예제 #1
        public JsonResult Update(Withdraw data)
            string   name     = Convert.ToString(Session["Fullname"]);
            bool     status   = false;
            Withdraw withdraw = new Withdraw
                Id         = data.Id,
                Status     = data.Status,
                ApprovedBy = name

            status = WithdrawControllerSql.UpdateStatus(withdraw);
            return(new JsonResult {
                Data = status, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
예제 #2
        public JsonResult Withdrawal(Withdraw data)
            int             id        = Convert.ToInt32(Session["MemberId"]);
            bool            status    = false;
            List <Withdraw> withdraws = new List <Withdraw>();
            int             i         = withdraws.Count + 1;
            string          wid       = "WD" + i.ToString();
            Withdraw        withdraw  = new Withdraw
                WithdrawAmt  = data.WithdrawAmt,
                WithdrawDate = DateTime.Now,
                Status       = "Pending",
                MemberId     = id,
                WithdrawId   = wid,
                ApprovedBy   = "none"

            status = WithdrawControllerSql.Insert(withdraw);
            return(new JsonResult {
                Data = status, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
예제 #3
        // GET: Withdraw
        public ActionResult Withdraw()
            int             id    = Convert.ToInt32(Session["MemberId"]);
            List <Withdraw> with1 = new List <Withdraw>();

            with1 = WithdrawControllerSql.Check(id);
            if (with1.Count == 0)
                decimal        totalsavings = 0;
                List <Savings> savings      = new List <Savings>();
                savings = SavingsCotrollerSql.GetAll(id);
                if (savings.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i <= savings.Count - 1; i++)
                        totalsavings += savings[i].SavingsAmt;
                List <Withdraw> with = new List <Withdraw>();
                with = WithdrawControllerSql.GetAll(id);
                if (with.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i <= with.Count - 1; i++)
                        totalsavings -= with[i].WithdrawAmt;
                ViewBag.Fullname = Convert.ToString(Session["Fullname"]);
                ViewBag.Total    = totalsavings;
                Session["withdrawstatus"] = "1";
                return(RedirectToAction("Home", "Member"));