public async Task <IActionResult> PutProduct([FromQuery] int p_id, Product product)
            if (p_id != product.PId)

            _context.Entry(product).State = EntityState.Modified;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!ProductExists(p_id))

        public async Task <ActionResult <Customer> > PostCustomer([FromBody] Customer customer)
            //Check if Customer already Exists with exact same properties
            bool CustomerExists = await CustomerExistsByObject(customer);

            if (CustomerExists)
                return(BadRequest(new ErrorRecordRepeat()));

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(CreatedAtAction("GetCustomer", new { id = customer.CId }, customer));
        public async Task <ActionResult <IList <Supplier> > > PostSupplier([FromBody] IList <Supplier> suppliers)
            foreach (Supplier supplier in suppliers)
                bool supplierexists = await SupplierExistsByObject(supplier);

                if (supplierexists)
                    return(BadRequest(new ErrorRecordRepeat()));

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(CreatedAtAction("GetSupplier", suppliers));
예제 #4
        public async Task <ActionResult <JObject> > PostOrders([FromBody] JObject orders)
            if (orders == null)

            //Get Order Date
            var o_date = Convert.ToDateTime(orders.GetValue("ODate"));
            //Get Order Type
            var o_type = orders.GetValue("OType").ToString();
            //Create Order Object by looking at order type
            Orders order = new Orders()
                ODate = o_date,
                OType = o_type

            //Set Customer id if order type is sale else set Supplier id if purchase
            if (o_type == "purchase")
                order.SId = Convert.ToInt32(orders.GetValue("SId"));
            else if (o_type == "sale")
                order.CId = Convert.ToInt32(orders.GetValue("CId"));

            //Add Order to the Database
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            //Get newly created order id
            int OId = order.OId;

            //To store total amount of the products
            int total = 0;

            foreach (JToken item in orders.Last.Values())
                OrderProduct orderproduct = new OrderProduct()
                    OpQuantity = item.Value <int>("OpQuantity"),
                    OId        = OId,
                    PId        = item.Value <int>("PId")

                //If order type is sale then Check if product stock is sufficient
                if (o_type == "sale")
                    if (!IsProductStockSufficient(orderproduct.PId, orderproduct.OpQuantity))
                        return(BadRequest(new ErrorInsufficientStock()));

                //Add Order to OrderProduct Table

                //Get Product Object
                Product product = _context.Product.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PId == orderproduct.PId);

                //Return Bad Request if any product doesnt exist
                if (product == null)

                //Calculate total
                total += (product.PPrice * orderproduct.OpQuantity);

                //Change State to Modified
                _context.Entry(product).State = EntityState.Modified;

                //Increment or Decrement stock by checking order type
                if (o_type == "purchase")
                    //Increment Product Stock by Quantity

                    if (product != null)
                        product.PStock += orderproduct.OpQuantity;
                else if (o_type == "sale")
                    //Decrement Product Stock by Quantity
                    if (product != null)
                        product.PStock -= orderproduct.OpQuantity;

            //Update Order Total
            order.OTotalAmount = total;

            //Save Changes to Database
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            //Add total to Returning Object
            orders.Add("OTotal", total);

            return(Created("", orders));