if (level == -1) level = Utility.GetSkillLevelFromName(, out stack); //if (level == -1 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(sk.skillicon_name)) // level = Utility.GetSkillLevelFromName(sk.skillicon_name, out stack); if (level == -1) level = 1; template.lvl = level; level = Utility.GetSkillLevelFromName(sk.desc, out stack); template.stack = stack.ToUpper(); // some overides for stack. if ( == 251 || == 258 || == 385) { template.stack = "SKILL_GL_251_258_385"; } template.skilltype = (skillType)sk.type; template.skillsubtype = (skillSubType)sk.sub_type; template.tslot = (TargetSlot)sk.target_slot; template.tslot_level = sk.target_slot_level; template.activation = (activationAttribute)sk.activation_attribute; template.cooldown = sk.delay_time / 100; template.cancel_rate = sk.cancel_rate; if (sk.casting_delay > 0) template.duration = sk.casting_delay; template.pvp_duration = sk.pvp_remain_time_ratio; template.chain_skill_prob = sk.chain_skill_prob1 == 0 && sk.chain_skill_prob2 != 0 ? sk.chain_skill_prob2 : 0; //template.dispel_category = sk.dispel_category.ToString().ToUpper(); template.dispel_category = sk.getDispellCategory(); //template.dispel_level = sk.required_dispel_level; //template.delay_id = sk.delay_id; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sk.penalty_skill_succ)) { var penaltySkill = Utility.SkillIndex[sk.penalty_skill_succ]; if (penaltySkill == null) { Debug.Print("Missing penalty skill: {0}", sk.penalty_skill_succ); } else { template.penalty_skill_id =; } } if (sk.change_stance != Stance.none) template.stance = true; template.pvp_damage = sk.pvp_damage_ratio; if (sk.first_target != FirstTarget.None) { //template.setproperties = new Properties(); var properties = new Properties(); properties.firsttarget = new FirstTargetProperty(); properties.firsttarget.value = (FirstTargetAttribute)sk.first_target; if (sk.first_target_valid_distance > 0) { properties.firsttargetrange = new FirstTargetRangeProperty(); properties.firsttargetrange.value = sk.first_target_valid_distance; properties.firsttargetrange.valueSpecified = true; } //else if (sk.first_target == FirstTarget.Target) // properties.firsttargetrange = new FirstTargetRangeProperty(); if (sk.target_range != TargetRange.None) { properties.target_range = new TargetRangeProperty(); if (sk.target_range_opt1 != 0) { properties.target_range.distance = sk.target_range_opt1; properties.target_range.distanceSpecified = true; } if (sk.target_maxcount != 0) { properties.target_range.maxcount = sk.target_maxcount; properties.target_range.maxcountSpecified = true; } if (sk.target_range != TargetRange.None) { properties.target_range.value = (TargetRangeAttribute)sk.target_range; } } if (sk.target_relation_restriction != RelationRestriction.None) { properties.targetrelation = new TargetRelationProperty(); properties.targetrelation.value = (TargetRelationAttribute)sk.target_relation_restriction; } if (sk.target_species_restriction != SpeciesRestriction.None) { properties.targetspecies = new TargetSpeciesProperty(); properties.targetspecies.value = (TargetSpeciesAttribute)sk.target_species_restriction; } var importUtil = Utility<ClientSkill>.Instance; List<string> states = new List<string>(); importUtil.Export<string>(sk, "target_valid_status", states); TargetState state = 0; foreach (string s in states) { try { TargetState s1 = (TargetState)Enum.Parse(typeof(TargetState), s, true); state |= s1; } catch (Exception e) { } } //if (state != TargetState.NONE) //{ // states = states.ConvertAll(s => s.ToUpper()); // List<TargetStatusProperty> statusProperties = states.ConvertAll(s => { TargetStatusProperty t = new TargetStatusProperty(); t.value = s; return t; }); // properties.targetstatus = statusProperties; //} if (sk.add_wpn_range) { template.initproperties = new Properties(); template.initproperties.addweaponrange = new AddWeaponRangeProperty(); } template.setproperties = properties; } template.useconditions = new Conditions(); template.startconditions = new Conditions(); template.actions = new Actions(); List<Condition> useList = new List<Condition>(); List<Condition> useEquipmentConditionsList = new List<Condition>(); List<Condition> startList = new List<Condition>(); List<Action> actionList = new List<Action>(); //TargetFlyingCondition targetflyingcondition = null; TargetCondition targetcondition = null; /* if (sk.target_species_restriction != SpeciesRestriction.None && sk.target_species_restriction != SpeciesRestriction.All) { targetcondition = new TargetCondition((FlyingRestriction)sk.target_species_restriction); startList.Add(targetcondition); }*/ /* if (sk.required_leftweapon != LeftWeapon.None) { useEquipmentConditionsList.Add(new ArmorCondition(sk.required_leftweapon.ToString().ToUpper())); } */ // Periodic Actions if (sk.cost_checktime > 0 || sk.cost_toggle > 0) { PeriodicAction periodicAction = new PeriodicAction(); CostType parameter = sk.cost_checktime_parameter; if (parameter == CostType.NONE) parameter = sk.cost_parameter; if (parameter == CostType.MP || parameter == CostType.MP_RATIO) { var mpUseAction = new MpUseAction(); periodicAction.checktime = sk.cost_time; mpUseAction.percent = parameter == CostType.MP_RATIO; if (sk.cost_checktime_lv > 0 || sk.cost_checktime > 0) { mpUseAction.value = sk.cost_checktime; = sk.cost_checktime_lv; } else if (sk.cost_toggle_lv > 0 || sk.cost_toggle > 0) { mpUseAction.value = sk.cost_toggle; = sk.cost_toggle_lv; } periodicAction.mpuse = mpUseAction; } else if (parameter == CostType.HP || parameter == CostType.HP_RATIO) { var hpUseAction = new HpUseAction(); periodicAction.checktime = sk.cost_time; hpUseAction.percent = parameter == CostType.HP_RATIO; if (sk.cost_checktime_lv > 0 || sk.cost_checktime > 0) { hpUseAction.value = sk.cost_checktime; = sk.cost_checktime_lv; } else if (sk.cost_toggle_lv > 0 || sk.cost_toggle > 0) { hpUseAction.value = sk.cost_toggle; = sk.cost_toggle_lv; } periodicAction.hpuse = hpUseAction; } //template.periodicactions = periodicAction; } else { // Non Periodic Actions if (sk.cost_parameter != CostType.NONE && sk.cost_checktime == 0) { CostType parameter = sk.cost_checktime_parameter; if (parameter == CostType.NONE) parameter = sk.cost_parameter; if (parameter == CostType.MP || parameter == CostType.MP_RATIO) { var mpUseAction = new MpUseAction(); mpUseAction.percent = parameter == CostType.MP_RATIO; if (sk.cost_end > 0 || sk.cost_end_lv > 0) { mpUseAction.value = sk.cost_end; = sk.cost_end_lv; actionList.Add(mpUseAction); } else if (sk.cost_toggle_lv > 0 || sk.cost_toggle > 0) { mpUseAction.value = sk.cost_toggle; = sk.cost_toggle_lv; actionList.Add(mpUseAction); } } else if (parameter == CostType.HP || parameter == CostType.HP_RATIO) { var hpUseAction = new HpUseAction(); hpUseAction.percent = parameter == CostType.HP_RATIO; if (sk.cost_end > 0 || sk.cost_end_lv > 0) { hpUseAction.value = sk.cost_end; = sk.cost_end_lv; actionList.Add(hpUseAction); } else if (sk.cost_toggle_lv > 0 || sk.cost_toggle > 0) { hpUseAction.value = sk.cost_toggle; = sk.cost_toggle_lv; actionList.Add(hpUseAction); } } } } if (sk.cost_end != 0) { startList.Add(new MpCondition(sk.cost_end, sk.cost_end_lv)); } /* if (sk.required_leftweapon != LeftWeapon.None) { startList.Add(new ArmorCondition(sk.required_leftweapon.ToString().ToUpper())); }*/ if (sk.use_arrow != null && sk.use_arrow != "0") { // 3 arena skills have FX_pow, FX_HIT and weaponbody startList.Add(new ArrowCheckCondition()); } else { if (sk.use_arrow_count != 0) startList.Add(new ArrowCheckCondition()); } if (sk.cost_dp > 0) { startList.Add(new DpCondition(sk.cost_dp)); actionList.Add(new DpUseAction(sk.cost_dp, sk.cost_dp_lv)); } /* string required_weapons = getRequiredWeapons(sk); if (required_weapons != null) { startList.Add(new WeaponCondition(required_weapons)); } // Target Flying Start Condition FlyRestriction restriction = (FlyRestriction)sk.target_flying_restriction; if (restriction != FlyRestriction.NONE) { if (targetflyingcondition == null) startList.Add(new TargetFlyingCondition(restriction)); else targetflyingcondition.restriction = restriction; } if (sk.chain_category_name != null) { ChainCondition chain = new ChainCondition(); chain.category = sk.chain_category_name.ToUpper(); if (sk.prechain_category_name != null) chain.precategory = sk.prechain_category_name.ToUpper(); if (sk.chain_time != null) chain.time = Int32.Parse(sk.chain_time); startList.Add(chain); } */ // Self Flying Start Condition /* restriction = (FlyRestriction)sk.self_flying_restriction; if (restriction != FlyRestriction.NONE) startList.Add(new SelfCondition(restriction)); if (sk.nouse_combat_state == 1) { startList.Add(new CombatCheckCondition()); } */ if (sk.component != null) { Item item = Utility.ItemIndex.GetItem(sk.component); if (item == null) { Debug.Print("Missing item for skill {0}",; } else { actionList.Add(new ItemUseAction(, sk.component_count)); } } if (!sk.move_casting) useList.Add(new PlayerMovedCondition(false)); #region Fill conditions and actions // Use Conditions if (useList.Count == 0) template.useconditions = null; else template.useconditions.ConditionList = useList; // Start Conditions if (startList.Count == 0) template.startconditions = null; else template.startconditions.ConditionList = startList; // Skill Actions if (actionList.Count == 0) template.actions = null; else template.actions.ActionList = actionList; #endregion if (skillsetEx2.ContainsKey( { template.skillset_exception = skillsetEx2[]; } /* if (sk.delay_id != 0) template.skillset_exception = diffCount.ContainsKey(sk.delay_id) && diffCount[sk.delay_id] == true ? diffDelays[] : 0; */ //if (delayIdsForSkills.ContainsKey( //{ // template.delay_id = delayIdsForSkills[]; //} //else if (delayIdOverrides.ContainsKey( //{ // template.delay_id = delayIdOverrides[]; //} string descrStr = sk.desc_long == null ? sk.desc : sk.desc_long; var desc = Utility.StringIndex.GetStringDescription(descrStr); string desc_2nd; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sk.desc_long_2nd)) desc_2nd = Utility.StringIndex.GetStringDescription(sk.desc_long_2nd).body; if (sk.motion_name != ClientMotion.None) { Motion motion = new Motion(); = sk.motion_name != ClientMotion.None ? sk.motion_name.ToString().ToLower() : null; motion.instant_skill = sk.instant_skill != null && sk.instant_skill == "1" ? true : false; motion.speed = sk.motion_play_speed != 0 && sk.motion_play_speed != 100 ? sk.motion_play_speed : 0; template.motion = motion; } #region Effect processing var utility = Utility<ClientSkill>.Instance; List<ClientEffect> effects = new List<ClientEffect>(); utility.Export(sk, "effect", effects); var validEffects = effects.Where(e => e.type != EffectType.None).ToArray(); bool save = validEffects.Where(e => e.type == filterEffect).Any(); // var validEffects = effects.Where(e => e.changeStat != Stat.None).ToArray(); // bool save = validEffects.Where(e => e.changeStat == filterStat).Any(); string text = desc == null ? String.Empty : desc.body; int idx = 0; var vars = (from v in Utility.GetVarStrings(text) let parts = v.Split('.') let parsed = Int32.TryParse(parts[0].Remove(0, 1), out idx) let name = parsed ? parts[1] : v let var = parsed ? parts[2] : String.Empty select new { Id = idx, Data = new StatData(name, var) }) .ToLookup(a => a.Id, a => a); if (save) { sb.Append("\r\n"); sb.AppendFormat("---Skill Id = {0}, Name = '{1}' ---\r\n",, Utility.StringIndex.GetString(sk.desc)); if (desc == null) sb.AppendFormat("NO DESCRIPTION\r\n"); else sb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}\r\n",, desc.body); if (sk.desc_abnormal != null) { sb.AppendFormat("ABNORMAL: {0}\r\n", Utility.StringIndex.GetString(sk.desc_abnormal)); } } foreach (var eff in validEffects) { EffectClass @class = (EffectClass)eff.type; #region Overrides #endregion Type type = effectsAssembly.GetType(String.Format("{0}.{1}", typeof(Effect).Namespace, @class.ToString())); Effect ourEffect = null; if (save) sb.AppendFormat("Data for {0}:\r\n", @class); if (vars.Any()) { if (vars.Contains(idx + 1)) { foreach (var v in vars[idx + 1]) { if (!statData.ContainsKey(v.Data.Name)) statData.Add(v.Data.Name, new HashSet<string>()); statData[v.Data.Name].Add(v.Data.Var); if (save) sb.AppendFormat("\tEffect = {0}, Var = {1}\r\n", v.Data.Name, v.Data.Var); } } } if (save) { sb.AppendFormat("\tE{0} Reserved: ", eff.e); using (TextWriter wr = new StringWriter(sb)) { ObjectDumper.Write(eff.reserved, wr); sb.Append("\r\n"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(eff.reserved_cond1)) { sb.AppendFormat("\tCondition = {0}, Prob. = ", eff.reserved_cond1); ObjectDumper.Write(eff.reserved_cond1_prob, wr); sb.Append("\r\n"); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(eff.reserved_cond2)) { sb.AppendFormat("\tCondition = {0}, Prob. = ", eff.reserved_cond2); ObjectDumper.Write(eff.reserved_cond2_prob, wr); sb.Append("\r\n"); } } } if (type == null) { string skillName = Utility.StringIndex.GetString(sk.desc); Debug.Print("Effect {0} not handled (skillId={1}; name='{2}')", @class,, skillName); continue; } else { ourEffect = (Effect)Activator.CreateInstance(type); } if (template.effects == null) { template.effects = new Effects();/* if (sk.skillicon_name != null) = sk.skillicon_name.EndsWith("_food"); */ } eff.Skill = sk; eff.Template = template; ourEffect.Import(eff, null); template.effects.EffectList.Add(ourEffect); } #endregion //if (template.effects != null && template.effects.EffectList != null) { // if (template.effects.EffectList.Count == 0) // template.effects.EffectList = null; // else if (template.activation != activationAttribute.PASSIVE) { // foreach (var eff in template.effects.EffectList) { // if (eff is DeformEffect || eff is PolymorphEffect || eff is ShapeChangeEffect || // eff is WeaponDualEffect) { // } else // eff.basiclvl = 0; // not used for active skills // } // } //} if (template.effects != null && template.effects.EffectList == null) template.effects = null; outputFile.SkillList.Add(template); if (filterEffect != EffectType.None) { string fileName = /*"stat_" + filterStat*/filterEffect.ToString() + ".txt"; using (var fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(outputPath, fileName), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { using (TextWriter wr = new StreamWriter(fs)) { wr.Write(sb.ToString()); } } } sb.Length = 0; } try { using (var fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(outputPath, "skill_templates.xml"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(fs, settings)) { XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SkillData)); ser.UnknownAttribute += new XmlAttributeEventHandler(OnUnknownAttribute); ser.UnknownElement += new XmlElementEventHandler(OnUnknownElement); ser.Serialize(writer, outputFile); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("Process completed"); Console.Read(); }