예제 #1
        internal static ISystem FindStar(string name, SQLiteConnectionSystem cn)
            EliteNameClassifier ec = new EliteNameClassifier(name);

            if (ec.IsNamed)
                // needs index on sectorid [nameid]. Relies on Names.id being the edsmid.

                using (DbCommand selectSysCmd = cn.CreateSelect("Systems s", MakeSystemQueryNamed,
                                                                "s.edsmid IN (Select id FROM Names WHERE name=@p1) AND s.sectorid IN (Select id FROM Sectors c WHERE c.name=@p2)",
                                                                new Object[] { ec.StarName, ec.SectorName },
                                                                joinlist: MakeSystemQueryNamedJoinList))
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( cn.ExplainQueryPlanString(selectSysCmd));

                    using (DbDataReader reader = selectSysCmd.ExecuteReader())
                        if (reader.Read())
                            return(MakeSystem(reader));        // read back and make name from db info due to case problems.
                // Numeric or Standard - all data in ID
                // needs index on Systems(sectorid, Nameid)

                using (DbCommand selectSysCmd = cn.CreateSelect("Systems s", MakeSysStdNumericQuery,
                                                                "s.nameid = @p1 AND s.sectorid IN (Select id FROM Sectors c WHERE c.name=@p2)",
                                                                new Object[] { ec.ID, ec.SectorName },
                                                                joinlist: MakeSysStdNumericQueryJoinList))
                    //  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( cn.ExplainQueryPlanString(selectSysCmd));

                    using (DbDataReader reader = selectSysCmd.ExecuteReader())
                        if (reader.Read())
                            return(MakeSystem(reader, ec.ID)); // read back .. sector name is taken from DB for case reasons

예제 #2
        // Beware with no extra conditions, you get them all..  Mostly used for debugging
        // use starreport to avoid storing the entries instead pass back one by one
        public static List <ISystem> ListStars(string where = null, string orderby = null, string limit = null, bool eddbinfo = false,
                                               Action <ISystem> starreport = null)
            List <ISystem> ret = new List <ISystem>();


            using (SQLiteConnectionSystem cn = new SQLiteConnectionSystem(mode: SQLLiteExtensions.SQLExtConnection.AccessMode.Writer))
                using (DbCommand selectSysCmd = cn.CreateSelect("Systems s", eddbinfo ? MakeSystemQueryEDDB : MakeSystemQueryNoEDDB, where, orderby, limit: limit,
                                                                joinlist: (eddbinfo ? MakeSystemQueryEDDBJoinList : MakeSystemQueryJoinList)))
                    using (DbDataReader reader = selectSysCmd.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())      // if there..
                            SystemClass s = MakeSystem(reader, eddbinfo);
                            if (starreport != null)

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Find stars " + BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap("Star"));
예제 #3
        public static void GetSystemListBySqDistancesFrom(BaseUtils.SortedListDoubleDuplicate <ISystem> distlist, // MUST use duplicate double list to protect against EDSM having two at the same point
                                                          double x, double y, double z,
                                                          int maxitems,
                                                          double mindist,       // 0 = no min dist, always spherical
                                                          double maxdist,
                                                          bool spherical,       // enforces sphere on maxdist, else its a cube for maxdist
                                                          SQLiteConnectionSystem cn,
                                                          Action <ISystem> LookedUp = null

            // for comparision, using the grid screener is slower than the xy index. keep code for record
            // grid screener..  "s.sectorid IN (Select id FROM Sectors sx where sx.gridid IN (" + strinlist + ")) " +
            //var gridids = GridId.Ids(x - maxdist, x + maxdist, z - maxdist, z + maxdist);       // find applicable grid ids across this range..
            //var strinlist = string.Join(",", (from x1 in gridids select x1.ToStringInvariant()));     // here we convert using invariant for paranoia sake.

            int mindistint = mindist > 0 ? SystemClass.DoubleToInt(mindist) * SystemClass.DoubleToInt(mindist) : 0;

            // needs a xz index for speed

            using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateSelect("Systems s",
                                                   where :
                                                   "s.x >= @xv - @maxdist " +
                                                   "AND s.x <= @xv + @maxdist " +
                                                   "AND s.z >= @zv - @maxdist " +
                                                   "AND s.z <= @zv + @maxdist " +
                                                   "AND s.y >= @yv - @maxdist " +
                                                   "AND s.y <= @yv + @maxdist " +
                                                   (mindist > 0 ? ("AND (s.x-@xv)*(s.x-@xv)+(s.y-@yv)*(s.y-@yv)+(s.z-@zv)*(s.z-@zv)>=" + (mindistint).ToStringInvariant()) : ""),
                                                   orderby: "(s.x-@xv)*(s.x-@xv)+(s.y-@yv)*(s.y-@yv)+(s.z-@zv)*(s.z-@zv)", // just use squares to order
                                                   joinlist: MakeSystemQueryEDDBJoinList,
                                                   limit: "@max"
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@xv", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(x));
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@yv", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(y));
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@zv", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(z));
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@max", maxitems + 1);     // 1 more, because if we are on a System, that will be returned
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@maxdist", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(maxdist));

//                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(cn.ExplainQueryPlanString(cmd));

                using (DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())// && distlist.Count < maxitems)           // already sorted, and already limited to max items
                        SystemClass s = MakeSystem(reader);
                        LookedUp?.Invoke(s);                            // callback to say looked up

                        double distsq = s.DistanceSq(x, y, z);
                        if ((!spherical || distsq <= maxdist * maxdist))
                            distlist.Add(distsq, s);                  // which Rob has seen crashing the program! Bad EDSM!
        internal static ISystem GetSystemNearestTo(Point3D currentpos,
                                                   Point3D wantedpos,
                                                   double maxfromcurpos,
                                                   double maxfromwanted,
                                                   SystemsNearestMetric routemethod,
                                                   SQLiteConnectionSystem cn,
                                                   Action <ISystem> LookedUp = null,
                                                   int limitto = 1000)
            using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateSelect("Systems s",
                                                   where :
                                                   "x >= @xc - @maxfromcurpos " +
                                                   "AND x <= @xc + @maxfromcurpos " +
                                                   "AND z >= @zc - @maxfromcurpos " +
                                                   "AND z <= @zc + @maxfromcurpos " +
                                                   "AND x >= @xw - @maxfromwanted " +
                                                   "AND x <= @xw + @maxfromwanted " +
                                                   "AND z >= @zw - @maxfromwanted " +
                                                   "AND z <= @zw + @maxfromwanted " +
                                                   "AND y >= @yc - @maxfromcurpos " +
                                                   "AND y <= @yc + @maxfromcurpos " +
                                                   "AND y >= @yw - @maxfromwanted " +
                                                   "AND y <= @yw + @maxfromwanted ",
                                                   orderby: "(s.x-@xw)*(s.x-@xw)+(s.y-@yw)*(s.y-@yw)+(s.z-@zw)*(s.z-@zw)", // orderby distance from wanted
                                                   limit: limitto,
                                                   joinlist: MakeSystemQueryNamedJoinList))
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@xw", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(wantedpos.X));         // easier to manage with named paras
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@yw", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(wantedpos.Y));
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@zw", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(wantedpos.Z));
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@maxfromwanted", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(maxfromwanted));
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@xc", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(currentpos.X));
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@yc", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(currentpos.Y));
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@zc", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(currentpos.Z));
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@maxfromcurpos", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(maxfromcurpos));


                using (DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    var systems = MakeSystemEnumerable(reader, callback: LookedUp);

                    return(GetSystemNearestTo(systems, currentpos, wantedpos, maxfromcurpos, maxfromwanted, routemethod));
예제 #5
        public static long FindAlias(long edsmid, string name, SQLiteConnectionSystem cn)
            string query = "edsmid = @edsmid OR name = @name";

            if (edsmid < 1)
                query = "name = @name";
            else if (!name.HasChars())
                query = "edsmid = @edsmid";

            DbCommand selectCmd = cn.CreateSelect("Aliases", "edsmid_mergedto", query, inparas: new string[] { "edsmid:int64", "name:string" });

            selectCmd.Parameters[0].Value = edsmid;
            selectCmd.Parameters[1].Value = name;
            return(selectCmd.ExecuteScalar <long>(-1));
예제 #6
        internal static ISystem FindStar(long edsmid, SQLiteConnectionSystem cn)
            // No indexes needed- edsmid is primary key

            using (DbCommand selectSysCmd = cn.CreateSelect("Systems s", MakeSystemQueryNamed,
                                                            new Object[] { edsmid },
                                                            joinlist: MakeSystemQueryNamedJoinList))
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( cn.ExplainQueryPlanString(selectSysCmd));

                using (DbDataReader reader = selectSysCmd.ExecuteReader())
                    if (reader.Read())
        internal static List <ISystem> FindAliasWildcard(string name, SQLiteConnectionSystem cn)
            List <ISystem> ret = new List <ISystem>();

            using (DbCommand selectSysCmd = cn.CreateSelect("Systems s", MakeSystemQueryEDDB,
                                                            "s.edsmid IN (Select edsmid_mergedto FROM Aliases WHERE name like @p1)",
                                                            new Object[] { name + "%" },
                                                            joinlist: MakeSystemQueryEDDBJoinList))
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( cn.ExplainQueryPlanString(selectSysCmd));

                using (DbDataReader reader = selectSysCmd.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())

예제 #8
        // randimised id % 100 < sercentage
        public static List <V> GetStarPositions <V>(int percentage, Func <int, int, int, V> tovect)  // return all star positions..
            List <V> ret = new List <V>();

            using (SQLiteConnectionSystem cn = new SQLiteConnectionSystem(mode: SQLLiteExtensions.SQLExtConnection.AccessMode.Reader))
                using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateSelect("Systems s",
                                                       outparas: "s.x,s.y,s.z",
                                                       where : "((s.edsmid*2333)%100) <" + percentage.ToStringInvariant()
                    using (DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            ret.Add(tovect(reader.GetInt32(0), reader.GetInt32(1), reader.GetInt32(2)));

예제 #9
        // set tempostfix to use another set of tables

        public static long ParseEDSMJSON(JsonTextReader jr,
                                         bool[] grididallowed,      // null = all, else grid bool value
                                         ref DateTime maxdate,      // updated with latest date
                                         Func <bool> cancelRequested,
                                         Action <string> reportProgress,
                                         string tablepostfix,            // set to add on text to table names to redirect to another table
                                         bool tablesareempty    = false, // set to presume table is empty, so we don't have to do look up queries
                                         string debugoutputfile = null
            sectoridcache   = new Dictionary <long, Sector>();
            sectornamecache = new Dictionary <string, Sector>();

            int nextsectorid = GetNextSectorID();

            SQLiteConnectionSystem cn = new SQLiteConnectionSystem(mode: SQLLiteExtensions.SQLExtConnection.AccessMode.Writer);

            StreamWriter sw = debugoutputfile != null ? new StreamWriter(debugoutputfile) : null;

            long      updates   = 0;
            const int BlockSize = 100000;
            int       Limit     = int.MaxValue;
            bool      jr_eof    = false;

            DbCommand selectSectorCmd = cn.CreateSelect("Sectors" + tablepostfix, "id", "name = @sname AND gridid = @gid", null,
                                                        new string[] { "sname", "gid" }, new DbType[] { DbType.String, DbType.Int32 });

            while (jr_eof == false)
                if (cancelRequested())
                    updates = -1;

                int recordstostore = 0;

                while (true)
                        if (jr.Read())                                                      // collect a decent amount
                            if (jr.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject)
                                EDSMFileEntry d = new EDSMFileEntry();

                                if (d.Deserialize(jr) && d.id >= 0 && d.name.HasChars() && d.z != int.MinValue)     // if we have a valid record
                                    int gridid = GridId.Id(d.x, d.z);
                                    if (grididallowed == null || (grididallowed.Length > gridid && grididallowed[gridid]))     // allows a null or small grid
                                        CreateNewUpdate(selectSectorCmd, d, gridid, tablesareempty, ref maxdate, ref nextsectorid);

                                if (--Limit == 0)
                                    jr_eof = true;

                                if (recordstostore >= BlockSize)
                            jr_eof = true;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("EDSM JSON file exception " + ex.ToString());
                        jr_eof = true;                                                                              // stop read, but let it continue to finish this section

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Process " + BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap("L1") + "   " + updates);

                if (recordstostore > 0)
                    updates += StoreNewEntries(cn, tablepostfix, sw);

                    reportProgress?.Invoke("EDSM Star database updated " + updates);

                if (jr_eof)

                if (SQLiteConnectionSystem.IsReadWaiting)
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(20);      // just sleepy for a bit to let others use the db

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Process " + BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap("L1") + "   " + updates);
            reportProgress?.Invoke("EDSM Star database updated " + updates);

            if (sw != null)


            PutNextSectorID(nextsectorid);    // and store back

            sectoridcache   = null;
            sectornamecache = null;

예제 #10
        // take old system table and turn to new.  tablesarempty=false is normal, only set to true if using this code for checking replace algorithm

        public static long UpgradeDB102to200(Func <bool> cancelRequested, Action <string> reportProgress, string tablepostfix, bool tablesareempty = false, int maxgridid = int.MaxValue)
            sectoridcache   = new Dictionary <long, Sector>();
            sectornamecache = new Dictionary <string, Sector>();

            SQLiteConnectionSystem cn = new SQLiteConnectionSystem(mode: SQLLiteExtensions.SQLExtConnection.AccessMode.ReaderWriter);

            int nextsectorid = GetNextSectorID();

            long updates = 0;
            long Limit   = long.MaxValue;

            DateTime maxdate = DateTime.MinValue;       // we don't pass this back due to using the same date

            reportProgress?.Invoke("Being System DB upgrade");

            DbCommand selectSectorCmd = cn.CreateSelect("Sectors" + tablepostfix, "id", "name = @sname AND gridid = @gid", null,
                                                        new string[] { "sname", "gid" }, new DbType[] { DbType.String, DbType.Int32 });

            List <int> gridids = DB.GridId.AllId();


            //int debug_z = 0;

            foreach (int gridid in gridids)  // using grid id to keep chunks a good size.. can't read and write so can't just read the whole.
                if (cancelRequested())
                    updates = -1;

                if (gridid == maxgridid)        // for debugging

                DbCommand selectPrev = cn.CreateSelect("EdsmSystems s", "s.EdsmId,s.x,s.y,s.z,n.Name,s.UpdateTimeStamp", "s.GridId = " + gridid.ToStringInvariant(),
                                                       joinlist: new string[] { "LEFT OUTER JOIN SystemNames n ON n.EdsmId=s.EdsmId" });

                int recordstostore = 0;

                using (DbDataReader reader = selectPrev.ExecuteReader())       // find name:gid

                    while (reader.Read())
                            EDSMFileEntry d = new EDSMFileEntry();
                            d.id   = (long)reader[0];
                            d.x    = (int)(long)reader[1];
                            d.y    = (int)(long)reader[2];
                            d.z    = (int)(long)reader[3];
                            d.name = (string)reader[4];
                            d.date = new DateTime(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc) + TimeSpan.FromSeconds((long)reader["UpdateTimestamp"]);
                            int grididentry = GridId.Id(d.x, d.z);  // because i don't trust the previous gridid - it should be the same as the outer loop, but lets recalc

                            //if (!tablesareempty)  d.z = debug_z++;  // for debug checking

                            CreateNewUpdate(selectSectorCmd, d, grididentry, tablesareempty, ref maxdate, ref nextsectorid);      // not using gridid on purpose to double check it.
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Reading prev table" + ex);


                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Reader took " + BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap("U1") + " in " + gridid + "  " + recordpos + " total " + recordstostore);

                if (recordstostore >= 0)
                    updates += StoreNewEntries(cn, tablepostfix, null);
                    reportProgress?.Invoke("System DB upgrade processed " + updates);

                    Limit -= recordstostore;

                    if (Limit <= 0)

                    if (SQLiteConnectionSystem.IsReadWaiting)
                        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(20);      // just sleepy for a bit to let others use the db
                var tres1 = BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLapDelta("U1");
                var tres2 = BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountFrom("UTotal");
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Sector " + gridid + " took " + tres1.Item1 + " store " + recordstostore + " total " + updates + " " + ((float)tres1.Item2 / (float)recordstostore) + " cumulative " + tres2);

            reportProgress?.Invoke("System DB complete, processed " + updates);


            PutNextSectorID(nextsectorid);    // and store back

            sectoridcache   = null;
            sectornamecache = null;

예제 #11
        public static long ParseAlias(JsonTextReader jr)
            long updates = 0;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Update aliases");

            using (SQLiteConnectionSystem cn = new SQLiteConnectionSystem(mode: SQLLiteExtensions.SQLExtConnection.AccessMode.Writer))  // open the db
                using (DbTransaction txn = cn.BeginTransaction())
                    DbCommand selectCmd       = cn.CreateSelect("Aliases", "edsmid", "edsmid = @edsmid", inparas: new string[] { "edsmid:int64" }, limit: "1", tx: txn); // 1 return matching ID
                    DbCommand deletesystemcmd = cn.CreateDelete("Systems", "edsmid=@edsmid", paras: new string[] { "edsmid:int64" }, tx: txn);
                    DbCommand insertCmd       = cn.CreateReplace("Aliases", paras: new string[] { "edsmid:int64", "edsmid_mergedto:int64", "name:string" }, tx: txn);

                    {       // protect against json exceptions
                        while (true)
                            if (!jr.Read())

                            if (jr.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject)
                                JObject jo = JObject.Load(jr);

                                long   edsmid   = (long)jo["id"];
                                string name     = (string)jo["system"];
                                string action   = (string)jo["action"];
                                long   mergedto = 0;

                                if (jo["mergedTo"] != null)
                                    mergedto = (long)jo["mergedTo"];

                                if (action.Contains("delete system", System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                    deletesystemcmd.Parameters[0].Value = edsmid;

                                if (mergedto > 0)
                                    selectCmd.Parameters[0].Value = edsmid;
                                    long foundedsmid = selectCmd.ExecuteScalar <long>(-1);

                                    if (foundedsmid == -1)
                                        insertCmd.Parameters[0].Value = edsmid;
                                        insertCmd.Parameters[1].Value = mergedto;
                                        insertCmd.Parameters[2].Value = name;
                                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Alias " + edsmid + " -> " + mergedto + " " + name);
                    catch (System.Exception ex)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("JSON format error in aliases " + ex);


예제 #12
        internal static List <ISystem> FindStarWildcard(string name, SQLiteConnectionSystem cn, int limit = int.MaxValue)
            EliteNameClassifier ec = new EliteNameClassifier(name);

            List <ISystem> ret = new List <ISystem>();

            if (ec.IsStandardParts)     // normal Euk PRoc qc-l d2-3
                // needs index on Systems(sectorid, Nameid)

                using (DbCommand selectSysCmd = cn.CreateSelect("Systems s", MakeSystemQueryNamed,
                                                                "s.nameid >= @p1 AND s.nameid <= @p2 AND s.sectorid IN (Select id FROM Sectors c WHERE c.name=@p3)",
                                                                new Object[] { ec.ID, ec.IDHigh, ec.SectorName },
                                                                limit: limit,
                                                                joinlist: MakeSystemQueryNamedJoinList))
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( cn.ExplainQueryPlanString(selectSysCmd));

                    using (DbDataReader reader = selectSysCmd.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            SystemClass sc = MakeSystem(reader);
            else if (ec.IsNumeric)        // HIP 29282
                // checked select *,s.nameid & 0x3fffffffff , cast((s.nameid & 0x3fffffffff) as text) From Systems  s where (s.nameid & (1<<46)!=0) and s.sectorid=15568 USNO entries
                // beware, 1<<46 works, 0x40 0000 0000 does not..
                // needs index on Systems(sectorid, Nameid)

                using (DbCommand selectSysCmd = cn.CreateSelect("Systems s", MakeSystemQueryNamed,
                                                                "(s.nameid & (1<<46) != 0) AND cast((s.nameid & 0x3fffffffff) as text) LIKE @p1 AND s.sectorid IN (Select id FROM Sectors c WHERE c.name=@p2)",
                                                                new Object[] { ec.NameIdNumeric.ToStringInvariant() + "%", ec.SectorName },
                                                                limit: limit,
                                                                joinlist: MakeSystemQueryNamedJoinList))
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( cn.ExplainQueryPlanString(selectSysCmd));

                    using (DbDataReader reader = selectSysCmd.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            SystemClass sc = MakeSystem(reader);
            {                               // named
                if (ec.StarName.Length > 0) // if we have a starname component and a sector name, look up sectorname + starname%
                    // needs index on Systems(sectorid, Nameid)

                    using (DbCommand selectSysCmd = cn.CreateSelect("Systems s", MakeSystemQueryNamed,
                                                                    "s.nameid IN (Select id FROM Names WHERE name LIKE @p1) AND s.sectorid IN (Select id FROM Sectors c WHERE c.name=@p2)",
                                                                    new Object[] { ec.StarName + "%", ec.SectorName },
                                                                    limit: limit,
                                                                    joinlist: MakeSystemQueryNamedJoinList))

                        using (DbDataReader reader = selectSysCmd.ExecuteReader())
                            while (reader.Read())
                                SystemClass sc = MakeSystem(reader);

                            limit -= ret.Count;

                // look up Sector. Use sectorname, unless it NoSectorName in which case use the starname as a presumed sector name

                // needs index on Systems(sectorid, [Nameid])

                if (limit > 0)
                    using (DbCommand selectSysCmd = cn.CreateSelect("Systems s", MakeSystemQueryNamed,
                                                                    "s.sectorid IN (Select id FROM Sectors c WHERE c.name LIKE @p1)",
                                                                    new Object[] { (ec.SectorName != EliteNameClassifier.NoSectorName ? ec.SectorName : ec.StarName) + "%" },
                                                                    limit: limit,
                                                                    joinlist: MakeSystemQueryNamedJoinList))
                        // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(cn.ExplainQueryPlanString(selectSysCmd));

                        using (DbDataReader reader = selectSysCmd.ExecuteReader())
                            while (reader.Read())
                                SystemClass sc = MakeSystem(reader);

예제 #13
        public static void GetSystemVector <V>(int gridid, ref V[] vertices1, ref uint[] colours1,
                                               ref V[] vertices2, ref uint[] colours2,
                                               int percentage, Func <int, int, int, V> tovect,
                                               SQLiteConnectionSystem cn,
                                               SystemAskType ask = SystemAskType.SplitPopulatedStars)
            int numvertices1 = 0;

            vertices1 = vertices2 = null;

            int numvertices2 = 0;

            colours1 = colours2 = null;

            Color[] fixedc = new Color[4];
            fixedc[0] = Color.Red;
            fixedc[1] = Color.Orange;
            fixedc[2] = Color.Yellow;
            fixedc[3] = Color.White;

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("sysLap : " + BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap());

            // tried xz comparision but slower than grid select
            using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateSelect("Systems s",
                                                   outparas: "s.edsmid,s.x,s.y,s.z" + (ask == SystemAskType.SplitPopulatedStars ? ",e.eddbid" : ""),
                                                   where : "s.sectorid IN (Select id FROM Sectors c WHERE c.gridid = @p1)" +
                                                   (percentage < 100 ? (" AND ((s.edsmid*2333)%100) <" + percentage.ToStringInvariant()) : "") +
                                                   (ask == SystemAskType.PopulatedStars ? " AND e.edsmid NOT NULL " : "") +
                                                   (ask == SystemAskType.UnpopulatedStars ? " AND e.edsmid IS NULL " : ""),
                                                   paras: new Object[] { gridid },
                                                   joinlist: ask != SystemAskType.AllStars ? new string[] { "LEFT OUTER JOIN EDDB e ON e.edsmid = s.edsmid " } : null
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( cn.ExplainQueryPlanString(cmd));

                vertices1 = new V[250000];
                colours1  = new uint[250000];

                if (ask == SystemAskType.SplitPopulatedStars)
                    vertices2 = new V[250000];
                    colours2  = new uint[250000];

                using (DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("sysLapStart : " + BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap());

                    Object[] data = new Object[4];

                    while (reader.Read())
                        long id = reader.GetInt64(0);       // quicker than cast
                        int  x  = reader.GetInt32(1);
                        int  y  = reader.GetInt32(2);
                        int  z  = reader.GetInt32(3);

                        bool addtosecondary = (ask == SystemAskType.SplitPopulatedStars) ? (reader[4] is System.DBNull) : false;

                        Color basec = fixedc[(id) & 3];
                        int   fade  = 100 - (((int)id >> 2) & 7) * 8;
                        byte  red   = (byte)(basec.R * fade / 100);
                        byte  green = (byte)(basec.G * fade / 100);
                        byte  blue  = (byte)(basec.B * fade / 100);

                        if (addtosecondary)
                            if (numvertices2 == vertices2.Length)
                                Array.Resize(ref vertices2, vertices2.Length * 2);
                                Array.Resize(ref colours2, colours2.Length * 2);

                            colours2[numvertices2]    = BitConverter.ToUInt32(new byte[] { red, green, blue, 255 }, 0);
                            vertices2[numvertices2++] = tovect(x, y, z);
                            if (numvertices1 == vertices1.Length)
                                Array.Resize(ref vertices1, vertices1.Length * 2);
                                Array.Resize(ref colours1, colours1.Length * 2);

                            colours1[numvertices1]    = BitConverter.ToUInt32(new byte[] { red, green, blue, 255 }, 0);
                            vertices1[numvertices1++] = tovect(x, y, z);

                    //      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("sysLapEnd : " + BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap());

                Array.Resize(ref vertices1, numvertices1);
                Array.Resize(ref colours1, numvertices1);

                if (ask == SystemAskType.SplitPopulatedStars)
                    Array.Resize(ref vertices2, numvertices2);
                    Array.Resize(ref colours2, numvertices2);

                if (gridid == GridId.SolGrid && vertices1 != null) // BODGE do here, better once on here than every star for every grid..
                {                                                  // replace when we have a better naming system
                    int solindex = Array.IndexOf(vertices1, tovect(0, 0, 0));
                    if (solindex >= 0)
                        colours1[solindex] = 0x00ffff;   //yellow
        internal static ISystem GetSystemNearestTo(Point3D currentpos,
                                                   Point3D wantedpos,
                                                   double maxfromcurpos,
                                                   double maxfromwanted,
                                                   int routemethod,
                                                   SQLiteConnectionSystem cn,
                                                   Action <ISystem> LookedUp = null,
                                                   int limitto = 1000)
            using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateSelect("Systems s",
                                                   where :
                                                   "x >= @xc - @maxfromcurpos " +
                                                   "AND x <= @xc + @maxfromcurpos " +
                                                   "AND z >= @zc - @maxfromcurpos " +
                                                   "AND z <= @zc + @maxfromcurpos " +
                                                   "AND x >= @xw - @maxfromwanted " +
                                                   "AND x <= @xw + @maxfromwanted " +
                                                   "AND z >= @zw - @maxfromwanted " +
                                                   "AND z <= @zw + @maxfromwanted " +
                                                   "AND y >= @yc - @maxfromcurpos " +
                                                   "AND y <= @yc + @maxfromcurpos " +
                                                   "AND y >= @yw - @maxfromwanted " +
                                                   "AND y <= @yw + @maxfromwanted ",
                                                   orderby: "(s.x-@xw)*(s.x-@xw)+(s.y-@yw)*(s.y-@yw)+(s.z-@zw)*(s.z-@zw)", // orderby distance from wanted
                                                   limit: limitto,
                                                   joinlist: MakeSystemQueryEDDBJoinList))
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@xw", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(wantedpos.X));         // easier to manage with named paras
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@yw", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(wantedpos.Y));
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@zw", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(wantedpos.Z));
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@maxfromwanted", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(maxfromwanted));
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@xc", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(currentpos.X));
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@yc", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(currentpos.Y));
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@zc", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(currentpos.Z));
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@maxfromcurpos", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(maxfromcurpos));


                double      bestmindistance = double.MaxValue;
                SystemClass nearestsystem   = null;

                using (DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        SystemClass s = MakeSystem(reader);
                        LookedUp?.Invoke(s);                            // callback to say looked up

                        Point3D syspos = new Point3D(s.X, s.Y, s.Z);
                        double  distancefromwantedx2 = Point3D.DistanceBetweenX2(wantedpos, syspos);  // range between the wanted point and this, ^2
                        double  distancefromcurposx2 = Point3D.DistanceBetweenX2(currentpos, syspos); // range between the wanted point and this, ^2

                        // ENSURE its withing the circles now
                        if (distancefromcurposx2 <= (maxfromcurpos * maxfromcurpos) && distancefromwantedx2 <= (maxfromwanted * maxfromwanted))
                            if (routemethod == metric_nearestwaypoint)
                                if (distancefromwantedx2 < bestmindistance)
                                    nearestsystem   = s;
                                    bestmindistance = distancefromwantedx2;
                                Point3D interceptpoint = currentpos.InterceptPoint(wantedpos, syspos);      // work out where the perp. intercept point is..
                                double  deviation      = Point3D.DistanceBetween(interceptpoint, syspos);
                                double  metric         = 1E39;

                                if (routemethod == metric_mindevfrompath)
                                    metric = deviation;
                                else if (routemethod == metric_maximum100ly)
                                    metric = (deviation <= 100) ? distancefromwantedx2 : metric;        // no need to sqrt it..
                                else if (routemethod == metric_maximum250ly)
                                    metric = (deviation <= 250) ? distancefromwantedx2 : metric;
                                else if (routemethod == metric_maximum500ly)
                                    metric = (deviation <= 500) ? distancefromwantedx2 : metric;
                                else if (routemethod == metric_waypointdev2)
                                    metric = Math.Sqrt(distancefromwantedx2) + deviation / 2;

                                if (metric < bestmindistance)
                                    nearestsystem   = s;
                                    bestmindistance = metric;

예제 #15
        public static long ParseEDDBJSON(TextReader tr, Func <bool> cancelRequested)
            long updated = 0;

            bool eof = false;

            while (!eof)
                SQLiteConnectionSystem cn = new SQLiteConnectionSystem(mode: SQLLiteExtensions.SQLExtConnection.AccessMode.ReaderWriter);

                SQLExtTransactionLock <SQLiteConnectionSystem> tl = new SQLExtTransactionLock <SQLiteConnectionSystem>();

                DbTransaction txn = cn.BeginTransaction();

                DbCommand selectCmd = cn.CreateSelect("EDDB", "eddbupdatedat", "edsmid = @edsmid", inparas: new string[] { "edsmid:int64" }, limit: "1", tx: txn);   // 1 return matching ID

                string[] dbfields = { "edsmid",     "eddbid",         "eddbupdatedat", "population",
                                      "faction",    "government",     "allegiance",    "state",
                                      "security",   "primaryeconomy", "needspermit",   "power",
                                      "powerstate", "properties" };
                DbType[] dbfieldtypes = { DbType.Int64,  DbType.Int64, DbType.Int64, DbType.Int64,
                                          DbType.String, DbType.Int64, DbType.Int64, DbType.Int64,
                                          DbType.Int64,  DbType.Int64, DbType.Int64, DbType.String,
                                          DbType.String, DbType.String };

                DbCommand replaceCmd = cn.CreateReplace("EDDB", dbfields, dbfieldtypes, txn);

                while (!SQLiteConnectionSystem.IsReadWaiting)
                    string line = tr.ReadLine();

                    if (line == null)  // End of stream
                        eof = true;

                        JObject jo              = JObject.Parse(line);
                        long    jsonupdatedat   = jo["updated_at"].Int();
                        long    jsonedsmid      = jo["edsm_id"].Long();
                        bool    jsonispopulated = jo["is_populated"].Bool();

                        if (jsonispopulated)        // double check that the flag is set - population itself may be zero, for some systems, but its the flag we care about
                            selectCmd.Parameters[0].Value = jsonedsmid;
                            long dbupdated_at = selectCmd.ExecuteScalar <long>(0);

                            if (dbupdated_at == 0 || jsonupdatedat != dbupdated_at)
                                replaceCmd.Parameters["@edsmid"].Value        = jsonedsmid;
                                replaceCmd.Parameters["@eddbid"].Value        = jo["id"].Long();
                                replaceCmd.Parameters["@eddbupdatedat"].Value = jsonupdatedat;
                                replaceCmd.Parameters["@population"].Value    = jo["population"].Long();
                                replaceCmd.Parameters["@faction"].Value       = jo["controlling_minor_faction"].Str("Unknown");
                                replaceCmd.Parameters["@government"].Value    = EliteDangerousTypesFromJSON.Government2ID(jo["government"].Str("Unknown"));
                                replaceCmd.Parameters["@allegiance"].Value    = EliteDangerousTypesFromJSON.Allegiance2ID(jo["allegiance"].Str("Unknown"));

                                EDState edstate = EDState.Unknown;

                                    if (jo["states"] != null && jo["states"].HasValues)
                                        JToken  tk      = jo["states"].First; // we take the first one whatever
                                        JObject jostate = (JObject)tk;
                                        edstate = EliteDangerousTypesFromJSON.EDState2ID(jostate["name"].Str("Unknown"));
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("EDDB JSON file exception for states " + ex.ToString());

                                replaceCmd.Parameters["@state"].Value          = edstate;
                                replaceCmd.Parameters["@security"].Value       = EliteDangerousTypesFromJSON.EDSecurity2ID(jo["security"].Str("Unknown"));
                                replaceCmd.Parameters["@primaryeconomy"].Value = EliteDangerousTypesFromJSON.EDEconomy2ID(jo["primary_economy"].Str("Unknown"));
                                replaceCmd.Parameters["@needspermit"].Value    = jo["needs_permit"].Int(0);
                                replaceCmd.Parameters["@power"].Value          = jo["power"].Str("None");
                                replaceCmd.Parameters["@powerstate"].Value     = jo["power_state"].Str("N/A");
                                replaceCmd.Parameters["@properties"].Value     = RemoveFieldsFromJSON(jo);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("EDDB JSON file exception " + ex.ToString());


예제 #16
        private static void GetSystemVector <V>(int gridid, ref V[] vertices1, ref uint[] colours1,
                                                int percentage, Func <int, int, int, V> tovect,
                                                SQLiteConnectionSystem cn)

            int numvertices1 = 0;

            vertices1 = null;
            colours1  = null;

            Color[] fixedc = new Color[4];
            fixedc[0] = Color.Red;
            fixedc[1] = Color.Orange;
            fixedc[2] = Color.Yellow;
            fixedc[3] = Color.White;

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("sysLap : " + BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap());

            // tried xz comparision but slower than grid select
            using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateSelect("Systems s",
                                                   outparas: "s.edsmid,s.x,s.y,s.z",
                                                   where : "s.sectorid IN (Select id FROM Sectors c WHERE c.gridid = @p1)" +
                                                   (percentage < 100 ? (" AND ((s.edsmid*2333)%100) <" + percentage.ToStringInvariant()) : ""),
                                                   paras: new Object[] { gridid }
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( cn.ExplainQueryPlanString(cmd));

                vertices1 = new V[250000];
                colours1  = new uint[250000];

                using (DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("sysLapStart : " + BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap());

                    Object[] data = new Object[4];

                    while (reader.Read())
                        long id = reader.GetInt64(0);       // quicker than cast
                        int  x  = reader.GetInt32(1);
                        int  y  = reader.GetInt32(2);
                        int  z  = reader.GetInt32(3);

                        Color basec = fixedc[(id) & 3];
                        int   fade  = 100 - (((int)id >> 2) & 7) * 8;
                        byte  red   = (byte)(basec.R * fade / 100);
                        byte  green = (byte)(basec.G * fade / 100);
                        byte  blue  = (byte)(basec.B * fade / 100);

                        if (numvertices1 == vertices1.Length)
                            Array.Resize(ref vertices1, vertices1.Length * 2);
                            Array.Resize(ref colours1, colours1.Length * 2);

                        colours1[numvertices1]    = BitConverter.ToUInt32(new byte[] { red, green, blue, 255 }, 0);
                        vertices1[numvertices1++] = tovect(x, y, z);

                    //      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("sysLapEnd : " + BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap());

                Array.Resize(ref vertices1, numvertices1);
                Array.Resize(ref colours1, numvertices1);

                if (gridid == GridId.SolGrid && vertices1 != null) // BODGE do here, better once on here than every star for every grid..
                {                                                  // replace when we have a better naming system
                    int solindex = Array.IndexOf(vertices1, tovect(0, 0, 0));
                    if (solindex >= 0)
                        colours1[solindex] = 0x00ffff;   //yellow
        ///////////////////////////////////////// List of systems near xyz between mindist and maxdist

        internal static void GetSystemListBySqDistancesFrom(BaseUtils.SortedListDoubleDuplicate <ISystem> distlist, // MUST use duplicate double list to protect against EDSM having two at the same point
                                                            double x, double y, double z,
                                                            int maxitems,
                                                            double mindist,     // 0 = no min dist, always spherical
                                                            double maxdist,
                                                            bool spherical,     // enforces sphere on maxdist, else its a cube for maxdist
                                                            SQLiteConnectionSystem cn,
                                                            Action <ISystem> LookedUp = null

            // for comparision, using the grid screener is slower than the xy index. keep code for record
            // grid screener..  "s.sectorid IN (Select id FROM Sectors sx where sx.gridid IN (" + strinlist + ")) " +
            //var gridids = GridId.Ids(x - maxdist, x + maxdist, z - maxdist, z + maxdist);       // find applicable grid ids across this range..
            //var strinlist = string.Join(",", (from x1 in gridids select x1.ToStringInvariant()));     // here we convert using invariant for paranoia sake.

            // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Time1 " + BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap("SDC"));

            int mindistint = mindist > 0 ? SystemClass.DoubleToInt(mindist) * SystemClass.DoubleToInt(mindist) : 0;

            // needs a xz index for speed

            using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateSelect("Systems s",
                                                   where :
                                                   "s.x >= @xv - @maxdist " +
                                                   "AND s.x <= @xv + @maxdist " +
                                                   "AND s.z >= @zv - @maxdist " +
                                                   "AND s.z <= @zv + @maxdist " +
                                                   "AND s.y >= @yv - @maxdist " +
                                                   "AND s.y <= @yv + @maxdist " +
                                                   (mindist > 0 ? ("AND (s.x-@xv)*(s.x-@xv)+(s.y-@yv)*(s.y-@yv)+(s.z-@zv)*(s.z-@zv)>=" + (mindistint).ToStringInvariant()) : ""),
                                                   orderby: "(s.x-@xv)*(s.x-@xv)+(s.y-@yv)*(s.y-@yv)+(s.z-@zv)*(s.z-@zv)", // just use squares to order
                                                   joinlist: MakeSystemQueryNamedJoinList,
                                                   limit: "@max"
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@xv", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(x));
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@yv", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(y));
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@zv", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(z));
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@max", maxitems + 1);     // 1 more, because if we are on a System, that will be returned
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@maxdist", SystemClass.DoubleToInt(maxdist));

                // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(cn.ExplainQueryPlanString(cmd));

                int  xi         = SystemClass.DoubleToInt(x);
                int  yi         = SystemClass.DoubleToInt(y);
                int  zi         = SystemClass.DoubleToInt(z);
                long maxdistsqi = (long)SystemClass.DoubleToInt(maxdist) * (long)SystemClass.DoubleToInt(maxdist);

                long count = 0;
                using (DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    //  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Time1.5 " + BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap("SDC"));

                    while (reader.Read())      // already sorted, and already limited to max items
                        int sxi = reader.GetInt32(0);
                        int syi = reader.GetInt32(1);
                        int szi = reader.GetInt32(2);

                        long distsqi = (long)(xi - sxi) * (long)(xi - sxi) + (long)(yi - syi) * (long)(yi - syi) + (long)(zi - szi) * (long)(zi - szi);

                        if (!spherical || distsqi <= maxdistsqi)
                            SystemClass s        = MakeSystem(reader);
                            double      distnorm = ((double)distsqi) / SystemClass.XYZScalar / SystemClass.XYZScalar;
                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("System " + s.Name + " " + Math.Sqrt(distnorm).ToString("0.0"));
                            LookedUp?.Invoke(s);                        // callback to say looked up
                            distlist.Add(distnorm, s);                  // which Rob has seen crashing the program! Bad EDSM!


                    //  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Time2 " + BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap("SDC") + "  count " + count);