예제 #1
        // Run
        public int Run()
            int result = 0;     // Whether a meaningful action has been taken

            // If asleep

            if (actor.isAsleep)
                actor.actionPoints = 0;
                // If is hostile


                    // If has target

                    if(targetEnemy != null)

                        // If the target isn't dead and can be seen

                        if(!targetEnemy.dead && targetEnemy.visible && worldMap.TileDistance(actor.tileX, actor.tileY, targetEnemy.tileX, targetEnemy.tileY) <= actor.sightRange)

                            // If in melee range to target

                            if (worldMap.TileDistance(actor.tileX,actor.tileY, targetEnemy.tileX, targetEnemy.tileY) <= 1)
                                // If can attack melee

                                if (typeAttack == AI_TYPE_ATTACK_MELEE)
                                    // Try to attack

                                    if (actor.TryAttackingAnotherActor(targetEnemy, actor.attackMain) > 0)
                                        actor.actionPoints -= 6;
                                // Get path to target

                                Path path = new Path();
                                path = worldMap.FindPathToTile(actor.tileX, actor.tileY, targetEnemy.tileX, targetEnemy.tileY);

                                int tx = 0;
                                int ty = 0;

                                if (path.length > 1)
                                    if (path.nodes[1].x > actor.tileX)
                                        tx = 1;
                                    if (path.nodes[1].x < actor.tileX)
                                        tx = -1;
                                    if (path.nodes[1].y > actor.tileY)
                                        ty = 1;
                                    if (path.nodes[1].y < actor.tileY)
                                        ty = -1;

                                // Try moving towards target

                                if (tx != 0 || ty != 0)
                                    // If successful

                                    if (actor.TryMoving(tx, ty) > 0)
                                        actor.actionPoints -= 3;
                                        result = 1;
                                        Console.WriteLine(actor.nameTitle+" moves to ("+actor.tileX+","+actor.tileY+")");
                                        actor.actionPoints = 0;
                                    actor.actionPoints = 0;
                            targetEnemy = null;
                            actor.actionPoints = 0;

                        // Find an enemy

                        worldMap.FindTargetInSight(actor, TARGET_TYPE_ENEMY);
                        actor.actionPoints = 0;
                    actor.actionPoints = 0;

            return result;
예제 #2
        // Find a path to a tile
        public Path FindPathToTile(int sx, int sy, int tx, int ty)
            Path path = new Path();

            // Make the first node the start

            int nodeX = sx;
            int nodeY = sy;
            path.AddNode(nodeX, nodeY);

            // Before having reached the target position

            /*while (nodeX != tx && nodeY != ty && path.length < 100)


            // Make the last node the target tile

            nodeX = tx;
            nodeY = ty;
            path.AddNode(nodeX, nodeY);

            return path;