예제 #1
        public void ValidMethodOK()
            clsShipping AShipment = new clsShipping();
            String      Error     = "";

            Error = AShipment.Valid(DateOfDispatch);
            Assert.AreEqual(Error, "");
예제 #2
        public void DateOfDispatchInvalidData()
            clsShipping AShipment = new clsShipping();
            String      Error     = "";
            //set the DateOfDispatch to a non date value
            String DateOfDispatch = "invalid input";

            Error = AShipment.Valid(DateOfDispatch);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(Error, ""); //should fail
예제 #3
        public void DateOfDispatchMinPlusOne()
            clsShipping AShipment = new clsShipping();
            String      Error     = "";
            //store the minimum date
            DateTime MinimumDate = Convert.ToDateTime("2015-01-01");
            //set date to MinimumDate plus 1 day.
            String DateOfDispatch = MinimumDate.AddDays(1).ToString();

            Error = AShipment.Valid(DateOfDispatch);
            Assert.AreEqual(Error, ""); //should pass
예제 #4
        public void DateOfDispatchMinLessOne()
            clsShipping AShipment = new clsShipping();
            String      Error     = "";
            //store the minimum date
            DateTime MinimumDate = Convert.ToDateTime("2015-01-01");
            //set date to MinimumDate subtract 1 day
            String DateOfDispatch = MinimumDate.AddDays(-1).ToString();

            Error = AShipment.Valid(DateOfDispatch);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(Error, ""); //should fail
예제 #5
        public void DateOfDispatchMid()
            clsShipping AShipment = new clsShipping();
            String      Error     = "";
            //create test data to pass to the method
            DateTime TestDate;

            //set date to Today's date
            TestDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
            //set the date to a bit in the past
            TestDate = TestDate.AddYears(-5);
            Error    = AShipment.Valid(DateOfDispatch);
            Assert.AreEqual(Error, ""); //should pass
예제 #6
        public void DateOfDispatchMax()
            clsShipping AShipment = new clsShipping();
            String      Error     = "";
            //create test data to pass to the method
            DateTime TestDate;

            //set date to Today's date
            TestDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
            //convert the date to a string
            String DateOfDispatch = TestDate.ToString();

            Error = AShipment.Valid(DateOfDispatch);
            Assert.AreEqual(Error, ""); //should pass
예제 #7
        public void DateOfDispatchExtremeMin()
            clsShipping AShipment = new clsShipping();
            String      Error     = "";
            //create test data to pass to the method
            DateTime TestDate;

            //set date to Today's date
            TestDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
            //change the date to - 100 years
            TestDate = TestDate.AddYears(-100);
            //convert the date to a string
            String DateOfDispatch = TestDate.ToString();

            Error = AShipment.Valid(DateOfDispatch);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(Error, ""); //should fail
예제 #8
        public void DateOfDispatchMaxPlusOne()
            clsShipping AShipment = new clsShipping();
            String      Error     = "";
            //create test data to pass to the method
            DateTime TestDate;

            //set date to Today's date
            TestDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
            //change the date to tomorrow's date
            TestDate = TestDate.AddDays(1);
            //convert the date to a string
            String DateOfDispatch = TestDate.ToString();

            Error = AShipment.Valid(DateOfDispatch);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(Error, ""); //should fail
    protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        lblError.Text = "";

        clsShipping AShipment = new clsShipping();

        string ShippingType   = lstShippingType.Text;
        string Price          = txtPrice.Text;
        string DateOfDispatch = txtDateOfDispatch.Text;

        //Error message
        String Error = "";

        Error = AShipment.Valid(DateOfDispatch);

        if (lstShippingType.SelectedIndex == 0)
            Error += "Select a Shipping Type : ";

        if (Error == "")
            //capture properties
            AShipment.ShippingId   = ShippingId;
            AShipment.ShippingType = ShippingType;
            //populate Price field based on Shipping Type selection
            if (lstShippingType.SelectedIndex == 1 || lstShippingType.SelectedIndex == 2)
                AShipment.Price = Decimal.Parse(Price);
            //define value of Dispatched boolean based on if a date of dispatch was input
            if (DateOfDispatch.Length == 0)
                DateOfDispatch       = null;
                AShipment.Dispatched = false;
                AShipment.DateOfDispatch = Convert.ToDateTime(DateOfDispatch);
                AShipment.Dispatched     = true;

            clsShippingCollection ShippingList = new clsShippingCollection();

            if (ShippingId == -1)
                ShippingList.ThisShipment = AShipment;
                ShippingList.ThisShipment = AShipment;
            lblError.Text = Error;