Minimize() 공개 메소드

Finds the minimum of the function in the interval [a;b]
public Minimize ( ) : bool
리턴 bool
예제 #1
        public void ConstructorTest()

            // Suppose we were given the function x³ + 2x² - 10x and 
            // we have to find its root, maximum and minimum inside 
            // the interval [-4,3]. First, we express this function
            // as a lambda expression:
            Func<double, double> function = x => x * x * x + 2 * x * x - 10 * x;

            // And now we can create the search algorithm:
            BrentSearch search = new BrentSearch(function, -4, 3);

            // Finally, we can query the information we need
            double max = search.Maximize();  // occurs at -2.61
            double min = search.Minimize();  // occurs at  1.27
            double root = search.FindRoot(); // occurs at  0.50

            Assert.AreEqual(-2.6103173042172645, max);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.2769840667540548, min);
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.5, root);
        public static PointParamWithRayProjection ClosestPointToRay(this ICurve curve, PointDirection3 ray, double tol = 1e-9)
            var bound = curve.Domain();
            int numOfRadius = 0;
            double[] radius = null;
            MathPoint location = null;

            var radiusResult = curve.FindMinimumRadius();
            var domain = new RangeDouble(curve.Domain());
            var tessTol = radiusResult.Radius/10;
            var closestPointOnEdge = Vector3.Zero;
            for (var i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                var tessPoints = Sequences
                    .LinSpace(domain.Min, domain.Max, 100)
                var edges = tessPoints.Buffer(2, 1).Where(buf => buf.Count == 2)

                var closestEdge
                    = edges
                        .Select(edge => new {edge, connection= MakeEdge(edge).ShortestEdgeJoining(ray, tol)})

                var a = closestEdge.edge[0].T;
                var b = closestEdge.edge[1].T;
                domain = new RangeDouble(a, b);
                tessTol = tessTol/10;

            Func<Vector3, Vector3> projectOnRay = p => (p - ray.Point).ProjectOn(ray.Direction) + ray.Point;

            var solver = new BrentSearch(t =>
                var p = curve.PointAt(t);
                var proj = projectOnRay(p);
                return (p - proj).LengthSquared();
            }, domain.Min, domain.Max);
            var minT = solver.Solution;

            var pointParam = curve.PointParamAt(minT);
            return new PointParamWithRayProjection(pointParam, projectOnRay(pointParam.Point));
        public static EdgeDistance ClosestDistanceBetweenTwoCurves(IMathUtility m,ICurve curve0, ICurve curve1)
            var curveDomain = curve1.Domain();

            var solver = new BrentSearch
                (t =>
                    var pt = curve1.PointAt(t);
                    return (curve0.ClosestPointOn(pt).Point - pt).Length();
                , curveDomain[0]
                , curveDomain[1]

            var param = solver.Solution;

            var pt1 = curve1.PointAt(param);
            var pt0 = curve0.ClosestPointOn(pt1).Point;
            var edge = new Edge3(pt1, pt0);
            return new EdgeDistance(edge, solver.Value);