 * Initialize a temporary storage for the specified number of audio samples.
 * The conversion requires temporary storage due to the different format.
 * The number of audio samples to be allocated is specified in frame_size.
 * @param[out] converted_input_samples Array of converted samples. The
 *                                     dimensions are reference, channel
 *                                     (for multi-channel audio), sample.
 * @param      output_codec_context    Codec context of the output file
 * @param      frame_size              Number of samples to be converted in
 *                                     each round
 * @return Error code (0 if successful)
    int init_converted_samples(byte ***converted_input_samples,
                               AVCodecContext *output_codec_context,
                               int frame_size)
        int error;

        /* Allocate as many pointers as there are audio channels.
         * Each pointer will later point to the audio samples of the corresponding
         * channels (although it may be NULL for interleaved formats).
        if ((*converted_input_samples = (byte **)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(output_codec_context->channels * sizeof(IntPtr))) == null)
            Console.WriteLine($"error: Could not allocate converted input sample pointers");

        /* Allocate memory for the samples of all channels in one consecutive
         * block for convenience. */
        if ((error = av_samples_alloc(*converted_input_samples, null,
                                      output_codec_context->sample_fmt, 0)) < 0)
            Console.WriteLine($"error: Could not allocate converted input samples (error '{LibAVErrorToString(error)}')");

예제 #2
        public MemoryManager(IntPtr ram)
            _observedPages = new ConcurrentDictionary <long, IntPtr>();

            Ram = ram;

            _ramPtr = (byte *)ram;

            _pageTable = (byte ***)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(PtLvl0Size * IntPtr.Size);

            for (int l0 = 0; l0 < PtLvl0Size; l0++)
                _pageTable[l0] = null;
예제 #3
        public AMemory(IntPtr Ram)
            Monitors = new Dictionary <int, ArmMonitor>();

            ObservedPages = new ConcurrentDictionary <long, IntPtr>();

            this.Ram = Ram;

            RamPtr = (byte *)Ram;

            PageTable = (byte ***)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(PTLvl0Size * IntPtr.Size);

            for (int L0 = 0; L0 < PTLvl0Size; L0++)
                PageTable[L0] = null;
예제 #4
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (_pageTable == null)

            for (int l0 = 0; l0 < PtLvl0Size; l0++)
                if (_pageTable[l0] != null)

                _pageTable[l0] = null;


            _pageTable = null;
예제 #5
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (PageTable == null)

            for (int L0 = 0; L0 < PTLvl0Size; L0++)
                if (PageTable[L0] != null)

                PageTable[L0] = null;


            PageTable = null;
        public static byte *stbi_zlib_compress(byte *data, int data_len, int *out_len, int quality)
            uint    bitbuf = (uint)(0);
            int     i;
            int     j;
            int     bitcount   = (int)(0);
            byte *  _out_      = null;
            byte ***hash_table = (byte ***)(malloc((ulong)(16384 * sizeof(byte **))));

            if ((quality) < (5))
                quality = (int)(5);
            if ((((_out_) == null) || ((((int *)(_out_) - 2)[1] + (1)) >= (((int *)(_out_) - 2)[0]))))
                stbiw__sbgrowf((void **)(&(_out_)), (int)(1), sizeof(byte));

            (_out_)[((int *)(_out_) - 2)[1]++] = (byte)(0x78);
            if ((((_out_) == null) || ((((int *)(_out_) - 2)[1] + (1)) >= (((int *)(_out_) - 2)[0]))))
                stbiw__sbgrowf((void **)(&(_out_)), (int)(1), sizeof(byte));

            (_out_)[((int *)(_out_) - 2)[1]++] = (byte)(0x5e);
                bitbuf   |= (uint)((1) << bitcount);
                bitcount += (int)(1);
                _out_     = stbiw__zlib_flushf(_out_, &bitbuf, &bitcount);

                bitbuf   |= (uint)((1) << bitcount);
                bitcount += (int)(2);
                _out_     = stbiw__zlib_flushf(_out_, &bitbuf, &bitcount);

            for (i = (int)(0); (i) < (16384); ++i)
                hash_table[i] = null;
            i = (int)(0);
            while ((i) < (data_len - 3))
                int    h       = (int)(stbiw__zhash(data + i) & (16384 - 1));
                int    best    = (int)(3);
                byte * bestloc = null;
                byte **hlist   = hash_table[h];
                int    n       = (int)(hlist != null ? ((int *)(hlist) - 2)[1] : 0);
                for (j = (int)(0); (j) < (n); ++j)
                    if ((hlist[j] - data) > (i - 32768))
                        int d = (int)(stbiw__zlib_countm(hlist[j], data + i, (int)(data_len - i)));
                        if ((d) >= (best))
                            best    = (int)(d);
                            bestloc = hlist[j];
                if (((hash_table[h]) != null) && ((((int *)(hash_table[h]) - 2)[1]) == (2 * quality)))
                    memmove(hash_table[h], hash_table[h] + quality, (ulong)(sizeof(byte *) * quality));
                    ((int *)(hash_table[h]) - 2)[1] = (int)(quality);
                if ((((hash_table[h]) == null) ||
                     ((((int *)(hash_table[h]) - 2)[1] + (1)) >= (((int *)(hash_table[h]) - 2)[0]))))
                    stbiw__sbgrowf((void **)(&(hash_table[h])), (int)(1), sizeof(byte *));
                (hash_table[h])[((int *)(hash_table[h]) - 2)[1]++] = (data + i);
                if ((bestloc) != null)
                    h     = (int)(stbiw__zhash(data + i + 1) & (16384 - 1));
                    hlist = hash_table[h];
                    n     = (int)(hlist != null ? ((int *)(hlist) - 2)[1] : 0);
                    for (j = (int)(0); (j) < (n); ++j)
                        if ((hlist[j] - data) > (i - 32767))
                            int e = (int)(stbiw__zlib_countm(hlist[j], data + i + 1, (int)(data_len - i - 1)));
                            if ((e) > (best))
                                bestloc = null;
                if ((bestloc) != null)
                    int d = (int)(data + i - bestloc);
                    for (j = (int)(0); (best) > (lengthc[j + 1] - 1); ++j)
                    if (j + 257 <= 143)
                        bitbuf   |= (uint)((stbiw__zlib_bitrev((int)(0x30 + (j + 257)), (int)(8))) << bitcount);
                        bitcount += (int)(8);
                        _out_     = stbiw__zlib_flushf(_out_, &bitbuf, &bitcount);
                    else if (j + 257 <= 255)
                        bitbuf   |= (uint)((stbiw__zlib_bitrev((int)(0x190 + (j + 257) - 144), (int)(9))) << bitcount);
                        bitcount += (int)(9);
                        _out_     = stbiw__zlib_flushf(_out_, &bitbuf, &bitcount);
                    else if (j + 257 <= 279)
                        bitbuf   |= (uint)((stbiw__zlib_bitrev((int)(0 + (j + 257) - 256), (int)(7))) << bitcount);
                        bitcount += (int)(7);
                        _out_     = stbiw__zlib_flushf(_out_, &bitbuf, &bitcount);
                        bitbuf   |= (uint)((stbiw__zlib_bitrev((int)(0xc0 + (j + 257) - 280), (int)(8))) << bitcount);
                        bitcount += (int)(8);
                        _out_     = stbiw__zlib_flushf(_out_, &bitbuf, &bitcount);
                    if ((lengtheb[j]) != 0)
                        bitbuf   |= (uint)((best - lengthc[j]) << bitcount);
                        bitcount += (int)(lengtheb[j]);
                        _out_     = stbiw__zlib_flushf(_out_, &bitbuf, &bitcount);
                    for (j = (int)(0); (d) > (distc[j + 1] - 1); ++j)
                        bitbuf   |= (uint)((stbiw__zlib_bitrev((int)(j), (int)(5))) << bitcount);
                        bitcount += (int)(5);
                        _out_     = stbiw__zlib_flushf(_out_, &bitbuf, &bitcount);
                    if ((disteb[j]) != 0)
                        bitbuf   |= (uint)((d - distc[j]) << bitcount);
                        bitcount += (int)(disteb[j]);
                        _out_     = stbiw__zlib_flushf(_out_, &bitbuf, &bitcount);
                    i += (int)(best);
                    if (data[i] <= 143)
                        bitbuf   |= (uint)((stbiw__zlib_bitrev((int)(0x30 + (data[i])), (int)(8))) << bitcount);
                        bitcount += (int)(8);
                        _out_     = stbiw__zlib_flushf(_out_, &bitbuf, &bitcount);
                        bitbuf   |= (uint)((stbiw__zlib_bitrev((int)(0x190 + (data[i]) - 144), (int)(9))) << bitcount);
                        bitcount += (int)(9);
                        _out_     = stbiw__zlib_flushf(_out_, &bitbuf, &bitcount);
            for (; (i) < (data_len); ++i)
                if (data[i] <= 143)
                    bitbuf   |= (uint)((stbiw__zlib_bitrev((int)(0x30 + (data[i])), (int)(8))) << bitcount);
                    bitcount += (int)(8);
                    _out_     = stbiw__zlib_flushf(_out_, &bitbuf, &bitcount);
                    bitbuf   |= (uint)((stbiw__zlib_bitrev((int)(0x190 + (data[i]) - 144), (int)(9))) << bitcount);
                    bitcount += (int)(9);
                    _out_     = stbiw__zlib_flushf(_out_, &bitbuf, &bitcount);
            if (256 <= 143)
                bitbuf   |= (uint)((stbiw__zlib_bitrev((int)(0x30 + (256)), (int)(8))) << bitcount);
                bitcount += (int)(8);
                _out_     = stbiw__zlib_flushf(_out_, &bitbuf, &bitcount);
            else if (256 <= 255)
                bitbuf   |= (uint)((stbiw__zlib_bitrev((int)(0x190 + (256) - 144), (int)(9))) << bitcount);
                bitcount += (int)(9);
                _out_     = stbiw__zlib_flushf(_out_, &bitbuf, &bitcount);
            else if (256 <= 279)
                bitbuf   |= (uint)((stbiw__zlib_bitrev((int)(0 + (256) - 256), (int)(7))) << bitcount);
                bitcount += (int)(7);
                _out_     = stbiw__zlib_flushf(_out_, &bitbuf, &bitcount);
                bitbuf   |= (uint)((stbiw__zlib_bitrev((int)(0xc0 + (256) - 280), (int)(8))) << bitcount);
                bitcount += (int)(8);
                _out_     = stbiw__zlib_flushf(_out_, &bitbuf, &bitcount);

            while ((bitcount) != 0)
                bitbuf   |= (uint)((0) << bitcount);
                bitcount += (int)(1);
                _out_     = stbiw__zlib_flushf(_out_, &bitbuf, &bitcount);
            for (i = (int)(0); (i) < (16384); ++i)
                if ((hash_table[i]) != null)
                    free(((int *)(hash_table[i]) - 2));
                uint s1       = (uint)(1);
                uint s2       = (uint)(0);
                int  blocklen = (int)(data_len % 5552);
                j = (int)(0);
                while ((j) < (data_len))
                    for (i = (int)(0); (i) < (blocklen); ++i)
                        s1 += (uint)(data[j + i]);
                        s2 += (uint)(s1);
                    s1      %= (uint)(65521);
                    s2      %= (uint)(65521);
                    j       += (int)(blocklen);
                    blocklen = (int)(5552);
                if ((((_out_) == null) || ((((int *)(_out_) - 2)[1] + (1)) >= (((int *)(_out_) - 2)[0]))))
                    stbiw__sbgrowf((void **)(&(_out_)), (int)(1), sizeof(byte));
                (_out_)[((int *)(_out_) - 2)[1]++] = ((byte)((s2 >> 8) & 0xff));
                if ((((_out_) == null) || ((((int *)(_out_) - 2)[1] + (1)) >= (((int *)(_out_) - 2)[0]))))
                    stbiw__sbgrowf((void **)(&(_out_)), (int)(1), sizeof(byte));
                (_out_)[((int *)(_out_) - 2)[1]++] = ((byte)((s2) & 0xff));
                if ((((_out_) == null) || ((((int *)(_out_) - 2)[1] + (1)) >= (((int *)(_out_) - 2)[0]))))
                    stbiw__sbgrowf((void **)(&(_out_)), (int)(1), sizeof(byte));
                (_out_)[((int *)(_out_) - 2)[1]++] = ((byte)((s1 >> 8) & 0xff));
                if ((((_out_) == null) || ((((int *)(_out_) - 2)[1] + (1)) >= (((int *)(_out_) - 2)[0]))))
                    stbiw__sbgrowf((void **)(&(_out_)), (int)(1), sizeof(byte));
                (_out_)[((int *)(_out_) - 2)[1]++] = ((byte)((s1) & 0xff));

            *out_len = (int)(((int *)(_out_) - 2)[1]);
            memmove(((int *)(_out_) - 2), _out_, (ulong)(*out_len));
            return((byte *)((int *)(_out_) - 2));
예제 #7
 public static extern int av_samples_alloc_array_and_samples(byte ***audio_data, int *linesize, int nb_channels, int nb_samples, libavutil.AVSampleFormat sample_fmt, int align);
예제 #8
 static extern private unsafe int OpenMPI_MPI_Init2(int *argc, byte ***argv);
예제 #9
 public static extern int UserTopoGetCellStrAttrVec(UserTopoUnstrctGeomStruct *Ud,
                                                    int *CellIdVec,
                                                    int NumCellId,
                                                    byte *AttrName,
                                                    byte ***AttrValueVec);
예제 #10
 public static unsafe void Method3(byte ***x)
예제 #11
 public bool ListAuxiliaryStates(byte ***aux, void *state)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #12
 public bool ListArguments(byte ***args, void *state)
     throw new NotImplementedException();