private DataTable GetEventRegistration(long eventId, XDocument data)
            DataTable results = new DataTable();

            using (EventRegistrationManager erManager = new EventRegistrationManager())
                XmlNodeReader xmlNodeReader = new XmlNodeReader(XmlMetadataWriter.ToXmlDocument(data));
                results = CreateDataTableColums(results, XElement.Load(xmlNodeReader));
                results.Rows.Add(AddDataRow(XElement.Load(xmlNodeReader), results));
        //temporary solution: norman
        //For original solution, look into Aquadiva Code
        public List <Error> FinishUpload(EasyUploadTaskManager taskManager)
            DataStructureManager dsm = new DataStructureManager();
            DatasetManager       dm  = new DatasetManager();
            DataContainerManager dam = new DataContainerManager();
            //SubjectManager sm = new SubjectManager();
            EntityPermissionManager entityPermissionManager = new EntityPermissionManager();

            List <Error> temp = new List <Error>();

                using (IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = this.GetUnitOfWork())
                    // initialize all necessary manager

                    DataTuple[] rows = null;

                    //First, try to validate - if there are errors, return immediately
                    string       JsonArray        = TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.SHEET_JSON_DATA].ToString();
                    List <Error> ValidationErrors = ValidateRows(JsonArray);
                    if (ValidationErrors.Count != 0)

                    string timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("r");
                    string title     = Convert.ToString(TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.FILENAME]);

                    if (TaskManager.Bus.ContainsKey(EasyUploadTaskManager.DESCRIPTIONTITLE))
                        string tmp = Convert.ToString(TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.DESCRIPTIONTITLE]);
                        if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tmp))
                            title = Convert.ToString(TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.DESCRIPTIONTITLE]);

                    StructuredDataStructure   sds         = null;
                    List <VariableIdentifier> identifiers = new List <VariableIdentifier>(); //Used in Excel reader
                    //Try to find an exact matching datastructure
                    Boolean foundReusableDataStructure = false;

                    List <RowModel> headers = (List <RowModel>)TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.ROWS];

                    //For some reason, MappedHeaders might be in a different order in this list than what's indicated by its IDs - to prevent mismatching, sort the headers
                    headers.Sort((m1, m2) => m1.Index.CompareTo(m2.Index));

                    List <StructuredDataStructure> allDatastructures = dsm.StructuredDataStructureRepo.Get().ToList();
                    foreach (StructuredDataStructure existingStructure in allDatastructures)
                        if (!foundReusableDataStructure)
                            //For now a datastructure is considered an exact match if it contains variables with
                            //the same names (labels), datatypes and units in the correct order
                            List <Variable> variablesOfExistingStructure = existingStructure.Variables.ToList();
                            foundReusableDataStructure = true;
                            if (variablesOfExistingStructure.Count != headers.Count)
                                foundReusableDataStructure = false;
                                for (int i = 0; i < variablesOfExistingStructure.Count; i++)
                                    Variable exVar         = variablesOfExistingStructure.ElementAt(i);
                                    RowModel currentHeader = headers.ElementAt(i);
                                    if (exVar.Label != currentHeader.Name ||
                                        exVar.Unit.Id != currentHeader.SelectedUnit.UnitId ||
                                        exVar.DataAttribute.DataType.Id != currentHeader.SelectedDataType.DataTypeId)
                                        foundReusableDataStructure = false;
                            if (foundReusableDataStructure)
                                sds = existingStructure;
                                foreach (Variable exVar in variablesOfExistingStructure)
                                    VariableIdentifier vi = new VariableIdentifier
                                        name = exVar.Label,
                                        id   = exVar.Id

                    if (!foundReusableDataStructure)
                        sds = dsm.CreateStructuredDataStructure(title, title + " " + timestamp, "", "", DataStructureCategory.Generic);

                    TaskManager.AddToBus(EasyUploadTaskManager.DATASTRUCTURE_ID, sds.Id);
                    TaskManager.AddToBus(EasyUploadTaskManager.DATASTRUCTURE_TITLE, title + " " + timestamp);

                    if (!TaskManager.Bus.ContainsKey(EasyUploadTaskManager.DATASET_TITLE))
                        TaskManager.AddToBus(EasyUploadTaskManager.DATASET_TITLE, title);
                        TaskManager.AddToBus(EasyUploadTaskManager.TITLE, title);

                    MetadataStructure metadataStructure = null;
                    if (TaskManager.Bus.ContainsKey(EasyUploadTaskManager.SCHEMA))
                        long metadataStructureId = Convert.ToInt64(TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.SCHEMA]);
                        metadataStructure = unitOfWork.GetReadOnlyRepository <MetadataStructure>()
                                            .Get(m => m.Id == metadataStructureId).FirstOrDefault();
                        //Default option but shouldn't happen because previous steps can't be finished without selecting the metadata-structure
                        metadataStructure = unitOfWork.GetReadOnlyRepository <MetadataStructure>()
                                            .Get(m => m.Name.ToLower().Contains("eml")).FirstOrDefault();
                    ResearchPlan rp = unitOfWork.GetReadOnlyRepository <ResearchPlan>().Get().FirstOrDefault();
                    TaskManager.AddToBus(EasyUploadTaskManager.RESEARCHPLAN_ID, rp.Id);
                    TaskManager.AddToBus(EasyUploadTaskManager.RESEARCHPLAN_TITLE, rp.Title);

                    #region Progress Information

                    if (TaskManager.Bus.ContainsKey(EasyUploadTaskManager.CURRENTPACKAGESIZE))
                        TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.CURRENTPACKAGESIZE] = 0;
                        TaskManager.Bus.Add(EasyUploadTaskManager.CURRENTPACKAGESIZE, 0);

                    if (TaskManager.Bus.ContainsKey(EasyUploadTaskManager.CURRENTPACKAGE))
                        TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.CURRENTPACKAGE] = 0;
                        TaskManager.Bus.Add(EasyUploadTaskManager.CURRENTPACKAGE, 0);

                    #endregion Progress Information

                    if (!foundReusableDataStructure)
                        #region Set Variables and information for new DataStructure

                        XmlDocument xmldoc       = new XmlDocument();
                        XmlElement  extraElement = xmldoc.CreateElement("extra");
                        XmlElement  orderElement = xmldoc.CreateElement("order");

                        //Sorting necessary to prevent problems when inserting the tuples
                        headers.OrderBy(r => r.Index);

                        var dataTypeRepo      = unitOfWork.GetReadOnlyRepository <DataType>();
                        var unitRepo          = unitOfWork.GetReadOnlyRepository <Unit>();
                        var dataAttributeRepo = unitOfWork.GetReadOnlyRepository <DataAttribute>();

                        List <DataAttribute> allDataAttributes = dataAttributeRepo.Get().ToList();

                        foreach (RowModel header in headers)
                            int i = headers.IndexOf(header);

                            DataType dataType            = dataTypeRepo.Get(header.SelectedDataType.DataTypeId);
                            Unit     CurrentSelectedUnit = unitRepo.Get(header.SelectedUnit.UnitId);

                            DataAttribute CurrentDataAttribute = new DataAttribute();
                            //If possible, map the chosen variable name, unit and datatype to an existing DataAttribute (Exact match)
                            DataAttribute existingDataAttribute = allDataAttributes.Where(da => da.Name.ToLower().Equals(TrimAndLimitString(header.SelectedDataAttribute.Name).ToLower()) &&
                                                                                          da.Unit.Dimension == CurrentSelectedUnit.Dimension).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (existingDataAttribute != null)
                                CurrentDataAttribute = existingDataAttribute;
                                //No matching DataAttribute => Create a new one
                                CurrentDataAttribute = dam.CreateDataAttribute(TrimAndLimitString(header.Name), header.Name, header.SelectedDataAttribute.Description, false, false, "", MeasurementScale.Categorial, DataContainerType.ReferenceType, "", dataType, CurrentSelectedUnit, null, null, null, null, null, null);

                            Variable           newVariable = dsm.AddVariableUsage(sds, CurrentDataAttribute, true, header.Name, "", "", "", CurrentSelectedUnit);
                            VariableIdentifier vi          = new VariableIdentifier
                                name = newVariable.Label,
                                id   = newVariable.Id

                            XmlElement newVariableXml = xmldoc.CreateElement("variable");
                            newVariableXml.InnerText = Convert.ToString(newVariable.Id);


                        sds.Extra       = xmldoc;
                        sds.Name        = "generated import structure " + timestamp;
                        sds.Description = "automatically generated structured data structure by user " + GetUsernameOrDefault() + " for file " + title + " on " + timestamp;

                        #endregion Set Variables and information for new DataStructure

                    Dataset ds = null;
                    ds = dm.CreateEmptyDataset(sds, rp, metadataStructure);

                    long datasetId = ds.Id;
                    long sdsId     = sds.Id;

                    if (dm.IsDatasetCheckedOutFor(datasetId, GetUsernameOrDefault()) || dm.CheckOutDataset(datasetId, GetUsernameOrDefault()))
                        DatasetVersion    dsv = dm.GetDatasetWorkingCopy(datasetId);
                        long              METADATASTRUCTURE_ID = metadataStructure.Id;
                        XmlMetadataWriter xmlMetadatWriter     = new XmlMetadataWriter(XmlNodeMode.xPath);
                        XDocument         metadataX            = xmlMetadatWriter.CreateMetadataXml(METADATASTRUCTURE_ID);
                        XmlDocument       metadataXml          = XmlMetadataWriter.ToXmlDocument(metadataX);
                        dsv.Metadata = metadataXml;
                            dsv.Metadata = xmlDatasetHelper.SetInformation(dsv, metadataXml, NameAttributeValues.title, title);
                            dsv.Title    = title;
                        catch (NullReferenceException ex)
                            //Reference of the title node is missing
                            throw new NullReferenceException("The extra-field of this metadata-structure is missing the title-node-reference!");
                        dm.EditDatasetVersion(dsv, null, null, null);

                    #region security

                    // add security
                    if (GetUsernameOrDefault() != "DEFAULT")
                        foreach (RightType rightType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(RightType)).Cast <RightType>())
                            //The user gets full permissions
                            // add security
                            if (GetUsernameOrDefault() != "DEFAULT")
                                entityPermissionManager.Create <User>(GetUsernameOrDefault(), "Dataset", typeof(Dataset), ds.Id, Enum.GetValues(typeof(RightType)).Cast <RightType>().ToList());

                    #endregion security

                    #region excel reader

                    int packageSize  = 100000;
                    int numberOfRows = 0;
                    //HACK ?
                    TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.CURRENTPACKAGESIZE] = packageSize;

                    int counter = 0;

                    dm.CheckOutDatasetIfNot(ds.Id, GetUsernameOrDefault()); // there are cases, the dataset does not get checked out!!
                    if (!dm.IsDatasetCheckedOutFor(ds.Id, GetUsernameOrDefault()))
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Not able to checkout dataset '{0}' for  user '{1}'!", ds.Id, GetUsernameOrDefault()));

                    DatasetVersion workingCopy = dm.GetDatasetWorkingCopy(ds.Id);

                    TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.CURRENTPACKAGE] = counter;

                    //rows = reader.ReadFile(Stream, TaskManager.Bus[TaskManager.FILENAME].ToString(), oldSds, (int)id, packageSize).ToArray();

                    List <string> selectedDataAreaJsonArray   = (List <string>)TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.SHEET_DATA_AREA];
                    string        selectedHeaderAreaJsonArray = TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.SHEET_HEADER_AREA].ToString();
                    List <int[]>  areaDataValuesList          = new List <int[]>();
                    foreach (string area in selectedDataAreaJsonArray)
                        areaDataValuesList.Add(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <int[]>(area));
                    int[] areaHeaderValues = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <int[]>(selectedHeaderAreaJsonArray);

                    Orientation orientation = 0;

                    switch (TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.SHEET_FORMAT].ToString())
                    case "LeftRight":
                        orientation = Orientation.rowwise;

                    case "Matrix":
                        //orientation = Orientation.matrix;

                        orientation = Orientation.columnwise;

                    String worksheetUri = null;
                    //Get the Uri to identify the correct worksheet
                    if (TaskManager.Bus.ContainsKey(EasyUploadTaskManager.ACTIVE_WOKSHEET_URI))
                        worksheetUri = TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.ACTIVE_WOKSHEET_URI].ToString();

                    int batchSize = (new Object()).GetUnitOfWork().PersistenceManager.PreferredPushSize;
                    int batchnr   = 1;
                    foreach (int[] areaDataValues in areaDataValuesList)
                        //First batch starts at the start of the current data area
                        int currentBatchStartRow = areaDataValues[0] + 1;
                        while (currentBatchStartRow <= areaDataValues[2] + 1) //While the end of the current data area has not yet been reached
                            //End row is start row plus batch size
                            int currentBatchEndRow = currentBatchStartRow + batchSize;

                            //Set the indices for the reader
                            EasyUploadFileReaderInfo fri = new EasyUploadFileReaderInfo
                                DataStartRow = currentBatchStartRow,
                                //End row is either at the end of the batch or the end of the marked area
                                //DataEndRow = (currentBatchEndRow > areaDataValues[2] + 1) ? areaDataValues[2] + 1 : currentBatchEndRow,
                                DataEndRow = Math.Min(currentBatchEndRow, areaDataValues[2] + 1),
                                //Column indices as marked in a previous step
                                DataStartColumn = areaDataValues[1] + 1,
                                DataEndColumn   = areaDataValues[3] + 1,

                                //Header area as marked in a previous step
                                VariablesStartRow    = areaHeaderValues[0] + 1,
                                VariablesStartColumn = areaHeaderValues[1] + 1,
                                VariablesEndRow      = areaHeaderValues[2] + 1,
                                VariablesEndColumn   = areaHeaderValues[3] + 1,

                                Offset      = areaDataValues[1],
                                Orientation = orientation
                            //Create a new reader each time because the reader saves ALL tuples it read and therefore the batch processing wouldn't work
                            EasyUploadExcelReader reader = new EasyUploadExcelReader(sds, fri);
                            // open file
                            Stream = reader.Open(TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.FILEPATH].ToString());

                            //Set variable identifiers because they might differ from the variable names in the file

                            //Read the rows and convert them to DataTuples
                            rows = reader.ReadFile(Stream, TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.FILENAME].ToString(), fri, (int)datasetId, worksheetUri);

                            //After reading the rows, add them to the dataset
                            if (rows != null)
                                dm.EditDatasetVersion(workingCopy, rows.ToList(), null, null);
                                numberOfRows += rows.Count();

                            //Close the Stream so the next ExcelReader can open it again

                            //Debug information
                            int lines   = (areaDataValues[2] + 1) - (areaDataValues[0] + 1);
                            int batches = lines / batchSize;

                            //Next batch starts after the current one
                            currentBatchStartRow = currentBatchEndRow + 1;

                    #endregion excel reader

                    //set modification
                    workingCopy.ModificationInfo = new EntityAuditInfo()
                        Performer  = GetUsernameOrDefault(),
                        Comment    = "Data",
                        ActionType = AuditActionType.Create

                    dm.EditDatasetVersion(workingCopy, null, null, null);

                    dm.CheckInDataset(ds.Id, "Import " + numberOfRows + " rows", GetUsernameOrDefault());

                    //Reindex search
                    if (this.IsAccessible("DDM", "SearchIndex", "ReIndexSingle"))
                        this.Run("DDM", "SearchIndex", "ReIndexSingle", new RouteValueDictionary()
                            { "id", datasetId }

                    TaskManager.AddToBus(EasyUploadTaskManager.DATASET_ID, ds.Id);

            catch (Exception ex)
                temp.Add(new Error(ErrorType.Other, "An error occured during the upload. " +
                                   "Please try again later. If this problem keeps occuring, please contact your administrator."));
예제 #3
        //temporary solution: norman
        //For original solution, look into Aquadiva Code
        public List <Error> FinishUpload(EasyUploadTaskManager taskManager)
            DataStructureManager dsm = new DataStructureManager();
            DatasetManager       dm  = new DatasetManager();
            DataContainerManager dam = new DataContainerManager();
            //SubjectManager sm = new SubjectManager();
            EntityPermissionManager entityPermissionManager = new EntityPermissionManager();

            List <Error> temp = new List <Error>();

                using (IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = this.GetUnitOfWork())
                    // initialize all necessary manager

                    DataTuple[] rows = null;

                    //First, try to validate - if there are errors, return immediately
                    string       JsonArray        = TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.SHEET_JSON_DATA].ToString();
                    List <Error> ValidationErrors = ValidateRows(JsonArray);
                    if (ValidationErrors.Count != 0)

                    string timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("r");
                    string title     = Convert.ToString(TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.FILENAME]);

                    if (TaskManager.Bus.ContainsKey(EasyUploadTaskManager.DESCRIPTIONTITLE))
                        string tmp = Convert.ToString(TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.DESCRIPTIONTITLE]);
                        if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tmp))
                            title = Convert.ToString(TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.DESCRIPTIONTITLE]);

                    StructuredDataStructure sds = dsm.CreateStructuredDataStructure(title, title + " " + timestamp, "", "", DataStructureCategory.Generic);

                    TaskManager.AddToBus(EasyUploadTaskManager.DATASTRUCTURE_ID, sds.Id);
                    TaskManager.AddToBus(EasyUploadTaskManager.DATASTRUCTURE_TITLE, title + " " + timestamp);

                    if (!TaskManager.Bus.ContainsKey(EasyUploadTaskManager.DATASET_TITLE))
                        TaskManager.AddToBus(EasyUploadTaskManager.DATASET_TITLE, title);
                        TaskManager.AddToBus(EasyUploadTaskManager.TITLE, title);

                    MetadataStructure metadataStructure = null;
                    if (TaskManager.Bus.ContainsKey(EasyUploadTaskManager.SCHEMA))
                        long metadataStructureId = Convert.ToInt64(TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.SCHEMA]);
                        metadataStructure = unitOfWork.GetReadOnlyRepository <MetadataStructure>()
                                            .Get(m => m.Id == metadataStructureId).FirstOrDefault();
                        //Default option but shouldn't happen because previous steps can't be finished without selecting the metadata-structure
                        metadataStructure = unitOfWork.GetReadOnlyRepository <MetadataStructure>()
                                            .Get(m => m.Name.ToLower().Contains("eml")).FirstOrDefault();
                    ResearchPlan rp = unitOfWork.GetReadOnlyRepository <ResearchPlan>().Get().FirstOrDefault();
                    TaskManager.AddToBus(EasyUploadTaskManager.RESEARCHPLAN_ID, rp.Id);
                    TaskManager.AddToBus(EasyUploadTaskManager.RESEARCHPLAN_TITLE, rp.Title);

                    #region Progress Information

                    if (TaskManager.Bus.ContainsKey(EasyUploadTaskManager.CURRENTPACKAGESIZE))
                        TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.CURRENTPACKAGESIZE] = 0;
                        TaskManager.Bus.Add(EasyUploadTaskManager.CURRENTPACKAGESIZE, 0);

                    if (TaskManager.Bus.ContainsKey(EasyUploadTaskManager.CURRENTPACKAGE))
                        TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.CURRENTPACKAGE] = 0;
                        TaskManager.Bus.Add(EasyUploadTaskManager.CURRENTPACKAGE, 0);


                    #region DataStructure
                    XmlDocument xmldoc       = new XmlDocument();
                    XmlElement  extraElement = xmldoc.CreateElement("extra");
                    XmlElement  orderElement = xmldoc.CreateElement("order");

                    List <Tuple <int, string, UnitInfo> > MappedHeaders = (List <Tuple <int, string, UnitInfo> >)TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.VERIFICATION_MAPPEDHEADERUNITS];
                    //Sorting necessary to prevent problems when inserting the tuples
                    MappedHeaders.Sort((head1, head2) => head1.Item1.CompareTo(head2.Item1));
                    List <VariableIdentifier> identifiers = new List <VariableIdentifier>();

                    var dataTypeRepo      = unitOfWork.GetReadOnlyRepository <DataType>();
                    var unitRepo          = unitOfWork.GetReadOnlyRepository <Unit>();
                    var dataAttributeRepo = unitOfWork.GetReadOnlyRepository <DataAttribute>();

                    List <DataAttribute> allDataAttributes = dataAttributeRepo.Get().ToList();

                    foreach (Tuple <int, string, UnitInfo> Entry in MappedHeaders)
                        int i = MappedHeaders.IndexOf(Entry);

                        DataType dataType            = dataTypeRepo.Get(Entry.Item3.SelectedDataTypeId);
                        Unit     CurrentSelectedUnit = unitRepo.Get(Entry.Item3.UnitId);

                        DataAttribute CurrentDataAttribute = new DataAttribute();
                        //If possible, map the chosen variable name, unit and datatype to an existing DataAttribute (Exact match)
                        DataAttribute existingDataAttribute = allDataAttributes.Where(da => da.Name.ToLower().Equals(TrimAndLimitString(Entry.Item2).ToLower()) &&
                                                                                      da.DataType.Id == dataType.Id &&
                                                                                      da.Unit.Id == CurrentSelectedUnit.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (existingDataAttribute != null)
                            CurrentDataAttribute = existingDataAttribute;
                            //No matching DataAttribute => Create a new one
                            CurrentDataAttribute = dam.CreateDataAttribute(TrimAndLimitString(Entry.Item2), Entry.Item2, "", false, false, "", MeasurementScale.Categorial, DataContainerType.ReferenceType, "", dataType, CurrentSelectedUnit, null, null, null, null, null, null);

                        Variable           newVariable = dsm.AddVariableUsage(sds, CurrentDataAttribute, true, Entry.Item2, "", "", "");
                        VariableIdentifier vi          = new VariableIdentifier
                            name = newVariable.Label,
                            id   = newVariable.Id

                        XmlElement newVariableXml = xmldoc.CreateElement("variable");
                        newVariableXml.InnerText = Convert.ToString(newVariable.Id);


                    sds.Extra       = xmldoc;
                    sds.Name        = "generated import structure " + timestamp;
                    sds.Description = "automatically generated structured data structure by user " + GetUsernameOrDefault() + " for file " + title + " on " + timestamp;


                    Dataset ds = null;
                    ds = dm.CreateEmptyDataset(sds, rp, metadataStructure);

                    //TODO Should a template be created?

                    /*ExcelTemplateProvider etp = new ExcelTemplateProvider();
                     * etp.CreateTemplate(sds);*/

                    long datasetId = ds.Id;
                    long sdsId     = sds.Id;

                    if (dm.IsDatasetCheckedOutFor(datasetId, GetUsernameOrDefault()) || dm.CheckOutDataset(datasetId, GetUsernameOrDefault()))
                        DatasetVersion    dsv = dm.GetDatasetWorkingCopy(datasetId);
                        long              METADATASTRUCTURE_ID = metadataStructure.Id;
                        XmlMetadataWriter xmlMetadatWriter     = new XmlMetadataWriter(XmlNodeMode.xPath);
                        XDocument         metadataX            = xmlMetadatWriter.CreateMetadataXml(METADATASTRUCTURE_ID);
                        XmlDocument       metadataXml          = XmlMetadataWriter.ToXmlDocument(metadataX);
                        dsv.Metadata = metadataXml;
                            dsv.Metadata = xmlDatasetHelper.SetInformation(dsv, metadataXml, NameAttributeValues.title, title);
                        catch (NullReferenceException ex)
                            //Reference of the title node is missing
                            throw new NullReferenceException("The extra-field of this metadata-structure is missing the title-node-reference!");
                        dm.EditDatasetVersion(dsv, null, null, null);

                    #region security
                    // add security
                    if (GetUsernameOrDefault() != "DEFAULT")
                        //PermissionManager pm = new PermissionManager();

                        //User user = sm.GetUserByName(GetUsernameOrDefault());


                         * TODO: Use the BExIS Party API for that
                         * */
                         * UserPiManager upm = new UserPiManager();
                         * List<long> piList = (new UserSelectListModel(GetUsernameOrDefault())).UserList.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();

                        foreach (RightType rightType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(RightType)).Cast <RightType>())
                            //The user gets full permissions
                            // add security
                            if (GetUsernameOrDefault() != "DEFAULT")
                                entityPermissionManager.Create <User>(GetUsernameOrDefault(), "Dataset", typeof(Dataset), ds.Id, Enum.GetValues(typeof(RightType)).Cast <RightType>().ToList());

                            // adding the rights for the pis

                            /*foreach (long piId in piList)
                             * {
                             *  //Each pi gets full permissions
                             *  pm.CreateDataPermission(piId, 1, ds.Id, rightType);
                             *  // get all pi members
                             *  List<UserPi> currentMembers = upm.GetAllPiMember(piId).ToList();
                             *  foreach (UserPi currentMapping in currentMembers)
                             *  {
                             *      switch (rightType)
                             *      {
                             *          //Each member of each of the pis gets view-rights
                             *          case RightType.View:
                             *              pm.CreateDataPermission(currentMapping.UserId, 1, ds.Id, rightType);
                             *              break;
                             *          //Each member of each of the pis gets download-rights
                             *          case RightType.Download:
                             *              pm.CreateDataPermission(currentMapping.UserId, 1, ds.Id, rightType);
                             *              break;
                             *          default:
                             *              //No other permissions - is this call necessary?
                             *              pm.CreateDataPermission(currentMapping.UserId, 0, ds.Id, rightType);
                             *              break;
                             *      }
                             *  }
                             * }*/
                    #endregion security

                    #region excel reader

                    int packageSize = 10000;
                    //HACK ?
                    TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.CURRENTPACKAGESIZE] = packageSize;

                    int counter = 0;

                    dm.CheckOutDatasetIfNot(ds.Id, GetUsernameOrDefault()); // there are cases, the dataset does not get checked out!!
                    if (!dm.IsDatasetCheckedOutFor(ds.Id, GetUsernameOrDefault()))
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Not able to checkout dataset '{0}' for  user '{1}'!", ds.Id, GetUsernameOrDefault()));

                    DatasetVersion workingCopy = dm.GetDatasetWorkingCopy(ds.Id);

                    TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.CURRENTPACKAGE] = counter;

                    //rows = reader.ReadFile(Stream, TaskManager.Bus[TaskManager.FILENAME].ToString(), oldSds, (int)id, packageSize).ToArray();

                    List <string> selectedDataAreaJsonArray   = (List <string>)TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.SHEET_DATA_AREA];
                    string        selectedHeaderAreaJsonArray = TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.SHEET_HEADER_AREA].ToString();
                    List <int[]>  areaDataValuesList          = new List <int[]>();
                    foreach (string area in selectedDataAreaJsonArray)
                        areaDataValuesList.Add(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <int[]>(area));
                    int[] areaHeaderValues = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <int[]>(selectedHeaderAreaJsonArray);

                    Orientation orientation = 0;

                    switch (TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.SHEET_FORMAT].ToString())
                    case "LeftRight":
                        orientation = Orientation.rowwise;

                    case "Matrix":
                        //orientation = Orientation.matrix;

                        orientation = Orientation.columnwise;

                    String worksheetUri = null;
                    //Get the Uri to identify the correct worksheet
                    if (TaskManager.Bus.ContainsKey(EasyUploadTaskManager.ACTIVE_WOKSHEET_URI))
                        worksheetUri = TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.ACTIVE_WOKSHEET_URI].ToString();

                    int batchSize = (new Object()).GetUnitOfWork().PersistenceManager.PreferredPushSize;
                    int batchnr   = 1;
                    foreach (int[] areaDataValues in areaDataValuesList)
                        //First batch starts at the start of the current data area
                        int currentBatchStartRow = areaDataValues[0] + 1;
                        while (currentBatchStartRow <= areaDataValues[2] + 1) //While the end of the current data area has not yet been reached
                            //Create a new reader each time because the reader saves ALL tuples it read and therefore the batch processing wouldn't work
                            EasyUploadExcelReader reader = new EasyUploadExcelReader();
                            // open file
                            Stream = reader.Open(TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.FILEPATH].ToString());

                            //End row is start row plus batch size
                            int currentBatchEndRow = currentBatchStartRow + batchSize;

                            //Set the indices for the reader
                            EasyUploadFileReaderInfo fri = new EasyUploadFileReaderInfo
                                DataStartRow = currentBatchStartRow,
                                //End row is either at the end of the batch or the end of the marked area
                                //DataEndRow = (currentBatchEndRow > areaDataValues[2] + 1) ? areaDataValues[2] + 1 : currentBatchEndRow,
                                DataEndRow = Math.Min(currentBatchEndRow, areaDataValues[2] + 1),
                                //Column indices as marked in a previous step
                                DataStartColumn = areaDataValues[1] + 1,
                                DataEndColumn   = areaDataValues[3] + 1,

                                //Header area as marked in a previous step
                                VariablesStartRow    = areaHeaderValues[0] + 1,
                                VariablesStartColumn = areaHeaderValues[1] + 1,
                                VariablesEndRow      = areaHeaderValues[2] + 1,
                                VariablesEndColumn   = areaHeaderValues[3] + 1,

                                Offset      = areaDataValues[1],
                                Orientation = orientation

                            //Set variable identifiers because they might differ from the variable names in the file

                            //Read the rows and convert them to DataTuples
                            rows = reader.ReadFile(Stream, TaskManager.Bus[EasyUploadTaskManager.FILENAME].ToString(), fri, sds, (int)datasetId, worksheetUri);

                            //After reading the rows, add them to the dataset
                            if (rows != null)
                                dm.EditDatasetVersion(workingCopy, rows.ToList(), null, null);

                            //Close the Stream so the next ExcelReader can open it again

                            //Debug information
                            int lines   = (areaDataValues[2] + 1) - (areaDataValues[0] + 1);
                            int batches = lines / batchSize;

                            //Next batch starts after the current one
                            currentBatchStartRow = currentBatchEndRow + 1;


                    dm.CheckInDataset(ds.Id, "upload data from upload wizard", GetUsernameOrDefault());

                    //Reindex search
                    if (this.IsAccessibale("DDM", "SearchIndex", "ReIndexSingle"))
                        this.Run("DDM", "SearchIndex", "ReIndexSingle", new RouteValueDictionary()
                            { "id", datasetId }

                    TaskManager.AddToBus(EasyUploadTaskManager.DATASET_ID, ds.Id);

            catch (Exception ex)
                temp.Add(new Error(ErrorType.Other, "An error occured during the upload. " +
                                   "Please try again later. If this problem keeps occuring, please contact your administrator."));
예제 #4
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Put(int id)
            var    request = Request.CreateResponse();
            User   user    = null;
            string error   = "";

            DatasetManager          datasetManager          = new DatasetManager();
            UserManager             userManager             = new UserManager();
            EntityPermissionManager entityPermissionManager = new EntityPermissionManager();

                #region security

                string token = this.Request.Headers.Authorization?.Parameter;

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(token))
                    return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed, "Bearer token not exist."));

                user = userManager.Users.Where(u => u.Token.Equals(token)).FirstOrDefault();

                if (user == null)
                    return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Token is not valid."));

                //check permissions

                //entity permissions
                if (id > 0)
                    Dataset d = datasetManager.GetDataset(id);
                    if (d == null)
                        return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed, "the dataset with the id (" + id + ") does not exist."));

                    if (!entityPermissionManager.HasEffectiveRight(user.Name, typeof(Dataset), id, RightType.Write))
                        return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "The token is not authorized to write into the dataset."));

                #endregion security

                #region check incomming metadata

                Stream requestStream = await this.Request.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();

                string contentType = this.Request.Content.Headers.ContentType.MediaType;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentType) || (!contentType.Equals("application/xml") && !contentType.Equals("text/plain")))
                    return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed, "The transmitted file is not a xml document."));

                if (requestStream == null)
                    return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed, "Metadata xml was not received."));

                #endregion check incomming metadata

                #region incomming values check

                // check incomming values

                if (id == 0)
                    error += "dataset id should be greater then 0.";
                ////if (data.UpdateMethod == null) error += "update method is not set";
                ////if (data.Count == 0) error += "count should be greater then 0. ";
                //if (data.Columns == null) error += "cloumns should not be null. ";
                //if (data.Data == null) error += "data is empty. ";
                //if (data.PrimaryKeys == null || data.PrimaryKeys.Count() == 0) error += "the UpdateMethod update has been selected but there are no primary keys available. ";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error))
                    return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed, error));

                #endregion incomming values check

                Dataset dataset = datasetManager.GetDataset(id);
                if (dataset == null)
                    return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed, "Dataset not exist."));

                #region convert metadata

                XmlDocument metadataForImport = new XmlDocument();

                // metadataStructure ID
                var metadataStructureId   = dataset.MetadataStructure.Id;
                var metadataStructrueName = this.GetUnitOfWork().GetReadOnlyRepository <MetadataStructure>().Get(metadataStructureId).Name;

                // loadMapping file
                var path_mappingFile = Path.Combine(AppConfiguration.GetModuleWorkspacePath("DIM"), XmlMetadataImportHelper.GetMappingFileName(metadataStructureId, TransmissionType.mappingFileImport, metadataStructrueName));

                // XML mapper + mapping file
                var xmlMapperManager = new XmlMapperManager(TransactionDirection.ExternToIntern);
                xmlMapperManager.Load(path_mappingFile, "IDIV");

                // generate intern metadata without internal attributes
                var metadataResult = xmlMapperManager.Generate(metadataForImport, 1, true);

                // generate intern template metadata xml with needed attribtes
                var xmlMetadatWriter = new XmlMetadataWriter(BExIS.Xml.Helpers.XmlNodeMode.xPath);
                var metadataXml      = xmlMetadatWriter.CreateMetadataXml(metadataStructureId,

                var metadataXmlTemplate = XmlMetadataWriter.ToXmlDocument(metadataXml);

                // set attributes FROM metadataXmlTemplate TO metadataResult
                var completeMetadata = XmlMetadataImportHelper.FillInXmlValues(metadataResult,

                #endregion convert metadata

                if (completeMetadata != null)
                    string title = "";
                    if (datasetManager.IsDatasetCheckedOutFor(id, user.Name) || datasetManager.CheckOutDataset(id, user.Name))
                        DatasetVersion workingCopy = datasetManager.GetDatasetWorkingCopy(id);
                        workingCopy.Metadata    = completeMetadata;
                        workingCopy.Title       = xmlDatasetHelper.GetInformation(id, completeMetadata, NameAttributeValues.title);
                        workingCopy.Description = xmlDatasetHelper.GetInformation(id, completeMetadata, NameAttributeValues.description);

                        //check if modul exist
                        int v = 1;
                        if (workingCopy.Dataset.Versions != null && workingCopy.Dataset.Versions.Count > 1)
                            v = workingCopy.Dataset.Versions.Count();

                        //set status
                        if (workingCopy.StateInfo == null)
                            workingCopy.StateInfo = new Vaiona.Entities.Common.EntityStateInfo();
                        workingCopy.StateInfo.State = DatasetStateInfo.NotValid.ToString();

                        title = workingCopy.Title;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                            title = "No Title available.";

                        datasetManager.EditDatasetVersion(workingCopy, null, null, null);
                        datasetManager.CheckInDataset(id, "via api.", user.Name, ViewCreationBehavior.None);

                    // ToDo add Index update to this api
                    //if (this.IsAccessible("DDM", "SearchIndex", "ReIndexSingle"))
                    //    var x = this.Run("DDM", "SearchIndex", "ReIndexSingle", new RouteValueDictionary() { { "id", datasetId } });

                    LoggerFactory.LogData(id.ToString(), typeof(Dataset).Name, Vaiona.Entities.Logging.CrudState.Created);

                    var es = new EmailService();
                            MessageHelper.GetUpdateDatasetMessage(id, title, user.DisplayName),

                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Metadata successfully updated "));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.Message));