예제 #1
        public void CreateEvent(IServerSerializable entity, object[] extraData = null)
            if (entity == null || !(entity is Entity))
                DebugConsole.ThrowError("Can't create an entity event for " + entity + "!");

            if (((Entity)entity).Removed && !(entity is Level))
                DebugConsole.ThrowError("Can't create an entity event for " + entity + " - the entity has been removed.\n" + Environment.StackTrace);
            if (((Entity)entity).IdFreed)
                DebugConsole.ThrowError("Can't create an entity event for " + entity + " - the ID of the entity has been freed.\n" + Environment.StackTrace);

            var newEvent = new ServerEntityEvent(entity, (UInt16)(ID + 1));

            if (extraData != null)

            //remove events that have been sent to all clients, they are redundant now
            //keep at least one event in the list (lastSentToAll == e.ID) so we can use it to keep track of the latest ID
            events.RemoveAll(e => NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent(lastSentToAll, e.ID));

            if (server.ConnectedClients.Count(c => c.InGame) == 0 && events.Count > 1)
                events.RemoveRange(0, events.Count - 1);

            for (int i = events.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                //we already have an identical event that's waiting to be sent
                // -> no need to add a new one
                if (events[i].IsDuplicate(newEvent) && !events[i].Sent)



            if (!uniqueEvents.Any(e => e.IsDuplicate(newEvent)))
                //create a copy of the event and give it a new ID
                var uniqueEvent = new ServerEntityEvent(entity, (UInt16)(uniqueEvents.Count + 1));

        public void CreateEvent(IServerSerializable entity, object[] extraData = null)
            if (entity == null || !(entity is Entity))
                DebugConsole.ThrowError("Can't create an entity event for " + entity + "!");

            if (((Entity)entity).Removed && !(entity is Level))
                DebugConsole.ThrowError("Can't create an entity event for " + entity + " - the entity has been removed.\n"+Environment.StackTrace);
            if (((Entity)entity).IdFreed)
                DebugConsole.ThrowError("Can't create an entity event for " + entity + " - the ID of the entity has been freed.\n"+Environment.StackTrace);

            var newEvent = new ServerEntityEvent(entity, (UInt16)(ID + 1));
            if (extraData != null) newEvent.SetData(extraData);

            bool inGameClientsPresent = server.ConnectedClients.Count(c => c.InGame) > 0;

            //remove old events that have been sent to all clients, they are redundant now
            //  keep at least one event in the list (lastSentToAll == e.ID) so we can use it to keep track of the latest ID
            //  and events less than 15 seconds old to give disconnected clients a bit of time to reconnect without getting desynced
            if (Timing.TotalTime > GameMain.GameSession.RoundStartTime + NetConfig.RoundStartSyncDuration)
                events.RemoveAll(e => 
                    (NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent(lastSentToAll, e.ID) || !inGameClientsPresent) && 
                    e.CreateTime < Timing.TotalTime - NetConfig.EventRemovalTime);
            for (int i = events.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                //we already have an identical event that's waiting to be sent
                // -> no need to add a new one
                if (events[i].IsDuplicate(newEvent) && !events[i].Sent) return;



            if (!uniqueEvents.Any(e => e.IsDuplicate(newEvent)))
                //create a copy of the event and give it a new ID
                var uniqueEvent = new ServerEntityEvent(entity, (UInt16)(uniqueEvents.Count + 1));

        public void Update(List <Client> clients)
            foreach (BufferedEvent bufferedEvent in bufferedEvents)
                if (bufferedEvent.Character == null || bufferedEvent.Character.IsDead)
                    bufferedEvent.IsProcessed = true;

                //delay reading the events until the inputs for the corresponding frame have been processed

                //UNLESS the character is unconscious, in which case we'll read the messages immediately (because further inputs will be ignored)
                //atm the "give in" command is the only thing unconscious characters can do, other types of events are ignored
                if (!bufferedEvent.Character.IsIncapacitated &&
                    NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent(bufferedEvent.CharacterStateID, bufferedEvent.Character.LastProcessedID))

                    ReadEvent(bufferedEvent.Data, bufferedEvent.TargetEntity, bufferedEvent.Sender);

                catch (Exception e)
                    string entityName = bufferedEvent.TargetEntity == null ? "null" : bufferedEvent.TargetEntity.ToString();
                    if (GameSettings.VerboseLogging)
                        string errorMsg = "Failed to read server event for entity \"" + entityName + "\"!";
                        GameServer.Log(errorMsg + "\n" + e.StackTrace.CleanupStackTrace(), ServerLog.MessageType.Error);
                        DebugConsole.ThrowError(errorMsg, e);
                    GameAnalyticsManager.AddErrorEventOnce("ServerEntityEventManager.Read:ReadFailed" + entityName,
                                                           "Failed to read server event for entity \"" + entityName + "\"!\n" + e.StackTrace.CleanupStackTrace());

                bufferedEvent.IsProcessed = true;

            var inGameClients = clients.FindAll(c => c.InGame && !c.NeedsMidRoundSync);

            if (inGameClients.Count > 0)
                lastSentToAnyone = inGameClients[0].LastRecvEntityEventID;
                lastSentToAll    = inGameClients[0].LastRecvEntityEventID;

                if (server.OwnerConnection != null)
                    var owner = clients.Find(c => c.Connection == server.OwnerConnection);
                    if (owner != null)
                        lastSentToAll = owner.LastRecvEntityEventID;
                inGameClients.ForEach(c =>
                    if (NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent(lastSentToAll, c.LastRecvEntityEventID))
                        lastSentToAll = c.LastRecvEntityEventID;
                    if (NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent(c.LastRecvEntityEventID, lastSentToAnyone))
                        lastSentToAnyone = c.LastRecvEntityEventID;
                lastSentToAnyoneTime = events.Find(e => e.ID == lastSentToAnyone)?.CreateTime ?? Timing.TotalTime;

                if (Timing.TotalTime - lastWarningTime > 5.0 &&
                    Timing.TotalTime - lastSentToAnyoneTime > 10.0 &&
                    Timing.TotalTime > GameMain.GameSession.RoundStartTime + NetConfig.RoundStartSyncDuration)
                    lastWarningTime = Timing.TotalTime;
                    GameServer.Log("WARNING: ServerEntityEventManager is lagging behind! Last sent id: " + lastSentToAnyone.ToString() + ", latest create id: " + ID.ToString(), ServerLog.MessageType.ServerMessage);
                    events.ForEach(e => e.ResetCreateTime());
                    //TODO: reset clients if this happens, maybe do it if a majority are behind rather than all of them?

                clients.Where(c => c.NeedsMidRoundSync).ForEach(c => { if (NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent(lastSentToAll, c.FirstNewEventID))
                                                                           lastSentToAll = (ushort)(c.FirstNewEventID - 1);

                ServerEntityEvent firstEventToResend = events.Find(e => e.ID == (ushort)(lastSentToAll + 1));
                if (firstEventToResend != null &&
                    Timing.TotalTime > GameMain.GameSession.RoundStartTime + NetConfig.RoundStartSyncDuration &&
                    ((lastSentToAnyoneTime - firstEventToResend.CreateTime) > NetConfig.OldReceivedEventKickTime || (Timing.TotalTime - firstEventToResend.CreateTime) > NetConfig.OldEventKickTime))
                    //  This event is 10 seconds older than the last one we've successfully sent,
                    //  kick everyone that hasn't received it yet, this is way too old
                    //  UNLESS the event was created when the client was still midround syncing,
                    //  in which case we'll wait until the timeout runs out before kicking the client
                    List <Client> toKick = inGameClients.FindAll(c =>
                                                                 NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent((UInt16)(lastSentToAll + 1), c.LastRecvEntityEventID) &&
                                                                 (firstEventToResend.CreateTime > c.MidRoundSyncTimeOut || lastSentToAnyoneTime > c.MidRoundSyncTimeOut || Timing.TotalTime > c.MidRoundSyncTimeOut + 10.0));
                    toKick.ForEach(c =>
                        DebugConsole.NewMessage(c.Name + " was kicked because they were expecting a very old network event (" + (c.LastRecvEntityEventID + 1).ToString() + ")", Color.Red);
                        GameServer.Log(GameServer.ClientLogName(c) + " was kicked because they were expecting a very old network event ("
                                       + (c.LastRecvEntityEventID + 1).ToString() +
                                       " (created " + (Timing.TotalTime - firstEventToResend.CreateTime).ToString("0.##") + " s ago, " +
                                       (lastSentToAnyoneTime - firstEventToResend.CreateTime).ToString("0.##") + " s older than last event sent to anyone)" +
                                       " Events queued: " + events.Count + ", last sent to all: " + lastSentToAll, ServerLog.MessageType.Error);
                        server.DisconnectClient(c, "", DisconnectReason.ExcessiveDesyncOldEvent + "/ServerMessage.ExcessiveDesyncOldEvent");

                if (events.Count > 0)
                    //the client is waiting for an event that we don't have anymore
                    //(the ID they're expecting is smaller than the ID of the first event in our list)
                    List <Client> toKick = inGameClients.FindAll(c => NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent(events[0].ID, (UInt16)(c.LastRecvEntityEventID + 1)));
                    toKick.ForEach(c =>
                        DebugConsole.NewMessage(c.Name + " was kicked because they were expecting a removed network event (" + (c.LastRecvEntityEventID + 1).ToString() + ", last available is " + events[0].ID.ToString() + ")", Color.Red);
                        GameServer.Log(GameServer.ClientLogName(c) + " was kicked because they were expecting a removed network event (" + (c.LastRecvEntityEventID + 1).ToString() + ", last available is " + events[0].ID.ToString() + ")", ServerLog.MessageType.Error);
                        server.DisconnectClient(c, "", DisconnectReason.ExcessiveDesyncRemovedEvent + "/ServerMessage.ExcessiveDesyncRemovedEvent");

            var timedOutClients = clients.FindAll(c => c.Connection != GameMain.Server.OwnerConnection && c.InGame && c.NeedsMidRoundSync && Timing.TotalTime > c.MidRoundSyncTimeOut);

            foreach (Client timedOutClient in timedOutClients)
                GameServer.Log("Disconnecting client " + GameServer.ClientLogName(timedOutClient) + ". Syncing the client with the server took too long.", ServerLog.MessageType.Error);
                GameMain.Server.DisconnectClient(timedOutClient, "", DisconnectReason.SyncTimeout + "/ServerMessage.SyncTimeout");

            bufferedEvents.RemoveAll(b => b.IsProcessed);
예제 #4
        public void Update(List <Client> clients)
            foreach (BufferedEvent bufferedEvent in bufferedEvents)
                if (bufferedEvent.Character == null || bufferedEvent.Character.IsDead)
                    bufferedEvent.IsProcessed = true;

                //delay reading the events until the inputs for the corresponding frame have been processed

                //UNLESS the character is unconscious, in which case we'll read the messages immediately (because further inputs will be ignored)
                //atm the "give in" command is the only thing unconscious characters can do, other types of events are ignored
                if (!bufferedEvent.Character.IsUnconscious &&
                    NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent(bufferedEvent.CharacterStateID, bufferedEvent.Character.LastProcessedID))

                    ReadEvent(bufferedEvent.Data, bufferedEvent.TargetEntity, bufferedEvent.Sender);

                catch (Exception e)
                    string entityName = bufferedEvent.TargetEntity == null ? "null" : bufferedEvent.TargetEntity.ToString();
                    if (GameSettings.VerboseLogging)
                        string errorMsg = "Failed to read server event for entity \"" + entityName + "\"!";
                        GameServer.Log(errorMsg + "\n" + e.StackTrace, ServerLog.MessageType.Error);
                        DebugConsole.ThrowError(errorMsg, e);
                    GameAnalyticsManager.AddErrorEventOnce("ServerEntityEventManager.Read:ReadFailed" + entityName,
                                                           "Failed to read server event for entity \"" + entityName + "\"!\n" + e.StackTrace);

                bufferedEvent.IsProcessed = true;

            var inGameClients = clients.FindAll(c => c.InGame && !c.NeedsMidRoundSync);

            if (inGameClients.Count > 0)
                lastSentToAll = inGameClients[0].LastRecvEntityEventID;
                if (server.OwnerConnection != null)
                    var owner = clients.Find(c => c.Connection == server.OwnerConnection);
                    if (owner != null)
                        lastSentToAll = owner.LastRecvEntityEventID;
                inGameClients.ForEach(c => { if (NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent(lastSentToAll, c.LastRecvEntityEventID))
                                                 lastSentToAll = c.LastRecvEntityEventID;

                clients.Where(c => c.NeedsMidRoundSync).ForEach(c => { if (NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent(lastSentToAll, c.FirstNewEventID))
                                                                           lastSentToAll = (ushort)(c.FirstNewEventID - 1);

                ServerEntityEvent firstEventToResend = events.Find(e => e.ID == (ushort)(lastSentToAll + 1));
                if (firstEventToResend != null && (Timing.TotalTime - firstEventToResend.CreateTime) > 10.0f)
                    //it's been 10 seconds since this event was created, kick everyone that hasn't received it yet, this is way too old
                    //  UNLESS the event was created when the client was still midround syncing, in which case we'll wait until the timeout
                    //  runs out before kicking the client
                    List <Client> toKick = inGameClients.FindAll(c =>
                                                                 NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent((UInt16)(lastSentToAll + 1), c.LastRecvEntityEventID) &&
                                                                 (firstEventToResend.CreateTime > c.MidRoundSyncTimeOut || Timing.TotalTime > c.MidRoundSyncTimeOut));
                    toKick.ForEach(c =>
                        DebugConsole.NewMessage(c.Name + " was kicked due to excessive desync (expected old event " + (c.LastRecvEntityEventID + 1).ToString() + ")", Color.Red);
                        GameServer.Log("Disconnecting client " + c.Name + " due to excessive desync (expected old event "
                                       + (c.LastRecvEntityEventID + 1).ToString() +
                                       " (created " + (Timing.TotalTime - firstEventToResend.CreateTime).ToString("0.##") + " s ago)" +
                                       " Events queued: " + events.Count + ", last sent to all: " + lastSentToAll, ServerLog.MessageType.Error);
                        server.DisconnectClient(c, "", "ServerMessage.ExcessiveDesyncOldEvent");

                if (events.Count > 0)
                    //the client is waiting for an event that we don't have anymore
                    //(the ID they're expecting is smaller than the ID of the first event in our list)
                    List <Client> toKick = inGameClients.FindAll(c => NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent(events[0].ID, (UInt16)(c.LastRecvEntityEventID + 1)));
                    toKick.ForEach(c =>
                        DebugConsole.NewMessage(c.Name + " was kicked due to excessive desync (expected removed event " + (c.LastRecvEntityEventID + 1).ToString() + ", last available is " + events[0].ID.ToString() + ")", Color.Red);
                        GameServer.Log("Disconnecting client " + c.Name + " due to excessive desync (expected removed event " + (c.LastRecvEntityEventID + 1).ToString() + ", last available is " + events[0].ID.ToString() + ")", ServerLog.MessageType.Error);
                        server.DisconnectClient(c, "", "ServerMessage.ExcessiveDesyncRemovedEvent");

            var timedOutClients = clients.FindAll(c => c.InGame && c.NeedsMidRoundSync && Timing.TotalTime > c.MidRoundSyncTimeOut);

            foreach (Client timedOutClient in timedOutClients)
                GameServer.Log("Disconnecting client " + timedOutClient.Name + ". Syncing the client with the server took too long.", ServerLog.MessageType.Error);
                GameMain.Server.DisconnectClient(timedOutClient, "", "ServerMessage.SyncTimeout");

            bufferedEvents.RemoveAll(b => b.IsProcessed);
예제 #5
        public void Update(List <Client> clients)
            foreach (BufferedEvent bufferedEvent in bufferedEvents)
                if (bufferedEvent.Character == null || bufferedEvent.Character.IsDead)
                    bufferedEvent.IsProcessed = true;

                //delay reading the events until the inputs for the corresponding frame have been processed

                //UNLESS the character is unconscious, in which case we'll read the messages immediately (because further inputs will be ignored)
                //atm the "give in" command is the only thing unconscious characters can do, other types of events are ignored
                if (!bufferedEvent.Character.IsUnconscious &&
                    NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent(bufferedEvent.CharacterStateID, bufferedEvent.Character.LastProcessedID))

                    ReadEvent(bufferedEvent.Data, bufferedEvent.TargetEntity, bufferedEvent.Sender);

                catch (Exception e)
                    if (GameSettings.VerboseLogging)
                        DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to read event for entity \"" + bufferedEvent.TargetEntity.ToString() + "!", e);

                bufferedEvent.IsProcessed = true;

            var inGameClients = clients.FindAll(c => c.inGame && !c.NeedsMidRoundSync);

            if (inGameClients.Count > 0)
                lastSentToAll = inGameClients[0].lastRecvEntityEventID;
                inGameClients.ForEach(c => { if (NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent(lastSentToAll, c.lastRecvEntityEventID))
                                                 lastSentToAll = c.lastRecvEntityEventID;

                ServerEntityEvent firstEventToResend = events.Find(e => e.ID == (ushort)(lastSentToAll + 1));
                if (firstEventToResend != null && (Timing.TotalTime - firstEventToResend.CreateTime) > 10.0f)
                    //it's been 10 seconds since this event was created
                    //kick everyone that hasn't received it yet, this is way too old
                    List <Client> toKick = inGameClients.FindAll(c => NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent((UInt16)(lastSentToAll + 1), c.lastRecvEntityEventID));

                    toKick.ForEach(c => server.DisconnectClient(c, "", "You have been disconnected because of excessive desync"));

                if (events.Count > 0)
                    //the client is waiting for an event that we don't have anymore
                    //(the ID they're expecting is smaller than the ID of the first event in our list)
                    List <Client> toKick = inGameClients.FindAll(c => NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent(events[0].ID, (UInt16)(c.lastRecvEntityEventID + 1)));
                    toKick.ForEach(c => server.DisconnectClient(c, "", "You have been disconnected because of excessive desync"));

            var timedOutClients = clients.FindAll(c => c.inGame && c.NeedsMidRoundSync && Timing.TotalTime > c.MidRoundSyncTimeOut);

            timedOutClients.ForEach(c => GameMain.Server.DisconnectClient(c, "", "You have been disconnected because syncing your client with the server took too long."));

            bufferedEvents.RemoveAll(b => b.IsProcessed);
        public void Update(List <Client> clients)
            foreach (BufferedEvent bufferedEvent in bufferedEvents)
                if (bufferedEvent.Character == null || bufferedEvent.Character.IsDead)
                    bufferedEvent.IsProcessed = true;

                //delay reading the events until the inputs for the corresponding frame have been processed

                //UNLESS the character is unconscious, in which case we'll read the messages immediately (because further inputs will be ignored)
                //atm the "give in" command is the only thing unconscious characters can do, other types of events are ignored
                if (!bufferedEvent.Character.IsUnconscious &&
                    NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent(bufferedEvent.CharacterStateID, bufferedEvent.Character.LastProcessedID))

                    ReadEvent(bufferedEvent.Data, bufferedEvent.TargetEntity, bufferedEvent.Sender);

                catch (Exception e)
                    string entityName = bufferedEvent.TargetEntity == null ? "null" : bufferedEvent.TargetEntity.ToString();
                    if (GameSettings.VerboseLogging)
                        DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to read server event for entity \"" + entityName + "\"!", e);
                    GameAnalyticsManager.AddErrorEventOnce("ServerEntityEventManager.Read:ReadFailed" + entityName,
                                                           "Failed to read server event for entity \"" + entityName + "\"!\n" + e.StackTrace);

                bufferedEvent.IsProcessed = true;

            var inGameClients = clients.FindAll(c => c.InGame && !c.NeedsMidRoundSync);

            if (inGameClients.Count > 0)
                lastSentToAll = inGameClients[0].LastRecvEntityEventID;
                inGameClients.ForEach(c => { if (NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent((ushort)(lastSentToAll - 1), c.LastRecvEntityEventID))
                                                 lastSentToAll = (ushort)(c.LastRecvEntityEventID - 1);

                ServerEntityEvent firstEventToResend = events.Find(e => e.ID == (ushort)(lastSentToAll + 1));
                if (firstEventToResend != null && (Timing.TotalTime - firstEventToResend.CreateTime) > (10.0f * GameMain.NilMod.DesyncTimerMultiplier))
                    //it's been 10 seconds since this event was created
                    //kick everyone that hasn't received it yet, this is way too old
                    List <Client> toKick = inGameClients.FindAll(c => NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent((UInt16)(lastSentToAll + 1), c.LastRecvEntityEventID));
                    toKick.ForEach(c =>
                        DebugConsole.NewMessage(c.Name + " was kicked due to excessive desync (expected old event " + c.LastRecvEntityEventID.ToString() + ")", Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Red);
                        server.DisconnectClient(c, "", "You have been disconnected because of excessive desync (Expected old event, inform the server host increasing 'DesyncTimerMultiplier' could help.");

                if (events.Count > 0)
                    //the client is waiting for an event that we don't have anymore
                    //(the ID they're expecting is smaller than the ID of the first event in our list)
                    List <Client> toKick = inGameClients.FindAll(c => NetIdUtils.IdMoreRecent(events[0].ID, (UInt16)(c.LastRecvEntityEventID + 1)));
                    toKick.ForEach(c =>
                        DebugConsole.NewMessage(c.Name + " was kicked due to excessive desync (expected " + c.LastRecvEntityEventID.ToString() + ", last available is " + events[0].ID.ToString() + ")", Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Red);
                        server.DisconnectClient(c, "", "You have been disconnected because of excessive desync (Event no longer exists)");

            var timedOutClients = clients.FindAll(c => c.InGame && c.NeedsMidRoundSync && Timing.TotalTime > c.MidRoundSyncTimeOut);

            timedOutClients.ForEach(c => GameMain.Server.DisconnectClient(c, "", "You have been disconnected because syncing your client with the server took too long."));

            bufferedEvents.RemoveAll(b => b.IsProcessed);