예제 #1
        private static void AppendSet(ExpressionVisitor Evaluator, FNodeSet Fields, HScriptParser.EOW_global_starContext context)

            string suffix =
                (context.K_AS() == null)
                ? null
                : context.IDENTIFIER().GetText();

            for (int i = 0; i < Evaluator.GlobalHeap.Scalars.Count; i++)
                string alias =
                    (suffix == null)
                    ? Evaluator.LocalHeap.Scalars.Name(i)
                    : suffix + Evaluator.LocalHeap.Scalars.Name(i);
                FNode node = new FNodeHeapRef(null, Evaluator.GlobalHeap, i);
                Fields.Add(alias, node);

예제 #2
        private static void AppendSet(ExpressionVisitor Evaluator, FNodeSet Fields, HScriptParser.EOW_table_starContext context)

            string alias = context.IDENTIFIER()[0].GetText();
            if (!Evaluator.Columns.ContainsKey(alias))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Alias '{0}' does not exist", alias));

            FNodeSet nodes = new FNodeSet(Evaluator.Columns[alias]);

            string suffix = (context.K_AS() == null) ? null : context.IDENTIFIER()[1].GetText();

            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
                Fields.Add((suffix == null) ? nodes.Alias(i) : suffix + nodes.Alias(i), nodes[i]);

예제 #3
        public static FNodeSet BindNodes(FNodeSet Gradients, CellVector Parameters, Dictionary<string, int> Map)

            if (Gradients.Count != Parameters.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException("The node collection and parameter vector must be the same size");

            FNodeSet nodes = new FNodeSet();
            for (int i = 0; i < Gradients.Count; i++)
                FNode t = NonlinearRegressionModel.BindNode(Gradients[i], Parameters, Map);
                nodes.Add(Gradients.Alias(i), t);

            return nodes;

예제 #4
        // Expression or wildcard handelers //
        private static void AppendSet(ExpressionVisitor Evaluator, FNodeSet Fields, HScriptParser.EOW_expressionContext context)

            FNode node = Evaluator.ToNode(context.expression_alias().expression());
            string alias = ("F" + Fields.Count.ToString());
            if (node.Name != null)
                alias = node.Name;
            if (context.expression_alias().K_AS() != null)
                alias = context.expression_alias().IDENTIFIER().GetText();
            Fields.Add(alias, node);

예제 #5
        public override RecordSet Initialize(DataSet Data, Predicate Where, FNodeSet Fields,  int Clusters)

            AggregateSet set = new AggregateSet();
            set.Add(new AggregateSum(FNodeFactory.Value(1D)), "CLUSTER_ELEMENT_COUNT");
            for (int i = 0; i < Fields.Count; i++)
                set.Add(new AggregateAverage(Fields[i].CloneOfMe()), Fields.Alias(i));

            FNode rnd = new FNodeResult(null, new CellRandomInt());
            rnd.AddChildNode(new FNodeValue(rnd, new Cell(this.Seed)));
            rnd.AddChildNode(new FNodeValue(rnd, new Cell(0)));
            rnd.AddChildNode(new FNodeValue(rnd, new Cell(Clusters)));
            FNodeSet keys = new FNodeSet();

            RecordSet rs = AggregatePlan.Render(Data, Where, keys, set);
            return rs;

예제 #6
        public static FNodeSet Gradients(FNode Equation, Dictionary<string,int> Map)

            FNodeSet nodes = new FNodeSet();
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> kv in Map)
                FNode dx = FNodeGradient.Gradient(Equation, kv.Key);
                nodes.Add(kv.Key, dx);
            return nodes;

예제 #7
파일: Lambda.cs 프로젝트: pwdlugosz/Horse
        public FNodeSet PartialGradients()

            FNodeSet nodes = new FNodeSet();
            foreach (string ptr in this._Pointers)
                nodes.Add(ptr, this.Gradient(ptr));
            return nodes;

예제 #8
        // Update //
        public static UpdatePlan RenderUpdatePlan(Workspace Home, HScriptParser.Crudam_updateContext context)

            // Get the data source //
            DataSet data = VisitorHelper.GetData(Home, context.full_table_name());

            // Create expression visitor //
            ExpressionVisitor exp_vis = new ExpressionVisitor(null, Home, data.Name, data.Columns, null);

            // Get where //
            Predicate where = VisitorHelper.GetWhere(exp_vis, context.where_clause());

            // Create the key and fnodeset //
            Key keys = new Key();
            FNodeSet expressions = new FNodeSet();
            foreach (HScriptParser.Update_unitContext ctx in context.update_unit())

            return new UpdatePlan(data, keys, expressions, where);

예제 #9
파일: FNodeSet.cs 프로젝트: pwdlugosz/Horse
 public FNodeSet CloneOfMe()
     FNodeSet nodes = new FNodeSet();
     for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++)
         nodes.Add(this._Alias[i], this._Nodes[i].CloneOfMe());
     return nodes;
예제 #10
파일: FNodeSet.cs 프로젝트: pwdlugosz/Horse
        public static FNodeSet Union(params FNodeSet[] NodeSets)

            FNodeSet f = new FNodeSet();
            foreach (FNodeSet n in NodeSets)

                for (int i = 0; i < n.Count; i++)
                    f.Add(n._Alias[i], n._Nodes[i]);

            return f;

예제 #11
        private void Render(DataSet Data, FNodeSet X_Values, FNodeSet Y_Values, Predicate Where)

            FNodeSet outputs = new FNodeSet();
            for (int i = 0; i < Y_Values.Count; i++)
                outputs.Add("Y_" + Y_Values.Alias(i), Y_Values[i].CloneOfMe());

            // Build the reader fnode-set //
            FNodeSet nodes = FNodeSet.Union(X_Values, outputs);

            // Construct the keys //
            this.InputKey = Key.Build(X_Values.Count);
            this.OutputKey = Key.Build(X_Values.Count, Y_Values.Count);

            // Build the data //
            DataSet rs = QuarterHorse.FastReadPlan.Render(Data, Where, nodes, this._max_record_count);
            this.ScrubbedData = Matrix.ToMatrix(rs.ToRecordSet);

예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the gradients (first derivative) of a node with respect to all parameters present.
        /// This method calls FNodeCompacter.CompactNode if the class level static variable 'Compact' is true (by default it is set to true).
        /// The gradient calculation leaves a lot of un-needed expressions that could be cancled out.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Node">The node to calculate the gradient over</param>
        /// <returns>A node representing a gradient</returns>
        internal static FNodeSet Gradient(FNode Node)

            string[] variables = FNodeAnalysis.AllPointersRefs(Node).Distinct().ToArray();
            FNodeSet tree = new FNodeSet();
            foreach (string n in variables)
                tree.Add(n, Gradient(Node, n));

            return tree;

예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the gradient (first derivative) of a node with respect to a parameter node passed (pointer node).
        /// This method calls FNodeCompacter.CompactNode if the class level static variable 'Compact' is true (by default it is set to true).
        /// The gradient calculation leaves a lot of un-needed expressions that could be cancled out.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Tree">The node to calculate the gradient over</param>
        /// <param name="PointerRef">The parameter names we are differentiating with respect to; must have the same number of elements as the Tree parameter</param>
        /// <returns>A tree representing all gradients</returns>
        internal static FNodeSet Gradient(FNodeSet Tree, string[] PointerRefs)

            if (Tree.Count != PointerRefs.Length)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Tree and pointers have different counts {0} : {1}", Tree.Count, PointerRefs.Length));

            FNodeSet tree = new FNodeSet();

            for (int i = 0; i < Tree.Count; i++)
                tree.Add(PointerRefs[i], Gradient(Tree[i], PointerRefs[i]));

            return tree;

예제 #14
        private static void AppendSet(ExpressionVisitor Evaluator, FNodeSet Fields, HScriptParser.EOW_tables_starContext context)

            if (Evaluator.Columns.Count == 0)
                return; // no need to toss an exception

            string alias = Evaluator.Columns.Keys.First();
            FNodeSet nodes = new FNodeSet(Evaluator.Columns[alias]);

            string suffix = (context.K_AS() == null) ? null : context.IDENTIFIER().GetText();

            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
                Fields.Add((suffix == null) ? nodes.Alias(i) : suffix + nodes.Alias(i), nodes[i]);

예제 #15
        private bool ItterateOnce()

            // Create the cluster mapping FNode; this node does the nearest neighbor test //
            FNodeSet keys = new FNodeSet();
            FNode n = new FNodeResult(null, new RowClusterCellFunction(this._rule, this._means));
            foreach (FNode t in this._fields.Nodes)
            keys.Add("CLUSTER_ID", n);

            // Create the aggregate//
            AggregateSet set = new AggregateSet();

            // Add a counter to the aggregate //
            set.Add(new AggregateSum(FNodeFactory.Value(1D)), "CLUSTER_ELEMENT_COUNT");

            // load the aggregate with the mean aggregates //
            for (int i = 0; i < this._fields.Count; i++)
                set.Add(new AggregateAverage(this._fields[i].CloneOfMe()), this._fields.Alias(i));

            // Load the aggregate with the variance aggregates //
            for (int i = 0; i < this._fields.Count; i++)
                set.Add(new AggregateVarianceP(this._fields[i].CloneOfMe()), "VAR_" + this._fields.Alias(i));

            // Run the aggregate; this is basically a horse aggregate step with the cluster node mapping as the key, and averaging as the value
            RecordSet rs = AggregatePlan.Render(this._data, this._where, keys, set);

            // Need to chop up the recordset we just created //
            Key mean_keeper = Key.Build(this._means.Columns.Count);
            RecordSet means = FastReadPlan.Render(rs, Predicate.TrueForAll, mean_keeper, long.MaxValue);
            Key stat_keeper = new Key(0,1); // keep the id and the count
            for (int i = mean_keeper.Count; i < rs.Columns.Count; i++)
            this._stats = FastReadPlan.Render(rs, Predicate.TrueForAll, stat_keeper, long.MaxValue);
            // Check for cluster misses; cluster misses occur when no node maps to a cluster correctly //
            if (means.Count != this._means.Count)

            // Compare the changes between itterations
            double change = this.CompareChanges(this._means, means);
            // Set the means to the newly calculated means //
            this._means = means;
            // Return a boolean indicating if we failed or not
            return change < this._exit_condition;

예제 #16
        public static FNodeSet CompactTree(FNodeSet Tree)

            FNodeSet t = new FNodeSet();

            foreach (FNode n in Tree.Nodes)

            return t;

예제 #17
        // Hash Table - Collection Map //
        private static DataSet BuildJoinHelper(DataSet Data1, DataSet Data2, MergeMethod JM)

            // Create the predicate fields //
            Key joiner = new Key();
            int T1Count = Data1.Columns.Count;
            for (int i = 2; i < T1Count; i++)

            // Memory Registers //
            StaticRegister mem1 = new StaticRegister(null);
            StaticRegister mem2 = new StaticRegister(null);

            // Build the output fields //
            FNodeSet keeper = new FNodeSet();
            keeper.Add(new FNodeFieldRef(null, 0, CellAffinity.INT, 8, mem1));
            keeper.Add(new FNodeFieldRef(null, 1, CellAffinity.INT, 8, mem1));
            keeper.Add(new FNodeFieldRef(null, 0, CellAffinity.INT, 8, mem2));
            keeper.Add(new FNodeFieldRef(null, 1, CellAffinity.INT, 8, mem2));

            // Create the hashing variables //
            string dir = (Data1.Directory != null ? Data1.Directory : Data2.Directory);
            string name = Header.TempName();
            Schema s = new Schema("set_id1 int, row_id1 int, set_id2 int, row_id2 int");

            // Write the join result to the data set //
            DataSet hash = DataSet.CreateOfType(Data1, dir, name, s, Data1.MaxRecords);
            RecordWriter brw = hash.OpenWriter();
            MergeFunctions.SortMerge(JM, brw, keeper, Predicate.TrueForAll, Data1, Data2, joiner, joiner, mem1, mem2);

            // Return //
            return hash;
