예제 #1
        private double?AdjustedRmsZ(Grid2DPhenotype other)
            RegularGrid2D adjusted_grid = AdjustedGrid(other);
            double?       adjustedRmsZ  = grid.RmsDifference(adjusted_grid);

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Divide the Grids into tiles, and compute the adjusted height fitness
        /// for each tile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">The grid to be compared against this.</param>
        /// <returns>An array of tile fitnesses</returns>
        private double[] CompareTiledAdjustedHeight(Grid2DPhenotype other)
            List <double> result        = new List <double>();
            const int     numTilesI     = 2;
            const int     numTilesJ     = 2;
            RegularGrid2D adjusted_grid = AdjustedGrid(other);
            int           tileSizeI     = this.grid.SizeI / numTilesI;
            int           tileSizeJ     = this.grid.SizeJ / numTilesJ;

            for (int tileI = 0; tileI < numTilesI; ++tileI)
                int beginI = tileI * tileSizeI;
                int endI   = (tileI + 1) * tileSizeI;
                for (int tileJ = 0; tileJ < numTilesJ; ++tileJ)
                    int    beginJ       = tileJ * tileSizeJ;
                    int    endJ         = (tileJ + 1) * tileSizeJ;
                    double?adjustedRmsZ = grid.RmsDifference(adjusted_grid, beginI, endI, beginJ, endJ);
                    if (adjustedRmsZ.HasValue)
예제 #3
 public double this[int i, int j]
         if (grid == null)
             // TODO: Assert on complete set of parameters here
             grid = new RegularGrid2D(xOrigin, yOrigin, iInc, jInc, iNum, jNum);
         grid[i, j] = value;
예제 #4
        private RegularGrid2D AdjustedGrid(Grid2DPhenotype other)
            double        mean          = grid.Mean();
            double        other_mean    = other.Grid.Mean();
            double        difference    = other_mean - mean;
            RegularGrid2D adjusted_grid = (RegularGrid2D)other.Grid.Clone();

            for (int i = 0; i < adjusted_grid.SizeI; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < adjusted_grid.SizeJ; ++j)
                    adjusted_grid[i, j] -= difference;
예제 #5
        public IRegularGrid2D CreatePartialDerivativeJGrid()
            RegularGrid2D result = new RegularGrid2D(Origin, Spacing, SizeI, SizeJ);

            for (int i = 0; i < SizeI; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < SizeJ; ++j)
                    //int trailing = Math.Max(j - 1, 0);
                    int    trailing = j;
                    int    leading  = Math.Min(j + 1, SizeJ - 1);
                    double h        = (leading - trailing) * spacing.DeltaY;
                    if (h > 0.0)
                        result[i, j] = (this[i, leading] - this[i, trailing]) / h;
                        result[i, j] = null;
예제 #6
        public static RegularGrid2D Create(StreamReader reader)
            RegularGrid2D grid = null;

                // Line 1 - the identifier
                string header1 = reader.ReadLine();
                if (!header1.StartsWith("DSAA"))
                // Line 2 - the number of points along the I and J axes
                string   header2 = reader.ReadLine();
                string[] fields2 = header2.Split();
                int      sizeI   = int.Parse(fields2[0]);
                int      sizeJ   = int.Parse(fields2[1]);

                // Line 3 - the extent in the I direction
                string   header3 = reader.ReadLine();
                string[] fields3 = header3.Split();
                double   minX    = double.Parse(fields3[0]);
                double   maxX    = double.Parse(fields3[1]);

                // Line 4 - the extent in the J direction
                string   header4 = reader.ReadLine();
                string[] fields4 = header4.Split();
                double   minY    = double.Parse(fields4[0]);
                double   maxY    = double.Parse(fields4[1]);

                // Line 4 - the extent in the J direction
                string   header5 = reader.ReadLine();
                string[] fields5 = header5.Split();
                double   minZ    = double.Parse(fields5[0]);
                double   maxZ    = double.Parse(fields5[1]);

                double spacingX = (maxX - minX) / (sizeI - 1);
                double spacingY = (maxY - minY) / (sizeJ - 1);

                grid = new RegularGrid2D(minX, minY, spacingX, spacingY, sizeI, sizeJ);

                string line;
                int    counter = 0;
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    string[] fields = line.Split();
                    foreach (string field in fields)
                        double z;
                        if (double.TryParse(field, out z))
                            int i = counter % sizeI;
                            int j = counter / sizeI;
                            if (z == goldenNullValue || z < minZ || z > maxZ)
                                grid[i, j] = null;
                                grid[i, j] = z;
            catch (System.FormatException)
                grid = null;
예제 #7
 public RegularGrid2D(RegularGrid2D other)
     this.origin  = other.origin;
     this.spacing = other.spacing;
     this.zs      = (double?[, ])other.zs.Clone();
예제 #8
        public IGridCoordinateTransformation CreateHypsometricGrid()
            // Build a histogram of the point elevations
            const int  numClasses = 100;
            List <int> histogram  = new List <int>(numClasses);

            for (int i = 0; i < numClasses; ++i)
            Debug.Assert(histogram.Count == numClasses);
            double minZ          = MinZ.Value;
            double maxZ          = MaxZ.Value;
            double classInterval = (maxZ - minZ) / numClasses;

            // Now accumulate the histogram
            foreach (double?z in zs)
                if (z.HasValue)
                    // Compute the bin number from the z value
                    double offset = z.Value - minZ;
                    int    index  = (int)Math.Floor(offset / classInterval);
                    // Put the maxZ values into the top class
                    if (index == histogram.Count)
                        Debug.Assert(z == maxZ);
                    Debug.Assert(index >= 0 && index < histogram.Count);

            // Now convert to a cumulative histogram
            for (int i = 1; i < histogram.Count; ++i)
                histogram[i] += histogram[i - 1];

            // Create the result grid
            RegularGrid2D result = new RegularGrid2D(Origin, Spacing, SizeI, SizeJ);

            for (int i = 0; i < SizeI; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < SizeJ; ++j)
                    double?z = zs[i, j];
                    if (z.HasValue)
                        double offset = z.Value - minZ;
                        int    index  = (int)Math.Floor(offset / classInterval);
                        // Put the maxZ values into the top class
                        if (index == histogram.Count)
                            Debug.Assert(z == maxZ);
                        int    lower                 = (index > 0) ? histogram[index - 1] : 0;
                        int    higher                = histogram[index];
                        double classOffset           = offset - (index * classInterval);
                        double classOffsetProportion = classOffset / classInterval;
                        result[i, j] = lower + classOffsetProportion * (higher - lower);
                        result[i, j] = null;