Used to warm start Distance. Set count to zero on first call.
예제 #1
 public void WriteCache(SimplexCache cache)
     cache.Metric = GetMetric();
     cache.Count  = (ushort)Count;
     for (int i = 0; i < Count; ++i)
         cache.IndexA[i] = (byte)Vertices[i].IndexA;
         cache.IndexB[i] = (byte)Vertices[i].IndexB;
예제 #2
 internal void WriteCache(SimplexCache cache)
     cache.Metric = GetMetric();
     cache.Count  = (UInt16)_count;
     SimplexVertex[] vertices = new SimplexVertex[] { _v1, _v2, _v3 };
     for (int i = 0; i < _count; ++i)
         cache.IndexA[i] = (Byte)(vertices[i].indexA);
         cache.IndexB[i] = (Byte)(vertices[i].indexB);
예제 #3
            public void ReadCache(SimplexCache cache,
                                  DistanceProxy shapeA, ref Transform transformA,
                                  DistanceProxy shapeB, ref Transform transformB)
                Box2DXDebug.Assert(0 <= cache.Count && cache.Count <= 3);

                // Copy data from cache.
                Count = cache.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < Count; ++i)
                    SimplexVertex v = Vertices[i];
                    v.IndexA = cache.IndexA[i];
                    v.IndexB = cache.IndexB[i];
                    Vec2 wALocal = shapeA.GetVertex(v.IndexA);
                    Vec2 wBLocal = shapeB.GetVertex(v.IndexB);
                    v.WA = Math.Mul(transformA, wALocal);
                    v.WB = Math.Mul(transformB, wBLocal);
                    v.W  = v.WB - v.WA;
                    v.A  = 0.0f;

                // Compute the new simplex metric, if it is substantially different than
                // old metric then flush the simplex.
                if (Count > 1)
                    float metric1 = cache.Metric;
                    float metric2 = GetMetric();
                    if (metric2 < 0.5f * metric1 || 2.0f * metric1 < metric2 || metric2 < Settings.FLT_EPSILON)
                        // Reset the simplex.
                        Count = 0;

                // If the cache is empty or invalid ...
                if (Count == 0)
                    SimplexVertex v = Vertices[0];
                    v.IndexA = 0;
                    v.IndexB = 0;
                    Vec2 wALocal = shapeA.GetVertex(0);
                    Vec2 wBLocal = shapeB.GetVertex(0);
                    v.WA  = Math.Mul(transformA, wALocal);
                    v.WB  = Math.Mul(transformB, wBLocal);
                    v.W   = v.WB - v.WA;
                    Count = 1;
예제 #4
        internal void ReadCache(SimplexCache cache, Shape shapeA, Transform transformA, Shape shapeB, Transform transformB)
            Box2DXDebug.Assert(0 <= cache.Count && cache.Count <= 3);

            // Copy data from cache.
            _count = cache.Count;
            SimplexVertex[] vertices = new SimplexVertex[] { _v1, _v2, _v3 };
            for (int i = 0; i < _count; ++i)
                SimplexVertex v = vertices[i];
                v.indexA = cache.IndexA[i];
                v.indexB = cache.IndexB[i];
                Vector2 wALocal = shapeA.GetVertex(v.indexA);
                Vector2 wBLocal = shapeB.GetVertex(v.indexB);
                v.wA = transformA.TransformPoint(wALocal);
                v.wB = transformB.TransformPoint(wBLocal);
                v.w  = v.wB - v.wA;
                v.a  = 0.0f;

            // Compute the new simplex metric, if it is substantially different than
            // old metric then flush the simplex.
            if (_count > 1)
                float metric1 = cache.Metric;
                float metric2 = GetMetric();
                if (metric2 < 0.5f * metric1 || 2.0f * metric1 < metric2 || metric2 < Common.Settings.FLT_EPSILON)
                    // Reset the simplex.
                    _count = 0;

            // If the cache is empty or invalid ...
            if (_count == 0)
                SimplexVertex v = vertices[0];
                v.indexA = 0;
                v.indexB = 0;
                Vector2 wALocal = shapeA.GetVertex(0);
                Vector2 wBLocal = shapeB.GetVertex(0);
                v.wA   = transformA.TransformPoint(wALocal);
                v.wB   = transformB.TransformPoint(wBLocal);
                v.w    = v.wB - v.wA;
                _count = 1;
예제 #5
		public override void Step(Settings settings)

			DistanceInput input = new DistanceInput();
			input.TransformA = _transformA;
			input.TransformB = _transformB;
			input.UseRadii = true;
			SimplexCache cache = new SimplexCache();
			cache.Count = 0;
			DistanceOutput output;
			Collision.Distance(out output, ref cache, ref input, _polygonA, _polygonB);

			StringBuilder strBld = new StringBuilder();
			strBld.AppendFormat("distance = {0}", new object[] { output.Distance });
			OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, strBld.ToString());
			_textLine += 15;

			strBld = new StringBuilder();
			strBld.AppendFormat("iterations = {0}", new object[] { output.Iterations });
			OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, strBld.ToString());
			_textLine += 15;

				Color color = new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f);
				int i;
				for (i = 0; i < _polygonA.VertexCount; ++i)
					_dv[i] = Math.Mul(_transformA, _polygonA.Vertices[i]);
				_debugDraw.DrawPolygon(_dv, _polygonA.VertexCount, color);

				for (i = 0; i < _polygonB.VertexCount; ++i)
					_dv[i] = Math.Mul(_transformB, _polygonB.Vertices[i]);
				_debugDraw.DrawPolygon(_dv, _polygonB.VertexCount, color);

			Vec2 x1 = output.PointA;
			Vec2 x2 = output.PointB;

			OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawPoint(x1, 4.0f, new Color(1, 0, 0));
			OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawSegment(x1, x2, new Color(1, 1, 0));
			OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawPoint(x2, 4.0f, new Color(1, 0, 0));
예제 #6
        // CCD via the secant method.
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the time when two shapes begin to touch or touch at a closer distance.
        /// TOI considers the shape radii. It attempts to have the radii overlap by the tolerance.
        /// Iterations terminate with the overlap is within 0.5 * tolerance. The tolerance should be
        /// smaller than sum of the shape radii.
        /// Warning the sweeps must have the same time interval.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// The fraction between [0,1] in which the shapes first touch.
        /// fraction=0 means the shapes begin touching/overlapped, and fraction=1 means the shapes don't touch.
        /// </returns>
        public static float TimeOfImpact(TOIInput input, Shape shapeA, Shape shapeB)
            Sweep sweepA = input.SweepA;
            Sweep sweepB = input.SweepB;

            Box2DXDebug.Assert(sweepA.T0 == sweepB.T0);
            Box2DXDebug.Assert(1.0f - sweepA.T0 > Common.Settings.FLT_EPSILON);

            float radius    = shapeA._radius + shapeB._radius;
            float tolerance = input.Tolerance;

            float alpha = 0.0f;

            const int k_maxIterations = 1000;                   // TODO_ERIN b2Settings
            int       iter            = 0;
            float     target          = 0.0f;

            // Prepare input for distance query.
            SimplexCache cache = new SimplexCache();

            cache.Count = 0;
            DistanceInput distanceInput;

            distanceInput.UseRadii = false;

            for (; ;)
                Transform xfA, xfB;
                sweepA.GetTransform(out xfA, alpha);
                sweepB.GetTransform(out xfB, alpha);

                // Get the distance between shapes.
                distanceInput.TransformA = xfA;
                distanceInput.TransformB = xfB;
                DistanceOutput distanceOutput;
                Distance(out distanceOutput, ref cache, ref distanceInput, shapeA, shapeB);

                if (distanceOutput.Distance <= 0.0f)
                    alpha = 1.0f;

                SeparationFunction fcn = new SeparationFunction();
                    fcn.Initialize(&cache, shapeA, xfA, shapeB, xfB);
                fcn.Initialize(cache, shapeA, xfA, shapeB, xfB);

                float separation = fcn.Evaluate(xfA, xfB);
                if (separation <= 0.0f)
                    alpha = 1.0f;

                if (iter == 0)
                    // Compute a reasonable target distance to give some breathing room
                    // for conservative advancement. We take advantage of the shape radii
                    // to create additional clearance.
                    if (separation > radius)
                        target = Common.Math.Max(radius - tolerance, 0.75f * radius);
                        target = Common.Math.Max(separation - tolerance, 0.02f * radius);

                if (separation - target < 0.5f * tolerance)
                    if (iter == 0)
                        alpha = 1.0f;


#if _FALSE
                // Dump the curve seen by the root finder
                    const int32 N  = 100;
                    float32     dx = 1.0f / N;
                    float32     xs[N + 1];
예제 #7
        internal void Initialize(SimplexCache cache, Shape shapeA, Transform transformA, Shape shapeB, Transform transformB)
            ShapeA = shapeA;
            ShapeB = shapeB;
            int count = cache.Count;

            Box2DXDebug.Assert(0 < count && count < 3);

            if (count == 1)
                FaceType = Type.Points;
                Vector2 localPointA = ShapeA.GetVertex(cache.IndexA[0]);
                Vector2 localPointB = ShapeB.GetVertex(cache.IndexB[0]);
                Vector2 pointA      = transformA.TransformPoint(localPointA);
                Vector2 pointB      = transformB.TransformPoint(localPointB);
                Axis = pointB - pointA;
            else if (cache.IndexB[0] == cache.IndexB[1])
                // Two points on A and one on B
                FaceType = Type.FaceA;
                Vector2 localPointA1 = ShapeA.GetVertex(cache.IndexA[0]);
                Vector2 localPointA2 = ShapeA.GetVertex(cache.IndexA[1]);
                Vector2 localPointB  = ShapeB.GetVertex(cache.IndexB[0]);
                LocalPoint = 0.5f * (localPointA1 + localPointA2);
                Axis       = (localPointA2 - localPointA1).CrossScalarPostMultiply(1.0f);

                Vector2 normal = transformA.TransformDirection(Axis);
                Vector2 pointA = transformA.TransformPoint(LocalPoint);
                Vector2 pointB = transformB.TransformPoint(localPointB);

                float s = Vector2.Dot(pointB - pointA, normal);
                if (s < 0.0f)
                    Axis = -Axis;
                // Two points on B and one or two points on A.
                // We ignore the second point on A.
                FaceType = Type.FaceB;
                Vector2 localPointA  = shapeA.GetVertex(cache.IndexA[0]);
                Vector2 localPointB1 = shapeB.GetVertex(cache.IndexB[0]);
                Vector2 localPointB2 = shapeB.GetVertex(cache.IndexB[1]);
                LocalPoint = 0.5f * (localPointB1 + localPointB2);
                Axis       = (localPointB2 - localPointB1).CrossScalarPostMultiply(1.0f);

                Vector2 normal = transformB.TransformDirection(Axis);
                Vector2 pointB = transformB.TransformPoint(LocalPoint);
                Vector2 pointA = transformA.TransformPoint(localPointA);

                float s = Vector2.Dot(pointA - pointB, normal);
                if (s < 0.0f)
                    Axis = -Axis;
		internal void WriteCache(SimplexCache cache)
			cache.Metric = GetMetric();
			cache.Count = (UInt16)_count;
			SimplexVertex[] vertices = new SimplexVertex[] { _v1, _v2, _v3 };
			for (int i = 0; i < _count; ++i)
				cache.IndexA[i] = (Byte)(vertices[i].indexA);
				cache.IndexB[i] = (Byte)(vertices[i].indexB);
		internal unsafe void WriteCache(SimplexCache* cache)
			cache->Metric = GetMetric();
			cache->Count = (UInt16)_count;
			SimplexVertex** vertices = stackalloc SimplexVertex*[3];
			fixed (SimplexVertex* v1Ptr = &_v1, v2Ptr = &_v2, v3Ptr = &_v3)
				vertices[0] = v1Ptr;
				vertices[1] = v2Ptr;
				vertices[2] = v3Ptr;
				for (int i = 0; i < _count; ++i)
					cache->IndexA[i] = (Byte)(vertices[i]->indexA);
					cache->IndexB[i] = (Byte)(vertices[i]->indexB);
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the closest points between two shapes. Supports any combination of:
        /// b2CircleShape, b2PolygonShape, b2EdgeShape. The simplex cache is input/output.
        /// On the first call set b2SimplexCache.count to zero.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Distance(out DistanceOutput output,
                        SimplexCache cache,
                        DistanceInput input)

            DistanceProxy proxyA = input.proxyA;
            DistanceProxy proxyB = input.proxyB;

            Transform transformA = input.TransformA;
            Transform transformB = input.TransformB;

            // Initialize the simplex.
            Simplex simplex = new Simplex();
            simplex.ReadCache(cache, proxyA, ref  transformA, proxyB, ref transformB);

            // Get simplex vertices as an array.
            SimplexVertex[] vertices = simplex.Vertices;
            const int k_maxIters = 20;

            // These store the vertices of the last simplex so that we
            // can check for duplicates and prevent cycling.
            int[] saveA = new int[3], saveB = new int[3];
            int saveCount = 0;

            Vec2 closestPoint = simplex.GetClosestPoint();
            float distanceSqr1 = closestPoint.LengthSquared();
            float distanceSqr2 = distanceSqr1;

            // Main iteration loop.
            int iter = 0;
            while (iter < k_maxIters)
                // Copy simplex so we can identify duplicates.
                saveCount = simplex.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < saveCount; ++i)
                    saveA[i] = vertices[i].IndexA;
                    saveB[i] = vertices[i].IndexB;

                switch (simplex.Count)
                    case 1:

                    case 2:

                    case 3:


                // If we have 3 points, then the origin is in the corresponding triangle.
                if (simplex.Count == 3)

                // Compute closest point.
                Vec2 p = simplex.GetClosestPoint();
                float distanceSqr = p.LengthSquared();

                // Ensure progress
                if (distanceSqr2 >= distanceSqr1)
                distanceSqr1 = distanceSqr2;

                // Get search direction.
                Vec2 d = simplex.GetSearchDirection();

                // Ensure the search direction is numerically fit.
                if (d.LengthSquared() < Settings.FLT_EPSILON * Settings.FLT_EPSILON)
                    // The origin is probably contained by a line segment
                    // or triangle. Thus the shapes are overlapped.

                    // We can't return zero here even though there may be overlap.
                    // In case the simplex is a point, segment, or triangle it is difficult
                    // to determine if the origin is contained in the CSO or very close to it.
                // Compute a tentative new simplex vertex using support points.
                SimplexVertex vertex = vertices[simplex.Count];
                vertex.IndexA = proxyA.GetSupport(Math.MulT(transformA.R, -d));
                vertex.WA = Math.Mul(transformA, proxyA.GetVertex(vertex.IndexA));

                vertex.IndexB = proxyB.GetSupport(Math.MulT(transformB.R, d));
                vertex.WB = Math.Mul(transformB, proxyB.GetVertex(vertex.IndexB));
                vertex.W = vertex.WB - vertex.WA;

                // Iteration count is equated to the number of support point calls.

                // Check for duplicate support points. This is the main termination criteria.
                bool duplicate = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < saveCount; ++i)
                    if (vertex.IndexA == saveA[i] && vertex.IndexB == saveB[i])
                        duplicate = true;

                // If we found a duplicate support point we must exit to avoid cycling.
                if (duplicate)

                // New vertex is ok and needed.

            GjkMaxIters = Math.Max(GjkMaxIters, iter);

            // Prepare output.
            simplex.GetWitnessPoints(out output.PointA, out output.PointB);
            output.Distance = Vec2.Distance(output.PointA, output.PointB);
            output.Iterations = iter;

            // Cache the simplex.

            // Apply radii if requested.
            if (input.UseRadii)
                float rA = proxyA._radius;
                float rB = proxyB._radius;

                if (output.Distance > rA + rB && output.Distance > Settings.FLT_EPSILON)
                    // Shapes are still no overlapped.
                    // Move the witness points to the outer surface.
                    output.Distance -= rA + rB;
                    Vec2 normal = output.PointB - output.PointA;
                    output.PointA += rA * normal;
                    output.PointB -= rB * normal;
                    // Shapes are overlapped when radii are considered.
                    // Move the witness points to the middle.
                    Vec2 p = 0.5f * (output.PointA + output.PointB);
                    output.PointA = p;
                    output.PointB = p;
                    output.Distance = 0.0f;
        internal unsafe void Initialize(SimplexCache* cache,
			Shape shapeA, Transform TransformA,
			Shape shapeB, Transform TransformB)
            ShapeA = shapeA;
            ShapeB = shapeB;
            int count = cache->Count;
            Box2DXDebug.Assert(0 < count && count < 3);

            if (count == 1)
                FaceType = Type.Points;
                Vector2 localPointA = ShapeA.GetVertex(cache->IndexA[0]);
                Vector2 localPointB = ShapeB.GetVertex(cache->IndexB[0]);
                Vector2 pointA = TransformA.TransformPoint(localPointA);
                Vector2 pointB = TransformB.TransformPoint(localPointB);
                Axis = pointB - pointA;
            else if (cache->IndexB[0] == cache->IndexB[1])
                // Two points on A and one on B
                FaceType = Type.FaceA;
                Vector2 localPointA1 = ShapeA.GetVertex(cache->IndexA[0]);
                Vector2 localPointA2 = ShapeA.GetVertex(cache->IndexA[1]);
                Vector2 localPointB = ShapeB.GetVertex(cache->IndexB[0]);
                LocalPoint = 0.5f * (localPointA1 + localPointA2);
                Axis = (localPointA2 - localPointA1).CrossScalarPostMultiply(1.0f);

                Vector2 normal = TransformA.TransformDirection(Axis);
                Vector2 pointA = TransformA.TransformPoint(LocalPoint);
                Vector2 pointB = TransformB.TransformPoint(localPointB);

                float s = Vector2.Dot(pointB - pointA, normal);
                if (s < 0.0f)
                    Axis = -Axis;
                // Two points on B and one or two points on A.
                // We ignore the second point on A.
                FaceType = Type.FaceB;
                Vector2 localPointA = shapeA.GetVertex(cache->IndexA[0]);
                Vector2 localPointB1 = shapeB.GetVertex(cache->IndexB[0]);
                Vector2 localPointB2 = shapeB.GetVertex(cache->IndexB[1]);
                LocalPoint = 0.5f * (localPointB1 + localPointB2);
                Axis = (localPointB2 - localPointB1).CrossScalarPostMultiply(1.0f);

                Vector2 normal = TransformB.TransformDirection(Axis);
                Vector2 pointB = TransformB.TransformPoint(LocalPoint);
                Vector2 pointA = TransformA.TransformPoint(localPointA);

                float s = Vector2.Dot(pointA - pointB, normal);
                if (s < 0.0f)
                    Axis = -Axis;
예제 #12
		internal unsafe void Initialize(SimplexCache* cache,
			Shape shapeA, XForm transformA,
			Shape shapeB, XForm transformB)
			ShapeA = shapeA;
			ShapeB = shapeB;
			int count = cache->Count;
			Box2DXDebug.Assert(0 < count && count < 3);

			if (count == 1)
				FaceType = Type.Points;
				Vec2 localPointA = ShapeA.GetVertex(cache->IndexA[0]);
				Vec2 localPointB = ShapeB.GetVertex(cache->IndexB[0]);
				Vec2 pointA = Common.Math.Mul(transformA, localPointA);
				Vec2 pointB = Common.Math.Mul(transformB, localPointB);
				Axis = pointB - pointA;
			else if (cache->IndexB[0] == cache->IndexB[1])
				// Two points on A and one on B
				FaceType = Type.FaceA;
				Vec2 localPointA1 = ShapeA.GetVertex(cache->IndexA[0]);
				Vec2 localPointA2 = ShapeA.GetVertex(cache->IndexA[1]);
				Vec2 localPointB = ShapeB.GetVertex(cache->IndexB[0]);
				LocalPoint = 0.5f * (localPointA1 + localPointA2);
				Axis = Vec2.Cross(localPointA2 - localPointA1, 1.0f);

				Vec2 normal = Common.Math.Mul(transformA.R, Axis);
				Vec2 pointA = Common.Math.Mul(transformA, LocalPoint);
				Vec2 pointB = Common.Math.Mul(transformB, localPointB);

				float s = Vec2.Dot(pointB - pointA, normal);
				if (s < 0.0f)
					Axis = -Axis;
				// Two points on B and one or two points on A.
				// We ignore the second point on A.
				FaceType = Type.FaceB;
				Vec2 localPointA = shapeA.GetVertex(cache->IndexA[0]);
				Vec2 localPointB1 = shapeB.GetVertex(cache->IndexB[0]);
				Vec2 localPointB2 = shapeB.GetVertex(cache->IndexB[1]);
				LocalPoint = 0.5f * (localPointB1 + localPointB2);
				Axis = Vec2.Cross(localPointB2 - localPointB1, 1.0f);

				Vec2 normal = Common.Math.Mul(transformB.R, Axis);
				Vec2 pointB = Common.Math.Mul(transformB, LocalPoint);
				Vec2 pointA = Common.Math.Mul(transformA, localPointA);

				float s = Vec2.Dot(pointA - pointB, normal);
				if (s < 0.0f)
					Axis = -Axis;
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the closest points between two shapes. Supports any combination of:
        /// b2CircleShape, b2PolygonShape, b2EdgeShape. The simplex cache is input/output.
        /// On the first call set b2SimplexCache.count to zero.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Distance(out DistanceOutput output,
                                    SimplexCache cache,
                                    DistanceInput input)

            DistanceProxy proxyA = input.proxyA;
            DistanceProxy proxyB = input.proxyB;

            Transform transformA = input.TransformA;
            Transform transformB = input.TransformB;

            // Initialize the simplex.
            Simplex simplex = new Simplex();

            simplex.ReadCache(cache, proxyA, ref transformA, proxyB, ref transformB);

            // Get simplex vertices as an array.
            SimplexVertex[] vertices   = simplex.Vertices;
            const int       k_maxIters = 20;

            // These store the vertices of the last simplex so that we
            // can check for duplicates and prevent cycling.
            int[] saveA     = new int[3], saveB = new int[3];
            int   saveCount = 0;

            Vec2  closestPoint = simplex.GetClosestPoint();
            float distanceSqr1 = closestPoint.LengthSquared();
            float distanceSqr2 = distanceSqr1;

            // Main iteration loop.
            int iter = 0;

            while (iter < k_maxIters)
                // Copy simplex so we can identify duplicates.
                saveCount = simplex.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < saveCount; ++i)
                    saveA[i] = vertices[i].IndexA;
                    saveB[i] = vertices[i].IndexB;

                switch (simplex.Count)
                case 1:

                case 2:

                case 3:


                // If we have 3 points, then the origin is in the corresponding triangle.
                if (simplex.Count == 3)

                // Compute closest point.
                Vec2  p           = simplex.GetClosestPoint();
                float distanceSqr = p.LengthSquared();

                // Ensure progress
                if (distanceSqr2 >= distanceSqr1)
                distanceSqr1 = distanceSqr2;

                // Get search direction.
                Vec2 d = simplex.GetSearchDirection();

                // Ensure the search direction is numerically fit.
                if (d.LengthSquared() < Settings.FLT_EPSILON * Settings.FLT_EPSILON)
                    // The origin is probably contained by a line segment
                    // or triangle. Thus the shapes are overlapped.

                    // We can't return zero here even though there may be overlap.
                    // In case the simplex is a point, segment, or triangle it is difficult
                    // to determine if the origin is contained in the CSO or very close to it.
                // Compute a tentative new simplex vertex using support points.
                SimplexVertex vertex = vertices[simplex.Count];
                vertex.IndexA = proxyA.GetSupport(Math.MulT(transformA.R, -d));
                vertex.WA     = Math.Mul(transformA, proxyA.GetVertex(vertex.IndexA));

                vertex.IndexB = proxyB.GetSupport(Math.MulT(transformB.R, d));
                vertex.WB     = Math.Mul(transformB, proxyB.GetVertex(vertex.IndexB));
                vertex.W      = vertex.WB - vertex.WA;

                // Iteration count is equated to the number of support point calls.

                // Check for duplicate support points. This is the main termination criteria.
                bool duplicate = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < saveCount; ++i)
                    if (vertex.IndexA == saveA[i] && vertex.IndexB == saveB[i])
                        duplicate = true;

                // If we found a duplicate support point we must exit to avoid cycling.
                if (duplicate)

                // New vertex is ok and needed.

            GjkMaxIters = Math.Max(GjkMaxIters, iter);

            // Prepare output.
            simplex.GetWitnessPoints(out output.PointA, out output.PointB);
            output.Distance   = Vec2.Distance(output.PointA, output.PointB);
            output.Iterations = iter;

            // Cache the simplex.

            // Apply radii if requested.
            if (input.UseRadii)
                float rA = proxyA._radius;
                float rB = proxyB._radius;

                if (output.Distance > rA + rB && output.Distance > Settings.FLT_EPSILON)
                    // Shapes are still no overlapped.
                    // Move the witness points to the outer surface.
                    output.Distance -= rA + rB;
                    Vec2 normal = output.PointB - output.PointA;
                    output.PointA += rA * normal;
                    output.PointB -= rB * normal;
                    // Shapes are overlapped when radii are considered.
                    // Move the witness points to the middle.
                    Vec2 p = 0.5f * (output.PointA + output.PointB);
                    output.PointA   = p;
                    output.PointB   = p;
                    output.Distance = 0.0f;
예제 #14
        static void Distance(out DistanceOutput output, ref SimplexCache cache, ref DistanceInput input, Shape shapeA, Shape shapeB)
            output = new DistanceOutput();

            Transform transformA = input.TransformA;
            Transform transformB = input.TransformB;

            // Initialize the simplex.
            Simplex simplex = new Simplex();

            fixed(SimplexCache *sPtr = &cache)
                simplex.ReadCache(sPtr, shapeA, transformA, shapeB, transformB);
            simplex.ReadCache(cache, shapeA, transformA, shapeB, transformB);

            // Get simplex vertices as an array.
            SimplexVertex *vertices = &simplex._v1;
            SimplexVertex[] vertices = new SimplexVertex[] { simplex._v1, simplex._v2, simplex._v3 };

            // These store the vertices of the last simplex so that we
            // can check for duplicates and prevent cycling.
            int *lastA = stackalloc int[4], lastB = stackalloc int[4];
            int[] lastA = new int[4];
            int[] lastB = new int[4];
            int lastCount;

            // Main iteration loop.
            int       iter = 0;
            const int k_maxIterationCount = 20;
            while (iter < k_maxIterationCount)
                // Copy simplex so we can identify duplicates.
                lastCount = simplex._count;
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < lastCount; ++i)
                    lastA[i] = vertices[i].indexA;
                    lastB[i] = vertices[i].indexB;

                switch (simplex._count)
                case 1:

                case 2:

                case 3:


                // If we have 3 points, then the origin is in the corresponding triangle.
                if (simplex._count == 3)

                // Compute closest point.
                Vector2 p           = simplex.GetClosestPoint();
                float   distanceSqr = p.sqrMagnitude;

                // Ensure the search direction is numerically fit.
                if (distanceSqr < Common.Settings.FLT_EPSILON_SQUARED)
                    // The origin is probably contained by a line segment
                    // or triangle. Thus the shapes are overlapped.

                    // We can't return zero here even though there may be overlap.
                    // In case the simplex is a point, segment, or triangle it is difficult
                    // to determine if the origin is contained in the CSO or very close to it.

                // Compute a tentative new simplex vertex using support points.
                SimplexVertex *vertex = vertices + simplex._count;
                vertex->indexA = shapeA.GetSupport(transformA.InverseTransformDirection(p));
                vertex->wA     = transformA.TransformPoint(shapeA.GetVertex(vertex->indexA));
                //Vec2 wBLocal;
                vertex->indexB = shapeB.GetSupport(transformB.InverseTransformDirection(-p));
                vertex->wB     = transformB.TransformPoint(shapeB.GetVertex(vertex->indexB));
                vertex->w      = vertex->wB - vertex->wA;
                SimplexVertex vertex = vertices[simplex._count - 1];
                vertex.indexA = shapeA.GetSupport(transformA.InverseTransformDirection(p));
                vertex.wA     = transformA.TransformPoint(shapeA.GetVertex(vertex.indexA));
                //Vec2 wBLocal;
                vertex.indexB = shapeB.GetSupport(transformB.InverseTransformDirection(-p));
                vertex.wB     = transformB.TransformPoint(shapeB.GetVertex(vertex.indexB));
                vertex.w      = vertex.wB - vertex.wA;

                // Iteration count is equated to the number of support point calls.

                // Check for convergence.
                float lowerBound = Vector2.Dot(p, vertex->w);
                float lowerBound = Vector2.Dot(p, vertex.w);
                float       upperBound       = distanceSqr;
                const float k_relativeTolSqr = 0.01f * 0.01f;                   // 1:100
                if (upperBound - lowerBound <= k_relativeTolSqr * upperBound)
                    // Converged!

                // Check for duplicate support points.
                bool duplicate = false;
                for (i = 0; i < lastCount; ++i)
                    if (vertex->indexA == lastA[i] && vertex->indexB == lastB[i])
                    if (vertex.indexA == lastA[i] && vertex.indexB == lastB[i])
                        duplicate = true;

                // If we found a duplicate support point we must exit to avoid cycling.
                if (duplicate)

                // New vertex is ok and needed.

            fixed(DistanceOutput *doPtr = &output)
                // Prepare output.
                simplex.GetWitnessPoints(&doPtr->PointA, &doPtr->PointB);
                doPtr->Distance   = Vector2.Distance(doPtr->PointA, doPtr->PointB);
                doPtr->Iterations = iter;

            fixed(SimplexCache *sPtr = &cache)
                // Cache the simplex.
            // Prepare output.
            simplex.GetWitnessPoints(out output.PointA, out output.PointB);
            output.Distance   = Vector2.Distance(output.PointA, output.PointB);
            output.Iterations = iter;

            // Cache the simplex.

            // Apply radii if requested.
            if (input.UseRadii)
                float rA = shapeA._radius;
                float rB = shapeB._radius;

                if (output.Distance > rA + rB && output.Distance > Common.Settings.FLT_EPSILON)
                    // Shapes are still no overlapped.
                    // Move the witness points to the outer surface.
                    output.Distance -= rA + rB;
                    Vector2 normal = output.PointB - output.PointA;
                    output.PointA += rA * normal;
                    output.PointB -= rB * normal;
                    // Shapes are overlapped when radii are considered.
                    // Move the witness points to the middle.
                    Vector2 p = 0.5f * (output.PointA + output.PointB);
                    output.PointA   = p;
                    output.PointB   = p;
                    output.Distance = 0.0f;
예제 #15
            public void ReadCache(SimplexCache cache,
                            DistanceProxy shapeA, ref Transform transformA,
                            DistanceProxy shapeB, ref Transform transformB)
                Box2DXDebug.Assert(0 <= cache.Count && cache.Count <= 3);

                // Copy data from cache.
                Count = cache.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < Count; ++i)
                    SimplexVertex v = Vertices[i];
                    v.IndexA = cache.IndexA[i];
                    v.IndexB = cache.IndexB[i];
                    Vec2 wALocal = shapeA.GetVertex(v.IndexA);
                    Vec2 wBLocal = shapeB.GetVertex(v.IndexB);
                    v.WA = Math.Mul(transformA, wALocal);
                    v.WB = Math.Mul(transformB, wBLocal);
                    v.W = v.WB - v.WA;
                    v.A = 0.0f;

                // Compute the new simplex metric, if it is substantially different than
                // old metric then flush the simplex.
                if (Count > 1)
                    float metric1 = cache.Metric;
                    float metric2 = GetMetric();
                    if (metric2 < 0.5f * metric1 || 2.0f * metric1 < metric2 || metric2 < Settings.FLT_EPSILON)
                        // Reset the simplex.
                        Count = 0;

                // If the cache is empty or invalid ...
                if (Count == 0)
                    SimplexVertex v = Vertices[0];
                    v.IndexA = 0;
                    v.IndexB = 0;
                    Vec2 wALocal = shapeA.GetVertex(0);
                    Vec2 wBLocal = shapeB.GetVertex(0);
                    v.WA = Math.Mul(transformA, wALocal);
                    v.WB = Math.Mul(transformB, wBLocal);
                    v.W = v.WB - v.WA;
                    Count = 1;
		internal unsafe void ReadCache(SimplexCache* cache, Shape shapeA, Transform TransformA, Shape shapeB, Transform TransformB)
			Box2DXDebug.Assert(0 <= cache->Count && cache->Count <= 3);

			// Copy data from cache.
			_count = cache->Count;
			SimplexVertex** vertices = stackalloc SimplexVertex*[3];
			fixed (SimplexVertex* v1Ptr = &_v1, v2Ptr = &_v2, v3Ptr = &_v3)
				vertices[0] = v1Ptr;
				vertices[1] = v2Ptr;
				vertices[2] = v3Ptr;
				for (int i = 0; i < _count; ++i)
					SimplexVertex* v = vertices[i];
					v->indexA = cache->IndexA[i];
					v->indexB = cache->IndexB[i];
					Vector2 wALocal = shapeA.GetVertex(v->indexA);
					Vector2 wBLocal = shapeB.GetVertex(v->indexB);
					v->wA = TransformA.TransformPoint(wALocal);
					v->wB = TransformB.TransformPoint(wBLocal);
					v->w = v->wB - v->wA;
					v->a = 0.0f;

				// Compute the new simplex metric, if it is substantially different than
				// old metric then flush the simplex.
				if (_count > 1)
					float metric1 = cache->Metric;
					float metric2 = GetMetric();
					if (metric2 < 0.5f * metric1 || 2.0f * metric1 < metric2 || metric2 < Common.Settings.FLT_EPSILON)
						// Reset the simplex.
						_count = 0;

				// If the cache is empty or invalid ...
				if (_count == 0)
					SimplexVertex* v = vertices[0];
					v->indexA = 0;
					v->indexB = 0;
					Vector2 wALocal = shapeA.GetVertex(0);
					Vector2 wBLocal = shapeB.GetVertex(0);
					v->wA = TransformA.TransformPoint(wALocal);
					v->wB = TransformB.TransformPoint(wBLocal);
					v->w = v->wB - v->wA;
					_count = 1;
예제 #17
 public void WriteCache(SimplexCache cache)
     cache.Metric = GetMetric();
     cache.Count = (ushort)Count;
     for (int i = 0; i < Count; ++i)
         cache.IndexA[i] = (byte)Vertices[i].IndexA;
         cache.IndexB[i] = (byte)Vertices[i].IndexB;
		internal void ReadCache(SimplexCache cache, Shape shapeA, Transform transformA, Shape shapeB, Transform transformB)
			Box2DXDebug.Assert(0 <= cache.Count && cache.Count <= 3);

			// Copy data from cache.
			_count = cache.Count;
			SimplexVertex[] vertices = new SimplexVertex[] { _v1, _v2, _v3 };
			for (int i = 0; i < _count; ++i)
				SimplexVertex v = vertices[i];
				v.indexA = cache.IndexA[i];
				v.indexB = cache.IndexB[i];
				Vector2 wALocal = shapeA.GetVertex(v.indexA);
				Vector2 wBLocal = shapeB.GetVertex(v.indexB);
				v.wA = transformA.TransformPoint(wALocal);
				v.wB = transformB.TransformPoint(wBLocal);
				v.w = v.wB - v.wA;
				v.a = 0.0f;

			// Compute the new simplex metric, if it is substantially different than
			// old metric then flush the simplex.
			if (_count > 1)
				float metric1 = cache.Metric;
				float metric2 = GetMetric();
				if (metric2 < 0.5f * metric1 || 2.0f * metric1 < metric2 || metric2 < Common.Settings.FLT_EPSILON)
					// Reset the simplex.
					_count = 0;

			// If the cache is empty or invalid ...
			if (_count == 0)
				SimplexVertex v = vertices[0];
				v.indexA = 0;
				v.indexB = 0;
				Vector2 wALocal = shapeA.GetVertex(0);
				Vector2 wBLocal = shapeB.GetVertex(0);
				v.wA = transformA.TransformPoint(wALocal);
				v.wB = transformB.TransformPoint(wBLocal);
				v.w = v.wB - v.wA;
				_count = 1;
        /// <summary>
        /// CCD via the secant method.
        /// Compute the time when two shapes begin to touch or touch at a closer distance.
        /// TOI considers the shape radii. It attempts to have the radii overlap by the tolerance.
        /// Iterations terminate with the overlap is within 0.5 * tolerance. The tolerance should be
        /// smaller than sum of the shape radii.
        /// @warning the sweeps must have the same time interval.
        /// fraction=0 means the shapes begin touching/overlapped, and fraction=1 means the shapes don't touch.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The input.</param>
        /// <param name="shapeA">The shape A.</param>
        /// <param name="shapeB">The shape B.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// fraction between [0,1] in which the shapes first touch.
        /// </returns>
        public static float TimeOfImpact(TOIInput input)

            DistanceProxy proxyA = input.ProxyA;
            DistanceProxy proxyB = input.ProxyB;

            Sweep sweepA = input.SweepA;
            Sweep sweepB = input.SweepB;

            Box2DXDebug.Assert(sweepA.T0 == sweepB.T0);
            Box2DXDebug.Assert(1.0f - sweepA.T0 > Settings.FLT_EPSILON);

            float radius = proxyA._radius + proxyB._radius;
            float tolerance = input.Tolerance;

            float alpha = 0.0f;

            const int k_maxIterations = 1000; // TODO_ERIN b2Settings
            int iter = 0;
            float target = 0.0f;

            // Prepare input for distance query.
            SimplexCache cache = new SimplexCache();
            cache.Count = 0;
            DistanceInput distanceInput = new DistanceInput();
            distanceInput.proxyA = input.ProxyA;
            distanceInput.proxyB = input.ProxyB;
            distanceInput.UseRadii = false;

            for (;;)
                Transform xfA, xfB;
                sweepA.GetTransform(out xfA, alpha);
                sweepB.GetTransform(out xfB, alpha);

                // Get the distance between shapes.
                distanceInput.TransformA = xfA;
                distanceInput.TransformB = xfB;
                DistanceOutput distanceOutput;
                Distance(out distanceOutput, cache, distanceInput);

                if (distanceOutput.Distance <= 0.0f)
                    alpha = 1.0f;

                SeparationFunction fcn = new SeparationFunction();
                fcn.Initialize(cache, proxyA, xfA, proxyB, xfB);

                float separation = fcn.Evaluate(xfA, xfB);
                if (separation <= 0.0f)
                    alpha = 1.0f;

                if (iter == 0)
                    // Compute a reasonable target distance to give some breathing room
                    // for conservative advancement. We take advantage of the shape radii
                    // to create additional clearance.
                    if (separation > radius)
                        target = Math.Max(radius - tolerance, 0.75f*radius);
                        target = Math.Max(separation - tolerance, 0.02f*radius);

                if (separation - target < 0.5f*tolerance)
                    if (iter == 0)
                        alpha = 1.0f;


            #if false
            // Dump the curve seen by the root finder
            const int N = 100;
            float dx = 1.0f / N;
            float xs[N+1];
		static void Distance(out DistanceOutput output, ref SimplexCache cache, ref DistanceInput input, Shape shapeA, Shape shapeB)
			output = new DistanceOutput();

			Transform transformA = input.TransformA;
			Transform transformB = input.TransformB;

			// Initialize the simplex.
			Simplex simplex = new Simplex();
			fixed (SimplexCache* sPtr = &cache)
				simplex.ReadCache(sPtr, shapeA, transformA, shapeB, transformB);
			simplex.ReadCache(cache, shapeA, transformA, shapeB, transformB);

			// Get simplex vertices as an array.
			SimplexVertex* vertices = &simplex._v1;
			SimplexVertex[] vertices = new SimplexVertex[] { simplex._v1, simplex._v2, simplex._v3 };

			// These store the vertices of the last simplex so that we
			// can check for duplicates and prevent cycling.
			int* lastA = stackalloc int[4], lastB = stackalloc int[4];
			int[] lastA = new int[4];
			int[] lastB = new int[4];
			int lastCount;

			// Main iteration loop.
			int iter = 0;
			const int k_maxIterationCount = 20;
			while (iter < k_maxIterationCount)
				// Copy simplex so we can identify duplicates.
				lastCount = simplex._count;
				int i;
				for (i = 0; i < lastCount; ++i)
					lastA[i] = vertices[i].indexA;
					lastB[i] = vertices[i].indexB;

				switch (simplex._count)
					case 1:

					case 2:

					case 3:


				// If we have 3 points, then the origin is in the corresponding triangle.
				if (simplex._count == 3)

				// Compute closest point.
				Vector2 p = simplex.GetClosestPoint();
				float distanceSqr = p.sqrMagnitude;

				// Ensure the search direction is numerically fit.
				if (distanceSqr < Common.Settings.FLT_EPSILON_SQUARED)
					// The origin is probably contained by a line segment
					// or triangle. Thus the shapes are overlapped.

					// We can't return zero here even though there may be overlap.
					// In case the simplex is a point, segment, or triangle it is difficult
					// to determine if the origin is contained in the CSO or very close to it.

				// Compute a tentative new simplex vertex using support points.
				SimplexVertex* vertex = vertices + simplex._count;
				vertex->indexA = shapeA.GetSupport(transformA.InverseTransformDirection(p));
				vertex->wA = transformA.TransformPoint(shapeA.GetVertex(vertex->indexA));
				//Vec2 wBLocal;
				vertex->indexB = shapeB.GetSupport(transformB.InverseTransformDirection(-p));
				vertex->wB = transformB.TransformPoint(shapeB.GetVertex(vertex->indexB));
				vertex->w = vertex->wB - vertex->wA;
				SimplexVertex vertex = vertices[simplex._count - 1];
				vertex.indexA = shapeA.GetSupport(transformA.InverseTransformDirection(p));
				vertex.wA = transformA.TransformPoint(shapeA.GetVertex(vertex.indexA));
				//Vec2 wBLocal;
				vertex.indexB = shapeB.GetSupport(transformB.InverseTransformDirection(-p));
				vertex.wB = transformB.TransformPoint(shapeB.GetVertex(vertex.indexB));
				vertex.w = vertex.wB - vertex.wA;	

				// Iteration count is equated to the number of support point calls.

				// Check for convergence.
				float lowerBound = Vector2.Dot(p, vertex->w);
				float lowerBound = Vector2.Dot(p, vertex.w);
				float upperBound = distanceSqr;
				const float k_relativeTolSqr = 0.01f * 0.01f;	// 1:100
				if (upperBound - lowerBound <= k_relativeTolSqr * upperBound)
					// Converged!

				// Check for duplicate support points.
				bool duplicate = false;
				for (i = 0; i < lastCount; ++i)
					if (vertex->indexA == lastA[i] && vertex->indexB == lastB[i])
					if (vertex.indexA == lastA[i] && vertex.indexB == lastB[i])
						duplicate = true;

				// If we found a duplicate support point we must exit to avoid cycling.
				if (duplicate)

				// New vertex is ok and needed.

			fixed (DistanceOutput* doPtr = &output)
				// Prepare output.
				simplex.GetWitnessPoints(&doPtr->PointA, &doPtr->PointB);
				doPtr->Distance = Vector2.Distance(doPtr->PointA, doPtr->PointB);
				doPtr->Iterations = iter;

			fixed (SimplexCache* sPtr = &cache)
				// Cache the simplex.
			// Prepare output.
			simplex.GetWitnessPoints(out output.PointA, out output.PointB);
			output.Distance = Vector2.Distance(output.PointA, output.PointB);
			output.Iterations = iter;
			// Cache the simplex.

			// Apply radii if requested.
			if (input.UseRadii)
				float rA = shapeA._radius;
				float rB = shapeB._radius;

				if (output.Distance > rA + rB && output.Distance > Common.Settings.FLT_EPSILON)
					// Shapes are still no overlapped.
					// Move the witness points to the outer surface.
					output.Distance -= rA + rB;
					Vector2 normal = output.PointB - output.PointA;
					output.PointA += rA * normal;
					output.PointB -= rB * normal;
					// Shapes are overlapped when radii are considered.
					// Move the witness points to the middle.
					Vector2 p = 0.5f * (output.PointA + output.PointB);
					output.PointA = p;
					output.PointB = p;
					output.Distance = 0.0f;
예제 #21
            public void Initialize(SimplexCache cache,
                                   DistanceProxy proxyA, Transform transformA,
                                   DistanceProxy proxyB, Transform transformB)
                _proxyA = proxyA;
                _proxyB = proxyB;
                int count = cache.Count;

                Box2DXDebug.Assert(0 < count && count < 3);

                if (count == 1)
                    _type = Type.Points;
                    Vec2 localPointA = _proxyA.GetVertex(cache.IndexA[0]);
                    Vec2 localPointB = _proxyB.GetVertex(cache.IndexB[0]);
                    Vec2 pointA      = Math.Mul(transformA, localPointA);
                    Vec2 pointB      = Math.Mul(transformB, localPointB);
                    _axis = pointB - pointA;
                else if (cache.IndexB[0] == cache.IndexB[1])
                    // Two points on A and one on B
                    _type = Type.FaceA;
                    Vec2 localPointA1 = _proxyA.GetVertex(cache.IndexA[0]);
                    Vec2 localPointA2 = _proxyA.GetVertex(cache.IndexA[1]);
                    Vec2 localPointB  = _proxyB.GetVertex(cache.IndexB[0]);
                    _localPoint = 0.5f * (localPointA1 + localPointA2);
                    _axis       = Vec2.Cross(localPointA2 - localPointA1, 1.0f);

                    Vec2 normal = Math.Mul(transformA.R, _axis);
                    Vec2 pointA = Math.Mul(transformA, _localPoint);
                    Vec2 pointB = Math.Mul(transformB, localPointB);

                    float s = Vec2.Dot(pointB - pointA, normal);
                    if (s < 0.0f)
                        _axis = -_axis;
                else if (cache.IndexA[0] == cache.IndexA[1])
                    // Two points on B and one on A.
                    _type = Type.FaceB;
                    Vec2 localPointA  = proxyA.GetVertex(cache.IndexA[0]);
                    Vec2 localPointB1 = proxyB.GetVertex(cache.IndexB[0]);
                    Vec2 localPointB2 = proxyB.GetVertex(cache.IndexB[1]);
                    _localPoint = 0.5f * (localPointB1 + localPointB2);
                    _axis       = Vec2.Cross(localPointB2 - localPointB1, 1.0f);

                    Vec2 normal = Math.Mul(transformB.R, _axis);
                    Vec2 pointB = Math.Mul(transformB, _localPoint);
                    Vec2 pointA = Math.Mul(transformA, localPointA);

                    float s = Vec2.Dot(pointA - pointB, normal);
                    if (s < 0.0f)
                        _axis = -_axis;
                    // Two points on B and two points on A.
                    // The faces are parallel.
                    Vec2 localPointA1 = _proxyA.GetVertex(cache.IndexA[0]);
                    Vec2 localPointA2 = _proxyA.GetVertex(cache.IndexA[1]);
                    Vec2 localPointB1 = _proxyB.GetVertex(cache.IndexB[0]);
                    Vec2 localPointB2 = _proxyB.GetVertex(cache.IndexB[1]);

                    Vec2 pA = Math.Mul(transformA, localPointA1);
                    Vec2 dA = Math.Mul(transformA.R, localPointA2 - localPointA1);
                    Vec2 pB = Math.Mul(transformB, localPointB1);
                    Vec2 dB = Math.Mul(transformB.R, localPointB2 - localPointB1);

                    float a = Vec2.Dot(dA, dA);
                    float e = Vec2.Dot(dB, dB);
                    Vec2  r = pA - pB;
                    float c = Vec2.Dot(dA, r);
                    float f = Vec2.Dot(dB, r);

                    float b     = Vec2.Dot(dA, dB);
                    float denom = a * e - b * b;

                    float s = 0.0f;
                    if (denom != 0.0f)
                        s = Math.Clamp((b * f - c * e) / denom, 0.0f, 1.0f);

                    float t = (b * s + f) / e;

                    if (t < 0.0f)
                        t = 0.0f;
                        s = Math.Clamp(-c / a, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                    else if (t > 1.0f)
                        t = 1.0f;
                        s = Math.Clamp((b - c) / a, 0.0f, 1.0f);

                    Vec2 localPointA = localPointA1 + s * (localPointA2 - localPointA1);
                    Vec2 localPointB = localPointB1 + t * (localPointB2 - localPointB1);

                    if (s == 0.0f || s == 1.0f)
                        _type = Type.FaceB;
                        _axis = Vec2.Cross(localPointB2 - localPointB1, 1.0f);

                        _localPoint = localPointB;

                        Vec2 normal = Math.Mul(transformB.R, _axis);
                        Vec2 pointA = Math.Mul(transformA, localPointA);
                        Vec2 pointB = Math.Mul(transformB, localPointB);

                        float sgn = Vec2.Dot(pointA - pointB, normal);
                        if (sgn < 0.0f)
                            _axis = -_axis;
                        _type = Type.FaceA;
                        _axis = Vec2.Cross(localPointA2 - localPointA1, 1.0f);

                        _localPoint = localPointA;

                        Vec2 normal = Math.Mul(transformA.R, _axis);
                        Vec2 pointA = Math.Mul(transformA, localPointA);
                        Vec2 pointB = Math.Mul(transformB, localPointB);

                        float sgn = Vec2.Dot(pointB - pointA, normal);
                        if (sgn < 0.0f)
                            _axis = -_axis;