//TODO simple JSON writer
        //struct Info
        //    public string Provider { get; set; }
        public override void ProcessRequest(WebRequest request)
            request.StatusCode = 200;
            request.RepsondHeader(200, "OK", "application/octet-stream", 1);

            request.Send(request.AuthenticatedAs != null);

        //TODO simple JSON writer
        //struct Info
        //    public string Provider { get; set; }

        public override void ProcessRequest(WebRequest request)
            request.StatusCode = 200;
            request.RepsondHeader(200, "OK", "application/octet-stream", 1);

            request.Send(request.AuthenticatedAs != null);

        public string Authenticate(WebRequest request)
            //Initially I was thinking we could simply use the hash as the KEY, and the username as the VALUE.
            //But i rather have the user being asked for and then compare, rather that matching on ALL user hashs and using whatever username was found.
            //The odds are small, but I have no justification for it as of yet so I am sticking with the username key.
            if (request.Headers.ContainsKey("Auth"))
                var auth  = request.Headers["Auth"];
                var split = auth.Split('=');
                if (split.Length == 2)
                    var username = split[0];
                    split = split[1].Split(',');
                    if (split.Length == 2 && split[0].Length == 32)
                        var hash  = split[0];
                        var realm = split[1];

                        if (realm == WebServer.ProviderName)
                            var key = request.IPAddress + '+' + username;
                            var ha1 = _database.Find(username);
                            if (_lastNonceLookup.ContainsKey(key) && ha1 != null)
                                var servernonce = _lastNonceLookup[key];
                                var ha2         = ComputeHash("auth:" + request.Path);
                                var serverHash  = ComputeHash(ha1 + ':' + servernonce + ':' + ha2);

                                if (serverHash == hash)
                                    //Push out the new nonce
                                    var nextnonce = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                                    _lastNonceLookup[key] = nextnonce;
                                    request.ResponseHeaders.Add("next-nonce", nextnonce);

                                //No user exists, so give the request a new nonce and let them revalidate
                                var nextnonce = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                                _lastNonceLookup.Add(key, nextnonce);
                                request.ResponseHeaders.Add("next-nonce", nextnonce);

                                request.RepsondHeader(403, "OK", "text/hml", 0);

        public string Authenticate(WebRequest request)
            //Initially I was thinking we could simply use the hash as the KEY, and the username as the VALUE.
            //But i rather have the user being asked for and then compare, rather that matching on ALL user hashs and using whatever username was found.
            //The odds are small, but I have no justification for it as of yet so I am sticking with the username key.
            if (request.Headers.ContainsKey("Auth"))
                var auth = request.Headers["Auth"];
                var split = auth.Split('=');
                if (split.Length == 2)
                    var username = split[0];
                    split = split[1].Split(',');
                    if (split.Length == 2 && split[0].Length == 32)
                        var hash = split[0];
                        var realm = split[1];

                        if (realm == WebServer.ProviderName)
                            var key = request.IPAddress + '+' + username;
                            var ha1 = _database.Find(username);
                            if (_lastNonceLookup.ContainsKey(key) && ha1 != null)
                                var servernonce = _lastNonceLookup[key];
                                var ha2 = ComputeHash("auth:" + request.Path);
                                var serverHash = ComputeHash(ha1 + ':' + servernonce + ':' + ha2);

                                if (serverHash == hash)
                                    //Push out the new nonce
                                    var nextnonce = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                                    _lastNonceLookup[key] = nextnonce;
                                    request.ResponseHeaders.Add("next-nonce", nextnonce);

                                    return username;
                                //No user exists, so give the request a new nonce and let them revalidate
                                var nextnonce = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                                _lastNonceLookup.Add(key, nextnonce);
                                request.ResponseHeaders.Add("next-nonce", nextnonce);

                                request.RepsondHeader(403, "OK", "text/hml", 0);

            return null;