예제 #1
 public ActionResult SpotterPaymentNew(string SubMenuId)
     #region Check UserGroup when user direct key in URL
     if (!(_clsGlobal.CheckUserGroup(((ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity).FindFirst("UserGroupCode").Value, Convert.ToInt16(SubMenuId))))
         ViewData["Message"] = "You Have No Access Rights For This Module!, error: Invalid Access Rights";
     #endregion  Check UserGroup when user direct key in URL
     var vm = new SpotterFeeViewModel();
     var outstandingSpotterFee = new List <OutstandingSpotterFeeViewModel>();
     outstandingSpotterFee = _clsPayment.FnRetrieveOutstandingSpotterFee(DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
     System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session.Add("OutstandingFee", outstandingSpotterFee);
        public ActionResult ApprovalView(string SubMenuId)
            #region Check UserGroup when user direct key in URL
            if (!(_clsGlobal.CheckUserGroup(((ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity).FindFirst("UserGroupCode").Value, Convert.ToInt16(SubMenuId))))
                ViewData["Message"] = "You Have No Access Rights For This Module!, error: Invalid Access Rights";
            #endregion  Check UserGroup when user direct key in URL

            PendingApprovalViewModel vm = new PendingApprovalViewModel();
            string AssignedTo           = _clsApproval.GetCurrentAssignToCode(User.Identity.Name);
            string BatchNo = String.Empty;
            vm = _clsApproval.GetApproval(AssignedTo, BatchNo, "", "", "", "IsPending");
            vm.ApprovalPage = "IsPending";
        public ActionResult PropertyNew(string SubMenuId)
            #region Check UserGroup when user direct key in URL
            if (!(_clsGlobal.CheckUserGroup(((ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity).FindFirst("UserGroupCode").Value, Convert.ToInt16(SubMenuId))))
                ViewData["Message"] = "You Have No Access Rights For This Module!, error: Invalid Access Rights";
            #endregion  Check UserGroup when user direct key in URL

            var model = new SecurityPropertyViewModel();

            SelectList lstType = new SelectList(_clsGlobal.GetListOfValue("PROPERTY_TYPE_LEVEL1", "", "O", "", ""), "Value", "Text");
            ViewBag.PropertyTypeLevel1 = lstType;

            lstType = new SelectList(_clsGlobal.GetListOfValue("PROPERTY_TYPE_LEVEL2", "", "O", "", ""), "Value", "Text");
            ViewBag.PropertyTypeLevel2 = lstType;
            ViewData["IsNew"]          = true;
예제 #4
        // GET: LEFSInterestCode
        public ActionResult LEFSInterestCodeNew(string SubMenuId, int?InterestCodeId, bool IsEnable = true)
            var db = new MainDbContext();

            ViewBag.IsPrePostContrat = 0;
            LEFSInterestCodeViewModel obj = new LEFSInterestCodeViewModel();

            #region Check Whether LEFS Interest Code in active Pre/Posted contract. If yes, not allowed to modify.
            if (InterestCodeId > 0)
                obj = _clsLEFSInterestCode.GetLEFSInterestCodeById(InterestCodeId);
                if (obj != null)
                    var contractQuery =
                        (from pre in db.PreContract_Master
                         select new { pre.LEFSInterestCode, pre.Status }
                        ).Where(x => x.LEFSInterestCode != null && x.Status != null && x.Status.ToLower() != "x")
                            (from post in db.Contract_Master
                            select new { post.LEFSInterestCode, post.Status }).Where(x => x.LEFSInterestCode != null && x.Status != null && x.Status.ToLower() != "x");

                    int count = contractQuery.Where(x => x.LEFSInterestCode.ToLower().Equals(obj.InterestCode.ToLower())).Count();
                    ViewBag.IsPrePostContrat = count;
                #region Check UserGroup when user direct key in URL
                if (!(_clsGlobal.CheckUserGroup(((ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity).FindFirst("UserGroupCode").Value, Convert.ToInt16(SubMenuId))))
                    ViewData["Message"] = "You Have No Access Rights For This Module!, error: Invalid Access Rights";
                #endregion  Check UserGroup when user direct key in URL

            List <SelectListItem> lstInterestType = _clsGlobal.GetListOfValue("LEFS_INTEREST_TYPE", "", "O", "", "");
            ViewData["getType"] = lstInterestType;

            var lstContractType = _clsGlobal.GetListOfValue("SUB_CONTRACT_TYPE", "CT-1004", "O", "", "");
            ViewData["getContract"] = lstContractType;

            List <SelectListItem> lstStatus = _clsGlobal.GetListOfValue("GENERAL_STATUS", "", "", "", "");
            ViewData["status"] = lstStatus;

            List <SelectListItem> lstRepaymentPeriod = new List <SelectListItem>();

            lstRepaymentPeriod.Add(new SelectListItem {
                Text = "--Select--", Value = ""
            for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++)
                lstRepaymentPeriod.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = i.ToString(), Value = i.ToString()
            ViewBag.RepaymentPeriodFrom = new SelectList(lstRepaymentPeriod, "Value", "Text", obj.RepaymentPeriodFrom);
            ViewBag.RepaymentPeriodTo   = new SelectList(lstRepaymentPeriod, "Value", "Text", obj.RepaymentPeriodTo);

            ViewBag.IsEnable = IsEnable;
