예제 #1
        void Start()
            dfUnity    = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;
            songPlayer = GetComponent <DaggerfallSongPlayer>();

            // Get local player GPS if not set
            if (LocalPlayerGPS == null)
                LocalPlayerGPS = GameManager.Instance.PlayerGPS;

            // Get player entity
            if (playerEntity == null)
                playerEntity = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEntity;

            // Get streaming world if not set
            if (StreamingWorld == null)
                StreamingWorld = GameManager.Instance.StreamingWorld;

            // Get required player components
            if (LocalPlayerGPS)
                playerEnterExit = LocalPlayerGPS.GetComponent <PlayerEnterExit>();
                playerWeather   = LocalPlayerGPS.GetComponent <PlayerWeather>();
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets NPC information available at instantiation time.
        /// NPCs are only instantiated when player enters their context and layout places them in world.
        /// So a lot can be derived just from player behaviours.
        /// </summary>
        void SetRuntimeData()
            // Get reference to player objects holding world information
            PlayerEnterExit playerEnterExit = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEnterExit;
            PlayerGPS       playerGPS       = GameManager.Instance.PlayerGPS;

            // Store map ID
            npcData.mapID = playerGPS.CurrentMapID;

            // Store location ID (if any - not all locations carry a unique ID)
            npcData.locationID = (int)playerGPS.CurrentLocation.Exterior.ExteriorData.LocationId;

            // Store building key if player inside a building
            // This can be gleaned from any exterior door if one is available
            npcData.buildingKey = 0;
            if (playerEnterExit.IsPlayerInsideBuilding)
                if (playerEnterExit.ExteriorDoors != null && playerEnterExit.ExteriorDoors.Length > 0)
                    npcData.buildingKey = playerEnterExit.ExteriorDoors[0].buildingKey;

            // Store name bank
            npcData.nameBank = GameManager.Instance.PlayerGPS.GetNameBankOfCurrentRegion();
 void Start()
     if (playerEnterExit == null)
         playerEnterExit = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEnterExit;
     if (mainCamera == null)
         mainCamera = GameManager.Instance.MainCamera;
예제 #4
        void Start()
            dfUnity    = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;
            songPlayer = GetComponent <DaggerfallSongPlayer>();

            // Get local player GPS if not set
            if (LocalPlayerGPS == null)
                LocalPlayerGPS = GameManager.Instance.PlayerGPS;

            // Get streaming world if not set
            if (StreamingWorld == null)
                StreamingWorld = GameManager.Instance.StreamingWorld;

            // Get required player components
            if (LocalPlayerGPS)
                playerEnterExit = LocalPlayerGPS.GetComponent <PlayerEnterExit>();
                playerWeather   = LocalPlayerGPS.GetComponent <PlayerWeather>();

            // Shuffle song on load or fast travel
            StreamingWorld.OnInitWorld += StreamingWorld_OnInitWorld;
예제 #5
        void Start()
            dfUnity    = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;
            songPlayer = GetComponent <DaggerfallSongPlayer>();

            // Get local player GPS if not set
            if (LocalPlayerGPS == null)
                LocalPlayerGPS = GameManager.Instance.PlayerGPS;

            // Get player entity
            if (playerEntity == null)
                playerEntity = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEntity;

            // Get streaming world if not set
            if (StreamingWorld == null)
                StreamingWorld = GameManager.Instance.StreamingWorld;

            // Get required player components
            if (LocalPlayerGPS)
                playerEnterExit = LocalPlayerGPS.GetComponent <PlayerEnterExit>();
                playerWeather   = LocalPlayerGPS.GetComponent <PlayerWeather>();

            // Use alternate music if set
            if (DaggerfallUnity.Settings.AlternateMusic)
                DungeonInteriorSongs = _dungeonSongsFM;
                SunnySongs           = _sunnySongsFM;
                CloudySongs          = _cloudySongsFM;
                OvercastSongs        = _overcastSongsFM;
                RainSongs            = _weatherRainSongsFM;
                SnowSongs            = _weatherSnowSongsFM;
                TempleSongs          = _templeSongsFM;

                TavernSongs = new SongFiles[_tavernSongs.Length + _tavernSongsFM.Length];
                Array.Copy(_tavernSongs, TavernSongs, _tavernSongs.Length);
                Array.Copy(_tavernSongsFM, 0, TavernSongs, _tavernSongs.Length, _tavernSongsFM.Length);

                NightSongs      = _nightSongsFM;
                ShopSongs       = _shopSongsFM;
                MagesGuildSongs = _magesGuildSongsFM;
                InteriorSongs   = _interiorSongsFM;
                PalaceSongs     = _palaceSongsFM;
                CastleSongs     = _castleSongsFM;
                CourtSongs      = _courtSongsFM;
                SneakingSongs   = _sneakingSongsFM;

            PlayerEnterExit.OnTransitionDungeonInterior += PlayerEnterExit_OnTransitionDungeonInterior;
            PlayerEnterExit.OnTransitionInterior        += PlayerEnterExit_OnTransitionInterior;
 void Start()
     player          = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEntity;
     playerMotor     = GetComponent <PlayerMotor>();
     levitateMotor   = GetComponent <LevitateMotor>();
     controller      = GetComponent <CharacterController>();
     playerEnterExit = GetComponent <PlayerEnterExit>();
     acrobatMotor    = GetComponent <AcrobatMotor>();
 void Start()
     random               = new System.Random(System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
     dfAudioSource        = GetComponent <DaggerfallAudioSource>();
     dfAudioSource.Preset = AudioPresets.OnDemand;
     playerBehaviour = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEntityBehaviour;
     playerEnterExit = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEnterExit;
예제 #8
        void Start()
            playerMotor     = GetComponent <PlayerMotor>();
            playerEnterExit = GetComponent <PlayerEnterExit>();
            climbingMotor   = GetComponent <ClimbingMotor>();
            mainCamera      = GameManager.Instance.MainCamera;
            restPos         = mainCamera.transform.localPosition;

            bobSpeed    = GetComponent <PlayerFootsteps>().WalkStepInterval / 2.0f; // 1.20f;
            bIsStopping = false;
 void Start()
     player          = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEntity;
     playerMotor     = GetComponent <PlayerMotor>();
     groundMotor     = GetComponent <PlayerGroundMotor>();
     levitateMotor   = GetComponent <LevitateMotor>();
     controller      = GetComponent <CharacterController>();
     playerEnterExit = GetComponent <PlayerEnterExit>();
     acrobatMotor    = GetComponent <AcrobatMotor>();
     speedChanger    = GetComponent <PlayerSpeedChanger>();
     stepDetector    = GetComponent <PlayerStepDetector>();
예제 #10
 void Start()
     playerGPS       = GetComponent <PlayerGPS>();
     playerEnterExit = GetComponent <PlayerEnterExit>();
     if (RainParticles)
     if (SnowParticles)
        void Start()
            dfUnity         = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;
            playerEnterExit = GetComponent <PlayerEnterExit>();

            if (PlayerTorch)
                torchLight = PlayerTorch.GetComponent <Light>();
                if (torchLight)
                    torchIntensity = torchLight.intensity;
예제 #12
        private void PlayEffects()
            // Do nothing if audio not setup
            if (ambientAudioSource == null || ambientSounds == null)

            // Get next sound index
            int index = random.Next(0, ambientSounds.Length);

            // Play effect
            if (Presets == AmbientSoundPresets.Storm)
                if (PlayLightningEffect)
                    // Play lightning effects together with appropriate sounds
                    // Play ambient sound as a one-shot 3D sound
                    SoundClips clip = ambientSounds[index];
                    PlaySomewhereOnHorizon(clip, 1f);

                    // AmbientPlayOneShot(clip, 5f);
                // Do not play ambient effect in castle blocks
                if (doNotPlayInCastle)
                    if (playerEnterExit == null)
                        playerEnterExit = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEnterExit;
                    if (playerEnterExit && playerEnterExit.IsPlayerInsideDungeonCastle)

                // Play ambient sound as a one-shot 3D sound
                SoundClips clip = ambientSounds[index];
                PlaySomewhereAround(clip, 1f);
예제 #13
 void Start()
     player      = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEntity;
     playerMotor = GetComponent <PlayerMotor>();
     //groundMotor = GetComponent<PlayerGroundMotor>();
     levitateMotor   = GetComponent <LevitateMotor>();
     controller      = GetComponent <CharacterController>();
     playerEnterExit = GetComponent <PlayerEnterExit>();
     acrobatMotor    = GetComponent <AcrobatMotor>();
     speedChanger    = GetComponent <PlayerSpeedChanger>();
     rappelMotor     = GetComponent <RappelMotor>();
     //hangingMotor = GetComponent<HangingMotor>();
     moveScanner = GetComponent <PlayerMoveScanner>();
예제 #14
        // Use this for initialization
        void Start()
            // Disable self if mod not enabled
            if (!DaggerfallUnity.Settings.UncannyValley_BirdsInDaggerfall)

            birdSpawn       = new GameObject[9];
            mainCamera      = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera");
            playerEnterExit = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEnterExit;
예제 #15
 void Start()
     PlayerGps       = GetComponent <PlayerGPS>();
     playerEnterExit = GetComponent <PlayerEnterExit>();
     if (RainParticles)
     if (SnowParticles)
     ClimateWeathers = new byte[6];
        void Start()
            random             = new System.Random(System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
            dfAudioSource      = GetComponent <DaggerfallAudioSource>();
            loopAudioSource    = GetNewAudioSource();
            ambientAudioSource = GetNewAudioSource();

            playerBehaviour = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEntityBehaviour;
            playerEnterExit = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEnterExit;

            DaggerfallVidPlayerWindow.OnVideoStart += AmbientEffectsPlayer_OnVideoStart;
            DaggerfallVidPlayerWindow.OnVideoEnd   += AmbientEffectsPlayer_OnVideoEnd;
예제 #17
        void Start()
            controller      = GetComponent <CharacterController>();
            speedChanger    = GetComponent <PlayerSpeedChanger>();
            speed           = speedChanger.GetBaseSpeed();
            groundMotor     = GetComponent <PlayerGroundMotor>();
            climbingMotor   = GetComponent <ClimbingMotor>();
            heightChanger   = GetComponent <PlayerHeightChanger>();
            levitateMotor   = GetComponent <LevitateMotor>();
            frictionMotor   = GetComponent <FrictionMotor>();
            acrobatMotor    = GetComponent <AcrobatMotor>();
            playerEnterExit = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEnterExit;

            // Allow for resetting specific player state on new game or when game starts loading
            SaveLoadManager.OnStartLoad  += SaveLoadManager_OnStartLoad;
            StartGameBehaviour.OnNewGame += StartGameBehaviour_OnNewGame;
예제 #18
        //PlayerMotor playerMotor;
        //PlayerMouseLook playerMouseLook;
        //ShowTitleScreen titleScreen;

        //int timeScaleControl = 1;
        //int minTimeScaleControl = 1;
        //int maxTimeScaleControl = 150;
        //int timeScaleStep = 25;
        //float timeScaleMultiplier = 10f;
        //float startRunSpeed;
        //float startTorchRange;
        //bool showDebugStrings = false;
        //bool invertMouse = false;
        //bool hiRunSpeed = false;
        //bool hiTorchRange = false;

        void Start()
            dfUnity         = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;
            streamingWorld  = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <StreamingWorld>();
            playerEnterExit = GetComponent <PlayerEnterExit>();
            playerGPS       = GetComponent <PlayerGPS>();
            //playerMotor = GetComponent<PlayerMotor>();
            //playerMouseLook = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<PlayerMouseLook>();
            //titleScreen = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<ShowTitleScreen>();

            //// Get starting run speed
            //if (playerMotor)
            //    startRunSpeed = playerMotor.runSpeed;

            //// Get starting torch range
            //if (PlayerTorch != null)
            //    startTorchRange = PlayerTorch.range;
예제 #19
        void Start()
            dfUnity         = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;
            playerEnterExit = GetComponent <PlayerEnterExit>();
            playerEntity    = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEntity;

            if (PlayerTorch)
                torchLight = PlayerTorch.GetComponent <Light>();
                if (torchLight)
                    torchIntensity = torchLight.intensity;
                    if (DaggerfallUnity.Settings.PlayerTorchFromItems)
                        torchLight.shadows = LightShadows.Soft;
예제 #20
        void Start()
            dfUnity         = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;
            playerEnterExit = GetComponent <PlayerEnterExit>();
            playerEntity    = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEntity;

            if (PlayerTorch)
                torchLight = PlayerTorch.GetComponent <Light>();
                if (torchLight)
                    torchIntensity = torchLight.intensity;
                    if (DaggerfallUnity.Settings.PlayerTorchFromItems)
                        torchLight.shadows            = LightShadows.Soft;
                        torchLight.transform.position = new Vector3(-0.3f, 1.2f, 0.2f);
        void Start()
            dfUnity    = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;
            songPlayer = GetComponent <DaggerfallSongPlayer>();

            // Try to find local player GPS if not set
            if (LocalPlayerGPS == null)
                GameObject player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
                if (player)
                    LocalPlayerGPS = player.GetComponent <PlayerGPS>();

            // Get required player components
            if (LocalPlayerGPS)
                playerEnterExit = LocalPlayerGPS.GetComponent <PlayerEnterExit>();
                playerWeather   = LocalPlayerGPS.GetComponent <PlayerWeather>();
예제 #22
        private void PlayEffects()
            // Do nothing if audio not setup
            if (dfAudioSource == null || ambientSounds == null)

            // Get next sound index
            int index = random.Next(0, ambientSounds.Length);

            // Play effect
            if (Presets == AmbientSoundPresets.Storm && PlayLightningEffect)
                // Play lightning effects together with appropriate sounds
                // Do not play ambient effect in palace blocks
                if (doNotPlayInPalace)
                    PlayerEnterExit playerEnterExit = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEnterExit;
                    if (playerEnterExit)
                        if (playerEnterExit.IsPlayerInsideDungeonPalace)

                // Play ambient sound as a one-shot 2D sound
                SoundClips clip = ambientSounds[index];
                dfAudioSource.PlayOneShot((int)clip, 0);
예제 #23
        void Start()
            // Store references
            dfUnity         = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;
            dfAudioSource   = GetComponent <DaggerfallAudioSource>();
            playerMotor     = GetComponent <PlayerMotor>();
            playerEnterExit = GetComponent <PlayerEnterExit>();

            // Add our own custom audio source at runtime as we need to change the pitch of footsteps.
            // We don't want that affecting to other sounds on this game object.
            customAudioSource              = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
            customAudioSource.hideFlags    = HideFlags.HideInInspector;
            customAudioSource.playOnAwake  = false;
            customAudioSource.loop         = false;
            customAudioSource.dopplerLevel = 0f;
            customAudioSource.spatialBlend = 0f;

            // Set start position
            lastPosition = GetHorizontalPosition();

            // Set starting footsteps
            currentFootstepSound = FootstepSoundNormal;
예제 #24
        void Start()
            // Store references
            dfUnity          = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;
            dfAudioSource    = GetComponent <DaggerfallAudioSource>();
            playerMotor      = GetComponent <PlayerMotor>();
            playerEnterExit  = GetComponent <PlayerEnterExit>();
            transportManager = GetComponent <TransportManager>();

            // CustomAudioSource was here for adjusting pitch. It should be removable now, but doing so makes the swimming sound loud, so leaving it for now.
            customAudioSource              = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
            customAudioSource.hideFlags    = HideFlags.HideInInspector;
            customAudioSource.playOnAwake  = false;
            customAudioSource.loop         = false;
            customAudioSource.dopplerLevel = 0f;
            customAudioSource.spatialBlend = 0f;

            // Set start position
            lastPosition = GetHorizontalPosition();

            // Set starting footsteps
            currentFootstepSound1 = FootstepSoundDungeon1;
            currentFootstepSound2 = FootstepSoundDungeon2;
 private void OnTransitionToDungeonInterior(PlayerEnterExit.TransitionEventArgs args)
     InitWhenInInteriorOrDungeon(null, false);
예제 #26
 void Start()
     playerEnterExit = GetComponent<PlayerEnterExit>();
        void OnTransitionToExterior(PlayerEnterExit.TransitionEventArgs args)
            LayerMask layerIndexWorldTerrain = LayerMask.NameToLayer("WorldTerrain");
            if (layerIndexWorldTerrain != -1)
                mirrorRefl.m_ReflectLayers.value = (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Default")) + (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("WorldTerrain"));
                mirrorReflSeaLevel.m_ReflectLayers = (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Default")) + (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("WorldTerrain"));
                mirrorRefl.m_ReflectLayers.value = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Default");
                mirrorReflSeaLevel.m_ReflectLayers = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Default");

            mirrorRefl.CurrentBackgroundSettings = MirrorReflection.EnvironmentSetting.OutdoorSetting;
            mirrorReflSeaLevel.CurrentBackgroundSettings = MirrorReflection.EnvironmentSetting.OutdoorSetting;
예제 #28
 void Start()
     playerEnterExit = GetComponent <PlayerEnterExit>();
 private void OnTransitionToInterior(PlayerEnterExit.TransitionEventArgs args)
예제 #30
 void Start()
     playerGPS       = GetComponent <PlayerGPS>();
     playerEnterExit = GetComponent <PlayerEnterExit>();
     mainCamera      = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera");
 void Start()
     playerGPS = GetComponent<PlayerGPS>();
     playerEnterExit = GetComponent<PlayerEnterExit>();
     if (RainParticles) RainParticles.SetActive(false);
     if (SnowParticles) SnowParticles.SetActive(false);
 //player transitioned to exterior from indoors or dungeon
 /// <summary>
 /// Get ExteriorTransition & DungeonExteriorTransition events from PlayerEnterExit
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args"></param>
 public void ExteriorTransitionEvent(PlayerEnterExit.TransitionEventArgs args)
     TimeInside = _stopWatch.Elapsed.Minutes;
         ToggleSkyObjects(true);                 //enable sky objects
 //player went indoors (or dungeon), disable sky objects
 /// <summary>
 /// Get InteriorTransition & InteriorDungeonTransition events from PlayerEnterExit
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args"></param>
 public void InteriorTransitionEvent(PlayerEnterExit.TransitionEventArgs args)
        void OnTransitionToInterior(PlayerEnterExit.TransitionEventArgs args)
            mirrorRefl.m_ReflectLayers.value = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Default");
            mirrorReflSeaLevel.m_ReflectLayers = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Default");

            mirrorRefl.CurrentBackgroundSettings = MirrorReflection.EnvironmentSetting.IndoorSetting;
            mirrorReflSeaLevel.CurrentBackgroundSettings = MirrorReflection.EnvironmentSetting.IndoorSetting;
        private void PlayEffects()
            // Do nothing if audio not setup
            if (dfAudioSource == null || ambientSounds == null)

            // Get next sound index
            int index = random.Next(0, ambientSounds.Length);

            // Play effect
            if (Presets == AmbientSoundPresets.Storm && PlayLightningEffect)
                // Play lightning effects together with appropriate sounds
                // Do not play ambient effect in castle blocks
                if (doNotPlayInCastle)
                    if (playerEnterExit == null)
                        playerEnterExit = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEnterExit;
                    if (playerEnterExit && playerEnterExit.IsPlayerInsideDungeonCastle)

                // Play ambient sound as a one-shot 3D sound
                SoundClips clip           = ambientSounds[index];
                Vector3    randomPos      = playerBehaviour.transform.position;
                bool       positiveChange = Random.Range(0, 1) == 0;
                if (positiveChange)
                    randomPos.x += 3;
                    randomPos.x += -3;

                positiveChange = Random.Range(0, 1) == 0;

                if (positiveChange)
                    randomPos.y += 3;
                    randomPos.y += -3;

                positiveChange = Random.Range(0, 1) == 0;
                if (positiveChange)
                    randomPos.z += 3;
                    randomPos.z += -3;

                dfAudioSource.transform.position = randomPos;
                dfAudioSource.PlayOneShot((int)clip, 1, 5f);
 private void OnTransitionToExterior(PlayerEnterExit.TransitionEventArgs args)
 void Start()
     playerEnterExit = GetComponent <PlayerEnterExit>();
     sunlightManager = GameManager.Instance.SunlightManager;
 void Start()
     dfUnity         = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;
     playerEnterExit = GetComponent <PlayerEnterExit>();
 //overloaded variant
 void InjectMaterialPropertiesOutdoor(PlayerEnterExit.TransitionEventArgs args)
예제 #40
        void Start()
            dfUnity = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;
            songPlayer = GetComponent<DaggerfallSongPlayer>();

            // Try to find local player GPS if not set
            if (LocalPlayerGPS == null)
                GameObject player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
                if (player)
                    LocalPlayerGPS = player.GetComponent<PlayerGPS>();

            // Get required player components
            if (LocalPlayerGPS)
                playerEnterExit = LocalPlayerGPS.GetComponent<PlayerEnterExit>();
                playerWeather = LocalPlayerGPS.GetComponent<PlayerWeather>();
예제 #41
        void Start()
            // Store references
            dfUnity = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;
            dfAudioSource = GetComponent<DaggerfallAudioSource>();
            playerMotor = GetComponent<PlayerMotor>();
            playerEnterExit = GetComponent<PlayerEnterExit>();

            // Add our own custom audio source at runtime as we need to change the pitch of footsteps.
            // We don't want that affecting to other sounds on this game object.
            customAudioSource = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
            customAudioSource.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInInspector;
            customAudioSource.playOnAwake = false;
            customAudioSource.loop = false;
            customAudioSource.dopplerLevel = 0f;
            customAudioSource.spatialBlend = 0f;

            // Set start position
            lastPosition = GetHorizontalPosition();

            // Set starting footsteps
            currentFootstepSound = FootstepSoundNormal;
예제 #42
        //PlayerMotor playerMotor;
        //PlayerMouseLook playerMouseLook;
        //ShowTitleScreen titleScreen;
        //int timeScaleControl = 1;
        //int minTimeScaleControl = 1;
        //int maxTimeScaleControl = 150;
        //int timeScaleStep = 25;
        //float timeScaleMultiplier = 10f;
        //float startRunSpeed;
        //float startTorchRange;
        //bool showDebugStrings = false;
        //bool invertMouse = false;
        //bool hiRunSpeed = false;
        //bool hiTorchRange = false;
        void Start()
            dfUnity = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;
            streamingWorld = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<StreamingWorld>();
            playerEnterExit = GetComponent<PlayerEnterExit>();
            playerGPS = GetComponent<PlayerGPS>();
            //playerMotor = GetComponent<PlayerMotor>();
            //playerMouseLook = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<PlayerMouseLook>();
            //titleScreen = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<ShowTitleScreen>();

            //// Get starting run speed
            //if (playerMotor)
            //    startRunSpeed = playerMotor.runSpeed;

            //// Get starting torch range
            //if (PlayerTorch != null)
            //    startTorchRange = PlayerTorch.range;
 void Start()
     playerGPS = GetComponent<PlayerGPS>();
     playerEnterExit = GetComponent<PlayerEnterExit>();
     mainCamera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera");
        void Update()
            // Change sound presets
            if (Presets != lastPresets)
                // Clear settings
                lastPresets  = Presets;
                rainLoop     = null;
                cricketsLoop = null;

                // Stop playing any loops
                if (dfAudioSource.AudioSource.isPlaying)
                    dfAudioSource.AudioSource.clip = null;
                    dfAudioSource.AudioSource.loop = false;


            // Start rain loop if not running
            if ((Presets == AmbientSoundPresets.Rain || Presets == AmbientSoundPresets.Storm) && rainLoop == null)
                rainLoop = dfAudioSource.GetAudioClip((int)SoundClips.AmbientRaining);
                dfAudioSource.AudioSource.clip         = rainLoop;
                dfAudioSource.AudioSource.loop         = true;
                dfAudioSource.AudioSource.spatialBlend = 0;

            // Start crickets loop if not running
            if ((Presets == AmbientSoundPresets.ClearNight) && cricketsLoop == null)
                cricketsLoop = dfAudioSource.GetAudioClip((int)SoundClips.AmbientCrickets);
                dfAudioSource.AudioSource.clip         = cricketsLoop;
                dfAudioSource.AudioSource.loop         = true;
                dfAudioSource.AudioSource.spatialBlend = 0;

            // Tick counters
            waitCounter      += Time.deltaTime;
            waterWaitCounter += Time.deltaTime;
            if (waitCounter > waitTime)

            // Play water sound effects. Timing and position based on classic behavior.
            // TODO: Make sound follow player's X and Z movement but play from Y coordinate of dungeon water, for a more dynamically 3d sound.
            // Currently the sound is a volume adjustment based on vertical distance from the water.
            if (waterWaitCounter > waterSoundWaitTime)
                if (playerEnterExit == null)
                    playerEnterExit = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEnterExit;
                if (playerEnterExit)
                    if (playerEnterExit.blockWaterLevel != 10000)
                        Entity.DaggerfallEntityBehaviour player = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEntityBehaviour;
                        // Chance to play gentle water sound based on vertical distance between player and water surface
                        if (DFRandom.rand() < 50)
                            float waterHeightInDFUnityUnits = (playerEnterExit.blockWaterLevel * -1 * MeshReader.GlobalScale);
                            float volumeScale = Mathf.Clamp(1 - (Mathf.Abs(player.transform.position.y - waterHeightInDFUnityUnits) / 9), 0, 1);
                            dfAudioSource.PlayOneShot((int)SoundClips.WaterGentle, 0, volumeScale);

                        // Chance to play underwater bubbling noise if player is underwater
                        if (playerEnterExit.IsPlayerSubmerged)
                            if (DFRandom.rand() < 100)
                                dfAudioSource.PlayOneShot((int)SoundClips.AmbientWaterBubbles, 0);
                waterWaitCounter = 0;
        private bool GetRefrences()
                if (!_depthMaskShader)
                    _depthMaskShader = Resources.Load("DepthMask") as Shader;
                if (!_UnlitAlphaFadeShader)
                    _UnlitAlphaFadeShader = Resources.Load("UnlitAlphaWithFade") as Shader;
                if (!StarMaskMat)
                    StarMaskMat = new Material(_depthMaskShader);
                if (!_skyObjMat)
                    _skyObjMat = new Material(_UnlitAlphaFadeShader);
                if (!StarsMat)
                    StarsMat = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Stars")) as Material;
                if (!SkyMat)
                    SkyMat = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Sky")) as Material;
                if (!_cloudGen)
                    _cloudGen = this.GetComponent<CloudGenerator>();
                    _cloudGen = gameObject.AddComponent<CloudGenerator>();
                if (!_containerPrefab)
                    _containerPrefab = Resources.Load("EnhancedSkyContainer", typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject;
                if (!dfallSky)
                    dfallSky = GameManager.Instance.SkyRig.gameObject;
                if (!playerEE)
                    playerEE = GameManager.Instance.PlayerEnterExit;
                if (!exteriorParent)
                    exteriorParent = GameManager.Instance.ExteriorParent;
                if (!weatherMan)
                    weatherMan = GameManager.Instance.WeatherManager;

                DaggerfallUnity.LogMessage("Error in SkyManager.GetRefrences()", true);
                return false;
            if (dfallSky && playerEE && exteriorParent && weatherMan && _cloudGen && _containerPrefab && _depthMaskShader && _UnlitAlphaFadeShader
                && StarMaskMat && _skyObjMat && StarsMat && SkyMat)
                return true;
                return false;
 void OnTransitionToExterior(PlayerEnterExit.TransitionEventArgs args)
     LayerMask layerIndexWorldTerrain = LayerMask.NameToLayer("WorldTerrain");
     if (layerIndexWorldTerrain != -1)
         mirrorRefl.m_ReflectLayers.value = (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Default")) + (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("WorldTerrain"));
         mirrorReflSeaLevel.m_ReflectLayers = (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Default")) + (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("WorldTerrain"));
         mirrorRefl.m_ReflectLayers.value = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Default");
         mirrorReflSeaLevel.m_ReflectLayers = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Default");
 void OnTransitionToInterior(PlayerEnterExit.TransitionEventArgs args)
     mirrorRefl.m_ReflectLayers.value = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Default");
     mirrorReflSeaLevel.m_ReflectLayers = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Default");
        void Start()
            dfUnity = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;
            songPlayer = GetComponent<DaggerfallSongPlayer>();

            // Get local player GPS if not set
            if (LocalPlayerGPS == null)
                LocalPlayerGPS = GameManager.Instance.PlayerGPS;

            // Get streaming world if not set
            if (StreamingWorld == null)
                StreamingWorld = GameManager.Instance.StreamingWorld;

            // Get required player components
            if (LocalPlayerGPS)
                playerEnterExit = LocalPlayerGPS.GetComponent<PlayerEnterExit>();
                playerWeather = LocalPlayerGPS.GetComponent<PlayerWeather>();
 void TransitionToExterior(PlayerEnterExit.TransitionEventArgs args)
 void Start()
     dfUnity = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;
     playerEnterExit = GetComponent<PlayerEnterExit>();
 void Start()
     playerEnterExit = GetComponent<PlayerEnterExit>();
     sunlightManager = GameManager.Instance.SunlightManager;