예제 #1
파일: Tile.cs 프로젝트: JohnAkerman/Graven
        public void updateLighting(ref Tile[, ,] tiles, float addedDark = -1)
            if (this.tileType == TileType.Empty || this.tileType == TileType.Tree)
               lightValue = 1.0f;

            if (lightingHits > 4)

            if (addedDark != -1)
                this.lightValue += addedDark;


            //   if (tileY > 0 && this.tileType == TileType.Empty)
           //         tiles[1, tileY - 1, tileX].updateLighting(ref tiles, lightValue / divierAmount);

            if (tileY+1 < totalHeight)
                tiles[1, tileY + 1, tileX].updateLighting(ref tiles, lightValue / divierAmount);

        //    if (tileX > 0)
        //        tiles[1, tileY, tileX - 1].updateLighting(ref tiles, lightValue / divierAmount);

            if (tileX+1 < totalWidth)
                tiles[1, tileY, tileX + 1].updateLighting(ref tiles, lightValue / divierAmount);

          //  if (tileX > 0 && tileY > 0)
          //      tiles[1, tileY - 1, tileX - 1].updateLighting(ref tiles, lightValue / divierAmount);

            if (tileX+1 < totalWidth && tileY+1 < totalHeight)
                tiles[1, tileY + 1, tileX + 1].updateLighting(ref tiles, lightValue / divierAmount);
        public void updateTile(ref Tile[,,] tiles, float elapsedTime, Vector2 camPos)
            if (checkDestructable() == false) return;
            tileX = getTileCoords("X");
            tileY = getTileCoords("Y");

            if (this.tileType != TileType.Sand) return;

            if ((elapsedTime - lastUpdate) < this.updateTime) { return; }
            lastUpdate = elapsedTime;

            if (moveNext)
                tiles[1, tileY + 1, tileX].tileType = TileType.Sand;
                tiles[1, tileY, tileX].tileType = TileType.Empty;
                calculateOrientation(ref tiles);
                moveNext = false;

            if (tileY <= 37)
                if (tiles[1, tileY + 1, tileX].tileType == TileType.Empty)
                    moveNext = true;
                    moveNext = false;
예제 #2
파일: Tile.cs 프로젝트: JohnAkerman/Graven
 public void resetLights(ref Tile[,,] tiles, Player player)
     for (int x = (int)(player.position.X / size.X) - 50; x < (int)(player.position.X / size.X) + 50; x++)
         for (int y = (int)(player.position.Y / size.Y) - 50; y < (int)(player.position.Y / size.Y) + 50; y++)
             if (x >= totalWidth|| x < 0 || y >= totalHeight || y < 0)
             //if (tiles[1, y, x].tileType == TileType.Torch)
            //     continue;
             tiles[1, y, x].lightValue = 0.1f;
     player.lightValue = 0;
예제 #3
파일: Tile.cs 프로젝트: JohnAkerman/Graven
        public void updateLight(ref Tile[,,] tiles, Player player, bool initialLoad = false)
            resetLights(ref tiles, player);

            if (initialLoad)
                for (int y = 0; y < totalHeight; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < totalWidth; x++)
                        if (x >= totalWidth || x < 0 || y >= totalHeight || y < 0)

                        if (tiles[1, y, x].tileType == TileType.Empty || tiles[1, y, x].tileType == TileType.Decoration || tiles[1, y, x].tileType == TileType.Tree)
                            tiles[1, y, x].lightValue = 1;
                            tiles[1, y, x].lightRad = 5;
                            lightRadius(ref tiles, x, y, player);
                for (int x = (int)(player.position.X / size.X) - 50; x < (int)(player.position.X / size.X) + 50; x++)
                    for (int y = (int)(player.position.Y / size.Y) - 50; y < (int)(player.position.Y / size.Y) + 50; y++)

                        if (x >= totalWidth || x < 0 || y >= totalHeight || y < 0)

                        if (tiles[1, y, x].tileType == TileType.Empty || tiles[1, y, x].tileType == TileType.Decoration || tiles[1, y, x].tileType == TileType.Tree)
                            tiles[1, y, x].lightValue = 1;
                            tiles[1, y, x].lightRad = 5;
                            lightRadius(ref tiles, x, y, player);
예제 #4
파일: Tile.cs 프로젝트: JohnAkerman/Graven
        public void calculateOrientation(ref Tile[,,]tiles)
            tileX = getTileCoords("X");
            tileY = getTileCoords("Y");

            int tmpY = grabY(-1);
            int tmpY2 = grabY(1);
            int tmpX = grabX(-1);
            int tmpX2 = grabX(1);

            if (tmpY == -1 || tmpY2 == -1)
            if (tmpX == -1 || tmpX2 == -1)

            if (tileX == 0)
                tileOrientation = TileOrientation.Single;

            if (tiles[1, grabY(-1), tileX].tileType != tileType)
                topMost = true;
                topMost = false;

            if (tiles[1, grabY(1), tileX].tileType != tileType)
                bottomMost = true;
                bottomMost = false;

            if (tiles[1, tileY, grabX(1)].tileType != tileType)
                rightMost = true;
                rightMost = false;

            if (tileX > 0 && tiles[1, tileY, grabX(-1)].tileType != tileType)
                leftMost = true;
                leftMost = false;

            if (topMost && !rightMost && !leftMost && !bottomMost)
                tileOrientation = TileOrientation.Top;
            else if (topMost && rightMost && !leftMost && !bottomMost)
                tileOrientation = TileOrientation.TopRight;
            else if (!topMost && rightMost && !leftMost && !bottomMost)
                tileOrientation = TileOrientation.Right;
            else if (!topMost && rightMost && !leftMost && bottomMost)
                tileOrientation = TileOrientation.BottomRight;
            else if (!topMost && !rightMost && !leftMost && bottomMost)
                tileOrientation = TileOrientation.Bottom;
            else if (!topMost && !rightMost && leftMost && bottomMost)
                tileOrientation = TileOrientation.BottomLeft;
            else if (!topMost && !rightMost && leftMost && !bottomMost)
                tileOrientation = TileOrientation.Left;
            else if (topMost && !rightMost && leftMost && !bottomMost)
                tileOrientation = TileOrientation.TopLeft;
            else if (topMost && !rightMost && !leftMost && bottomMost)
                tileOrientation = TileOrientation.TopBottom;
            else if (!topMost && rightMost && leftMost && !bottomMost)
                tileOrientation = TileOrientation.LeftRight;
            else if (!topMost && !rightMost && !leftMost && !bottomMost)
                tileOrientation = TileOrientation.Single;
            else if (topMost && !rightMost && leftMost && bottomMost)
                tileOrientation = TileOrientation.TopBottomLeft;
            else if (topMost && rightMost && !leftMost && bottomMost)
                tileOrientation = TileOrientation.TopBottomRight;
            else if (topMost && rightMost && leftMost && !bottomMost)
                tileOrientation = TileOrientation.TopLeftRight;
            else if (!topMost && rightMost && leftMost && bottomMost)
                tileOrientation = TileOrientation.BottomLeftRight;
                tileOrientation = TileOrientation.Regular;
예제 #5
파일: Tile.cs 프로젝트: JohnAkerman/Graven
        public void lightRadius(ref Tile[,,] tiles, int tileX, int tileY, Player player)
            int radius = tiles[1, tileY, tileX].lightRad;
            float masterLight = tiles[1, tileY, tileX].lightValue;

            for (int x = tileX - radius; x < tileX + radius + 1; x++)
                for (int y = tileY - radius; y < tileY + radius + 1; y++)
                    //Make sure we don't exceed the boundaries of the world array.
                    if (x < totalWidth - 1 && x > 0 && y <= totalHeight -1 && y > 0)
                        if (x == tileX && y == tileY || tiles[1,y,x].tileType == TileType.Decoration) // || tiles[1, y,x].tileType == TileType.Torch)

                        //Checks that we're still within the radius of the original tile.
                        if ((new Vector2(tileX, tileY) - new Vector2(x, y)).Length() <= radius)
                            float tmpLightLevel = 0;

                            //If the tile isn't solid.
                           // if (tiles[1, y, x].tileType == TileType.Empty)
                          //  {
                                //     tmpLightLevel = (short)(tiles[1, y, x].lightValue - ((new Vector2(tileX, tileY) - new Vector2(x, y)).Length() * 10));
                                //  else //else if the tile is solid.
                                tmpLightLevel = Math.Abs(masterLight - ((new Vector2(tileX, tileY) - new Vector2(x, y)).Length()) / 5);
                          //  }
                            if (tiles[1, y, x].lightValue < tmpLightLevel)
                                tiles[1, y, x].lightValue = tmpLightLevel;
                            if (tiles[1, y, x].lightValue < 0.0)
                                tiles[1, y, x].lightValue = 0.1f;
            //Apply light to the player if he is within the light radius.
            if ((new Vector2(tileX, tileY) - (player.position / size.X)).Length() < radius)
                if (player.lightValue < tiles[1, tileY, tileX].lightValue / (int)((new Vector2(tileX, tileY) - (player.position / size.X)).Length() + 1))
                    player.lightValue = (ushort)(tiles[1, tileY, tileX].lightValue / (int)((new Vector2(tileX, tileY) - (player.position / size.X)).Length() + 1));
예제 #6
        public void Update(ref Tile[,,] tiles, ref WaterDrop [,] drops, float elapsedTime)
            if (this.volume <= 0.0f || (elapsedTime - lastUpdate) < updateTime) { return; }

            lastUpdate = elapsedTime;

            if (tiles[1, tileY, tileX].tileType == TileType.Dirt)
                this.volume = 0.0f;

            if (tiles[1, tileY, tileX].tileType == TileType.Sand)
                waterSand = true;
                waterSand = false;

            if (belowClear() && tiles[1, tileY + 1, tileX].tileType == TileType.Dirt || tiles[1, tileY + 1, tileX].tileType == TileType.Decoration || this.volume >= 1 && drops[grabY(1), tileX].volume >= 16)
                 if (this.volume > drops[tileY, grabX(-1)].volume && this.volume > drops[tileY, grabX(1)].volume) // Going Left and Right
                     if (tileX == grabX(-1) || tileX == grabX(1)) return; // If Self, return
                     if (this.volume < 0.01f) { this.volume = 0.0f; return; }

                     float totalVol = drops[tileY, grabX(-1)].volume + this.volume + drops[tileY, grabX(1)].volume;

                     bool tmp = false;
                     int dividerAmount = 1;

                     if (tiles[1, tileY, grabX(-1)].tileType != TileType.Dirt)

                     if (tiles[1, tileY, grabX(1)].tileType != TileType.Dirt)

                     if (tiles[1, tileY, grabX(-1)].tileType != TileType.Dirt)
                         drops[tileY, grabX(-1)].volume = (float)Math.Round(totalVol / dividerAmount, 2);
                         tmp = true;

                     if (tiles[1, tileY, grabX(1)].tileType != TileType.Dirt) {
                         drops[tileY, grabX(1)].volume = (float)Math.Round(totalVol / dividerAmount, 2);
                         tmp = true;

                     if (tmp)
                        this.volume = (float)Math.Round(totalVol / dividerAmount, 2);
                 else if (this.volume > drops[tileY, grabX(-1)].volume) // Going Left
                     if (tileX == grabX(-1)) return;
                     if (this.volume < 0.01f) { this.volume = 0.0f; return; }

                     if (tiles[1, tileY, grabX(-1)].tileType == TileType.Dirt)

                     float totalVol = drops[tileY, grabX(-1)].volume + this.volume;
                     totalVol = (float)Math.Round(totalVol / 2, 2);

                     drops[tileY, grabX(-1)].volume = totalVol;
                     this.volume = totalVol;
                 else if (this.volume > drops[tileY, grabX(1)].volume) // Going Right
                     if (tileX == grabX(1)) return;
                     if (this.volume < 0.01f) { this.volume = 0.0f; return; }

                     if (tiles[1, tileY, grabX(1)].tileType == TileType.Dirt)

                     float totalVol = drops[tileY, grabX(1)].volume + this.volume;
                     totalVol = (float)Math.Round(totalVol / 2,2);

                     drops[tileY, grabX(1)].volume = totalVol;
                     this.volume = totalVol;

            // Check left empty AND left down is empty (then fall)

            if (belowClear() && tiles[1, tileY + 1, tileX].tileType != TileType.Dirt)
                // this.position.Y += 16;
                // this.tileY = (int)this.position.Y / 16;

                // if the current volume is more than zero and bottom drop is empty, pour all of water into bottom drop
                if (this.volume > 0.0 && drops[grabY(1), tileX].volume <= 0.0)
                    drops[grabY(1), tileX].volume = this.volume;
                    this.volume = 0;

                if (drops[grabY(1), tileX].volume < 16)
                { // if the drop below isnt full, drip into it

                    // Space left to pour into
                    float deltaPour = (16 - drops[grabY(1), tileX].volume);

                    // Delta between deltaPour and vol
                    float amountRemaining = (deltaPour - this.volume);

                    drops[grabY(1), tileX].volume += this.volume;

                    if (amountRemaining > 16)
                        this.volume = (amountRemaining - 16);
                        this.volume = 0.0f;

                // If bottom, left and right drops are full, push water into one above.
                if (this.volume >= 16.0 && drops[grabY(1), tileX].volume >= 16.0f && drops[grabY(0), grabX(-1)].volume >= 16.0f && drops[grabY(0), grabX(1)].volume >= 16.0f && tiles[tileY - 1, tileX].tileType == TileType.Empty)
                    float deltaPour = (16 - drops[grabY(-1), tileX].volume);

                    // Delta between deltaPour and vol
                    float amountRemaining = (deltaPour - this.volume);

                    drops[grabY(-1), tileX].volume += this.volume;

                    if (amountRemaining > 16)
                        this.volume = (amountRemaining - 16);
                        this.volume = 0.0f;

            if (this.volume > 16.0f)
                this.volume = 16.0f;

               // if (this.volume >= 16.0f && tiles[grabY(-1), tileX].tileType == TileType.Empty)
            //    topMost = true;

            if (grabY(-1) > 0)
                if (drops[grabY(-1), tileX].volume <= 0.0f)
                    topMost = true;
                    topMost = false;
예제 #7
 public void updateWater(Camera cam, ref Tile[,,] tiles, float totalElapsed)
     if (pauseWater) return;
     for (int y = cam.getCameraY(0); y < cam.getCameraY(screenHeight); y++)
         for (int x = cam.getCameraX(0); x < cam.getCameraX(screenWidth); x++)
             if (x < levelWidth - 1 && x > 0 && y <= levelHeight - 1 && y > 0)
                 droplets[y, x].Update(ref tiles, ref droplets, totalElapsed);
예제 #8
파일: Level.cs 프로젝트: JohnAkerman/Graven
        /*    public void createLighting(Camera cam)
            for (int y = 0; y < currentLevel.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < currentLevel.Width; x++)
                    if (x < 0 || y < 0 ||  x >= levelTileWidth || y >= levelTileHeight)

                    if (tileLayers[1, y, x] != null && tileLayers[1, y, x].render)
                        tileLayers[1, y, x].calculateOrientation(ref tileLayers);
        /*    public void resetLightingCount(Camera cam)
            for (int y = 0; y < currentLevel.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < currentLevel.Width; x++)
                    if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= levelTileWidth || y >= levelTileHeight)

                    if (tileLayers[1, y, x] != null && tileLayers[1, y, x].render)
                        tileLayers[1, y, x].lightingHits = 0;
                        tileLayers[1, y, x].lightValue = 0;
        public void setUpTile(string path, Player player, Camera cam)
            Color[] levelData = new Color[currentLevel.Height * currentLevel.Width];

            levelWidth = currentLevel.Width * tileSize;
            levelHeight = currentLevel.Height * tileSize;
            levelTileWidth = currentLevel.Width;
            levelTileHeight = currentLevel.Height;

            player.totalWidth = levelTileWidth;
            player.totalHeight = levelTileHeight;

            tileLayers = new Tile[2, currentLevel.Height, currentLevel.Width];


            rand = new Random();

            int runningTotal = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < currentLevel.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < currentLevel.Width; x++)
                    if (runningTotal >= levelData.Length)

                    if (levelData[runningTotal] == Color.Lime)
                        tileLayers[1, y, x] = new Tile(TileType.Decoration, x, y, levelTileWidth, levelTileHeight, rand, 0);
                    else if (levelData[runningTotal] == Color.Blue)
                        tileLayers[1, y, x] = new Tile(TileType.Dirt, x, y, levelTileWidth, levelTileHeight, rand, TileCollision.Impassable);
                    else if (levelData[runningTotal] == Color.White)
                        tileLayers[1, y, x] = new Tile(TileType.Empty, x, y, levelTileWidth, levelTileHeight, rand, TileCollision.Passable);
                    else if (levelData[runningTotal] == Color.Yellow)
                        tileLayers[1, y, x] = new Tile(TileType.Sand, x, y, levelTileWidth, levelTileHeight, rand, TileCollision.Impassable);
                    else if (levelData[runningTotal] == new Color(204,204,204))
                        tileLayers[1, y, x] = new Tile(TileType.Decoration, x, y, levelTileWidth, levelTileHeight, rand, TileCollision.Passable, 1);
                    else if (levelData[runningTotal] == new Color(53, 34, 18)) // Tree Foot
                        tileLayers[1, y, x] = new Tile(TileType.Tree, x, y, levelTileWidth, levelTileHeight, rand, TileCollision.Passable, 0);
                    else if (levelData[runningTotal] == new Color(109, 69, 35)) // Tree Truck
                        tileLayers[1, y, x] = new Tile(TileType.Tree, x, y, levelTileWidth, levelTileHeight, rand, TileCollision.Passable, 1);
                    else if (levelData[runningTotal] == new Color(24, 100, 12)) // Tree Top
                        tileLayers[1, y, x] = new Tile(TileType.Tree, x, y, levelTileWidth, levelTileHeight, rand, TileCollision.Passable, 2);
                    else if (levelData[runningTotal] == new Color(119, 119, 119)) // Metal
                        tileLayers[1, y, x] = new Tile(TileType.Metal, x, y, levelTileWidth, levelTileHeight, rand, TileCollision.Impassable);
                    else if (levelData[runningTotal] == Color.Black) // Indestructable
                        tileLayers[1, y, x] = new Tile(TileType.Indestructable, x, y, levelTileWidth, levelTileHeight, rand, TileCollision.Impassable);
                    else if (levelData[runningTotal] == new Color(255, 0, 0)) // Player start
                        tileLayers[1, y, x] = new Tile(TileType.Empty, x, y, levelTileWidth, levelTileHeight, rand, TileCollision.Passable);
                        player.setPosition(x * tileSize, y * tileSize);


            calculateTiles(cam, player, true);
예제 #9
        private void HandleCollisions(ref Tile[,,] tiles)
            // Get the player's bounding rectangle and find neighboring tiles.
            Rectangle bounds = getBounds();
            int leftTile = (int)Math.Floor((float)bounds.Left / 16);
            int rightTile = (int)Math.Ceiling(((float)bounds.Right / 16)) - 1;
            int topTile = (int)Math.Floor((float)bounds.Top / 16);
            int bottomTile = (int)Math.Ceiling(((float)bounds.Bottom / 16)) - 1;

            // For each potentially colliding tile,
            for (int y = topTile; y <= bottomTile; ++y)
                for (int x = leftTile; x <= rightTile; ++x)
                    if (x < 0 || x > totalWidth || y < 0 || y > totalHeight)
                    // If this tile is collidable,
                    TileCollision collision = tiles[1, y, x].tileCollision;

                    if (collision != TileCollision.Passable)
                        // Determine collision depth (with direction) and magnitude.
                        Rectangle tileBounds = tiles[1,y, x].getBounds();

                        Vector2 depth = GetIntersectionDepth(bounds, tileBounds);
                        if (depth != Vector2.Zero)
                            float absDepthX = Math.Abs(depth.X);
                            float absDepthY = Math.Abs(depth.Y);

                            // Resolve the collision along the shallow axis.
                            if (absDepthY <= absDepthX)
                                // If we crossed the top of a tile, we are on the ground.
                                if (previousBottom <= tileBounds.Top)
                                    isOnGround = true;

                                // Ignore platforms, unless we are on the ground.
                                if (collision == TileCollision.Impassable || vertState == verticalState.Ground)
                                    // Resolve the collision along the Y axis.
                                    position = new Vector2(position.X, position.Y + depth.Y);

                                    // Perform further collisions with the new bounds.
                                    bounds = getBounds();
                            else if (collision == TileCollision.Impassable) // Ignore platforms.
                                // Resolve the collision along the X axis.
                                position = new Vector2(position.X + depth.X, position.Y);

                                // Perform further collisions with the new bounds.
                                bounds = getBounds();

            // Save the new bounds bottom.
            previousBottom = bounds.Bottom;
예제 #10
        public void Update(ref Tile[,,] tiles, KeyboardState keyboard, GameTime gt, Vector2 camPos)
            cameraPosition = camPos;
            prevPos = position;
            timeGone = (float)gt.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;

            tileX = getTileCoords("X");
            tileY = getTileCoords("Y");

            movement = 0;

            if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) || keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.W))
                isJumping = true;
                isJumping = false;

            if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right) || keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.D)) // Move Right
                if ( position.X < totalWidth * 16)
                    movement = 1.0f;
                facingLeft = false;

            else if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left) || keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.A)) // Skid Left
                if (position.X > 0)
                    movement = -1.0f;
                facingLeft = true;

            velocity.X += movement * MoveAcceleration * timeGone;
            velocity.Y = MathHelper.Clamp(velocity.Y + GravityAcceleration * timeGone, -MaxFallSpeed, MaxFallSpeed);
            velocity.Y = DoJump(velocity.Y, gt);

            if (isOnGround)
                velocity.X *= GroundDragFactor;
                velocity.X *= AirDragFactor;

            velocity.X = MathHelper.Clamp(velocity.X, -MaxMoveSpeed, MaxMoveSpeed);

            position += velocity * timeGone;
            position = new Vector2((float)Math.Round(position.X), (float)Math.Round(position.Y));

            HandleCollisions(ref tiles);

            if (position.X == prevPos.X)
                velocity.X = 0;

            if (position.Y == prevPos.Y)
                velocity.Y = 0;

            movement = 0.0f;
            isJumping = false;