예제 #1
        public static double CountAccuracy(SpotGazeFileData fileData)
            //start from second max/ min to one before last max / min
            // kspc=ksp(2:(length(ksp)-1));
            //spotc = spot - srod;
            //leyec = leye - srod;
            //reyec = reye - srod;
            //le = length(kspc);
            // w1L = sum(abs(leyec(kspc(1):kspc(le))'- spotc(kspc(1):kspc(le))'));
            //% integral of diff
            //w2 = sum(abs(spotc(kspc(1):kspc(le)))); % integral of abs sin
            //   accL = 1 - w1L / w2;

            var mncal = fileData.Spot.Min();
            var mxcal = fileData.Spot.Max();
            var amp   = (mxcal - mncal) / 2;
            var srod  = (mxcal + mncal) / 2;

            var oneIndexes = new List <int>();
            var kspIndexes = new List <int>();
            //var kspEyeValues = new List<double>();
            var kspSpotValues = new List <double>();
            var kspDiffValues = new List <double>();

            // kspc=ksp(2:(length(ksp)-1));
            for (int i = 1; i < fileData.Spot.Length - 1; i++)
                var xSpot = fileData.Spot[i];
                if (Math.Abs(xSpot - srod) > amp * 0.995D)
                    var xEye = fileData.Eye[i];
                    var val  = Math.Abs(xEye - xSpot);

            var w1  = kspDiffValues.Sum();
            var w2  = kspSpotValues.Sum();
            var acc = 1 - w1 / w2;

예제 #2
        public static ResultData FindSpotEyePointsForSaccadeAntiSaccadeSearch(SpotGazeFileData fileData, CalcConfig calcConfig)
            var spotMovePositions = new List <SpotMove>();
            //wyznaczamy środek amplitudy
            var mncal = fileData.Spot.Min();
            var mxcal = fileData.Spot.Max();

            double[] spotMinMaxDelta   = { Math.Abs(mncal), mxcal };
            var      meanSpotAmplitude = spotMinMaxDelta.Average();

            var recStart = calcConfig.RecStart;

            var eyeShiftPeriod  = calcConfig.EyeShiftPeriod;
            var spotShiftPeriod = calcConfig.SpotShiftPeriod;
            //var eyeAmpProp = calcConfig.EyeAmpProp;
            var spotAmpProp = calcConfig.SpotAmpProp;

            // dane od recStart
            //var recLenght = (recEnd - recStart);
            //var timeDeltas = fileData.TimeDeltas.Skip(recStart).Take(recLenght).ToArray();
            //var eyeCoords = fileData.Eye.Skip(recStart).Take(recLenght).ToArray();
            //var spotCoords = fileData.Spot.Skip(recStart).Take(recLenght).ToArray();

            var timeDeltas = fileData.TimeDeltas;
            var eyeCoords  = fileData.Eye;
            var spotCoords = fileData.Spot;
            var timeStamps = fileData.Time;

            // tworzymy kopie danych z przesniętym reye, leye na shiftPeriod do tyłu (przed poczatkiem),
            //spot do przodu początek na (+ shifPeroid) ?
            var shiftedEyeCoords  = BackRollArray(eyeCoords, eyeShiftPeriod);
            var shiftedSpotCoords = BackRollArray(spotCoords, spotShiftPeriod);

            //# wylapujemy zmiany amplitudy sygnalu, dla oczu wieksza tolerancja z powodu mniejszej przewidywalnosci
            //czy różnica amplitud pomiędzy przesuniętymi odcinkami jest większa niż średnia amplitudy spot ('true')
            // z okna: amplituda przesuniete minus amplituda oryginalne
            //var rightEyeOverMeanSpotAmplitudeIndexes = GetIndexesOverAmplitude(shiftedEyeCoords, eyeCoords, meanSpotAmplitude, eyeAmpProp);
            var spotAmplitudeOverMeanIndexes = GetIndexesOverAmplitude(shiftedSpotCoords, spotCoords, meanSpotAmplitude, spotAmpProp);

            var lowestEyeOverAmpIndxesForSpotIndexes = new List <int>();

            // dla każdego rekordu spot powyżej amplitudy
            for (int i = 0; i < spotAmplitudeOverMeanIndexes.Count; i++)
                // dla każdego rekordu spot powyżej amplitudy, obliczamy różnicę dla rekordów amplitudy oczu
                // bieżemy tylko indeksy wartości z różnicą więszą niż 5
                var currSpotOverMeanIndex = spotAmplitudeOverMeanIndexes[i];
                var currentSpotShiftIndex = SaccadeDataHelper.CountSpotShiftIndex(currSpotOverMeanIndex, eyeShiftPeriod);

                if (currentSpotShiftIndex < timeDeltas.Count())
                    spotMovePositions.Add(new SpotMove
                        SpotStartIndex     = currSpotOverMeanIndex,
                        SpotStartTimeDelta = timeDeltas[currSpotOverMeanIndex],
                        SpotStartTimeStamp = timeStamps[currSpotOverMeanIndex],
                        SpotStartCoord     = spotCoords[currSpotOverMeanIndex],

                        SpotEndIndex     = currentSpotShiftIndex,
                        SpotEndTimeDelta = timeDeltas[currentSpotShiftIndex],
                        SpotEndTimeStamp = timeStamps[currentSpotShiftIndex],
                        SpotEndCoord     = spotCoords[currentSpotShiftIndex],

            // zawezamy znalezione zmiany amplitudy dla oczu tak aby odpowiadaly w miare pewnym zmianom amplitudy markera
            // tylko amplitudy oka o indeksie równym najniżeszmu indeksowi zredukowanych punktów amplitudy oka
            //var earliestEyeOverAmpForSpotOverAmpIndexes = NarrowList(rightEyeOverMeanSpotAmplitudeIndexes, lowestEyeOverAmpIndxesForSpotIndexes);

            var results = new ResultData();

            results = new ResultData
                SpotOverMeanIndex = spotAmplitudeOverMeanIndexes,
                SpotMoves         = spotMovePositions,
                EyeCoords         = eyeCoords,
                ShiftPeriod       = eyeShiftPeriod,
                SpotCoords        = spotCoords,
                TimeDeltas        = timeDeltas,
                TimeStamps        = fileData.Time,

예제 #3
        public static PursuitGainCalculations CountSingleTypeSignalPursuitParameters(SpotGazeFileData fileData, FiltersConfig filterConfig)
            var mincal = fileData.Spot.Min();
            var maxcal = fileData.Spot.Max();
            var amp    = (maxcal - mincal) / 2;
            var srod   = (maxcal + mincal) / 2;

            var maxIndex  = fileData.Spot.ToList().IndexOf(maxcal);
            var minIndex  = fileData.Spot.ToList().IndexOf(mincal);
            var sinLenght = Convert.ToDouble(Math.Abs(maxIndex - minIndex));

            var kspIndexes            = new List <int>();
            var accuracyKspDiffValues = new List <double>();
            var accuracyKspSpotValues = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < fileData.Spot.Length; i++)
                var xSpot = fileData.Spot[i];

                if (Math.Abs(xSpot - srod) > amp * 0.995D)

                    var xEye    = fileData.Eye[i];
                    var diffVal = Math.Abs(xEye - xSpot);

            var kspEyeValues  = new List <double>();
            var kspSpotValues = new List <double>();

            var results = new List <double>();

            var filteredControlWindows = new List <Dictionary <double, double> >();
            var kspDiffValues          = new List <Dictionary <double, double> >();

            //fix first sin
            var kspStartIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < kspIndexes.Count - 1; i++)
                var result = kspIndexes[i + 1] - kspIndexes[i];
                if (result > 30)
                    kspStartIndex = i;

            //fix last sin
            var kspEndIndex = kspIndexes.Count;

            for (int y = kspIndexes.Count; y-- > 1;)
                var endRsult = kspIndexes[y] - kspIndexes[y - 1];
                if (endRsult > 20)
                    kspEndIndex = y;

            kspIndexes = kspIndexes.Skip(kspStartIndex + 1).Take(kspEndIndex - kspStartIndex - 1).ToList();

            for (int j = 0; j < kspIndexes.Count; j++)
                var index = kspIndexes[j];

                var controlWindow       = new List <double>();
                var controlTimeDeltas   = new List <double>();
                var controlWindowLength = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(sinLenght / 5, 0));

                if (j > 0)
                    controlWindow     = fileData.Eye.Skip(index - (controlWindowLength / 2)).Take(controlWindowLength).ToList();
                    controlTimeDeltas = fileData.TimeDeltas.Skip(index - (controlWindowLength / 2)).Take(controlWindowLength).ToList();
                    controlWindow     = fileData.Eye.Skip(index).Take(controlWindowLength).ToList();
                    controlTimeDeltas = fileData.TimeDeltas.Skip(index).Take(controlWindowLength).ToList();

                if (filterConfig.FilterByButterworth)
                    controlWindow = FilterController.FilterByButterworth(filterConfig, controlWindow.ToArray()).ToList();

                var filteredWindowItems = new Dictionary <double, double>();
                for (int g = 0; g < controlWindow.Count(); g++)
                    filteredWindowItems.Add(controlTimeDeltas[g], controlWindow[g]);

                double eyeValue = controlWindow.Average();

                var spotValue = fileData.Spot[index];
                var result    = eyeValue / spotValue;

            var gainCalculations = new Dictionary <string, double?>();
            var longSinGain      = results.Average();

            gainCalculations.Add("Long", longSinGain);

            var longSinW1  = accuracyKspDiffValues.Sum();
            var longSinW2  = accuracyKspSpotValues.Sum();
            var longSinAcc = 1D - (longSinW1 / longSinW2);

            var accuracyCalculations = new Dictionary <string, double?>();

            accuracyCalculations.Add("Long", longSinAcc);

            return(new PursuitGainCalculations
                Gains = gainCalculations,
                Accuracies = accuracyCalculations,
                FilteredControlWindows = filteredControlWindows
예제 #4
        public static PursuitGainCalculations CountCompoundSignalPursuitParameters(SpotGazeFileData fileData, FiltersConfig filterConfig)
            var mncal = fileData.Spot.Min();
            var mxcal = fileData.Spot.Max();
            var amp   = (mxcal - mncal) / 2;
            var srod  = (mxcal + mncal) / 2;

            var start = fileData.Eye.FirstOrDefault(x => x == srod);

            var testValues = new List <double>();

            var kspIndexes            = new List <KeyValuePair <double, int> >();
            var accuracyKspSpotValues = new List <KeyValuePair <double, double> >();
            var accuracyKspDiffValues = new List <KeyValuePair <double, double> >();

            double sinLongStart;
            double sinMidStart;
            double sinShortStart;
            double sinLongEnd;
            double sinMidEnd;
            double sinShortEnd;

            if (fileData.FileType == FileType.Maruniec)
                // maruniec do zrobienia
                sinMidStart   = 37 * Consts.TimeScaleFactorStandard;
                sinShortStart = 79 * Consts.TimeScaleFactorStandard;
                sinLongStart = 12 * Consts.TimeScaleFactorStandard;
                sinLongEnd   = 32 * Consts.TimeScaleFactorStandard;

                sinMidStart = 40 * Consts.TimeScaleFactorStandard;
                sinMidEnd   = 68 * Consts.TimeScaleFactorStandard;

                sinShortStart = 77 * Consts.TimeScaleFactorStandard;
                sinShortEnd   = 90 * Consts.TimeScaleFactorStandard;

            var unifiedTimeStamps = InputDataHelper.GetTimeStampsScaled(fileData.Time, fileData.FileType);

            for (int i = 0; i < fileData.Spot.Length; i++)
                var xSpot = fileData.Spot[i];

                var sinLenght = 240D;

                if (unifiedTimeStamps[i] >= sinMidStart && unifiedTimeStamps[i] <= sinShortStart)
                    sinLenght = 120D;
                else if (unifiedTimeStamps[i] >= sinShortStart)
                    sinLenght = 30D;

                if (Math.Abs(xSpot - srod) > amp * 0.995D)
                    kspIndexes.Add(new KeyValuePair <double, int>(sinLenght, i));

                    var xEye    = fileData.Eye[i];
                    var diffVal = Math.Abs(xEye - xSpot);
                    accuracyKspDiffValues.Add(new KeyValuePair <double, double>(sinLenght, diffVal));
                    accuracyKspSpotValues.Add(new KeyValuePair <double, double>(sinLenght, Math.Abs(xSpot)));

            var kspEyeValues  = new List <double>();
            var kspSpotValues = new List <double>();

            var results                = new List <KeyValuePair <double, double> >();
            var isPositive             = true;
            var times                  = new List <double>();
            var filteredControlWindows = new List <Dictionary <double, double> >();
            var kspDiffValues          = new List <Dictionary <double, double> >();

            for (int j = 0; j < kspIndexes.Count; j++)
                var sinLenght = kspIndexes[j].Key;
                var index     = kspIndexes[j].Value;

                var time = InputDataHelper.GetScaledTimeFromIndex(fileData, index).GetValueOrDefault();

                var controlWindow       = new List <double>();
                var controlTimeDeltas   = new List <double>();
                var controlWindowLength = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(sinLenght / 5, 0));

                if (j > 0)
                    controlWindow     = fileData.Eye.Skip(index - (controlWindowLength / 2)).Take(controlWindowLength).ToList();
                    controlTimeDeltas = fileData.TimeDeltas.Skip(index - (controlWindowLength / 2)).Take(controlWindowLength).ToList();
                    controlWindow     = fileData.Eye.Skip(index).Take(controlWindowLength).ToList();
                    controlTimeDeltas = fileData.TimeDeltas.Skip(index).Take(controlWindowLength).ToList();

                if (filterConfig.FilterByButterworth)
                    controlWindow = FilterController.FilterByButterworth(filterConfig, controlWindow.ToArray()).ToList();

                var filteredWindowItems = new Dictionary <double, double>();
                for (int g = 0; g < controlWindow.Count(); g++)
                    filteredWindowItems.Add(controlTimeDeltas[g], controlWindow[g]);

                double eyeValue;
                if (isPositive)
                    eyeValue   = controlWindow.Average(); //Max();
                    isPositive = false;
                    eyeValue   = controlWindow.Average(); //Min();
                    isPositive = true;

                if (sinLenght == 30D)

                //var eyeValue = fileData.Eye[index];
                var spotValue = fileData.Spot[index];
                var result    = eyeValue / spotValue;
                results.Add(new KeyValuePair <double, double>(sinLenght, result));

            var longSinGain = new double?();

            if (results.Where(x => x.Key == 240D).Count() > 0)
                longSinGain = results.Where(x => x.Key == 240D).Select(x => x.Value).Average();

            var midSinGain = new double?();

            if (results.Where(x => x.Key == 120D).Select(x => x.Value).Count() > 0)
                midSinGain = results.Where(x => x.Key == 120D).Select(x => x.Value).Average();

            var shortSinGain = new double?();

            if (results.Where(x => x.Key == 30D).Select(x => x.Value).Count() > 0)
                shortSinGain = results.Where(x => x.Key == 30D).Select(x => x.Value).Average();

            var gainCalculations = new Dictionary <string, double?>();

            if (longSinGain.HasValue)
                gainCalculations.Add("Long", longSinGain.GetValueOrDefault());
                gainCalculations.Add("Long", null);

            if (midSinGain.HasValue)
                gainCalculations.Add("Mid", midSinGain.GetValueOrDefault());
                gainCalculations.Add("Mid", null);

            if (shortSinGain.HasValue)
                gainCalculations.Add("Short", shortSinGain.GetValueOrDefault());
                gainCalculations.Add("Short", null);

            var longSinAcc = new double?();

            if (accuracyKspDiffValues.Where(x => x.Key == 240D).Count() > 0 && accuracyKspSpotValues.Where(x => x.Key == 240D).Count() > 0)
                var longSinW1 = accuracyKspDiffValues.Where(x => x.Key == 240D).Select(x => x.Value).Sum();
                var longSinW2 = accuracyKspSpotValues.Where(x => x.Key == 240D).Select(x => x.Value).Sum();
                longSinAcc = 1D - (longSinW1 / longSinW2);

            var midSinAcc = new double?();

            if (accuracyKspDiffValues.Where(x => x.Key == 120D).Count() > 0 && accuracyKspDiffValues.Where(x => x.Key == 120D).Count() > 0)
                var midSinW1 = accuracyKspDiffValues.Where(x => x.Key == 120D).Select(x => x.Value).Sum();
                var midSinW2 = accuracyKspSpotValues.Where(x => x.Key == 120D).Select(x => x.Value).Sum();
                midSinAcc = 1D - (midSinW1 / midSinW2);

            var shortSinAcc = new double?();

            if (accuracyKspDiffValues.Where(x => x.Key == 30D).Count() > 0 && accuracyKspDiffValues.Where(x => x.Key == 30D).Count() > 0)
                var shortSinW1 = accuracyKspDiffValues.Where(x => x.Key == 30D).Select(x => x.Value).Sum();
                var shortSinW2 = accuracyKspSpotValues.Where(x => x.Key == 30D).Select(x => x.Value).Sum();
                shortSinAcc = 1D - (shortSinW1 / shortSinW2);
                shortSinAcc = null;

            var accuracyCalculations = new Dictionary <string, double?>();

            accuracyCalculations.Add("Long", longSinAcc);
            accuracyCalculations.Add("Mid", midSinAcc);
            accuracyCalculations.Add("Short", shortSinAcc);

            return(new PursuitGainCalculations {
                Gains = gainCalculations, Accuracies = accuracyCalculations,
                FilteredControlWindows = filteredControlWindows