예제 #1
        internal Dictionary <int, PostArtifact> getDBPostArtifacts(string post_ids)
            Dictionary <int, PostArtifact> postArtifacts = new Dictionary <int, PostArtifact>();

            using (SQLiteConnection dbConn = new SQLiteConnection(dbPath))
                string sql = @"select p.Id, p.PubDate, p.ModDate, max(c.CommentDate) from Post as P 
                                left outer join Comments as c on p.Id = c.PostId where p.Id IN (?) group by p.Id;";

                using (var statement = dbConn.Prepare(sql))
                    statement.Bind(1, post_ids);

                    while (statement.Step() == SQLiteResult.ROW)
                        PostArtifact pf = new PostArtifact();
                        pf.PostID  = (int)((long)statement[0]);
                        pf.PubDate = DateTime.Parse(statement[1].ToString());
                        pf.ModDate = DateTime.Parse(statement[2].ToString());

                            pf.CommentDate = DateTime.Parse(statement[3].ToString());
                            pf.CommentDate = new DateTime(2011, 11, 4);

                        postArtifacts.Add(pf.PostID, pf);

예제 #2
        internal async Task <int> fetchPostArtifacts()
            // Hanu Epoch time.
            DateTime lastSyncTime = new DateTime(2011, 11, 4);
            DateTime now          = DateTime.Now;
            string   post_id_list = "";

            var localSettings = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;

            if (localSettings.Values["LastSyncTime"] != null)
                // This is not the first use.
                lastSyncTime = DateTime.Parse(localSettings.Values["LastSyncTime"].ToString());

            var iid = localSettings.Values["InstanceID"];

            TimeSpan interval = now.Subtract(lastSyncTime);

            if (interval.Minutes < 5)

            // It has been more than 5 min since we checked, so we can check again.
            var syncData = new JObject();

            if (localSettings.Values["SyncCategory"] != null)
                syncData.Add("category", localSettings.Values["SyncCategory"].ToString());

            if (localSettings.Values["SyncTags"] != null)
                syncData.Add("tag", localSettings.Values["SyncTags"].ToString());

            string sync_params = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(syncData);

            using (HttpClient hc = new HttpClient())
                String url     = HanuDowsApplication.getInstance().BlogURL + "/wp-content/plugins/hanu-droid/PostArtifacts.php";
                Uri    address = new Uri(url);

                var values = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>("modified_time", lastSyncTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")),
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>("iid", iid.ToString()),
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>("sync_params", sync_params)

                HttpFormUrlEncodedContent postContent = new HttpFormUrlEncodedContent(values);
                HttpResponseMessage       response    = await hc.PostAsync(address, postContent).AsTask();

                string response_text = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Parse(response_text);
                foreach (XElement post_artifact in xdoc.Root.Elements("PostArtifcatData"))
                    PostArtifact pf = new PostArtifact();
                    pf.PostID  = (int)post_artifact.Attribute("Id");
                    pf.PubDate = DateTime.Parse(post_artifact.Attribute("PublishDate").Value);
                    pf.ModDate = DateTime.Parse(post_artifact.Attribute("ModifiedDate").Value);

                    // Sometimes comment date may not be available.
                        pf.CommentDate = DateTime.Parse(post_artifact.Attribute("CommentDate").Value);
                        pf.CommentDate = new DateTime(2011, 11, 4);

                    post_id_list += pf.PostID + ",";

            // Get DB Artifacts now
            post_id_list = post_id_list.TrimEnd(',');
            Dictionary <int, PostArtifact> dbPostArtifacts = DBHelper.getInstance().getDBPostArtifacts(post_id_list);;

            // Filter Artifacts now
            PostArtifact dbArtifact;

            foreach (PostArtifact pf in _postArtifacts.ToList())
                dbPostArtifacts.TryGetValue(pf.PostID, out dbArtifact);
                if (dbArtifact != null)
                    // See if DB artifact is older or not
                    if (pf.PubDate.CompareTo(dbArtifact.PubDate) >= 0 ||
                        pf.ModDate.CompareTo(dbArtifact.ModDate) >= 0 ||
                        pf.CommentDate.CompareTo(dbArtifact.CommentDate) >= 0)
                        // Keep this
                        // Remove this
