public void TextNotChangedWhenGreaterThanCharTypedAndChildEndElementAlreadyExists()
            string text =
                "<root>\r\n" +
                "\t<child></child>\r\n" +

            document.Text = text;

            // Just typed the '>' character of the <child> element
            textEditor.Caret.Offset = 16;
            formattingStrategy.FormatLine(textEditor, '>');

            Assert.AreEqual(text, document.Text);
예제 #2
        void TextArea_TextEntered(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e)
            if (e.Text.Length > 0 && !e.Handled)
                if (e.Text.Length == 1)
                    var c = e.Text[0];
                    if (c == '\r')
                        c = '\n';

                    _formattingStrategy.FormatLine(this, c);

                    CodeCompletion?.HandleKeyPressed(this, c);
        public void Init()
            formattingStrategy = new XmlFormattingStrategy();

            options            = new MockTextEditorOptions();
            textEditor         = new MockTextEditor();
            textEditor.Options = options;

            textDocument = new TextDocument();
            document     = textDocument;

            document.Text =
                "<root>\r\n" +
                "\t<child>\r\n" +

            // Just typed the '>' character of the <child> element
            textEditor.Caret.Offset = 16;
            formattingStrategy.FormatLine(textEditor, '>');