public UserService(Bank bank) { = bank; db = bank.Database; authenticatedUsers.Add(new Guid("7ab37b8c-2e92-4493-a40c-8425750c3d59"), new LoginInfo() { LastActivity = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromDays(1), User = db.InternetBankingUsers.First(), UID = new Guid("7ab37b8c-2e92-4493-a40c-8425750c3d59")}); authenticatedUsers.Add(new Guid("c59b9bd7-ddc6-4cf6-9036-9c678b44e093"), new LoginInfo() { LastActivity = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromDays(1), User = db.InternetBankingUsers.Where(u => u.Role.Name == "user").First(), UID = new Guid("c59b9bd7-ddc6-4cf6-9036-9c678b44e093") }); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Bank bk = new Bank(); string output = "Press 0 to use the ATM, press 1 to manage your account,press n to exit"; while (true) { Show(output); string op = GetInput(); if (op=="n") { break; } switch (op) { case ("0"): { string op_atm; ATM atm = new ATM(bk); while (true) { Show("input any key to use ATM or Press n to exit"); op_atm = GetInput(); if (op_atm == "n") { break; } else { atm.Transaction(); } } } break;//ATM case ("1"): { string op_bank; while (true) { Show("input any key to manage your account or Press n to exit"); op_bank = GetInput(); if (op_bank == "n") { break; } else { bk.init(); } } } break;//Bank default: break; } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Bank fib = new Bank("First Investment Bank"); IndividualCustomer pesho = new IndividualCustomer("Pesho"); DepositAccount depositAccount = new DepositAccount(pesho, 2M, 0.05m); fib.AddCustomer(pesho); fib.AddAccount(depositAccount); depositAccount.Deposit(1000M); Console.WriteLine("Current blanace: " + depositAccount.Balance); Console.WriteLine("Interest amount: " + depositAccount.CalculateInterest(23)); depositAccount.Withdraw(153.03M); Console.WriteLine("Current blanace: " + depositAccount.Balance); }
static void Main() { try { Bank myBank = new Bank(); Random ranGen = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { myBank.Accounts.Add(new Loan(new Company("CheatInvestments Ltd", ranGen.Next(100000000, 1000000000).ToString()), 10m / 100, new DateTime(ranGen.Next(2012, 2014), ranGen.Next(1, 13), ranGen.Next(1, 29)), ranGen.Next(-10000, -1000))); myBank.Accounts.Add(new Mortgage(new Person("Petar Penev", string.Format("{0}{1}", ranGen.Next(100000000, 1000000000), ranGen.Next(0, 10))), 10m / 100, new DateTime(2012, ranGen.Next(1, 13), ranGen.Next(1, 29)), ranGen.Next(-10000, -1000))); myBank.Accounts.Add(new Deposit(new Company("GiveMeYourMoney Ltd", ranGen.Next(100000000, 1000000000).ToString()), 10m / 100, new DateTime(2012, ranGen.Next(1, 13), ranGen.Next(1, 29)), ranGen.Next(0, 10000))); } Console.WriteLine("My Bank:"); Console.WriteLine(myBank); foreach (var account in myBank.Accounts) { account.Deposit(ranGen.Next(100, 1001)); } Console.WriteLine("We deposite some money:"); Console.WriteLine(myBank); foreach (Deposit deposit in myBank.Accounts.Where(x => x is Deposit)) { deposit.Withdraw(ranGen.Next(5, 101)); } Console.WriteLine("We withdraw some money:"); Console.WriteLine(myBank); Console.WriteLine("We calculate some interests:"); foreach (var account in myBank.Accounts) { int months = ranGen.Next(1, 12); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Calculated interest: {0} for months: {1}", account.CalcInterest(months), months); account.Balance += account.CalcInterest(months); Console.WriteLine("New saldo:"); Console.WriteLine(account); } } catch (ArgumentException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
static void Main() { Console.Title = "Welcome to the Bank of Kurtovo Konare"; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; var bank = new Bank {Accounts = Accounts()}; foreach (var account in bank.Accounts) { account.DepositMoney(500m); account.WithdrawMoney(400m); Console.WriteLine("Interest amount is: " + account.InterestAmount(3)); Console.Write("Press any key to continue: "); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Bank bank = new Bank("Super_Igor"); Client clients = new Client(); int choose = 1; while (choose != 0) { Console.WriteLine("1. Добавить клиента\n2. Показать всех клиентов\n3. Выбрать клиента\n0. Выход"); try { choose = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Clear(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Введите число"); Console.Clear(); continue; } switch (choose) { case 1: clients = Terminal.RegistrationForm(); bank.AddClient(clients); Console.Clear(); break; case 2: Terminal.ShowAllInfo(bank); break; case 3: if (clients.FirstName == null) { Console.WriteLine("У вас нет пользователей!"); break; } int check; while (true) { Terminal.ShowAllInfo(bank); Console.Write("Выберите одного из пользователей: "); try { check = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } catch { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Введите число"); continue; } if (check <= 0 || check > bank.RegisteredCount) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Введите число еще раз!"); continue; } break; } Terminal.ShowClientInfo(bank, check - 1); break; case 0: return; default: break; } } Console.Read(); }