public void lowest_works_on_add()
     var id = Guid.NewGuid();
     var cache = new OutstandingMessageCache();
     cache.StartMessage(new OutstandingMessage(id, null, Helper.BuildFakeEvent(id, "type", "name", 10), 0), DateTime.Now);
     Assert.AreEqual(10, cache.GetLowestPosition());
예제 #2
 public void TryMarkCheckpoint(bool isTimeCheck)
     lock (_lock)
         var lowest = _outstandingMessages.GetLowestPosition();
         //TODO? COMPETING better to make -1? as of now we are inclusive of checkpoint.
         var lowestBufferedRetry = _streamBuffer.GetLowestRetry();
         lowest = Math.Min(lowest, lowestBufferedRetry);
         if (lowest == int.MinValue)
             lowest = _lastKnownMessage;
         //no outstanding messages. in this case we can say that the last known
         //event would be our checkpoint place (we have already completed it)
         var difference     = lowest - _lastCheckPoint;
         var now            = DateTime.Now;
         var timedifference = now - _lastCheckPointTime;
         if (timedifference < _settings.CheckPointAfter && difference < _settings.MaxCheckPointCount)
         if ((difference >= _settings.MinCheckPointCount && isTimeCheck) ||
             difference >= _settings.MaxCheckPointCount)
             _lastCheckPointTime = now;
             _lastCheckPoint     = lowest;
예제 #3
        public void TryMarkCheckpoint(bool isTimeCheck)
            lock (_lock) {
                var lowest = _outstandingMessages.GetLowestPosition() - 1;
                // Subtract 1 from retry and outstanding as those messages have not been processed yet.
                var lowestBufferedRetry = StreamBuffer.GetLowestRetry() - 1;
                lowest = Math.Min(lowest, lowestBufferedRetry);
                if (lowest == long.MaxValue - 1)
                    lowest = _lastKnownMessage;
                if (lowest == -1)

                //no outstanding messages. in this case we can say that the last known
                //event would be our checkpoint place (we have already completed it)
                var difference     = lowest - _lastCheckPoint;
                var now            = DateTime.UtcNow;
                var timedifference = now - _lastCheckPointTime;
                if (timedifference < _settings.CheckPointAfter && difference < _settings.MaxCheckPointCount)
                if ((difference >= _settings.MinCheckPointCount && isTimeCheck) ||
                    difference >= _settings.MaxCheckPointCount)
                    _lastCheckPointTime = now;
                    _lastCheckPoint     = lowest;
 public void adding_an_item_causes_count_to_go_up()
     var id = Guid.NewGuid();
     var cache = new OutstandingMessageCache();
     cache.StartMessage(new OutstandingMessage(id, null, Helper.BuildFakeEvent(id, "type", "name", 0), 0), DateTime.Now);
     Assert.AreEqual(1, cache.Count);
     Assert.AreEqual(0, cache.GetLowestPosition());
 public void get_expired_messages_returns_min_value_on_empty_cache()
     var cache = new OutstandingMessageCache();
     Assert.AreEqual(0, cache.GetMessagesExpiringBefore(DateTime.Now).Count());
     Assert.AreEqual(int.MinValue, cache.GetLowestPosition());
 public void lowest_on_empty_cache_returns_min()
     var cache = new OutstandingMessageCache();
     Assert.AreEqual(int.MinValue, cache.GetLowestPosition());