예제 #1
 protected void GvYearlyInspection_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // Get the Yearly Schedule Id
     Guid ScheduleId = (Guid)GvYearlyInspection.SelectedDataKey.Value;
     fldScheduleId.Value = Convert.ToString(ScheduleId);
     // Get the Monthly schedule details for the selected Schedule
     Inspection objInspection = new Inspection();
     DataTable dtScheduleDetails = objInspection.GetYearlyInspectionDetailsById(ScheduleId);
     DataTable dtOfficeDetails = new Inspection().GetMonthlyInspectionScheduleByDetailScheduleId(ScheduleId);
     string officeNames = "";
     // Get the selected Offices
     if (dtScheduleDetails.Rows.Count > 0)
         foreach (DataRow drScheduleDetail in dtScheduleDetails.Rows)
             officeNames = "";
             DataRow[] drOfficeDetail = dtOfficeDetails.Select("DetailScheduleId='" + drScheduleDetail["DetailScheduleId"].ToString() + "'");
             for (int i = 0; i < drOfficeDetail.Length; i++)
                 officeNames += Convert.ToString(drOfficeDetail[i]["OfficeName"]) + ", ";
             // Remove the coma at the end of the string
             if (officeNames.Length > 2)
                 officeNames = officeNames.Substring(0, officeNames.Length - 2);
             drScheduleDetail["OfficeName"] = officeNames;
         GvInspectionDetails.DataSource = dtScheduleDetails;
     //DropDownList ddlInspectionMonth = ((DropDownList)FvInspectionIternary.FindControl("ddlMonth" + Mode));
    protected void FvYearlySchedule_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (FvYearlySchedule.CurrentMode == FormViewMode.Edit)
            // Get the Yearly Schedule Id
            Guid ScheduleId = (Guid)GvYearlyInspection.SelectedDataKey.Values["ScheduleId"];
            // Get the Monthly schedule details for the selected Schedule
            Inspection objInspection = new Inspection();
            DataTable dtScheduleDetails = objInspection.GetYearlyInspectionDetailsById(ScheduleId);
            DataTable dtOfficeDetails = new Inspection().GetMonthlyInspectionScheduleByDetailScheduleId(ScheduleId);
            string officeNames = "";
            // Get the selected Offices
            if (dtScheduleDetails.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow drScheduleDetail in dtScheduleDetails.Rows)
                    officeNames = "";
                    DataRow[] drOfficeDetail = dtOfficeDetails.Select("DetailScheduleId='" + drScheduleDetail["DetailScheduleId"].ToString() + "'");
                    for (int i = 0; i < drOfficeDetail.Length; i++)
                        officeNames += Convert.ToString(drOfficeDetail[i]["OfficeName"]) + ", ";
                    // Remove the coma at the end of the string
                    if (officeNames.Length > 2)
                        officeNames = officeNames.Substring(0, officeNames.Length - 2);
                    drScheduleDetail["OfficeName"] = officeNames;

                ViewState["ScheduleDetails"] = dtScheduleDetails;
                ViewState["SelectedOffices"] = dtOfficeDetails;

                GridView grd = (GridView)FvYearlySchedule.FindControl("GvInspectionDetailsUpd");
                grd.DataSource = dtScheduleDetails;
                grd.SelectedIndex = -1;