public static DisableResult IsDisableSuccessful(CLRScriptBase s, ALFA.Shared.ActiveTrap trap, int DC, uint disabler)
     if (s.GetSkillRank(SKILL_DISABLE_TRAP, disabler, TRUE) == 0)
         s.SendMessageToPC(disabler, "<c=#98FFFF>Disable Device: * Success will never be possible *</c>");
         return DisableResult.Failure;
     int roll = s.d20(1);
     int skill = s.GetSkillRank(SKILL_DISABLE_TRAP, disabler, FALSE) + trap.TotalHelp;
     int final = roll + skill;
     string resultString = "Failure!";
     DisableResult value = DisableResult.Failure;
     if (final >= DC)
         value = DisableResult.Success;
         resultString = "Success!";
     if (DC > final + 4)
         value = DisableResult.CriticalFailure;
         resultString = "CRITICAL FAILURE!";
     string message = String.Format("<c=#98FFFF>Disable Device : {0} + {1} = {2} vs. DC {3}. * {4} *</c>", roll, skill, final, DC, resultString);
     s.SendMessageToPC(disabler, message);
     return value;
        private static bool IsTrapDetectedBy(CLRScriptBase s, ALFA.Shared.ActiveTrap trap, uint detector)
            if (trap.Detected)
                return false;
            if(!IsInArea(s, trap, detector))
                return false;

            if (s.GetDetectMode(detector) == FALSE)
                s.DelayCommand(6.0f, delegate { DetectHeartBeat(s, trap, detector); });
                return false;

            if (trap.DetectDC > 20 &&
                s.GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_ROGUE, detector) == FALSE &&
                s.GetHasSpellEffect(SPELL_FIND_TRAPS, detector) == FALSE)
                s.DelayCommand(6.0f, delegate { DetectHeartBeat(s, trap, detector); }); 
                return false;

            int searchBonus = s.GetSkillRank(SKILL_SEARCH, detector, FALSE);
            int roll = s.d20(1);
            int finalDice = roll + searchBonus;
            if (trap.DetectDC <= finalDice)
                return true;
            s.DelayCommand(6.0f, delegate { DetectHeartBeat(s, trap, detector); });
            return false;
예제 #3
 private static void SwimHeartbeat(CLRScriptBase script, uint Creature)
     uint Trigger = AppearanceTypes.currentSwimTrigger[Creature];
     foreach(uint contents in script.GetObjectsInPersistentObject(Trigger, CLRScriptBase.OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, CLRScriptBase.PERSISTENT_ZONE_ACTIVE))
         if(contents == Creature)
             if (script.GetSubRace(Creature) != CLRScriptBase.RACIAL_SUBTYPE_WATER_GENASI &&
                 script.GetLocalInt(Creature, ACR_CREATURE_AQUATIC) == 0)
                 int SwimDC = script.GetLocalInt(Trigger, ACR_SWIM_DC);
                 int SinkDC = SwimDC - 5;
                 int NoAir = script.GetLocalInt(Trigger, ACR_NO_AIR);
                 int Roll = script.d20(1);
                 int Bonus = script.GetSkillRank(CLRScriptBase.SKILL_SWIM, Creature, CLRScriptBase.FALSE);
                 ProcessWaterEffects(script, Creature, Trigger);
                 if (10 + Bonus >= SwimDC)
                     // Can take 10 here.
                     Roll = 10;
                 if (Roll + Bonus >= SwimDC)
                     script.ApplyEffectToObject(CLRScriptBase.DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, script.ExtraordinaryEffect(script.EffectMovementSpeedDecrease(50)), Creature, 6.0f);
                     script.SendMessageToPC(Creature, String.Format("*Swim: {0} + {1} = {2} v. DC {3} :: Success!*", Roll, Bonus, Roll+Bonus, SwimDC));
                     if(NoAir == CLRScriptBase.FALSE)
                         ProcessNoAir(script, Creature);
                 else if (Roll + Bonus >= SinkDC)
                     script.ApplyEffectToObject(CLRScriptBase.DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, script.ExtraordinaryEffect(script.EffectMovementSpeedDecrease(75)), Creature, 6.0f);
                     script.SendMessageToPC(Creature, String.Format("*Swim: {0} + {1} = {2} v. DC {3} :: Failure!*", Roll, Bonus, Roll + Bonus, SwimDC));
                     script.SendMessageToPC(Creature, String.Format("You struggle to move through the water."));
                     if (NoAir == CLRScriptBase.FALSE)
                         ProcessNoAir(script, Creature);
                     script.ApplyEffectToObject(CLRScriptBase.DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, script.ExtraordinaryEffect(script.EffectMovementSpeedDecrease(75)), Creature, 6.0f);
                     // TODO: Find a way to apply this penalty without completely screwing the PC's AC.
                     //script.ApplyEffectToObject(CLRScriptBase.DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, script.ExtraordinaryEffect(script.EffectACDecrease(2, CLRScriptBase.AC_DODGE_BONUS, CLRScriptBase.DAMAGE_TYPE_ALL)), Creature, 6.0f);
                     script.SendMessageToPC(Creature, String.Format("*Swim: {0} + {1} = {2} v. DC {3} :: Failure!*", Roll, Bonus, Roll + Bonus, SwimDC));
                     script.SendMessageToPC(Creature, String.Format("You're completely overwhelmed by the pull of the water!"));
                     ProcessNoAir(script, Creature);
                 script.SendMessageToPC(Creature, "Your swim speed and capacity to breathe water allows you to move easily through the water.");
             script.DelayCommand(6.0f, delegate { SwimHeartbeat(script, Creature); });
     AppearanceTypes.currentSwimTrigger[Creature] = CLRScriptBase.OBJECT_INVALID;
     AppearanceTypes.characterMovement[Creature] = AppearanceTypes.MovementType.Walking;
     if (Swimming.CurrentDrownStatus.ContainsKey(Creature)) Swimming.CurrentDrownStatus.Remove(Creature);
     AppearanceTypes.RecalculateMovement(script, Creature);