예제 #1
 public VList <LNode> EliminateSequenceExpressions(VList <LNode> stmts, bool isDeclContext)
     return(stmts.SmartSelectMany(stmt => {
          * // Optimization: scan find out whether this construct has any block
          * // expressions. If not, skip it.
          * hasBlockExprs = false;
          * stmt.ReplaceRecursive(new Func<LNode, Maybe<LNode>>(n => {
          *      if (!hasBlockExprs)
          *              hasBlockExprs = n.IsCall && (
          *                      (n.Calls(S.ColonColon, 2) && n.Args[1].IsId) ||
          *                      (n.Calls(S.Var, 2) && n.AttrNamed(S.Out) != null) ||
          *                      (n.Calls(S.In, 2) && n.Args[1].Calls(S.Braces)));
          *      return hasBlockExprs ? n : null;
          * }));
          * if (!hasBlockExprs)
          *      return stmt;
         LNode result = EliminateSequenceExpressions(stmt, isDeclContext);
         if (result != stmt)
             VList <LNode> results;
             if (result.Calls(__numrunSequence))
                 results = MaybeRemoveNoOpFromRunSeq(result.Args);
                 return results;
         _arrayOf1[0] = result;
         return _arrayOf1;
예제 #2
            LNode ESEInForLoop(LNode stmt, VList <LNode> attrs, VList <LNode> init, LNode cond, VList <LNode> inc, LNode block)
                // TODO: handle multi-int and multi-inc
                var preInit   = VList <LNode> .Empty;
                var init_apos = init.SmartSelect(init1 => {
                    init1 = EliminateSequenceExpressionsInExecStmt(init1);
                    if (init1.CallsMin(__numrunSequence, 1))
                var cond_apos = BubbleUpBlocks(cond);
                var inc_apos  = inc.SmartSelectMany(inc1 => {
                    inc1 = BubbleUpBlocks(inc1);

                block = EliminateSequenceExpressionsInChildStmt(block);
                if (init_apos != init || cond_apos != cond || inc_apos != inc)
                    init = init_apos;
                    if (inc_apos != inc)
                        var blockStmts = block.AsList(S.Braces).AddRange(inc_apos);
                        block = blockStmts.AsLNode(S.Braces);
                        inc   = LNode.List();
                    if (cond_apos.CallsMin(__numrunSequence, 1))
                        var preCond = cond_apos.Args.WithoutLast(1);
                        cond = cond_apos.Args.Last;
                        stmt = LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.For, LNode.List(LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.AltList, LNode.List(init)), LNode.Missing, LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.AltList, LNode.List(inc)), LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Braces, LNode.List().AddRange(preCond).Add(LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.If, LNode.List(cond, block, LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Break))))).SetStyle(NodeStyle.Statement)));
                        stmt = LNode.Call(LNode.List(attrs), CodeSymbols.For, LNode.List(LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.AltList, LNode.List(init)), cond, LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.AltList, LNode.List(inc)), block));
                    if (preInit.Count != 0)
                        stmt = LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Braces, LNode.List().AddRange(preInit).Add(stmt)).SetStyle(NodeStyle.Statement);
                    return(stmt.WithArgChanged(3, block));
 public VList <LNode> EliminateSequenceExpressions(VList <LNode> stmts, bool isDeclContext)
     return(stmts.SmartSelectMany(stmt => {
         LNode result = EliminateSequenceExpressions(stmt, isDeclContext);
         if (result != stmt)
             VList <LNode> results;
             if (result.Calls(__numrunSequence))
                 results = MaybeRemoveNoOpFromRunSeq(result.Args);
                 return results;
         _arrayOf1[0] = result;
         return _arrayOf1;
예제 #4
			public VList<LNode> EliminateSequenceExpressions(VList<LNode> stmts, bool isDeclContext)
				return stmts.SmartSelectMany(stmt => {
					// Optimization: scan find out whether this construct has any block 
					// expressions. If not, skip it.
					hasBlockExprs = false;
					stmt.ReplaceRecursive(new Func<LNode, Maybe<LNode>>(n => {
						if (!hasBlockExprs)
							hasBlockExprs = n.IsCall && (
								(n.Calls(S.ColonColon, 2) && n.Args[1].IsId) ||
								(n.Calls(S.Var, 2) && n.AttrNamed(S.Out) != null) ||
								(n.Calls(S.In, 2) && n.Args[1].Calls(S.Braces)));
						return hasBlockExprs ? n : null;
					if (!hasBlockExprs)
						return stmt;
					LNode result = EliminateSequenceExpressions(stmt, isDeclContext);
					if (result != stmt) {
						VList<LNode> results;
						if (result.Calls(__numrunSequence)) {
							results = MaybeRemoveNoOpFromRunSeq(result.Args);
							return results;
					_arrayOf1[0] = result;
					return _arrayOf1;
예제 #5
			LNode ESEInForLoop(LNode stmt, VList<LNode> attrs, VList<LNode> init, LNode cond, VList<LNode> inc, LNode block)
				// TODO: handle multi-int and multi-inc
				var preInit = VList<LNode>.Empty;
				var init_apos = init.SmartSelect(init1 => {
					init1 = EliminateSequenceExpressionsInExecStmt(init1);
					if (init1.CallsMin(__numrunSequence, 1)) {
						return init1.Args.Last;
					return init1;
				var cond_apos = BubbleUpBlocks(cond);
				var inc_apos = inc.SmartSelectMany(inc1 => {
					inc1 = BubbleUpBlocks(inc1);
					return inc1.AsList(__numrunSequence);
				block = EliminateSequenceExpressionsInChildStmt(block);
				if (init_apos != init || cond_apos != cond || inc_apos != inc) {
					init = init_apos;
					if (inc_apos != inc) {
						var blockStmts = block.AsList(S.Braces).AddRange(inc_apos);
						block = blockStmts.AsLNode(S.Braces);
						inc = LNode.List();
					if (cond_apos.CallsMin(__numrunSequence, 1)) {
						var preCond = cond_apos.Args.WithoutLast(1);
						cond = cond_apos.Args.Last;
						stmt = LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.For, LNode.List(LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.AltList, LNode.List(init)), LNode.Missing, LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.AltList, LNode.List(inc)), LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Braces, LNode.List().AddRange(preCond).Add(LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.If, LNode.List(cond, block, LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Break))))).SetStyle(NodeStyle.Statement)));
					} else {
						stmt = LNode.Call(LNode.List(attrs), CodeSymbols.For, LNode.List(LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.AltList, LNode.List(init)), cond, LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.AltList, LNode.List(inc)), block));
					if (preInit.Count != 0) {
						stmt = LNode.Call(CodeSymbols.Braces, LNode.List().AddRange(preInit).Add(stmt)).SetStyle(NodeStyle.Statement);
					return stmt;
				} else {
					return stmt.WithArgChanged(3, block);