예제 #1
        private bool CompareObjects(object lhObj, object rhObj)
            if (lhObj == null && rhObj == null)

            if (lhObj == null || rhObj == null)

            Type lhObjType = lhObj.GetType();
            Type rhObjType = rhObj.GetType();

            //both objects have same circular reference
            if (lhsObjectHashTable[lhObj] != null && rhsObjectHashTable[rhObj] != null)
            // one object has circular ref, so not equal
            else if (lhsObjectHashTable[lhObj] != null || rhsObjectHashTable[rhObj] != null)

            DataContract lhDataContract = DataContract.GetDataContract(lhObjType);
            DataContract rhDataContract = DataContract.GetDataContract(rhObjType);

            //if either type is not serializable or DC, then above GetDataContract would throw
            //so both DataContracts are not null now
            if (!lhDataContract.Equals(rhDataContract))

            //lhDataContract and rhDataContract have same qname now (that's the Equals compare
            //enum, primitive, string and decimal can be compared by .Equals, note decimal is not a primitive
            //in this case, lhObjType should be equal to rhObjType
            if (lhObjType.IsEnum || lhObjType == typeof(Decimal) || lhObjType.IsPrimitive || lhObj is string)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(lhObjType == rhObjType, "types must be same for the compared objects when they are enum/primitive/string/decimal", string.Format("left type is {0}, right type is {1}", lhObjType, rhObjType));
            else if (lhObjType.IsArray && rhObjType.IsArray)
                Array lhArray = (Array)lhObj;
                Array rhArray = (Array)rhObj;

                if (lhArray.Length != rhArray.Length)

                //indeces and bounds of the array to be compared
                //indeces is the current position
                Array indeces = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(int), lhArray.Rank);

                //bounds is the upper bounds of the array
                Array bounds           = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(int), lhArray.Rank);
                int   arrayTotalLength = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < indeces.Length; i++)
                    indeces.SetValue(0, i);
                    bounds.SetValue(lhArray.GetLength(i), i);
                    if (i == 0)
                        arrayTotalLength = lhArray.GetLength(0);
                        arrayTotalLength *= (int)lhArray.GetLength(i);

                int  index  = 0;
                bool notEnd = true;

                //UNDONE: only need one condition, use both to double check here
                while (index < arrayTotalLength && notEnd)
                    if (!this.CompareObjects(lhArray.GetValue((int[])indeces), rhArray.GetValue((int[])indeces)))

                    //increase array indeces to the next element in the array
                    //always increment from the highest dimension
                    notEnd = this.IncIndex((int[])indeces, (int[])bounds, indeces.Length - 1);

                lhsObjectHashTable.Add(lhObj, lhObj);
                rhsObjectHashTable.Add(rhObj, rhObj);

                ClassDataContract lhClassDataContract = lhDataContract as ClassDataContract;
                ClassDataContract rhClassDataContract = rhDataContract as ClassDataContract;

                if (rhClassDataContract == null || lhClassDataContract == null)
                    throw new Exception("type mismatch! not both are class/struct");

                return(CompareDM(lhObj, lhClassDataContract, rhObj, rhClassDataContract));