예제 #1
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: carolynvs/Flurl
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Must provide a path to the .cs output file.");

            var codePath = args[0];
            using (var writer = new CodeWriter(codePath)) {
                    .WriteLine("// This file was auto-generated by Flurl.Http.CodeGen. Do not edit directly.")
                    .WriteLine("using System.Collections.Generic;")
                    .WriteLine("using System.IO;")
                    .WriteLine("using System.Net.Http;")
                    .WriteLine("using System.Threading;")
                    .WriteLine("using System.Threading.Tasks;")
                    .WriteLine("using Flurl.Http.Content;")
                    .WriteLine("namespace Flurl.Http")
                    .WriteLine("public static class HttpExtensions")


예제 #2
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: llenroc/Flurl
		private static void WriteExtensionMethods(CodeWriter writer) {
			foreach (var xm in ExtensionMethodModel.GetAll()) {
				writer.WriteLine("/// <summary>");
				var summaryStart = (xm.ExtentionOfType == "FlurlClient") ? "Sends" : "Creates a FlurlClient from the URL and sends";
				writer.WriteLine("/// @0 an asynchronous @1 request.", summaryStart, xm.HttpVerb.ToUpperInvariant());
				writer.WriteLine("/// </summary>");
				if (xm.BodyType != null)
					writer.WriteLine("/// <param name=\"data\">Contents of the request body.</param>");
				if (xm.HasCancelationToken)
					writer.WriteLine("/// <param name=\"cancellationToken\">A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation.</param>");
				writer.WriteLine("/// <returns>A Task whose result is @0.</returns>", xm.ReturnTypeDescription);

				var args = new List<string>();
				args.Add("this " + xm.ExtentionOfType + (xm.ExtentionOfType == "FlurlClient" ? " client" : " url"));
				if (xm.BodyType != null)
					args.Add((xm.BodyType == "String" ? "string" : "object") + " data");
				if (xm.HasCancelationToken)
					args.Add("CancellationToken cancellationToken");

				writer.WriteLine("public static Task<@0> @1@2(@3) {", xm.TaskArg, xm.Name, xm.IsGeneric ? "<T>" : "", string.Join(", ", args));

				if (xm.ExtentionOfType == "FlurlClient") {
					if (xm.BodyType != null) {
						writer.WriteLine("var content = new Captured@0Content(@1);",
							xm.BodyType == "String" ? "data" : string.Format("client.Settings.{0}Serializer.Serialize(data)", xm.BodyType));

					args.Add(xm.HttpVerb == "Patch" ? "new HttpMethod(\"PATCH\")" : "HttpMethod." + xm.HttpVerb); // there's no HttpMethod.Patch
					if (xm.BodyType != null)
						args.Add("content: content");
					if (xm.HasCancelationToken)
						args.Add("cancellationToken: cancellationToken");

					var client = (xm.ExtentionOfType == "FlurlClient") ? "client" : "new FlurlClient(url, false)";
					var receive = (xm.DeserializeToType == null) ? "" : string.Format(".Receive{0}{1}()", xm.DeserializeToType, xm.IsGeneric ? "<T>" : "");
					writer.WriteLine("return @0.SendAsync(@1)@2;", client, string.Join(", ", args), receive);
				else {
					writer.WriteLine("return new FlurlClient(url, false).@0(@1);",
						xm.Name + (xm.IsGeneric ? "<T>" : ""),
						string.Join(", ", args.Skip(1).Select(a => a.Split(' ').Last())));

예제 #3
        private static void WriteExtensionMethods(CodeWriter writer)
            string name = null;

            foreach (var xm in HttpExtensionMethod.GetAll())
                var hasRequestBody = (xm.HttpVerb == "Post" || xm.HttpVerb == "Put" || xm.HttpVerb == "Patch" || xm.HttpVerb == null);

                if (xm.Name != name)
                    Console.WriteLine($"writing {xm.Name}...");
                    name = xm.Name;
                writer.WriteLine("/// <summary>");
                var summaryStart = (xm.ExtentionOfType == "IFlurlRequest") ? "Sends" : "Creates a FlurlRequest from the URL and sends";
                if (xm.HttpVerb == null)
                    writer.WriteLine("/// @0 an asynchronous request.", summaryStart);
                    writer.WriteLine("/// @0 an asynchronous @1 request.", summaryStart, xm.HttpVerb.ToUpperInvariant());
                writer.WriteLine("/// </summary>");
                if (xm.ExtentionOfType == "IFlurlRequest")
                    writer.WriteLine("/// <param name=\"request\">The IFlurlRequest instance.</param>");
                if (xm.ExtentionOfType == "Url" || xm.ExtentionOfType == "string")
                    writer.WriteLine("/// <param name=\"url\">The URL.</param>");
                if (xm.HttpVerb == null)
                    writer.WriteLine("/// <param name=\"verb\">The HTTP method used to make the request.</param>");
                if (hasRequestBody)
                    if (xm.RequestBodyType == "Json")
                        writer.WriteLine("/// <param name=\"data\">An object representing the request body, which will be serialized to JSON.</param>");
                    else if (xm.RequestBodyType != null)
                        writer.WriteLine("/// <param name=\"data\">Contents of the request body.</param>");
                        writer.WriteLine("/// <param name=\"content\">Contents of the request body.</param>");
                writer.WriteLine("/// <param name=\"cancellationToken\">The token to monitor for cancellation requests.</param>");
                writer.WriteLine("/// <param name=\"completionOption\">The HttpCompletionOption used in the request. Optional.</param>");
                writer.WriteLine("/// <returns>A Task whose result is @0.</returns>", xm.ReturnTypeDescription);

                var args = new List <string>();
                args.Add("this " + xm.ExtentionOfType + (xm.ExtentionOfType == "IFlurlRequest" ? " request" : " url"));
                if (xm.HttpVerb == null)
                    args.Add("HttpMethod verb");
                if (xm.RequestBodyType != null)
                    args.Add((xm.RequestBodyType == "String" ? "string" : "object") + " data");
                else if (hasRequestBody)
                    args.Add("HttpContent content");

                // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22359706/default-parameter-for-cancellationtoken
                args.Add("CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)");
                args.Add("HttpCompletionOption completionOption = HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead");

                writer.WriteLine("public static Task<@0> @1@2(@3) {", xm.TaskArg, xm.Name, xm.IsGeneric ? "<T>" : "", string.Join(", ", args));

                if (xm.ExtentionOfType == "IFlurlRequest")
                        xm.HttpVerb == null ? "verb" :
                        xm.HttpVerb == "Patch" ? "new HttpMethod(\"PATCH\")" :                         // there's no HttpMethod.Patch
                        "HttpMethod." + xm.HttpVerb);

                    if (xm.RequestBodyType != null || hasRequestBody)
                        args.Add("content: content");

                    args.Add("cancellationToken: cancellationToken");
                    args.Add("completionOption: completionOption");

                    if (xm.RequestBodyType != null)
                        writer.WriteLine("var content = new Captured@0Content(@1);",
                                         xm.RequestBodyType == "String" ? "data" : $"request.Settings.{xm.RequestBodyType}Serializer.Serialize(data)");

                    var request = (xm.ExtentionOfType == "IFlurlRequest") ? "request" : "new FlurlRequest(url)";
                    var receive = (xm.ResponseBodyType == null) ? "" : string.Format(".Receive{0}{1}()", xm.ResponseBodyType, xm.IsGeneric ? "<T>" : "");
                    writer.WriteLine("return @0.SendAsync(@1)@2;", request, string.Join(", ", args), receive);
                    writer.WriteLine("return new FlurlRequest(url).@0(@1);",
                                     xm.Name + (xm.IsGeneric ? "<T>" : ""),
                                     string.Join(", ", args.Skip(1).Select(a => a.Split(' ')[1])));


            foreach (var xtype in new[] { "Url", "string" })
                foreach (var xm in UrlExtensionMethod.GetAll())
                    if (xm.Name != name)
                        Console.WriteLine($"writing {xm.Name}...");
                        name = xm.Name;

                    writer.WriteLine("/// <summary>");
                    writer.WriteLine($"/// {xm.Description}");
                    writer.WriteLine("/// </summary>");
                    writer.WriteLine("/// <param name=\"url\">The URL.</param>");
                    foreach (var p in xm.Params)
                        writer.WriteLine($"/// <param name=\"{p.Name}\">{p.Description}</param>");
                    writer.WriteLine("/// <returns>The IFlurlRequest.</returns>");

                    var argList = new List <string> {
                        $"this {xtype} url"
                    argList.AddRange(xm.Params.Select(p => $"{p.Type} {p.Name}" + (p.Default == null ? "" : $" = {p.Default}")));
                    writer.WriteLine($"public static IFlurlRequest {xm.Name}({string.Join(", ", argList)}) {{");
                    writer.WriteLine($"return new FlurlRequest(url).{xm.Name}({string.Join(", ", xm.Params.Select(p => p.Name))});");