internal override bool _BuildCollisionObject()
            BPhysicsWorld world = BPhysicsWorld.Get();

            if (m_collisionObject != null)
                if (isInWorld && world != null)

            if (transform.localScale !=
                Debug.LogError("The local scale on this collision shape is not one. Bullet physics does not support scaling on a rigid body world transform. Instead alter the dimensions of the CollisionShape.");

            m_collisionShape = GetComponent <BCollisionShape>();
            if (m_collisionShape == null)
                Debug.LogError("There was no collision shape component attached to this BRigidBody. " + name);

            CollisionShape cs = m_collisionShape.GetCollisionShape();

            //rigidbody is dynamic if and only if mass is non zero, otherwise static

            if (m_collisionObject == null)
                m_collisionObject = new BulletSharp.PairCachingGhostObject();
                m_collisionObject.CollisionShape = cs;
                BulletSharp.Math.Matrix     worldTrans;
                BulletSharp.Math.Quaternion q = transform.rotation.ToBullet();
                BulletSharp.Math.Matrix.RotationQuaternion(ref q, out worldTrans);
                worldTrans.Origin = transform.position.ToBullet();
                m_collisionObject.WorldTransform  = worldTrans;
                m_collisionObject.UserObject      = this;
                m_collisionObject.CollisionFlags  = m_collisionObject.CollisionFlags | BulletSharp.CollisionFlags.KinematicObject;
                m_collisionObject.CollisionFlags &= ~BulletSharp.CollisionFlags.StaticObject;
                BulletSharp.Math.Matrix     worldTrans;
                BulletSharp.Math.Quaternion q = transform.rotation.ToBullet();
                BulletSharp.Math.Matrix.RotationQuaternion(ref q, out worldTrans);
                worldTrans.Origin = transform.position.ToBullet();
                m_collisionObject.WorldTransform  = worldTrans;
                m_collisionObject.CollisionShape  = cs;
                m_collisionObject.CollisionFlags  = m_collisionObject.CollisionFlags | BulletSharp.CollisionFlags.KinematicObject;
                m_collisionObject.CollisionFlags &= ~BulletSharp.CollisionFlags.StaticObject;
        //called by Physics World just before rigid body is added to world.
        //the current rigid body properties are used to rebuild the rigid body.
        internal override bool _BuildCollisionObject()
            if (td == null)
                Debug.LogError("Must be attached to an object with a terrain ");
            BPhysicsWorld world = BPhysicsWorld.Get();

            if (m_collisionObject != null)
                if (isInWorld && world != null)
                    isInWorld = false;

            if (transform.localScale !=
                Debug.LogError("The local scale on this collision shape is not one. Bullet physics does not support scaling on a rigid body world transform. Instead alter the dimensions of the CollisionShape.");

            m_collisionShape = GetComponent <BCollisionShape>();
            if (m_collisionShape == null)
                Debug.LogError("There was no collision shape component attached to this BRigidBody. " + name);
            if (!(m_collisionShape is BHeightfieldTerrainShape))
                Debug.LogError("The collision shape needs to be a BHeightfieldTerrainShape. " + name);

            CollisionShape cs = m_collisionShape.GetCollisionShape();

            //rigidbody is dynamic if and only if mass is non zero, otherwise static

            if (m_collisionObject == null)
                m_collisionObject = new CollisionObject();
                m_collisionObject.CollisionShape = cs;
                m_collisionObject.UserObject     = this;

                BulletSharp.Math.Matrix worldTrans = BulletSharp.Math.Matrix.Identity;
                Vector3 pos = transform.position + new Vector3(td.size.x * .5f, td.size.y * .5f, td.size.z * .5f);
                worldTrans.Origin = pos.ToBullet();
                m_collisionObject.WorldTransform = worldTrans;
                m_collisionObject.CollisionFlags = m_collisionFlags;
                m_collisionObject.CollisionShape = cs;
                BulletSharp.Math.Matrix worldTrans = BulletSharp.Math.Matrix.Identity;
                Vector3 pos = transform.position + new Vector3(td.size.x * .5f, td.size.y * .5f, td.size.z * .5f);
                worldTrans.Origin = pos.ToBullet();
                m_collisionObject.WorldTransform = worldTrans;
                m_collisionObject.CollisionFlags = m_collisionFlags;
예제 #3
        internal override bool _BuildCollisionObject()
            BPhysicsWorld world = BPhysicsWorld.Get();

            if (m_collisionObject != null)
                if (isInWorld && world != null)
                    isInWorld = false;

            if (transform.localScale !=
                Debug.LogError("The local scale on this collision shape is not one. Bullet physics does not support scaling on a rigid body world transform. Instead alter the dimensions of the CollisionShape.");

            m_collisionShape = GetComponent <BCollisionShape>();
            if (m_collisionShape == null)
                Debug.LogError("There was no collision shape component attached to this BRigidBody. " + name);
            if (!(m_collisionShape.GetCollisionShape() is ConvexShape))
                Debug.LogError("The CollisionShape on this BCharacterController was not a convex shape. " + name);

            if (m_collisionObject == null)
                m_collisionObject = new PairCachingGhostObject();
                m_collisionObject.CollisionShape = m_collisionShape.GetCollisionShape();
                m_collisionObject.CollisionFlags = m_collisionFlags;
                m_characterController            = new KinematicCharacterController((PairCachingGhostObject)m_collisionObject, (ConvexShape)m_collisionShape.GetCollisionShape(), stepHeight, upAxis);
                BulletSharp.Math.Matrix     worldTrans;
                BulletSharp.Math.Quaternion q = transform.rotation.ToBullet();
                BulletSharp.Math.Matrix.RotationQuaternion(ref q, out worldTrans);
                worldTrans.Origin = transform.position.ToBullet();
                m_collisionObject.WorldTransform = worldTrans;
                m_collisionObject.UserObject     = this;
                //, CollisionFilterGroups.CharacterFilter, CollisionFilterGroups.StaticFilter | CollisionFilterGroups.DefaultFilter);
                m_collisionObject.CollisionShape = m_collisionShape.GetCollisionShape();
                m_collisionObject.CollisionFlags = m_collisionFlags;
                if (m_characterController != null)
                m_characterController = new KinematicCharacterController((PairCachingGhostObject)m_collisionObject, (ConvexShape)m_collisionShape.GetCollisionShape(), stepHeight, upAxis);
                BulletSharp.Math.Matrix     worldTrans;
                BulletSharp.Math.Quaternion q = transform.rotation.ToBullet();
                BulletSharp.Math.Matrix.RotationQuaternion(ref q, out worldTrans);
                worldTrans.Origin = transform.position.ToBullet();
                m_collisionObject.WorldTransform = worldTrans;
                m_collisionObject.UserObject     = this;