public static bool SetWorkspaceSettings(string workspaceExportPath, Workspace.EFileFormat format) { bool flag = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Workspace.ms_workspaceExportPath); Workspace.ms_workspaceExportPath = workspaceExportPath; if (!Workspace.ms_workspaceExportPath.EndsWith("/")) { Workspace.ms_workspaceExportPath += '/'; } Workspace.fileFormat_ = format; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Workspace.ms_workspaceExportPath)) { return(false); } Workspace.LoadWorkspaceAbsolutePath(); Workspace.ms_deltaFrames = 1; if (flag) { Details.RegisterCompareValue(); Details.RegisterComputeValue(); Workspace.RegisterBehaviorNode(); Workspace.RegisterMetas(); } return(true); }
public static void SendWorkspaceSettings() { #if !BEHAVIAC_RELEASE if (Config.IsSocketing) { if (!s_tracer.IsWorkspaceSent() && s_tracer.IsConnected()) { string wksAbsPath = Workspace.GetWorkspaceAbsolutePath(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wksAbsPath)) { Workspace.EFileFormat format = Workspace.FileFormat; string formatString = (format == Workspace.EFileFormat.EFF_xml ? "xml" : "bson"); string msg = string.Format("[workspace] {0} \"{1}\"\n", formatString, wksAbsPath); behaviac.Debug.Log(msg); //behaviac.Socket.SendText(msg); LogManager.LogWorkspace(msg); s_tracer.SetWorkspaceSent(true); } } } #endif }
private static bool loadBB() { string relativePath = ""; string fullPath = Path.Combine(Workspace.Instance.FilePath, relativePath); bool bLoadResult = false; Workspace.EFileFormat f = Workspace.Instance.FileFormat; string ext = ""; Workspace.Instance.HandleFileFormat(fullPath, ref ext, ref f); switch (f) { case Workspace.EFileFormat.EFF_bson: { byte[] pBuffer = Workspace.Instance.ReadFileToBuffer(fullPath, ext); if (pBuffer != null) { bLoadResult = load_bson(pBuffer); Workspace.Instance.PopFileFromBuffer(fullPath, ext, pBuffer); } else { Debug.LogError(string.Format("'{0}' doesn't exist!, Please override Workspace and its GetWorkspaceExportPath()", fullPath)); Debug.Check(false); } } break; //case Workspace.EFileFormat.EFF_xml: default: { byte[] pBuffer = Workspace.Instance.ReadFileToBuffer(fullPath, ext); if (pBuffer != null) { bLoadResult = load_xml(pBuffer); Workspace.Instance.PopFileFromBuffer(fullPath, ext, pBuffer); } else { Debug.LogError(string.Format("'{0}' doesn't exist!, Please override Workspace and its GetWorkspaceExportPath()", fullPath)); Debug.Check(false); } } break; } return(bLoadResult); }
public static bool Load(string relativePath, bool bForce) { BehaviorTree behaviorTree = null; if (Workspace.BehaviorTrees.ContainsKey(relativePath)) { if (!bForce) { return(true); } behaviorTree = Workspace.BehaviorTrees.get_Item(relativePath); } string text = Workspace.WorkspaceExportPath; text += relativePath; string ext = string.Empty; Workspace.EFileFormat eFileFormat = Workspace.FileFormat; switch (eFileFormat) { case Workspace.EFileFormat.EFF_xml: ext = ".xml"; break; case Workspace.EFileFormat.EFF_default: ext = ".xml"; if (FileManager.Instance.FileExist(text, ext)) { eFileFormat = Workspace.EFileFormat.EFF_xml; } else { ext = ".bson"; if (FileManager.Instance.FileExist(text, ext)) { throw new NotImplementedException("bson support has been removed!!!"); } eFileFormat = Workspace.EFileFormat.EFF_cs; } break; } bool flag = false; bool flag2 = false; bool flag3 = false; if (behaviorTree == null) { flag3 = true; behaviorTree = new BehaviorTree(); Workspace.BehaviorTrees.set_Item(relativePath, behaviorTree); } if (eFileFormat == Workspace.EFileFormat.EFF_xml) { byte[] array = Workspace.ReadFileToBuffer(text, ext); if (array != null) { if (!flag3) { flag2 = true; behaviorTree.Clear(); } if (eFileFormat == Workspace.EFileFormat.EFF_xml) { flag = behaviorTree.load_xml(array); } Workspace.PopFileFromBuffer(text, ext, array); } } else if (eFileFormat == Workspace.EFileFormat.EFF_cs) { if (!flag3) { flag2 = true; behaviorTree.Clear(); } try { MethodInfo methodInfo = null; if (Workspace.BTCreators.ContainsKey(relativePath)) { methodInfo = Workspace.BTCreators.get_Item(relativePath); } else { string typeName = "behaviac.bt_" + relativePath.Replace("/", "_"); Type type = Utils.GetType(typeName); if (type != null) { methodInfo = type.GetMethod("build_behavior_tree", 24); if (methodInfo != null) { Workspace.BTCreators.set_Item(relativePath, methodInfo); } } } if (methodInfo != null) { object[] array2 = new object[] { behaviorTree }; flag = (bool)methodInfo.Invoke(null, array2); } } catch (Exception ex) { string text2 = string.Format("The behavior {0} failed to be loaded : {1}", relativePath, ex.get_Message()); } } if (flag) { if (!flag3) { } } else if (flag3) { bool flag4 = Workspace.BehaviorTrees.Remove(relativePath); } else if (flag2) { Workspace.BehaviorTrees.Remove(relativePath); } return(flag); }