예제 #1
        public static void FindIncidentFace(ref Vector2R[] v, Polygon RefPoly, Polygon IncPoly, int referenceIndex)
            Vector2R referenceNormal = RefPoly.normals[referenceIndex];

            // Calculate normal in incident's frame of reference
            referenceNormal = RefPoly.u * referenceNormal;             // To world space
            referenceNormal = IncPoly.u.Transpose() * referenceNormal; // To incident's model space

            // Find most anti-normal face on incident polygon
            int    incidentFace = 0;
            double minDot       = float.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < IncPoly.vertexCount; ++i)
                double dot = Vector2R.Dot(referenceNormal, IncPoly.normals[i]);
                if (dot < minDot)
                    minDot       = dot;
                    incidentFace = i;

            // Assign face vertices for incidentFace
            v[0]         = IncPoly.u * IncPoly.vertices[incidentFace] + IncPoly.body.pos;
            incidentFace = incidentFace + 1 >= IncPoly.vertexCount ? 0 : incidentFace + 1;
            v[1]         = IncPoly.u * IncPoly.vertices[incidentFace] + IncPoly.body.pos;
예제 #2
        // The extreme point along a direction within a polygon
        public Vector2R GetSupport(Vector2R dir)
            double   bestProjection = -float.MaxValue; //-FLT_MAX;
            Vector2R bestVertex     = new Vector2R(0, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i)
                Vector2R v          = vertices[i];
                double   projection = Vector2R.Dot(v, dir);

                if (projection > bestProjection)
                    bestVertex     = v;
                    bestProjection = projection;
예제 #3
        public static int Clip(Vector2R n, double c, ref Vector2R[] face)
            int sp = 0;

            Vector2R[] outV = new Vector2R[2] {

            // Retrieve distances from each endpoint to the line
            // d = ax + by - c
            double d1 = Vector2R.Dot(n, face[0]) - c;
            double d2 = Vector2R.Dot(n, face[1]) - c;

            // If negative (behind plane) clip
            if (d1 <= 0.0f)
                outV[sp++] = face[0];
            if (d2 <= 0.0f)
                outV[sp++] = face[1];

            // If the points are on different sides of the plane
            if (d1 * d2 < 0.0f) // less than to ignore -0.0f
                // Push interesection point
                double alpha = d1 / (d1 - d2);
                outV[sp] = face[0] + VMath.MultVectDouble((face[1] - face[0]), alpha);

            // Assign our new converted values
            face[0] = outV[0];
            face[1] = outV[1];

            //assert( sp != 3 );
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(sp != 3);

예제 #4
        public static double FindAxisLeastPenetration(ref int faceIndex, Polygon A, Polygon B)
            double bestDistance = -float.MaxValue;
            int    bestIndex    = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < A.vertexCount; ++i)
                // Retrieve a face normal from A
                Vector2R n  = A.normals[i];
                Vector2R nw = A.u * n;

                // Transform face normal into B's model space
                Mat22 buT = B.u.Transpose();
                n = buT * nw;

                // Retrieve support point from B along -n
                Vector2R s = B.GetSupport(-n);

                // Retrieve vertex on face from A, transform into
                // B's model space
                Vector2R v = A.vertices[i];
                v  = A.u * v + A.body.pos;
                v -= B.body.pos;
                v  = buT * v;

                // Compute penetration distance (in B's model space)
                double d = Vector2R.Dot(n, s - v);

                // Store greatest distance
                if (d > bestDistance)
                    bestDistance = d;
                    bestIndex    = i;

            faceIndex = bestIndex;
예제 #5
파일: VMath.cs 프로젝트: MHDante/OrbitVR
 public static Vector2R ProjectOnto(this Vector2R source, Vector2R target)
     return((Vector2R.Dot(source, target) / target.LengthSquared()) * target);
예제 #6
파일: Manifold.cs 프로젝트: MHDante/OrbitVR
        public void ApplyImpulse()
            if (GMath.Equal(a.invmass + b.invmass, 0))

            for (int i = 0; i < contact_count; i++)
                //calcuate radii from COM to contact
                Vector2R ra = contacts[i] - a.pos;
                Vector2R rb = contacts[i] - b.pos;
                //relative velocity
                Vector2R rv = b.velocity + VMath.Cross(b.angularVelocity, rb) -
                              a.velocity - VMath.Cross(a.angularVelocity, ra);
                //relative velocity along the normal
                double contactVel = Vector2R.Dot(rv, normal);
                //do not resolve if velocities are seperating

                if (contactVel > 0)

                double raCrossN   = VMath.Cross(ra, normal);
                double rbCrossN   = VMath.Cross(rb, normal);
                double invMassSum = a.invmass + b.invmass + (raCrossN * raCrossN) * a.invinertia + (rbCrossN * rbCrossN) * b.invinertia;
                //calculate impulse scalar
                double j = -(1.0 + e) * contactVel;
                j /= invMassSum;
                j /= (double)contact_count;
                //apply impulse
                Vector2R impulse = VMath.MultVectDouble(normal, j); // normal * j;
                a.ApplyImpulse(-impulse, ra);
                b.ApplyImpulse(impulse, rb);
                //friction impulse
                rv = b.velocity + VMath.Cross(b.angularVelocity, rb) -
                     a.velocity - VMath.Cross(a.angularVelocity, ra);
                Vector2R t = rv - (normal * Vector2R.Dot(rv, normal));
                VMath.NormalizeSafe(ref t);
                //j tangent magnitude
                double jt = -Vector2R.Dot(rv, t);
                jt /= invMassSum;
                jt /= (double)contact_count;
                //don't apply tiny friction impulses
                if (GMath.Equal(jt, 0.0))
                //coulumbs law
                Vector2R tangentImpulse;
                if (Math.Abs(jt) < j * sf)
                    tangentImpulse = VMath.MultVectDouble(t, df); // t * df;
                    tangentImpulse = VMath.MultVectDouble(t, -j * df); // t * -j * df
                //apply friction impulse
                a.ApplyImpulse(-tangentImpulse, ra);
                b.ApplyImpulse(tangentImpulse, rb);
예제 #7
        public static bool PolygontoPolygonCheck(Collider a, Collider b)
            Polygon A = (Polygon)a.shape;
            Polygon B = (Polygon)b.shape;
            //m.contact_count = 0;

            // Check for a separating axis with A's face planes
            int    faceA        = 0;
            double penetrationA = FindAxisLeastPenetration(ref faceA, A, B);

            if (penetrationA >= 0.0f)

            // Check for a separating axis with B's face planes
            int    faceB        = 0;
            double penetrationB = FindAxisLeastPenetration(ref faceB, B, A);

            if (penetrationB >= 0.0f)

            int referenceIndex;
            //bool flip; // Always point from a to b

            Polygon RefPoly; // Reference
            Polygon IncPoly; // Incident

            // Determine which shape contains reference face
            if (GMath.BiasGreaterThan(penetrationA, penetrationB))
                RefPoly        = A;
                IncPoly        = B;
                referenceIndex = faceA;
                //flip = false;
                RefPoly        = B;
                IncPoly        = A;
                referenceIndex = faceB;
                //flip = true;
            // World space incident face
            Vector2R[] incidentFace = new Vector2R[2];
            FindIncidentFace(ref incidentFace, RefPoly, IncPoly, referenceIndex);
            // Setup reference face vertices
            Vector2R v1 = RefPoly.vertices[referenceIndex];

            referenceIndex = referenceIndex + 1 == RefPoly.vertexCount ? 0 : referenceIndex + 1;
            Vector2R v2 = RefPoly.vertices[referenceIndex];

            // Transform vertices to world space
            v1 = RefPoly.u * v1 + RefPoly.body.pos;
            v2 = RefPoly.u * v2 + RefPoly.body.pos;

            // Calculate reference face side normal in world space
            Vector2R sidePlaneNormal = (v2 - v1);

            VMath.NormalizeSafe(ref sidePlaneNormal);

            // Orthogonalize
            Vector2R refFaceNormal = new Vector2R(sidePlaneNormal.Y, -sidePlaneNormal.X);

            // ax + by = c
            // c is distance from origin
            double refC    = Vector2R.Dot(refFaceNormal, v1);
            double negSide = -Vector2R.Dot(sidePlaneNormal, v1);
            double posSide = Vector2R.Dot(sidePlaneNormal, v2);

            // Clip incident face to reference face side planes
            if (Clip(-sidePlaneNormal, negSide, ref incidentFace) < 2)
                return(false); // Due to floating point error, possible to not have required points
            if (Clip(sidePlaneNormal, posSide, ref incidentFace) < 2)
                return(false); // Due to floating point error, possible to not have required points
            // Flip
            //m.normal = flip ? -refFaceNormal : refFaceNormal;

            // Keep points behind reference face
            int    cp         = 0; // clipped points behind reference face
            double separation = Vector2R.Dot(refFaceNormal, incidentFace[0]) - refC;

            if (separation <= 0.0f)
                //m.contacts[cp] = incidentFace[0];
                //m.penetration = -separation;
            //    m.penetration = 0;

            separation = Vector2R.Dot(refFaceNormal, incidentFace[1]) - refC;
            if (separation <= 0.0f)
                //m.contacts[cp] = incidentFace[1];
                //m.penetration += -separation;

                // Average penetration
                //m.penetration /= (double)cp;

            //m.contact_count = cp;
            return(cp > 0);
예제 #8
        public static bool CircletoPolygonCheck(Collider a, Collider b)
            Circle  A = (Circle)a.shape;
            Polygon B = (Polygon)b.shape;

            //m.contact_count = 0;

            // Transform circle center to Polygon model space
            Vector2R center = a.pos;

            center = B.u.Transpose() * (center - b.pos);

            // Find edge with minimum penetration
            // Exact concept as using support points in Polygon vs Polygon
            double separation = -float.MaxValue;
            int    faceNormal = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < B.vertexCount; ++i)
                double s = Vector2R.Dot(B.normals[i], center - B.vertices[i]);

                if (s > A.radius)

                if (s > separation)
                    separation = s;
                    faceNormal = i;

            // Grab face's vertices
            Vector2R v1 = B.vertices[faceNormal];
            int      i2 = faceNormal + 1 < B.vertexCount ? faceNormal + 1 : 0;
            Vector2R v2 = B.vertices[i2];

            // Check to see if center is within polygon
            if (separation < GMath.EPSILON)
                //m.contact_count = 1;
                //m.normal = -(B.u * B.normals[faceNormal]);
                //m.contacts[0] = VMath.MultVectDouble(m.normal, A.radius) + a.pos;
                //m.penetration = A.radius;

            // Determine which voronoi region of the edge center of circle lies within
            double dot1 = Vector2R.Dot(center - v1, v2 - v1);
            double dot2 = Vector2R.Dot(center - v2, v1 - v2);

            //m.penetration = A.radius - separation;

            // Closest to v1
            if (dot1 <= 0.0f)
                if (Vector2R.DistanceSquared(center, v1) > A.radius * A.radius)
                //m.contact_count = 1;
                //Vector2 n = v1 - center;
                //n = B.u * n;
                //m.normal = n;
                //v1 = B.u * v1 + b.pos;
                //m.contacts[0] = v1;
            // Closest to v2
            else if (dot2 <= 0.0f)
                if (Vector2R.DistanceSquared(center, v2) > A.radius * A.radius)

                //m.contact_count = 1;
                //Vector2 n = v2 - center;
                //v2 = B.u * v2 + b.pos;
                //m.contacts[0] = v2;
                //n = B.u * n;
                //m.normal = n;
            // Closest to face
                Vector2R n = B.normals[faceNormal];
                if (Vector2R.Dot(center - v1, n) > A.radius)

                //n = B.u * n;
                //m.normal = -n;
                //m.contacts[0] = VMath.MultVectDouble(m.normal, A.radius) + a.pos;
                //m.contact_count = 1;
예제 #9
파일: Shovel.cs 프로젝트: MHDante/OrbitVR
        public override void PlayerControl(Input input)
            Vector2R newstickpos   = input.GetRightStick(shovelReach, true).toV2R(); //input.GetRightStick();
            Vector2R pos           = newstickpos * shovelReach;
            Vector2R worldStickPos = parent.body.pos + pos;
            Vector2R diff          = worldStickPos - shovelNode.body.pos;
            //float angle = Utils.VectorToAngle(shovelNode.body.pos - parent.body.pos) + VMath.PIbyTwo % VMath.twoPI;
            Vector2R shovelDir = shovelNode.body.pos - parent.body.pos;

            shovelDir = new Vector2R(shovelDir.Y, -shovelDir.X);

            if (modeShovelPosition == ModeShovelPosition.AbsoluteStickPos)
                shovelNode.body.pos = worldStickPos;
            else if (modeShovelPosition == ModeShovelPosition.PhysicsBased)
                float len = diff.Length();
                if (len < 1)
                    shovelNode.body.velocity = Vector2R.Zero;
                    float velLen = shovelNode.body.velocity.Length();

                    Vector2R diffcopy = diff;
                    VMath.NormalizeSafe(ref diffcopy);

                    Vector2R normalizedVel = shovelNode.body.velocity;
                    VMath.NormalizeSafe(ref normalizedVel);

                    float result = 0;
                    Vector2R.Dot(ref diffcopy, ref normalizedVel, out result);

                    diffcopy *= result;
                    Vector2R force = (diff / physicsDivisor);
                    if (shovelling && compoundedMass >= 1)
                        force /= compoundedMass * 1;
                    shovelNode.body.velocity = diffcopy + force;

            if (shovelling)
                //if (fc.newGamePadState.Triggers.Right < deadzone && fc.oldGamePadState.Triggers.Right > deadzone)
                if (input.BtnReleased(InputButtons.RightTrigger_Mouse1))
                    shovelling = false;
                    foreach (Node n in shovelLink.targets.ToList())
                        if (physicsThrow)
                            n.body.velocity = n.body.effvelocity;
                            Vector2R stickdirection = newstickpos;
                            VMath.NormalizeSafe(ref stickdirection);

                            n.body.velocity = stickdirection * throwSpeed;
                        n.collision.active = true;
                        n.body.color = n.body.permaColor;
                    shovelLink.active = false;
                    compoundedMass = 0f;
                if (input.BtnClicked(InputButtons.RightTrigger_Mouse1))
                    shovelling = true;
                    ObservableHashSet <Node> capturedNodes = new ObservableHashSet <Node>();
                    int count = 0;
                    Action <Collider, Collider> del = delegate(Collider c1, Collider c2) {
                        if (count >= maxShovelCapacity)
                        if (c2.parent.dataStore.ContainsKey("shovelnodeparent"))
                        if (c2.parent.HasComp <Diode>())
                        if (modePlayers != ModePlayers.GrabBoth && c2.parent.IsPlayer)
                            if (modePlayers == ModePlayers.GrabNone)
                            if (modePlayers == ModePlayers.GrabSelf && c2.parent != parent)
                            if (modePlayers == ModePlayers.GrabOtherPlayers && c2.parent == parent)
                        float dist = Vector2R.Distance(c1.pos, c2.pos);
                        if (dist <= scoopReach)
                            c2.parent.body.color = parent.body.color;
                    shovelNode.room.GridsystemAffect.retrieveOffsetArraysAffect(shovelNode.body, del, scoopReach * 2);
                    shovelLink.targets = capturedNodes;
                    shovelLink.active = true;
                    compoundedMass = 0f;
                    foreach (Node n in capturedNodes)
                        n.collision.active = false;
                        compoundedMass    += n.body.mass;