BuildTableResult() 공개 메소드

public BuildTableResult ( string output ) : List
output string
리턴 List
예제 #1
        private async Task <List <TableModel> > GetTablesInternalAsync(string arguments)
            string version = "3.1";

            if (codeGenerationMode == CodeGenerationMode.EFCore6)
                version = "6.0";

            if (await IsDotnetInstalledAsync(version) == false)
                throw new Exception($"Reverse engineer error: Unable to launch 'dotnet' version {version}. Do you have the runtime installed? Check with 'dotnet --list-runtimes'");

            var launchPath = DropNetCoreFiles();

            var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
                FileName  = "dotnet",
                Arguments = $"\"{launchPath}\" {arguments}",

            var standardOutput = await RunProcessAsync(startInfo);

예제 #2
        private List <TableModel> GetTablesInternal(string arguments)
            if (!IsDotnetInstalled())
                throw new Exception($"Reverse engineer error: Unable to launch 'dotnet' version 3.1. Do you have the runtime installed? Check with 'dotnet --list-runtimes'");

            var launchPath = DropNetCoreFiles();

            var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
                FileName  = Path.Combine(launchPath ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(), GetExeName()),
                Arguments = arguments,

            var standardOutput = RunProcess(startInfo);
