예제 #1
 public column(column c)
     name          = c.name;
     friendlyName  = c.friendlyName;
     fkTableName   = c.fkTableName;
     isFK          = c.isFK;
     insertReq     = c.insertReq;
     isSearchField = c.isSearchField;
     isPrimaryKey  = c.isPrimaryKey;
     type          = c.type;
     size          = c.size;
예제 #2
        public insertUpdateForm(string formName, string tableName, column[] baseData, Banco banco, EventHandler handlerInserido, EventHandler handlerCancelar, EventHandler handlerEditado)
            FormName             = formName;
            this.handlerCancelar = handlerCancelar;
            this.handlerInserido = handlerInserido;
            this.handlerEditado  = handlerEditado;
            this.tableName       = tableName;
            data = new column[baseData.Count()];
            for (int i = 0; i < baseData.Count(); i++)
                data[i] = new column(baseData[i]);
            this.banco          = banco;
            FormName            = tableName;
            Panel               = new FlowLayoutPanel();
            Panel.Anchor        = AnchorStyles.Top;
            Panel.Location      = new Point(0, 24);
            Panel.Padding       = new Padding(10);
            Panel.Dock          = DockStyle.Fill;
            Panel.Visible       = true;
            Panel.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight;
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                if (!data[i].InsertReq)
                var subpnl = new Panel();
                subpnl.Size = new Size(400, 28);
                var label = new Label();
                label.Location = new Point(3, 6);
                label.Text     = data[i].FriendlyName;

                Control control = null;
                if (!data[i].IsFK)
                    if (data[i].Type == MySqlType.msboolean)
                        var text = new CheckBox();
                        data[i].Control = text;
                        text.Name       = "insertUpdateFormField" + data[i].Name;
                        text.Location   = new Point(100, 3);
                        text.Size       = new Size(300, 20);
                        control         = text;
                        var text = new TextBox();
                        data[i].Control = text;
                        text.Name       = "insertUpdateFormField" + data[i].Name;
                        text.Location   = new Point(100, 3);
                        text.Size       = new Size(300, 20);
                        control         = text;
                    var ddl = new ComboBox();
                    ddl.DisplayMember = "Text";
                    ddl.ValueMember   = "Value";
                    data[i].Control   = ddl;
                    ddl.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
                    var ddldata    = banco.get(data[i].FkTableName, null, banco.tableLabel[data[i].FkTableName]);
                    var ddlConvert = new List <comboItem>();
                    //ddlConvert.Add(new comboItem("0", "[Todos]"));
                    for (int j = 0; j < ddldata.Rows.Count; j++)
                        var sb = new StringBuilder();
                        for (int k = 0; k < ddldata.Rows[j].ItemArray.Count(); k++)
                            sb.Append(string.Format("{0}{1}", ddldata.Rows[j][k], k + 1 < ddldata.Rows[j].ItemArray.Count() ? " - " : ""));
                        var val = ddldata.Rows[j].ItemArray[0].ToString();
                        var tex = sb.ToString();
                        ddlConvert.Add(new comboItem(val, string.IsNullOrEmpty(tex) ? val : tex));
                    ddl.DataSource = ddlConvert;
                    ddl.Location   = new Point(100, 3);
                    ddl.Size       = new Size(300, 20);
                    control        = ddl;
            var pnl = new Panel();

            pnl.Size = new Size(1020, 28);
            int bx  = 100;
            int of  = 70;
            var btn = new Button();

            btn.Location = new Point(bx + 0 * of, 0);
            btn.Size     = new Size(of - 10, 23);
            btn.Text     = "Salvar";
            btn.Click   += salvar;

            btn          = new Button();
            btn.Location = new Point(bx + 1 * of, 0);
            btn.Size     = new Size(of - 10, 23);
            btn.Text     = "Cancelar";
            btn.Click   += cancelar;

            btn          = new Button();
            btn.Location = new Point(bx + 2 * of, 0);
            btn.Size     = new Size(of - 10, 23);
            btn.Text     = "Limpar Campos";
            btn.Click   += limparCampos;

            Panel.Visible = false;
예제 #3
        public searchForm(string formName, string tableName, column[] baseData, Banco banco, stringDelegate handlerInserir, stringDelegate handlerEditar, datarowDelegate handlerRemover)
            FormName            = FormName;
            this.handlerInserir = handlerInserir;
            this.handlerEditar  = handlerEditar;
            this.handlerRemover = handlerRemover;
            this.tableName      = tableName;

            data = new column[baseData.Count()];
            for (int i = 0; i < baseData.Count(); i++)
                data[i] = new column(baseData[i]);
            this.banco          = banco;
            Panel               = new FlowLayoutPanel();
            Panel.Anchor        = AnchorStyles.Top;
            Panel.Location      = new Point(0, 24);
            Panel.Padding       = new Padding(10);
            Panel.Dock          = DockStyle.Fill;
            Panel.Visible       = true;
            Panel.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight;
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                if (!data[i].IsSearchField)
                var subpnl = new Panel();
                subpnl.Size = new Size(400, 28);
                var label = new Label();
                label.Location = new Point(3, 6);
                label.Text     = data[i].FriendlyName;

                Control control = null;
                if (!data[i].IsFK)
                    var text = new TextBox();
                    data[i].Control = text;
                    text.Name       = "searchFormField" + data[i].Name;
                    text.Location   = new Point(100, 3);
                    text.Size       = new Size(300, 20);
                    control         = text;
                    var ddl = new ComboBox();
                    ddl.DisplayMember = "Text";
                    ddl.ValueMember   = "Value";
                    data[i].Control   = ddl;
                    ddl.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
                    var ddldata    = banco.get(data[i].FkTableName, null, banco.tableLabel[data[i].FkTableName]);
                    var ddlConvert = new List <comboItem>();
                    ddlConvert.Add(new comboItem("0", "[Todos]"));
                    for (int j = 0; j < ddldata.Rows.Count; j++)
                        var sb = new StringBuilder();
                        for (int k = 0; k < ddldata.Rows[j].ItemArray.Count(); k++)
                            sb.Append(string.Format("{0}{1}", ddldata.Rows[j][k], k + 1 < ddldata.Rows[j].ItemArray.Count() ? " - " : ""));
                        var val = ddldata.Rows[j].ItemArray[0].ToString();
                        var tex = sb.ToString();
                        ddlConvert.Add(new comboItem(val, string.IsNullOrEmpty(tex) ? val : tex));
                    ddl.DataSource = ddlConvert;
                    ddl.Location   = new Point(100, 3);
                    ddl.Size       = new Size(300, 20);
                    control        = ddl;
            var pnl = new Panel();

            pnl.Size = new Size(1020, 28);
            int bx  = 100;
            int of  = 70;
            var btn = new Button();

            btn.Location = new Point(bx + 0 * of, 0);
            btn.Size     = new Size(of - 10, 23);
            btn.Text     = "Pesquisar";
            btn.Click   += pesquisar;

            btn          = new Button();
            btn.Location = new Point(bx + 1 * of, 0);
            btn.Size     = new Size(of - 10, 23);
            btn.Text     = "Novo";
            btn.Click   += inserir;

            btn          = new Button();
            btn.Location = new Point(bx + 2 * of, 0);
            btn.Size     = new Size(of - 10, 23);
            btn.Text     = "Editar";
            btn.Click   += editar;

            btn          = new Button();
            btn.Location = new Point(bx + 3 * of, 0);
            btn.Size     = new Size(of - 10, 23);
            btn.Text     = "Remover";
            btn.Click   += remover;

            btn          = new Button();
            btn.Location = new Point(bx + 4 * of, 0);
            btn.Size     = new Size(of - 10, 23);
            btn.Text     = "Limpar Campos";
            btn.Click   += limparCampos;


            pnl            = new Panel();
            pnl.Size       = new Size(800, 400);
            pnl.AutoScroll = true;
            pnl.HorizontalScroll.Enabled = true;
            Dgv      = new DataGridView();
            Dgv.Size = new Size(800, 480);
            Dgv.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
            Dgv.AllowDrop               = false;
            Dgv.AllowUserToAddRows      = false;
            Dgv.AllowUserToDeleteRows   = false;
            Dgv.AllowUserToOrderColumns = false;
            Dgv.AllowUserToResizeRows   = false;
            Dgv.MultiSelect             = false;
            Dgv.ReadOnly   = true;
            Dgv.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Both;

            Panel.Visible = false;