예제 #1
        public void landing()
            //Establishing communication
            Console.WriteLine(credentials + " is Searching for control tower...");
            //ITuple controlTowerTupleInner = new dotSpace.Objects.Space.Tuple("Control Tower Nr.", typeof(int), typeof(ControlTower));
            //ITuple controlTowerTuple = airport.QueryP("Control Towers", controlTowerTupleInner);
            if (controlTowerSpace != null)
                ITuple controlTowerTuple = controlTowerSpace.Query("Control Tower Nr.", typeof(int), typeof(ControlTower));
                if (controlTowerTuple != null)
                    //Getting landing clearance
                    ControlTower controlTower = (ControlTower)controlTowerTuple[2];
                    Console.WriteLine(credentials + " found control tower and getting landing clearance...");
                    ITuple freeRunwayLock = controlTower.getRunwayClearance();
                    if (freeRunwayLock != null)
                        Console.WriteLine(credentials + " got landing clearance with ID " + freeRunwayLock[0] + freeRunwayLock[1]);

                        //Leave airspace, land in airport

                        //Landing & Taxiway step
                        Console.WriteLine(credentials + " is searching for free landing taxiway...");
                        //ITuple freeTaxiWayTuple = taxiwaySpace.Query("Taxiway Nr.", controlTowerTuple[1], typeof(int), true);
                        //ITuple freeTaxiWayTuple = taxiwayLandingSpace.Get("Taxiway L", controlTowerTuple[1], typeof(int), true);
                        ITuple freeTaxiWayTuple = taxiwayLandingSpace.Get("Taxiway L", freeRunwayLock[1], typeof(int), true);
                        int    barrierLimit     = (int)freeTaxiWayTuple[2] - 1;
                        Console.WriteLine(credentials + " found free landing taxiway with barrier value " + (barrierLimit + 1) + " and getting free taxiway tuple...");
                        //taxiwaySpace.Get((string)freeTaxiWayTuple[0], freeTaxiWayTuple[1], barrierLimit);
                        Console.WriteLine(credentials + " is putting runway lock with ID " + freeRunwayLock[0] + freeRunwayLock[1]);
                        Console.WriteLine(credentials + " is putting free landing taxiway back with new barrier " + barrierLimit);
                        taxiwayLandingSpace.Put((string)freeTaxiWayTuple[0], freeTaxiWayTuple[1], barrierLimit, (barrierLimit) > 0);

                        //Hanger step
                        Console.WriteLine(credentials + " is searching for same landing taxiway, to increase barrier...");
                        //ITuple usedTaxiWay = taxiwayLandingSpace.Get("Taxiway L", controlTowerTuple[1], typeof(int), typeof(bool));
                        ITuple usedTaxiWay = taxiwayLandingSpace.Get("Taxiway L", freeTaxiWayTuple[1], typeof(int), typeof(bool));
                        barrierLimit = (int)usedTaxiWay[2] + 1;
                        Console.WriteLine(credentials + " is increasing landing taxiway " + usedTaxiWay[1] + "'s barrierLimit to " + barrierLimit);
                        taxiwayLandingSpace.Put((string)freeTaxiWayTuple[0], freeTaxiWayTuple[1], barrierLimit, (barrierLimit) > 0);
                        Console.WriteLine(credentials + " has safely arrived in the hangar!");
                        // Thread kill
예제 #2
        public void takeoff()
            // Leaving hangar, entering taxiway
            Console.WriteLine(credentials + " is searching for free take-off taxiway...");
            //ITuple freeTaxiWayTuple = taxiwayTakeoffSpace.Get("Taxiway T", controlTowerTuple[1], typeof(int), true);
            ITuple freeTaxiWayTuple = taxiwayTakeoffSpace.Get("Taxiway T", typeof(int), typeof(int), true);
            int    barrierLimit     = (int)freeTaxiWayTuple[2] - 1;

            Console.WriteLine(credentials + " found free take-off taxiway with barrier value " + (barrierLimit + 1) + " and getting free taxiway tuple...");
            Console.WriteLine(credentials + " is putting free take-off taxiway back with new barrier " + barrierLimit);
            taxiwayTakeoffSpace.Put((string)freeTaxiWayTuple[0], freeTaxiWayTuple[1], barrierLimit, barrierLimit > 0);

            // Leaving taxiway, entering runway

            //Getting takeoff clearance
            //Establishing communication
            Console.WriteLine(credentials + " is searching for control tower...");
            //ITuple controlTowerTupleInner = new dotSpace.Objects.Space.Tuple("Control Tower Nr.", typeof(int), typeof(ControlTower));
            //ITuple controlTowerTuple = airport.QueryP("Control Towers", controlTowerTupleInner);
            if (controlTowerSpace != null)
                ITuple controlTowerTuple = controlTowerSpace.Query("Control Tower Nr.", typeof(int), typeof(ControlTower));
                if (controlTowerTuple != null)
                    ControlTower controlTower = (ControlTower)controlTowerTuple[2];
                    Console.WriteLine(credentials + " found control tower and getting takeoff clearance...");
                    ITuple freeRunwayLock = controlTower.getRunwayClearance();
                    if (freeRunwayLock != null)
                        //Make space on the taxiway you just left
                        Console.WriteLine(credentials + " is searching for same take-off taxiway, to increase barrier...");
                        //ITuple usedtaxiway = taxiwayTakeoffSpace.Get("Taxiway T", controlTowerTuple[1], typeof(int), typeof(bool));
                        ITuple usedtaxiway = taxiwayTakeoffSpace.Get("Taxiway T", freeTaxiWayTuple[1], typeof(int), typeof(bool));
                        barrierLimit = (int)usedtaxiway[2] + 1;
                        Console.WriteLine(credentials + " is increasing take-off taxiway " + usedtaxiway[1] + "'s barrierlimit to " + barrierLimit);
                        taxiwayTakeoffSpace.Put((string)usedtaxiway[0], usedtaxiway[1], barrierLimit, barrierLimit > 0);
                        Console.WriteLine(credentials + " has safely left the taxiway!");

                        //Leave the runway
                        Console.WriteLine(credentials + " got takeoff clearance with ID " + freeRunwayLock[0] + freeRunwayLock[1] + " and left the airport!");
                        //leave airport, enter in airspace
                        //Airspace step
예제 #3
        private void runwayToTaxiway(string taxiway, ControlTower ct, ITuple frwT)
            updateGraphics(credentials, airspaceName, "" + frwT[0] + frwT[1]);

            Console.WriteLine(credentials + " is searching for free landing taxiway " + taxiway);
            ITuple freeTaxiWayTupleTo = taxiwaySpace.Get("Taxiway", taxiway, typeof(int), true);
            int    barrierLimitA      = (int)freeTaxiWayTupleTo[2] - 1;

            Console.WriteLine(credentials + " found free taxiway " + taxiway + " with barrier value " + (barrierLimitA + 1) + " and getting free taxiway tuple...");
            Console.WriteLine(credentials + " is putting runway lock with ID " + frwT[0] + frwT[1]);
            ct.putRunway(credentials, frwT);
            updateGraphics(credentials, "" + frwT[0] + frwT[1], "" + freeTaxiWayTupleTo[0] + freeTaxiWayTupleTo[1]);
            Console.WriteLine(credentials + " is putting free taxiway " + taxiway + " back with lower barrier " + barrierLimitA);
            taxiwaySpace.Put((string)freeTaxiWayTupleTo[0], freeTaxiWayTupleTo[1], barrierLimitA, (barrierLimitA) > 0);
예제 #4
        private void taxiwayToRunway(string taxiway, ITuple frwL, ControlTower ct, string mode)
            //Make space on the taxiway you just left
            if (mode == "realistic")
                ct.getRunway(credentials, frwL);
            Console.WriteLine(credentials + " is searching for same take-off taxiway, to increase barrier...");
            ITuple usedtaxiway = taxiwaySpace.Get("Taxiway", taxiway, typeof(int), typeof(bool));
            int    bl          = (int)usedtaxiway[2] + 1;

            Console.WriteLine(credentials + " is increasing take-off taxiway " + usedtaxiway[1] + "'s barrierlimit to " + bl);

            taxiwaySpace.Put((string)usedtaxiway[0], usedtaxiway[1], bl, bl > 0);
            Console.WriteLine(credentials + " has safely left the taxiway!");

            //Leave the runway
            Console.WriteLine(credentials + " got takeoff clearance with ID " + frwL[0] + frwL[1] + " and left the airport!");
            ct.putRunway(credentials, frwL);
            //Airspace step