public void TestAddMethod()
            // create collection instance
            clsBrandCollection AllBrands = new clsBrandCollection();
            //create brand item
            clsBrand Brand = new clsBrand();
            // PK variable
            Int32 PK = 0;

            // set properties
            Brand.BrandID       = 1;
            Brand.BrandName     = "TestBrandInc";
            Brand.TopProduct    = 2;
            Brand.LatestProduct = 2;
            Brand.LastRestock   = DateTime.Now.Date;
            Brand.AvgPrice      = 0.00;
            Brand.IsListed      = false;
            // set ThisAddress to Brand object
            AllBrands.ThisBrand = Brand;
            //add record
            PK = AllBrands.Add();
            // set primary key
            Brand.BrandID = PK;
            // find the record
            // test objects are equal
            Assert.AreEqual(AllBrands.ThisBrand, Brand);
        public void TestDeleteMethod()
            // create collection instance
            clsBrandCollection AllBrands = new clsBrandCollection();
            // create the test brand
            clsBrand Brand = new clsBrand();
            //PK Var
            Int32 PK = 0;

            //set brand's fields
            Brand.BrandName     = "Nike";
            Brand.TopProduct    = 1;
            Brand.LatestProduct = 2;
            Brand.LastRestock   = DateTime.Now.Date;
            Brand.AvgPrice      = 0.00;
            // set the collection's thisbrand to the test item.
            AllBrands.ThisBrand = Brand;
            // add record to database
            PK = AllBrands.Add();
            // set brand PK
            Brand.BrandID = PK;
            // find record
            //invoke delete
            Boolean Found = AllBrands.ThisBrand.Find(PK);

    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // create brand instance
        clsBrand Brand = new clsBrand();

        // retreive field values
        string BrandName     = tbName.Text;
        string TopProduct    = dropTop.SelectedValue;
        string LatestProduct = dropLatest.SelectedValue;
        string LastRestock   = cdrRestock.SelectedDate.ToString();

        // avgPrice property needs to be calculated from a mean of a brand's products

        //store Brand in session object
        // if valid passes
        string ErrorMsg = "";

        ErrorMsg = Brand.Valid(BrandName, TopProduct, LatestProduct, LastRestock);
        if (ErrorMsg == "")
            // capture brand id
            Brand.BrandID = BrandID;

            Brand.BrandName     = BrandName;
            Brand.TopProduct    = int.Parse(TopProduct);
            Brand.LatestProduct = int.Parse(LatestProduct);
            Brand.LastRestock   = Convert.ToDateTime(LastRestock);
            Brand.IsListed      = cbList.Checked;

            // create a collection instance
            clsBrandCollection BrandList = new clsBrandCollection();
            if (Brand.BrandID == -1)
                // set ThisBrand
                BrandList.ThisBrand = Brand;
                // add record

            // otherwise we update
                // set ThisAddress
                BrandList.ThisBrand = Brand;
                // update
            // redirect back to list
            lblValidateError.Visible = true;
            lblValidateError.Text    = ErrorMsg;