예제 #1
        public static void Upsert(string name, string ownerType, string owner,
                                  bool isPublic, DateTime createTime, DateTime modTime, string subject,
                                  string body, bool isNew = false, int commandTimeout = -1)
            const string cmdTemplate = "INSERT INTO EmailTemplates" +
                                       " (Name,OwnerType,Owner,IsPublic,CreateTime,ModTime,Requirements,Subject,Body)" +
                                       " VALUES (@Name,@OwnerType,@Owner,@IsPublic,@CreateTime,@ModTime,@Requirements,@Subject,@Body)" +
                                       " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE IsPublic=VALUES(IsPublic)," +
                                       " ModTime=VALUES(ModTime),Requirements=VALUES(Requirements),Subject=VALUES(Subject),Body=VALUES(Body)";

            var cmdText = cmdTemplate;

            if (isNew)
                cmdText += ",SelectRecipientOptions=NULL,EmailOptions=NULL";

            var requirements = GetTemplateRequirementsString(subject, body);

            var cmd = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);

            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "Name", name);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "OwnerType", ownerType);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "Owner", owner);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "IsPublic", isPublic);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "CreateTime", createTime);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "ModTime", modTime);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "Requirements", requirements);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "Subject", subject);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "Body", body);
예제 #2
        public static DataTable GetIssueTopicsByPoliticianKey(string politicianKey, string officeKey = null)
            if (IsNullOrWhiteSpace(officeKey))
                officeKey = VotePage.GetPageCache().Politicians.GetLiveOfficeKey(politicianKey);
            var(stateCode, countyCode, localKey, level) = Offices.GetIssuesCoding(officeKey);
            var cmdText = "SELECT i.IssueId,i.Issue,q.QuestionId,q.Question FROM Issues2 i" +
                          " INNER JOIN IssuesQuestions iq ON iq.IssueId = i.IssueId" +
                          " INNER JOIN Questions2 q ON q.QuestionId = iq.QuestionId" +
                          " INNER JOIN QuestionsJurisdictions qj ON qj.QuestionId = q.QuestionId" +
                          " WHERE i.IssueId > 1000 AND i.IsIssueOmit = 0 AND q.IsQuestionOmit = 0" +
                          $" AND {Questions.QuestionsJurisdictionsWhereClause}" +
                          " GROUP BY i.issueId,q.QuestionId" +
                          " ORDER BY IssueOrder,QuestionOrder";
            var cmd   = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText);
            var table = new DataTable();

            using (var cn = VoteDb.GetOpenConnection())
                cmd.Connection = cn;
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "Level", level);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "StateCode", stateCode);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "CountyCode", countyCode);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "LocalKey", localKey);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "PoliticianKey", politicianKey);
                DbDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd as MySqlCommand);
예제 #3
        public static DataTable GetPlacesByCountyCode(string stateCode, string countyCode, int commandTimeout = -1)
            var cmdText = "SELECT tpc.StateCode,tpc.CountyCode,tpc.TigerCode,tpc.TigerType," +
                          "tp.Name,tp.LongName,lic.localKey" +
                          " FROM vote.TigerPlacesCounties tpc" +
                          " INNER JOIN TigerPlaces tp ON tp.StateCode=tpc.StateCode AND tp.TigerCode=tpc.TigerCode" +
                          $" LEFT OUTER JOIN LocalIdsCodes lic ON lic.LocalType='{LocalIdsCodes.LocalTypeTiger}'" +
                          " AND lic.StateCode=tpc.StateCode" +
                          //"  AND lic.localId=tpc.TigerCode AND lic.CountyCode=tpc.CountyCode" +
                          "  AND lic.localId=tpc.TigerCode" +
                          $" WHERE tpc.StateCode=@StateCode AND tpc.CountyCode=@CountyCode AND tpc.TigerType='{TigerTypePlace}'" +
                          " AND NOT tp.Lsad IN ('22','57')" +
                          " ORDER BY tp.LongName";

            var cmd   = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);
            var table = new DataTable();

            using (var cn = VoteDb.GetOpenConnection())
                cmd.Connection = cn;
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "StateCode", stateCode);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "CountyCode", countyCode);
                DbDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd as MySqlCommand);
예제 #4
        public static Dictionary <string, string> GetLocalElections(string stateElectionKey,
                                                                    string countyCode, IEnumerable <string> localKeys = null, int commandTimeout = -1)
            if (localKeys == null)
                localKeys =
            var localKeysClause = localKeys.SqlIn("r.LocalKey");
            var altElectionKey  = Elections.GetElectionKeyToInclude(stateElectionKey);
            var cmdText         = "SELECT r.LocalKey,r.ElectionKey AS ElectionKey FROM Referendums r" +
                                  $" WHERE r.ElectionKeyState IN (@ElectionKeyState,@AltElectionKey) AND {localKeysClause}" +
                                  " GROUP BY r.LocalKey";
            var cmd = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);

            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "ElectionKeyState", stateElectionKey);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "AltElectionKey", altElectionKey);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "CountyCode", countyCode);
            using (var cn = VoteDb.GetOpenConnection())
                cmd.Connection = cn;
                var           table   = new DataTable();
                DbDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd as MySqlCommand);
                return(table.Rows.OfType <DataRow>()
                       .ToDictionary(row => row.LocalKey(), row => row.ElectionKey()));
예제 #5
        public static DataTable GetBallotReportData(string electionKey, string countyCode,
                                                    string district, string place, string elementary, string secondary, string unified,
                                                    string cityCouncil, string countySupervisors, string schoolDistrictDistrict, int commandTimeout = -1)
            var stateCode = Elections.GetStateCodeFromKey(electionKey);

            electionKey = Elections.GetStateElectionKeyFromKey(electionKey) + "%";

            var districtsClause = LocalIdsCodes.GetLocals(stateCode, countyCode, district, place,
                                                          elementary, secondary, unified, cityCouncil, countySupervisors, schoolDistrictDistrict)

            var cmdText = "SELECT r.ReferendumKey,r.ReferendumTitle,r.ReferendumDesc," +
                          " r.OrderOnBallot,r.CountyCode,r.LocalKey,r.ElectionKey,l.LocalDistrict" +
                          " FROM Referendums r" +
                          " LEFT JOIN LocalDistricts l ON l.StateCode=r.StateCode" +
                          "  AND l.LocalKey=r.LocalKey" +
                          " WHERE r.ElectionKey LIKE @ElectionKey" +
                          $"  AND (r.CountyCode='' AND r.LocalKey='' OR r.CountyCode=@CountyCode OR {districtsClause})" +
                          "  AND r.IsReferendumTagForDeletion=0 ORDER BY r.OrderOnBallot";

            var cmd   = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);
            var table = new DataTable();

            using (var cn = VoteDb.GetOpenConnection())
                cmd.Connection = cn;
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "ElectionKey", electionKey);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "CountyCode", countyCode);
                DbDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd as MySqlCommand);
예제 #6
        public static DataTable GetBallotReportData(string electionKey,
                                                    string countyCode, int commandTimeout = -1)
            electionKey = Elections.GetStateElectionKeyFromKey(electionKey) + "%";

            const string cmdText = "SELECT r.ReferendumKey,r.ReferendumTitle,r.ReferendumDesc," +
                                   " r.OrderOnBallot,r.CountyCode,r.LocalCode,r.ElectionKey,l.LocalDistrict" +
                                   " FROM Referendums r" +
                                   " LEFT JOIN LocalDistricts l ON l.StateCode=r.StateCode" +
                                   "  AND l.CountyCode=r.CountyCode AND l.LocalCode=r.LocalCode" +
                                   " WHERE r.ElectionKey LIKE @ElectionKey" +
                                   "  AND (r.CountyCode='' OR r.CountyCode=@CountyCode)" +
                                   "  AND r.IsReferendumTagForDeletion=0 ORDER BY r.OrderOnBallot";

            var cmd   = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);
            var table = new DataTable();

            using (var cn = VoteDb.GetOpenConnection())
                cmd.Connection = cn;
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "ElectionKey", electionKey);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "CountyCode", countyCode);
                DbDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd as MySqlCommand);
예제 #7
        public static DataTable GetElectionCsvReferendumData(string electionKey)
            const string cmdText =
                "SELECT r.ElectionKey,r.CountyCode,r.LocalKey,r.ReferendumTitle,r.ReferendumDesc," +
                "r.ReferendumDetail,r.ReferendumDetailUrl,r.ReferendumFullText,r.ReferendumFullTextUrl," +
                "r.IsPassed,e.ElectionDesc,e.ElectionDate,c.County,l.LocalDistrict" +
                " FROM Referendums r" +
                " INNER JOIN Elections e ON e.ElectionKey=r.ElectionKey" +
                " LEFT OUTER JOIN Counties c ON c.StateCode = r.StateCode AND c.CountyCode=r.CountyCode" +
                " LEFT OUTER JOIN LocalDistricts l ON l.StateCode = r.StateCode AND l.LocalKey=r.LocalKey" +
                " WHERE r.ElectionKeyState=@ElectionKey" + " ORDER BY r.OrderOnBallot";

            var cmd   = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText);
            var table = new DataTable();

            using (var cn = VoteDb.GetOpenConnection())
                cmd.Connection = cn;
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "ElectionKey", electionKey);
                DbDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd as MySqlCommand);

예제 #8
        public static Dictionary <string, string> GetCountyAndLocalElections(
            string stateElectionKey, bool allowEmptyOffices = false, int commandTimeout = -1)
            using (var cn = VoteDb.GetOpenConnection())
                // the first select just gets counties with elections
                var altElectionKey = Elections.GetElectionKeyToInclude(stateElectionKey);
                var cmdText        =
                    "SELECT eo.CountyCode,eo.ElectionKey FROM ElectionsOffices eo" +
            ? Empty
            : " INNER JOIN ElectionsPoliticians ep ON ep.ElectionKey=eo.ElectionKey") +
                    " WHERE eo.ElectionKeyState IN (@ElectionKeyState,@AltElectionKey) AND" +
                    " eo.CountyCode<>''" +
                    " GROUP BY eo.CountyCode";
                var cmd = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "ElectionKeyState", stateElectionKey);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "AltElectionKey", altElectionKey);
                var table = new DataTable();
                cmd.Connection = cn;
                DbDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd as MySqlCommand);
                var list1 =
                    table.Rows.OfType <DataRow>()
                        row => new { CountyCode = row.CountyCode(), ElectionKey = row.ElectionKey() }).ToList();

                // the second select gets locals with elections
                var cmdText2 =
                    "SELECT eo.CountyCode,eo.ElectionKey FROM ElectionsOffices eo" +
            ? Empty
            : " INNER JOIN ElectionsPoliticians ep ON ep.ElectionKey=eo.ElectionKey") +
                    " WHERE eo.ElectionKeyState IN (@ElectionKeyState,@AltElectionKey) AND" +
                    " eo.LocalKey<>''" +
                    " GROUP BY eo.ElectionKey";
                var cmd2 = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText2, commandTimeout);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd2, "ElectionKeyState", stateElectionKey);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd2, "AltElectionKey", altElectionKey);
                var table2 = new DataTable();
                cmd2.Connection = cn;
                DbDataAdapter adapter2 = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd2 as MySqlCommand);

                // generate county election keys from the local keys and create list
                var list2 =
                    table2.Rows.OfType <DataRow>()
                    .SelectMany(row => Elections.GetCountyElectionKeysFromKey(row.ElectionKey()))
                    .Select(e => new
                    CountyCode  = Elections.GetCountyCodeFromKey(e),
                    ElectionKey = e

                // concatenate, eliminate dups and return as dictionary
                       .GroupBy(i => i.CountyCode)
                       .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.First().ElectionKey));
예제 #9
        public static DataTable GetElectionOffices(string electionKey,
                                                   int commandTimeout = -1)
            const string cmdText =
                "SELECT o.OfficeKey,o.DistrictCode," +
                //"o.DistrictCodeAlpha," +
                "o.OfficeLevel," +
                "o.OfficeLine1,o.OfficeLine2,o.OfficeOrderWithinLevel" +
                " FROM ElectionsOffices eo" +
                " INNER JOIN Offices o ON o.OfficeKey=eo.OfficeKey" +
                " WHERE eo.ElectionKey=@ElectionKey ORDER BY o.OfficeLevel," +
                "o.DistrictCode,o.OfficeOrderWithinLevel," +
                //"o.DistrictCodeAlpha," +

            var cmd = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);

            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "ElectionKey", electionKey);
            using (var cn = VoteDb.GetOpenConnection())
                cmd.Connection = cn;
                var           table   = new DataTable();
                DbDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd as MySqlCommand);
예제 #10
        public static Dictionary <string, string> GetLocalElections(string stateElectionKey,
                                                                    string countyCode, IEnumerable <string> localKeys = null, bool allowEmptyOffices = false,
                                                                    int commandTimeout = -1)
            if (localKeys == null)
                localKeys =
            var localKeysClause = localKeys.SqlIn("eo.LocalKey");
            var altElectionKey  = Elections.GetElectionKeyToInclude(stateElectionKey);
            var cmdText         =
                "SELECT eo.LocalKey,eo.ElectionKey FROM ElectionsOffices eo" +
          ? Empty
          : " INNER JOIN ElectionsPoliticians ep ON ep.ElectionKey=eo.ElectionKey") +
                $" WHERE eo.ElectionKeyState IN (@ElectionKeyState,@AltElectionKey) AND {localKeysClause}" +
                " GROUP BY eo.LocalKey";
            var cmd = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);

            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "ElectionKeyState", stateElectionKey);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "AltElectionKey", altElectionKey);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "CountyCode", countyCode);
            using (var cn = VoteDb.GetOpenConnection())
                cmd.Connection = cn;
                var           table   = new DataTable();
                DbDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd as MySqlCommand);
                return(table.Rows.OfType <DataRow>()
                       .ToDictionary(row => row.LocalKey(), row => row.ElectionKey()));
예제 #11
        public static IEnumerable <ElectionsPoliticiansRow> GetPrimaryWinnersForGeneralElection(
            string generalElectionKey, DateTime primaryDate, bool isRunoff = false)
            var electionTypes = new List <string>();

            if (isRunoff)
            var searchElectionKey = Elections.GetStateCodeFromKey(generalElectionKey) +
                                    primaryDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd") +
                                    //(isRunoff ? Elections.ElectionTypeStatePrimaryRunoff : Elections.ElectionTypeStatePrimary) +
                                    "__" /*any type, any party*/ +
                                    Elections.GetCountyCodeFromKey(generalElectionKey) +

            var cmdText = SelectAllCommandText + " WHERE ElectionKey LIKE @ElectionKey AND IsWinner=1" +
                          " AND SUBSTR(ElectionKey,11,1) IN ('" + string.Join("','", electionTypes) + "')";
            var cmd = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText);

            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "ElectionKey", searchElectionKey);
            return(FillTable(cmd, ElectionsPoliticiansTable.ColumnSet.All));
예제 #12
        public static OfficeKeyInfo GetPreviousOfficeKeyInfoByRunningMateKey(
            string runningMateKey, int commandTimeout = -1)
            var cmdText =
                "SELECT ElectionsPoliticians.ElectionKey,ElectionsPoliticians.OfficeKey" +
                " FROM ElectionsPoliticians,Elections" +
                " WHERE ElectionsPoliticians.RunningMateKey=@RunningMateKey" +
                "  AND ElectionsPoliticians.ElectionKey = Elections.ElectionKey" +
                "  AND Elections.ElectionDate<@Today" +
                " ORDER BY Elections.ElectionDate DESC";

            cmdText = VoteDb.InjectSqlLimit(cmdText, 1);
            var cmd = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);

            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "RunningMateKey", runningMateKey);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "Today", DateTime.Today);
            var table = FillTable(cmd, ElectionsPoliticiansTable.ColumnSet.OfficeKey);

            if (table.Count == 0)
            return(new OfficeKeyInfo
                ElectionKey = table[0].ElectionKey,
                OfficeKey = table[0].OfficeKey
예제 #13
        public static OfficeKeyInfo GetFutureOfficeKeyInfoByRunningMateKey(
            string runningMateKey, bool isViewable, int commandTimeout = -1)
            var cmdText =
                "SELECT ElectionsPoliticians.ElectionKey,ElectionsPoliticians.OfficeKey" +
                " FROM ElectionsPoliticians,Elections" +
                " WHERE ElectionsPoliticians.RunningMateKey=@RunningMateKey" +
                "  AND ElectionsPoliticians.ElectionKey = Elections.ElectionKey" +
                "  AND Elections.ElectionDate>=@Today" +
                "  AND Elections.IsViewable=@IsViewable" +
                " ORDER BY Elections.ElectionDate";

            cmdText = VoteDb.InjectSqlLimit(cmdText, 1);
            var cmd = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);

            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "RunningMateKey", runningMateKey);
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "Today",
            VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "IsViewable", isViewable);
            var table = FillTable(cmd, ElectionsPoliticiansTable.ColumnSet.OfficeKey);

            if (table.Count == 0)
            return(new OfficeKeyInfo
                ElectionKey = table[0].ElectionKey,
                OfficeKey = table[0].OfficeKey
예제 #14
        public static DataTable GetOtherCountyReferences(string stateCode, string countyCode,
                                                         string localKey, int commandTimeout = -1)
            var cmdText = "SELECT c.StateCode,c.CountyCode,c.County" +
                          " FROM LocalIdsCodes lic" +
                          " INNER JOIN TigerPlacesCounties tpc ON tpc.StateCode = lic.StateCode" +
                          "  AND tpc.TigerCode = lic.LocalId" +
                          " INNER JOIN Counties c ON c.StateCode = tpc.StateCode AND c.CountyCode = tpc.CountyCode" +
                          "  AND (tpc.TigerType = lic.LocalType OR" +
                          $" tpc.TigerType IN ('{TigerPlacesCounties.TigerTypePlace}', '{TigerPlacesCounties.TigerTypeCousub}')" +
                          $" AND lic.LocalType = '{LocalTypeTiger}')" +
                          " WHERE lic.StateCode = @StateCode AND lic.LocalKey = @LocalKey" +
                          " AND tpc.CountyCode != @CountyCode";

            var cmd   = VoteDb.GetCommand(cmdText, commandTimeout);
            var table = new DataTable();

            using (var cn = VoteDb.GetOpenConnection())
                cmd.Connection = cn;
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "StateCode", stateCode);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "CountyCode", countyCode);
                VoteDb.AddCommandParameter(cmd, "LocalKey", localKey);
                DbDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd as MySqlCommand);