예제 #1
        public MainViewModel()
            DoubleClickCommand    = new RelayCommand(OnDoubleClick);
            RunCompetitionCommand = new RelayCommand(RunCompetition);
            ResetCommand          = new RelayCommand(Reset);
            StopCommand           = new RelayCommand(Stop);

            _captains = new List <Captain>();
            foreach (Type mytype in System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()
                     .Where(mytype => mytype.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(ICaptain))))
                var captain = new Captain
                    CaptainName           = mytype.Name,
                    AssemblyQualifiedName = mytype.AssemblyQualifiedName,
                    CaptainStatistics     = new Dictionary <string, CaptainStatistics>(),
                    AllAttacks            = new int[100],
                    AttackHeat            = new float[100],
                    PlacementHeat         = new float[100],
                    AllPlacements         = new int[100],
                    ShipPlacements        = new int[5, 10, 10]
예제 #2
        private bool RunGame(Captain captain1, Captain captain2)
            // Record his ship placement choices
            Fleet fleetone = captain1.CaptainAI.GetFleet();

            foreach (var ship in fleetone.GetFleet())
                foreach (var coordinate in ship.GetCoordinates())
                    captain1.ShipPlacements[ship.Model, coordinate.X, coordinate.Y]++;

            // Record her ship placement choices
            Fleet fleettwo = captain2.CaptainAI.GetFleet();

            foreach (var ship in fleettwo.GetFleet())
                foreach (var coordinate in ship.GetCoordinates())
                    captain2.ShipPlacements[ship.Model, coordinate.X, coordinate.Y]++;
            // While the user has not requested that we stop ...
            //int rounds = 0;
            while (!StopCompetition)
                // Run and keep track of rounds during this match

                // Captain one goes first
                Coordinate attackonecoord = captain1.CaptainAI.MakeAttack();      // Ask captain one for his move
                int        attackone      = fleettwo.Attacked(attackonecoord);    // Determine the result of that move
                captain1.CaptainAI.ResultOfAttack(fleettwo.GetLastAttackValue()); // Inform captain one of the result
                captain2.CaptainAI.OpponentAttack(attackonecoord);                // Inform captain two of the result
                captain1.AllAttacks[attackonecoord.X * 10 + attackonecoord.Y]++;

                // Did captain one win?
                if (attackone == Constants.Defeated)
                    // Give captain one a point
                    captain1.RecordResultOfGame(true, captain2.CaptainName, /*rounds*/ 1);
                    captain2.RecordResultOfGame(false, captain1.CaptainName, /*rounds*/ 1);

                    // Stop the match

                // Captain two goes second
                Coordinate attacktwocoord = captain2.CaptainAI.MakeAttack();      // Ask captain two for her move
                int        attacktwo      = fleetone.Attacked(attacktwocoord);    // Determine the result of that move
                captain2.CaptainAI.ResultOfAttack(fleetone.GetLastAttackValue()); // Inform captain two of the result
                captain1.CaptainAI.OpponentAttack(attacktwocoord);                // Inform captain one of the result
                captain2.AllAttacks[attacktwocoord.X * 10 + attacktwocoord.Y]++;

                // Did captain two win?
                if (attacktwo == Constants.Defeated)
                    // Give captain two a point
                    captain1.RecordResultOfGame(false, captain2.CaptainName, /*rounds*/ 0);
                    captain2.RecordResultOfGame(true, captain1.CaptainName, /*rounds*/ 0);

                    // Stop the match

                //captain1.RecordShot(attackone.IsHit(), captain2.CaptainName);
                //captain2.RecordShot(attacktwo.IsHit(), captain1.CaptainName);

            return(false);//should be unreachable
예제 #3
        //private /*async Task<bool>*/bool BattleCaptains(Captain captain1, Captain captain2, int numCaptains)
        //    // reset the progress bar
        //    StopCompetition = false;
        //    CurrentMatchProgress = 0;

        //    var captainOne = captain1.GetNewCaptain();
        //    var captainTwo = captain2.GetNewCaptain();
        //    // Get the names of the two captains
        //    string nameOne = captain1.CaptainName;
        //    string nameTwo = captain2.CaptainName;

        //    if (!captain1.CaptainStatistics.ContainsKey(nameTwo))//if haven't played before
        //    {
        //        captain1.CaptainStatistics.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, CaptainStatistics>(nameTwo, new CaptainStatistics()));
        //        captain2.CaptainStatistics.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, CaptainStatistics>(nameOne, new CaptainStatistics()));
        //    }

        //    // Remember their scores (how many matches they have won).
        //    var halfNumberOfMatches = SelectedNumberOfMatches / 2;
        //    for (int i = 0; i < halfNumberOfMatches; i++)
        //    {
        //        captainOne.Initialize(SelectedNumberOfMatches, numCaptains, nameTwo);
        //        captainTwo.Initialize(SelectedNumberOfMatches, numCaptains, nameOne);

        //        if (i % 2 == 0)
        //        {
        //            //captain 1 goes first
        //            RunGame(captain1, captain2);
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            //captain 2 goes first
        //            RunGame(captain2, captain1);
        //        }

        //        // Has the user requested that we stop?
        //        if (StopCompetition) return false;

        //        if (i % 5000 == 0 && i > 0)
        //        {
        //            //update progress bar
        //            CurrentMatchProgress = 100 * (i + 1) / halfNumberOfMatches + 1;
        //            //await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1));//give up thread control so UI can render

        //            //update score totals every 500 matches
        //            if (i % 5000 == 0 && i > 0)
        //            {
        //                captain1.UpdateGui();
        //                captain2.UpdateGui();
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    captain1.UpdateGui();
        //    captain2.UpdateGui();

        //    return true;

        //From before perftesting last commit
        private async Task <bool> BattleCaptains(Captain captain1, Captain captain2, int numCaptains)
            // reset the progress bar
            StopCompetition      = false;
            CurrentMatchProgress = 0;

            var captainOne = captain1.GetNewCaptain();
            var captainTwo = captain2.GetNewCaptain();
            // Get the names of the two captains
            string nameOne = captain1.CaptainName;
            string nameTwo = captain2.CaptainName;

            if (!captain1.CaptainStatistics.ContainsKey(nameTwo))//if haven't played before
                captain1.CaptainStatistics.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, CaptainStatistics>(nameTwo, new CaptainStatistics()));
                captain2.CaptainStatistics.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, CaptainStatistics>(nameOne, new CaptainStatistics()));

            // Remember their scores (how many matches they have won).
            int scoreOne = 0, scoreTwo = 0;

            var halfNumberOfMatches = SelectedNumberOfMatches / 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < halfNumberOfMatches; i++)
                captainOne.Initialize(SelectedNumberOfMatches, numCaptains, nameTwo);
                captainTwo.Initialize(SelectedNumberOfMatches, numCaptains, nameOne);

                if (i % 2 == 0)
                    //captain 1 goes first
                    if (RunGame(captain1, captain2))
                    //captain 2 goes first
                    if (RunGame(captain2, captain1))

                // Has the user requested that we stop?
                if (StopCompetition)

                if (i % 5 == 0)
                    //update progress bar
                    CurrentMatchProgress = 100 * (i + 1) / halfNumberOfMatches + 1;
                    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1));//give up thread control so UI can render

                    //update score totals every 500 matches
                    if (i % 500 == 0 && i > 0)
                        captain2.Score += scoreTwo;
                        captain1.Score += scoreOne;

                        scoreOne = scoreTwo = 0;
            captain2.Score += scoreTwo;
            captain1.Score += scoreOne;

