public void ProcessMessageTest() { // setup the client configurations TcpSendEndpoint sendEndpoint = new TcpSendEndpoint(); TcpSendOptions options = new TcpSendOptions(); options.Endpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 6789); sendEndpoint.Initialize(null, options); // start a tcp listener TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 6789)); listener.Start(); // start the enpoint for processing sendEndpoint.StartProcessing(); // send messages byte[] data = { 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41 }; sendEndpoint.ProcessMessage(null, data); // AAAA // assert listener for receive of messages var socket = listener.AcceptSocket(); byte[] readData = new byte[8]; Assert.AreEqual(8, socket.Receive(readData, 0, 8, SocketFlags.None)); // close the client sendEndpoint.StopProcessing(); // close the server listener.Stop(); // assert data is valid byte[] expectedData = { TcpSendOptions.SOH, TcpSendOptions.STX, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, TcpSendOptions.ETX, TcpSendOptions.EOT }; Assert.IsTrue(expectedData.SequenceEqual(readData)); }
private Application CreateHl7Application(ApplicationHost pipelineManager) { Application application = new Application(); // Endpoints { var receiveEndoint = new TcpReceiveEndpoint(); TcpReceieveOptions options = new TcpReceieveOptions { Endpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 5678) }; options.SohDelimiters = new byte[0]; options.EotDelimiters = new byte[0]; receiveEndoint.Initialize(_applicationHost, options); Port port = new Port { Endpoint = receiveEndoint }; port.Assembers.Add(new Hl7Disassembler()); application.Ports.Add(port); } { var sendEndpoint = new TcpSendEndpoint(); TcpSendOptions options = new TcpSendOptions() { Endpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 8756) }; options.SohDelimiters = new byte[0]; options.EotDelimiters = new byte[0]; sendEndpoint.Initialize(_applicationHost, options); Port port = new Port { Endpoint = sendEndpoint }; port.Assembers.Add(new Hl7Assembler()); application.Ports.Add(port); } { var fileEndpoint = new FileWriterEndpoint("service-output.txt", true, Encoding.UTF8, false); fileEndpoint.Initialize(_applicationHost, null); Port port = new Port { Endpoint = fileEndpoint }; application.Ports.Add(port); } // Channels Channel channel = new Channel(); channel.Source = new Source(); application.Channels.Add(channel); { // This destination will transform the message Destination destination = new Destination(); destination.Filters.Add(new DelegateFilter((src, message) => true)); destination.Transformers.Add(new DelegateTransformer(TransformerTest)); destination.Transformers.Add(new JavaScriptTransformer() { Script = @" if(msg['MSH']['MSH.8'] != null) delete msg['MSH']['MSH.8']; msg['MSH']['MSH.2'] = 'TEST'; " }); channel.Destinations.Add(destination); } return application; }