예제 #1
        //Reset SALPA filter
        private void resetSALPA()
            // Set SALPA parameters

            int asym_sams     = Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown_salpa_asym.Value);
            int blank_sams    = Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown_salpa_postpeg.Value);
            int ahead_sams    = Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown_salpa_ahead.Value); //0.0002 = 5 samples @ 25 kHz
            int forcepeg_sams = Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown_salpa_forcepeg.Value);

            SALPA_WIDTH = Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown_salpa_halfwidth.Value);

            //if (4 * SALPA_WIDTH + 1 > spikeBufferLength) // Make sure that the number of samples needed for polynomial fit is not more than the current buffersize
            //    double max_halfwidth = Convert.ToDouble((spikeBufferLength - 1) / 4);
            //    SALPA_WIDTH = (int)Math.Floor(max_halfwidth);

            //public SALPA3(int length_sams,int asym_sams,int blank_sams,int ahead_sams, int forcepeg_sams, rawType railLow, rawType railHigh, int numElectrodes, int bufferLength, rawType[] thresh)
            if (thrSALPA == null)
                MessageBox.Show("train salpa before editing parameters");
                SALPAFilter = new global::NeuroRighter.Filters.SALPA3(SALPA_WIDTH, asym_sams, blank_sams, ahead_sams, forcepeg_sams, (rawType)(-4 * Math.Pow(10, -3)),
                                                                      (rawType)(4 * Math.Pow(10, -3)), numChannels, spikeBufferLength, thrSALPA);
            //SALPAFilter = new SALPA3(SALPA_WIDTH, prepeg, postpeg, postpegzero, (rawType)(-10 / Convert.ToDouble(comboBox_SpikeGain.SelectedItem) + 0.01),
            //    (rawType)(10 / Convert.ToDouble(comboBox_SpikeGain.SelectedItem) - 0.01), numChannels, delta, spikeBufferLength);
예제 #2
        //Reset SALPA filter
        private void resetSALPA()
            // Set SALPA parameters

            int asym_sams = Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown_salpa_asym.Value);
            int blank_sams = Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown_salpa_postpeg.Value);
            int ahead_sams = Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown_salpa_ahead.Value); //0.0002 = 5 samples @ 25 kHz
            int forcepeg_sams = Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown_salpa_forcepeg.Value);
            SALPA_WIDTH = Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown_salpa_halfwidth.Value);

            //if (4 * SALPA_WIDTH + 1 > spikeBufferLength) // Make sure that the number of samples needed for polynomial fit is not more than the current buffersize
            //    double max_halfwidth = Convert.ToDouble((spikeBufferLength - 1) / 4);
            //    SALPA_WIDTH = (int)Math.Floor(max_halfwidth);

            //public SALPA3(int length_sams,int asym_sams,int blank_sams,int ahead_sams, int forcepeg_sams, rawType railLow, rawType railHigh, int numElectrodes, int bufferLength, rawType[] thresh)
            if (thrSALPA == null)
                MessageBox.Show("train salpa before editing parameters");
                SALPAFilter = new global::NeuroRighter.Filters.SALPA3(SALPA_WIDTH, asym_sams, blank_sams, ahead_sams, forcepeg_sams, (rawType)(-4 * Math.Pow(10, -3)),
                    (rawType)(4 * Math.Pow(10, -3)), numChannels, spikeBufferLength, thrSALPA);
            //SALPAFilter = new SALPA3(SALPA_WIDTH, prepeg, postpeg, postpegzero, (rawType)(-10 / Convert.ToDouble(comboBox_SpikeGain.SelectedItem) + 0.01),
            //    (rawType)(10 / Convert.ToDouble(comboBox_SpikeGain.SelectedItem) - 0.01), numChannels, delta, spikeBufferLength);