public void DelData() { string idlist = Parameters["pparm"]; OEExamPaperBiz biz = new OEExamPaperBiz(); ErrorEntity ErrInfo = new ErrorEntity(); biz.Delete(idlist, out ErrInfo); Response.Write(ErrInfo.ToJson()); }
public void GetGridData() { string _searchcontent = ""; string _sortname = ""; string _sortdirection = ""; string _pagenumber = ""; string _pagesize = ""; _searchcontent = Parameters["psearchcontent"]; _sortname = Parameters["psortname"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_sortname)) { sSortName = _sortname; } _sortdirection = Parameters["psortdirection"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_sortdirection)) { sSortDirection = _sortdirection; } _pagenumber = Parameters["ppagenumber"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_pagenumber)) { sPageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(_pagenumber); } _pagesize = Parameters["ppagesize"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_pagesize)) { sPageSize = Convert.ToInt32(_pagesize); } List<OEExamPaper> lists = new List<OEExamPaper>(); OEExamPaperBiz biz = new OEExamPaperBiz(); string _searchtext = _searchcontent; string _contentclassid = Parameters["pcontentclassid"]; string wheresql = "(FContentClassId = " + _contentclassid + ")"; wheresql += " and ((FPaperStatus = '1') or ((FPaperStatus = '2') and (AUserId = " + userid + ")))"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_searchtext)) { //difine wheresql //for example:wheresql = " (FDepartmentName like '%" + _searchtext + "%') or (FDepartmentCode like '%" + _searchtext + "%')"; wheresql += " and (FPaperName like '%" + _searchtext + "%')"; } NameValueCollection where = new NameValueCollection(); where.Add("condition", wheresql); NameValueCollection orderby = new NameValueCollection(); orderby.Add(_sortname, _sortdirection); Int32 totalcount = 0; lists = biz.Select(where, orderby, Convert.ToInt32(sPageIndex), Convert.ToInt32(sPageSize), out totalcount); //设置操作动作 for (int i = 0; i < lists.Count; i++) { string _operation = ""; if (lists[0].AUserId == Convert.ToInt64(userid)) { _operation = "<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='editpaper(" + lists[i].FPaperId.ToString() + ")'>更改设定</a>"; if (lists[i].FPaperStatus == "1") { _operation += " <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='setprivate(" + lists[i].FPaperId.ToString() + ")'>设为保密</a>"; } else { _operation += " <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='setpublic(" + lists[i].FPaperId.ToString() + ")'>设为公开</a>"; } } else { _operation = "<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='viewpaper(" + lists[i].FPaperId.ToString() + ")'>查看设定</a>"; } lists[i].FOperation = _operation; } string datasource = Utils.GetRepeaterDatasource(lists, sPageIndex, sPageSize, totalcount); Response.Write(datasource); }
public void SetPaperPublic() { string _paperid = Parameters["ppaperid"]; OEExamPaperBiz biz = new OEExamPaperBiz(); NameValueCollection par = new NameValueCollection(); par.Add("FPaperStatus", "1"); NameValueCollection where = new NameValueCollection(); where.Add("FPaperId", _paperid); ErrorEntity ErrInfo = new ErrorEntity(); biz.Update(par, where, out ErrInfo); Response.Write(ErrInfo.ToJson()); }
public void GetDetailSet() { string _paperid = Parameters["ppaperid"]; OEPaperDetailSetBiz biz = new OEPaperDetailSetBiz(); List<OEPaperDetailSet> lists = new List<OEPaperDetailSet>(); lists = biz.Select(_paperid); //获取paper关于在线模式的设定 OEExamPaper item = new OEExamPaper(); OEExamPaperBiz pbiz = new OEExamPaperBiz(); item = pbiz.Select(_paperid); string _operation = ""; for (int i = 0; i < lists.Count; i++) { _operation = "<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='adjugedifficulty(" + _paperid + "," + lists[i].FDetailSetId.ToString() + ")'>调整难度等级</a>"; if (item.FExamType == "0") { _operation += " <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='setquestion(" + _paperid + "," + lists[i].FDetailSetId.ToString() + ")'>指定题目</a>"; } else { _operation += " <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='setchoosen(" + _paperid + "," + lists[i].FDetailSetId.ToString() + ")'>设置备选题目</a>"; } lists[i].FOperation = _operation; } Response.Write(Utils.ConvertToJson(lists)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { string _paperid = Parameters["pid"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_paperid)) { gsitem = new OEExamPaper(); gsitem.FPaperTotal = 100; gsitem.FPassScore = 60; gsitem.FExamTime = 120; gsitem.FExamType = "0"; gsitem.FPaperExtractWay = "0"; gsitem.FChooseItemWay = "0"; gsitem.FExamAgain = "0"; } else { OEExamPaperBiz biz = new OEExamPaperBiz(); gsitem = biz.Select(_paperid); } } }
public void SavePage1() { string _paperid = Parameters["ppaperid"]; string _pagename = Parameters["ppagename"]; string _contentclassid = Parameters["pcontentclassid"]; string _total = Parameters["ptotal"]; string _examtype = Parameters["pexamtype"]; string _extractway = Parameters["pextractway"]; string _chooseitemway = Parameters["pchooseitemway"]; string _examtime = Parameters["pexamtime"]; string _papercontent = Parameters["ppapercontent"]; string _examagain = Parameters["pexamagain"]; string _passscore = Parameters["ppassscore"]; OEExamPaper item = new OEExamPaper(); item.FChooseItemWay = _chooseitemway; item.FContentClassId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(_contentclassid) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(_contentclassid); item.FExamAgain = _examagain; item.FExamTime = string.IsNullOrEmpty(_examtime) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(_examtime); item.FExamType = _examtype; item.FPaperContent = _papercontent; item.FPaperExtractWay = _extractway; item.FPaperId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(_paperid) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(_paperid); item.FPaperName = _pagename; item.FPaperTotal = string.IsNullOrEmpty(_total) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(_total); item.FPassScore = string.IsNullOrEmpty(_passscore) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(_passscore); item.AUserId = Convert.ToInt64(userid); OEExamPaperBiz biz = new OEExamPaperBiz(); ErrorEntity ErrInfo = new ErrorEntity(); if (item.FPaperId == 0) { item.FPaperStatus = "2"; Int64 result = biz.Insert(item, out ErrInfo); if (ErrInfo.ErrorCode == RespCode.Success) { ErrInfo.ErrorMessage = result.ToString(); } } else { item.FPaperTime = DateTime.Today; biz.Update(item, out ErrInfo); if (ErrInfo.ErrorCode == RespCode.Success) { ErrInfo.ErrorMessage = item.FPaperId.ToString(); } } Response.Write(ErrInfo.ToJson()); }
public void SaveInfo2() { string _banklist = Parameters["pbanklist"]; string _ratelist = Parameters["pratelist"]; string _typelist = Parameters["ptypelist"]; string _numlist = Parameters["pnumlist"]; string _scorelist = Parameters["pscorelist"]; string _paperid = Parameters["ppaperid"]; string[] bankarray; string[] ratearray; string[] typearray; string[] numarray; string[] scorearray; bankarray = _banklist.Split(','); ratearray = _ratelist.Split(','); typearray = _typelist.Split(','); numarray = _numlist.Split(','); scorearray = _scorelist.Split(','); OECombineBankBiz bbiz = new OECombineBankBiz(); ErrorEntity ErrInfo = new ErrorEntity(); //check total rate ?= 100 int _rate = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ratearray.Length; i++) { _rate += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ratearray[i]) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(ratearray[i]); } if (_rate != 100) { ErrInfo = new ErrorEntity("EP020001", "题库分配比例不等于100%,请检查相关设定!"); Response.Write(ErrInfo.ToJson()); return; } //check all type of question's totalscore ?= papertotal OEExamPaperBiz pbiz = new OEExamPaperBiz(); OEExamPaper pitem = new OEExamPaper(); pitem = pbiz.Select(_paperid); if(pitem == null) { ErrInfo = new ErrorEntity("EP020002","试卷基本信息尚未设定,请先设定基本信息!"); Response.Write(ErrInfo.ToJson()); return; } decimal papertotal = pitem.FPaperTotal; decimal _scoretotal = 0; for (int i = 0; i < scorearray.Length; i++) { _scoretotal += ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(scorearray[i]) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(scorearray[i])) * (string.IsNullOrEmpty(numarray[i]) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(numarray[i]))); } if (_scoretotal != papertotal) { ErrInfo = new ErrorEntity("EP020003", "各题型的得分设定不等于试卷总分,请检查相关设定!"); Response.Write(ErrInfo.ToJson()); return; } //delete old choosebank NameValueCollection where = new NameValueCollection(); where.Add("FPaperId", _paperid); bbiz.Delete(where, out ErrInfo); //delete od question type OECombineTypeBiz tbiz = new OECombineTypeBiz(); tbiz.Delete(where, out ErrInfo); //insert new choosebank for (int i = 0; i < bankarray.Length;i++ ) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bankarray[i])) { OECombineBank item = new OECombineBank(); item.FPaperId = Convert.ToInt64(_paperid); item.FQBankId = Convert.ToInt64(bankarray[i]); item.FQBnakRate = Convert.ToDecimal(ratearray[i]); bbiz.Insert(item, out ErrInfo); } } //insert new question type for (int i = 0; i < typearray.Length; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typearray[i])) { OECombineType item = new OECombineType(); item.FPaperId = Convert.ToInt64(_paperid); item.FQuestionType = typearray[i]; item.FQuestionNum = Convert.ToInt32(numarray[i]); item.FQuestionScore = Convert.ToDecimal(scorearray[i]); tbiz.Insert(item, out ErrInfo); } } //delete old paperdetailset OEPaperDetailSetBiz dbiz = new OEPaperDetailSetBiz(); dbiz.Delete(_paperid, out ErrInfo); //insert new paperdetailset int j = 1; for (int i = 0; i < typearray.Length; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typearray[i])) { for (int m = 1; m <= Convert.ToInt32(numarray[i]); m++) { OEPaperDetailSet item = new OEPaperDetailSet(); item.FPaperId = Convert.ToInt64(_paperid); item.FDetailSetId = j; item.FQuestionType = typearray[i]; item.FDifficulty = "0"; item.FScore = Convert.ToDecimal(scorearray[i]); dbiz.Insert(item, out ErrInfo); //检测备选题型不符合,将删除备选题目设定 List<OEChooseQuestion> choosequestion = new List<OEChooseQuestion>(); OEChooseQuestionBiz cqbiz = new OEChooseQuestionBiz(); NameValueCollection cqwhere = new NameValueCollection(); cqwhere.Add("FPaperId", _paperid); cqwhere.Add("FDetailId", j.ToString()); choosequestion = cqbiz.Select(cqwhere); if (choosequestion.Count > 0) { if (choosequestion[0].FQuestionType != item.FQuestionType) { cqbiz.Delete(cqwhere, out ErrInfo); } } j++; } } } Response.Write(ErrInfo.ToJson()); }