예제 #1
        public IActionResult CloseDefferedSale(int id, decimal cashSum, decimal cashlessSum, int moneyWorkerId, int userId)
            Sale sale = _saleService.All().First(b => b.Id == id);
            User user = _userService.All().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userId);

            if (cashSum > 0)
                _infoMoneyService.Create(new InfoMoney()
                    PaymentType        = PaymentType.Cash,
                    MoneyWorkerId      = user.ShopId,
                    MoneyOperationType = MoneyOperationType.Sale,
                    Sum  = cashSum,
                    Sale = sale

            if (cashlessSum > 0)
                _infoMoneyService.Create(new InfoMoney()
                    PaymentType        = PaymentType.Cashless,
                    MoneyWorkerId      = moneyWorkerId,
                    MoneyOperationType = MoneyOperationType.Sale,
                    Sum  = cashlessSum,
                    Sale = sale

            return(RedirectToAction("CheckPrint", new { saleId = id, operationSum = cashSum + cashlessSum }));
예제 #2
        public IActionResult Expense()
            var  userName = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;
            User user     = _userService.All().First(u => u.Login == userName);

            ViewBag.ShopId          = _shopService.All().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == user.ShopId);
            ViewBag.CategoryExpense = _expenseCategoryService.All();
            ViewBag.Shops           = _db.Shops.ToList();

        public bool DeleteUser(Domain.User user)
            bool success = false;

            Data.Entities.User x = _db.User.Where(a => a.Username.Equals(user.username)).FirstOrDefault();
            if (x != null)
                success = true;
예제 #4
        public IActionResult Products()
            var  userName = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;
            User user     = _userService.All().First(u => u.Login == userName);
            Shop shop     = _shopService.All().First(s => s.Id == user.ShopId);

            ViewBag.Categories = _categoryService.All();
            ViewBag.Shops      = _shopService.All();
            ViewBag.UserId     = user.Id;

            var result = ProductService.GetProductsInStock(_db, _postgresContext);

        public bool AddUser(Domain.User user)
            bool check = false;

            Data.Entities.User x = _db.User.Where(a => a.Username.Equals(user.username)).FirstOrDefault();
            if (x != null)
                check = false;
                check = true;
예제 #6
        public IActionResult BookingList()
            var  userName = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;
            User user     = _userService.All().First(u => u.Login == userName);
            Shop shop     = _shopService.All().First(s => s.Id == user.ShopId);

                        .Where(x => x.ShopId == shop.Id)
                        .OrderByDescending(x => x.Id)
                        .Select(x => new BookingListVM()
                Date = x.Date,
                Id = x.Id,
                Debt = x.Debt,
                Pay = x.Pay,
                Sum = x.Sum,
                Status = x.Status,
                ProductTitle = _bookingProductService.All()
                               .Include(z => z.Product).FirstOrDefault(z => z.BookingId == x.Id).Product.Title ?? ""
예제 #7
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetMoneyWorkersForSale(int value)
            var  userName = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;
            User user     = _userService.All().First(u => u.Login == userName);

            if (value == 1) //Получить держателей карт
                var archiveCardKeepers = _postgresContext.ArchiveCardKeepers
                                         .Select(x => x.CardKeeperId).ToList();
                //TODO: _db???
                var cardKeepers = _db.CardKeepers
                                  .Where(x => !archiveCardKeepers.Contains(x.Id))

            if (value == 2) // получить рассчетные счета
                var archiveCalculatedScores = _postgresContext.ArchiveCalculatedScores
                                              .Select(x => x.CalculatedScoreId).ToList();
                //TODO: _db???
                var scores = _db.CalculatedScores
                             .Where(x => !archiveCalculatedScores.Contains(x.Id))

            if (value == 3) // получить кассу
                //TODO: _db???
                var shops = _db.Shops.Where(x => x.Id == user.ShopId).ToList();

예제 #8
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetMoneyWorkers(int value)
            var  userName = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;
            User user     = _userService.All().First(u => u.Login == userName);

            if (value == 1) //Получить держателей карт
                //TODO: _db???
                var cardKeepers = await _db.CardKeepers.Where(ck => ck.ForManager).ToListAsync();


            if (value == 3)
                //TODO: _db???
                var shop = await _db.Shops.Where(s => s.Id == user.ShopId).ToArrayAsync();


예제 #9
        public IActionResult BookingClose(int id, decimal cashSum, decimal cashlessSum, int moneyWorkerId, bool cashless)
            var  userName = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;
            User user     = _userService.All().First(u => u.Login == userName);

            if (user == null)
                throw new Exception("Пользователь не найден");

            Booking booking = _bookingService.All().First(b => b.Id == id);

            booking.Debt -= (cashSum + cashlessSum);
            booking.Pay  += (cashSum + cashlessSum);

            if (booking.Debt <= 0)
                booking.Status = BookingStatus.Close;


            if (cashSum > 0)
                _infoMoneyService.Create(new InfoMoney()
                    PaymentType        = PaymentType.Cash,
                    MoneyWorkerId      = user.ShopId,
                    MoneyOperationType = MoneyOperationType.Booking,
                    Sum       = cashSum,
                    BookingId = booking.Id

            if (cashlessSum > 0)
                _infoMoneyService.Create(new InfoMoney()
                    PaymentType        = PaymentType.Cashless,
                    MoneyWorkerId      = moneyWorkerId,
                    MoneyOperationType = MoneyOperationType.Booking,
                    Sum       = cashlessSum,
                    BookingId = booking.Id

            if (booking.Status != BookingStatus.Close)
                                        new { bookingId = booking.Id, operationSum = cashSum + cashlessSum }));

            int createdSaleId = 0;

            if (booking.Status == BookingStatus.Close)
                var b_products = _bookingProductService.All()
                                 .Where(bp => bp.BookingId == booking.Id)

                decimal primeCost = 0;

                var sale = new Sale()
                    Date      = DateTime.Now.AddHours(3),
                    ShopId    = user.ShopId.Value,
                    PartnerId = booking.PartnerId,
                    Sum       = booking.Sum,
                    CashSum   = _infoMoneyService.All()
                                .Where(x => x.BookingId == booking.Id && x.PaymentType == PaymentType.Cash)
                                .Sum(x => x.Sum),
                    CashlessSum = _infoMoneyService.All()
                                  .Where(x => x.BookingId == booking.Id && x.PaymentType == PaymentType.Cashless)
                                  .Sum(x => x.Sum),
                    Payment    = true,
                    SaleType   = SaleType.Booking,
                    Discount   = booking.Discount,
                    ForRussian = booking.forRussian

                var createdSale = _saleService.Create(sale);

                .Where(x => x.BookingId == booking.Id)
                .ForEach(x => {
                    x.SaleId = sale.Id;

                _saleInformationService.Create(new SaleInformation
                    SaleId   = createdSale.Id,
                    SaleType = SaleType.Booking

                foreach (var p in b_products)
                    _saleProductService.Create(new SaleProduct()
                        Amount     = p.Amount,
                        ProductId  = p.ProductId,
                        SaleId     = sale.Id,
                        Additional = p.Additional,
                        Cost       = p.Cost

                    primeCost += _productOperationService.RealizationProduct(_db, p.ProductId, p.Amount, createdSale.Id);

                sale.PrimeCost = primeCost;
                sale.Margin    = sale.Sum - sale.PrimeCost;
                createdSaleId  = createdSale.Id;


            if (createdSaleId != 0)
                var managerId = _postgresContext.BookingManagersOld
                                .FirstOrDefault(x => x.BookingId == id).ManagerId;

                    new SaleManagerOld(managerId, createdSaleId, booking.Date));

            return(RedirectToAction("CheckPrint", new { saleId = createdSaleId, operationSum = cashSum + cashlessSum }));
예제 #10
        public IActionResult Get(int id)
            User user   = _userService.All().FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == id);
            var  shopId = user.ShopId;

            var bookedProducts = _db.BookingProducts
                                 .Where(x => x.Booking.Status == BookingStatus.Open)
                                 .Select(x => new
                ProductId = x.ProductId,
                Amount    = x.Amount
                                 .GroupBy(x => x.ProductId)
                                 .Select(x => new
                ProductId = x.Key,
                Amount    = x.Sum(z => z.Amount)

            var incompleteProducts = _postgresContext.IncompleteProducts
                                     .Select(x => new
                ProductId = x.ProductId,
                Amount    = x.Amount
                                     .GroupBy(x => x.ProductId)
                                     .Select(x => new
                ProductId = x.Key,
                Amount    = x.Sum(z => z.Amount)

            var productsInStock = _db.SupplyProducts
                                  .Where(x => x.Product.ShopId == shopId)
                                  .Where(x => x.StockAmount > 0)
                                  .Select(x => new
                ProductId   = x.ProductId,
                Title       = x.Product.Title,
                Cost        = x.Product.Cost,
                Shop        = x.Product.Shop,
                Category    = x.Product.Category,
                Code        = x.Product.Code,
                StockAmount = x.StockAmount
                                  .GroupBy(x => x.ProductId)
                                  .Select(x => new ProductVM
                Id     = x.Key,
                Amount = x.Sum(z => z.StockAmount)
                         - (bookedProducts
                            .FirstOrDefault(z => z.ProductId == x.Key)?.Amount ?? 0)
                         - (incompleteProducts
                            .FirstOrDefault(z => z.ProductId == x.Key)?.Amount ?? 0),
                Title       = x.FirstOrDefault().Title,
                Cost        = x.FirstOrDefault().Cost,
                Shop        = x.FirstOrDefault().Shop,
                Category    = x.FirstOrDefault().Category,
                Code        = x.FirstOrDefault().Code,
                BookedCount = bookedProducts.FirstOrDefault(z => z.ProductId == x.Key)?.Amount ?? 0

예제 #11
        public void UpdateTeamTest()
            Data.Entities.HLContext _db      = new Data.Entities.HLContext();
            Data.TeamRepository     test     = new Data.TeamRepository(_db);
            Data.UserRepository     usertest = new Data.UserRepository(_db);

            //preliminary stuff to clean database in case this stuff is already in there
            //first see if the team used in this test is in the DB
            Data.Entities.Team isthisteamhere = _db.Team.Where(o => o.Teamname.Equals("testteamname")).FirstOrDefault();
            if (isthisteamhere != null)
                //obtain the primary key for this team
                int primarykey = isthisteamhere.Id;
                //remove the userteam(s) associated with this team
                IEnumerable <UserTeam> ww = _db.UserTeam.Where(mm => mm.Teamid == primarykey);
                foreach (var item in ww)
                //now we can remove the team

            //now we can remove our user1 and 2 if they exist
            Data.Entities.User isthisuserhere = _db.User.Where(p => p.Username.Equals("username1")).FirstOrDefault();
            if (isthisuserhere != null)
            Data.Entities.User isthisuserhere2 = _db.User.Where(p => p.Username.Equals("username2")).FirstOrDefault();
            if (isthisuserhere2 != null)

            bool what;    //random bool to hold data about success of methods.
            bool success; //initialize boolean for asserts

            //first case, we pass the method a faulty team check for null case and count case.
            Domain.Team team = new Domain.Team();
            success = test.UpdateTeam(team);
            Assert.AreEqual(success, false);

            //second test case for we have an empty team in the database and it is updated to contain a team.
            team.teamname = "testteamname";

            Domain.User user = new Domain.User("username1", "password1");

            //need to add user to db and pull it to get a stupid id
            success = usertest.DeleteUser(user);
            //add user to the database;
            success = usertest.AddUser(user);
            if (!success)

            //obtain the user from the database so it has the userID
            var x = _db.User.Where(a => a.Username.Equals(user.username)).FirstOrDefault();

            Domain.User user1withID = Mapper.Map(x);


            what = test.DeleteTeam(team);
            what = test.AddTeam(team);

            //now I will add another user to the team and see if it updates.
            Domain.User user2 = new Domain.User("username2", "password2");
            var xx = _db.User.Where(a => a.Username.Equals(user2.username)).FirstOrDefault();

            Domain.User user2withID = Mapper.Map(xx);

            success = test.UpdateTeam(team);
            Assert.AreEqual(success, true);
            //keep database clean and undo the things i put in it
            //first remove the userteams
            //preliminary stuff to clean database in case this stuff is already in there
            //first see if the team used in this test is in the DB
            Data.Entities.Team isthisteamhere3 = _db.Team.Where(o => o.Teamname.Equals("testteamname")).FirstOrDefault();
            if (isthisteamhere3 != null)
                //obtain the primary key for this team
                int primarykey = isthisteamhere3.Id;
                //remove the userteam(s) associated with this team
                IEnumerable <UserTeam> ww = _db.UserTeam.Where(mm => mm.Teamid == primarykey);
                foreach (var item in ww)
                //now we can remove the team

            //now we can remove our user1 and 2 if they exist
            Data.Entities.User isthisuserhere3 = _db.User.Where(p => p.Username.Equals("username1")).FirstOrDefault();
            if (isthisuserhere3 != null)
            Data.Entities.User isthisuserhere4 = _db.User.Where(p => p.Username.Equals("username2")).FirstOrDefault();
            if (isthisuserhere4 != null)