public void AddWarrior() { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Enter a name of a new warrior and press Enter..."); var warrior = new Warrior(Console.ReadLine()); // стринги в круглых скобках вызовет КОНСТРУКТОР var correct = false; while (!correct) { Console.WriteLine("Here is a list of factions, choose a faction to add a warrior and press Enter..."); using (var context = new WarriorsContext()) { var faction = context.Factions; foreach (var fact in faction) { Console.WriteLine($"{fact.Id}-{fact.FactionName} "); } var result = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (result != 0) { var chosenFaction = context.Factions.Find(result); if (chosenFaction != null) { chosenFaction.Warriors.Add(warrior); context.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Done..."); correct = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("There is no a faction with the chosen Id..."); correct = false; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect input..."); correct = false; } Console.ReadLine(); } } }
public void ShowSquadWarriors() { var correct = false; while (!correct) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Here is a list of squads, choose one to look through it's warriors..."); using (var context = new WarriorsContext()) { var squads = context.Squads; foreach (var i in squads) { Console.WriteLine($"{i.Id}-{i.SquadName} with {i.MasterCard} $ in the treasury."); } var result = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (result != 0) { var chosenSquad = context.Squads.Find(result); if (chosenSquad != null) { Console.WriteLine($"The warriors from the {chosenSquad.SquadName} are:"); foreach (var p in chosenSquad.Warriors) { Console.WriteLine($"{p.Id}-{p.WarriorName} with {p.HP} HP, {p.Price} $ cost, {p.AttackStrength} points of attack power and {p.BlockStrength} points security abilities."); } Console.WriteLine($"There are {chosenSquad.MasterCard} $ in {chosenSquad.SquadName} treasure."); correct = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("There is no a squad with such Id..."); correct = false; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect input..."); correct = false; } Console.ReadLine(); } } }
public void SomeMeth() { using (var context = new WarriorsContext()) { Console.WriteLine("Here is a list of factions:"); var faction = context.Factions.Include(i => i.Warriors); /*FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 1)*/; foreach (var i in faction) { Console.WriteLine($"{i.Id}-{i.FactionName} "); } Console.WriteLine("Choose a faction to look through it's squads..."); var factionId_0 = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (factionId_0 != 0) { var result_0 = context.Factions.Find(factionId_0); foreach (var i in result_0.Squads) { Console.WriteLine($"{i.Id}-Squad {i.SquadName} with it's treasury of {i.MasterCard} $;"); } } Console.WriteLine("Choose a squad to add a warrior to..."); var squadId = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Squad chosenSquad; // промежуточная переменная для связи с отрядом if (squadId != 0) { chosenSquad = context.Squads.Find(squadId); Console.WriteLine("Choose a faction to look through the warriors to buy..."); foreach (var i in faction) { Console.WriteLine($"{i.Id}-{i.FactionName} "); } var factionId = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (factionId != 0) { var result = context.Factions.Find(factionId); if (result != null) { Console.WriteLine("Here is the list of warriors:"); foreach (var i in result.Warriors) { Console.WriteLine($"{i.Id}-{i.WarriorName} with {i.HP} HP, {i.Price} $ cost, {i.AttackStrength} points of attack power and {i.BlockStrength} points security abilities."); } } } Console.WriteLine("Choose a warrior to buy..."); var warriorId = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (warriorId != 0) { var result_1 = context.Warriors.Find(warriorId); if (result_1 != null && chosenSquad.MasterCard >= result_1.Price) { var chosenWarrior = context.Warriors.Where(x => x.Id == warriorId).Select(x => x).FirstOrDefault(); chosenSquad.Warriors.Add(chosenWarrior); chosenSquad.MasterCard = chosenSquad.MasterCard - result_1.Price; context.SaveChanges(); } } } Console.ReadLine(); } }
public void AttackCaravan() { using (var context = new WarriorsContext()) { Console.Clear(); Squad chosenSquad_1; Squad chosenSquad_2; Console.WriteLine("Choose the first squad to fight"); var squad_1 = context.Squads; foreach (var i in squad_1) { Console.WriteLine($"{i.Id}-{i.SquadName} with {i.MasterCard} $ in the treasury."); } var result_1 = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (result_1 != 0) { chosenSquad_1 = context.Squads.Find(result_1); Console.WriteLine("Choose the second squad to fight"); var squad_2 = context.Squads; foreach (var i in squad_2) { Console.WriteLine($"{i.Id}-{i.SquadName} with {i.MasterCard} $ in the treasury."); } var result_2 = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (result_2 != 0) { chosenSquad_2 = context.Squads.Find(result_2); var figter_1 = chosenSquad_1.Warriors.FirstOrDefault(); var figter_2 = chosenSquad_2.Warriors.FirstOrDefault(); Console.WriteLine($"{figter_1.WarriorName} is going kick {figter_2.WarriorName}'s Enter to start fighting..."); Console.ReadLine(); int conditionFirst = figter_1.HP; int conditionSecond = figter_2.HP; //Random rnd = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()); // альтернатива while (conditionFirst > 0 && conditionSecond > 0) { var damage_1 = figter_2.AttackStrength - figter_1.BlockStrength; if (damage_1 > 10) { conditionFirst = conditionFirst - damage_1; Console.WriteLine($"{figter_1.WarriorName} got {damage_1} points of damage. {figter_1.WarriorName}'s HP is {conditionFirst}."); } else { conditionFirst = conditionFirst - (MyRandom.Rand.Next(1, 6)); //рандом через статик-класс Console.WriteLine($"{figter_1.WarriorName} got {damage_1} points of damage. {figter_1.WarriorName}'s HP is {conditionFirst}."); } var damge_2 = figter_1.AttackStrength - figter_2.BlockStrength; if (damge_2 > 10) { conditionSecond = conditionSecond - damge_2; Console.WriteLine($"{figter_2.WarriorName} got {damge_2} points of damage. {figter_2.WarriorName}'s HP is {conditionSecond}."); } else { conditionSecond = conditionSecond - (MyRandom.Rand.Next(1, 6)); //рандом через статик-класс Console.WriteLine($"{figter_2.WarriorName} got {damge_2} points of damage. {figter_2.WarriorName}'s HP is {conditionSecond}."); } if (conditionFirst <= 0) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"{figter_1.WarriorName} has lost..."); Console.WriteLine($"{figter_2.WarriorName} has won..."); Console.WriteLine("\nPress Enter to continue..."); } else if (conditionSecond <= 0) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"{figter_1.WarriorName} has won..."); Console.WriteLine($"{figter_2.WarriorName} has lost..."); Console.WriteLine("\nPress Enter to continue..."); } } } } context.SaveChanges(); Console.ReadLine(); } }
public void BuyWarrior() { Console.Clear(); var correct = false; while (!correct) { Console.WriteLine("Here is a list of warriors. Choose a a free warrior (not in a squad) to buy and press enter..."); using (var context = new WarriorsContext()) { var faction = context.Factions.Include(i => i.Warriors).ToList(); foreach (var p in faction) // шагаем ОДНИМ форычем по сложному объекту { foreach (var i in p.Warriors.Where(i => i.SquadId == null)) // фильтр (ТЕ, КТО НЕ В КАКАОМ-НИТЬ ОТРЯДЕ) { Console.WriteLine($"{i.Id}-{i.WarriorName} with {i.HP} HP, {i.Price} $ cost, {i.AttackStrength} points of attack power and {i.BlockStrength} points security abilities."); } } var result = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (result != 0) { var chosenWarrior = context.Warriors.Find(result); if (chosenWarrior != null) { Console.WriteLine("Choose a squad for a bought warrior and press Enter..."); var squad = context.Squads; foreach (var s in squad) { Console.WriteLine($"{s.Id}-Squad {s.SquadName} with it's treasury of {s.MasterCard} $;"); } var result_1 = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (result_1 != 0) { var chosenSquad = context.Squads.Find(result_1); if (chosenSquad != null && chosenSquad.MasterCard >= chosenWarrior.Price) { chosenSquad.Warriors.Add(chosenWarrior); chosenSquad.MasterCard = chosenSquad.MasterCard - chosenWarrior.Price; context.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Done!"); Console.WriteLine($"There are {chosenSquad.MasterCard} $ in {chosenSquad.SquadName} treasury left."); Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to continue..."); correct = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("There is mo a squad with such Id or you don't have enough money to buy the chosen warrior..."); correct = false; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect input..."); correct = false; } } else { Console.WriteLine("There is no a warrior with such Id..."); correct = false; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect input..."); correct = false; } Console.ReadLine(); } } }